Reviews from

in the past

(6.1) Odiei essa mecânica de limitar meu tempo no jogo, mas confesso que é um destaque dessa série.

Lacks the charm that Dead Rising 2 had but still packs plenty of action.

why is this game locked at 30 fps on pc :D

I actually dont hate this game?

To most people, Dead Rising 3 is the beginning of the end of the franchise, a final deathrattle before the release of 4. Or its just painfully average, and its not particularly hard to see why.

The defining features of Dead Rising 1, in some ways refined or dumbed down in 2, are made so casual that the "nightmare mode" is not a challenge in the slightest.

the timer is very generous, the missions so easy that their is no completionist goal tied to completing all the survivor missions or even letting them survive at all. I would complain that a good chunk of the bosses literally beat themselves due to a series lack of intelligent arena design but that's something every game in the series does so I wont add it as a negative here.

Their is little to no reason to invest time into DR3 past the credits unless you really like achievement hunting and as someone who usually likes to get 100% in his games, this also leaves a lot to be desired as the games hardest achievement is not itself a challenge, but a test in frustration as it demands you to do each skill finisher 50-100 times each, ontop of other tedius challenges, which gets very fucking boring very fucking fast.

But I still like this game.

I like the combo weapons, even if the system is dumbed down alot compared to 2 (though some designs are wilder and more fun). Killing zombies in this game can be actually pretty fun at some points, I really like Nick's character and how he is developed even if it is rushed alot.

I think if you can get this game on sale you could have a bit of fun with it, but its not challenging in the slightest. alot of things in this game make me wish for something more, and not the lost episodes bullshit that feels like last minute recycling of ingame content. The game has alot of cool things going on but it all feels rushed or lost in the mix, Dead Rising 3 is an awkward experimental phase of the franchise that wanted to do a lot of stuff differently, (both willingly and unwillingly) and it suffers because of that. Especially because it seems like the developers took the few good ideas and burned them when they moved on to make 4.

Dead rising 3 to me is like a baby with crackhead parents. I am not surprised that it turned out so bad in the slightest. It feels rushed, unpolished, a few of the "cooler" features are locked behind the fucking Kinect and a (as far as I can tell) bugged phone app that hasn't been updated since release almost a decade ago. And to top it all off, Super Ultra Dead Rising 3' Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX + α , a mode that I think would be great to keep around as a fun way to play with friends was an Xbox exclusive, guaranteeing that as a PC player, I have no chance of finding more goofy fun in this game (And I would wager its probably also a dead mode on Xbox One anyway)

Maybe I should of took more time to write this review but frankly I have waited too long anyway. This review really shouldn't be 3 stars, but I consider 3 stars to be "fine". I still like the game, I think some people are certainly too harsh on it, but their complaints aren't without merit.

Much like this review, Dead Rising 3 is unfocused, all over the place, lacking in content and begging for context. But I already wasted at least an hour of my mortal life I wont get back crafting balls of literal garbage to chase an achievement only to give up on it, and I wont waste any more time.

Sono affezionatissimo a Dead Rising 3: quando mi regalarono la one a Natale 2013 fu il titolo su cui passai più tempo ed era dannatamente diverte: le armi erano tantissime e folli, il gioco demenziale, la massa di zombie era allucinante e mostrava i muscoli della console, ci ho passato tante ore piacevolissime e l'ho apprezzato più del seguito che ne comprimeva le meccaniche. Dead Rising 3 è uno di quei giochi passatempo che vi rapiscono senza pretese eccessive ma che vi fanno divertire ed affezionare, consigliatissimo.

+ou-, o coop ajuda a dar uma animada no jogo

Fun game to play with a friend, specially with goofyness that this game goes in comparison with the other two previous entries.

This was rough to get through and took 2 years of stopping and starting. I adore Dead Rising 1 & 2, but this is a weird clash of western aesthetic. It's ugly as shit and it's really frustrating have to run across the big map. If there was fast travel (or anything similar to Monster Hunter's camp mechanic) this would have been easier to get through. I still appreciate Dead Rising's weird charm and Capcom easter eggs - I still finished the game, but man this was a big step down for DR 1 and 2.

co-op é bem legal, tem a mecânica peituda gostosa, as modificação de carro são fodas, armas são fodas, gráficos são aceitáveis ate hoje, soq esse protagonista é um bundão do krl, cara chora por qlqr coisa, parece personagem da marvel, e tem um leve defeito que me impediu de zerar o jogo, q na penultima boss fight, o jogo se recusava a carregar, me forcando a desinstalar e reeinstalar, soq por algum motivo...o save não veio junto, fiquei muito puto e dropei, depois de um tempo eu joguei dnv, cheguei bem perto daonde eu eu dei alt+tab, fiz umas coisas e quando eu voltei pro jogo, o mouse tinha clicado no jogo, fazendo com q ele desse load...PRA FODENDO 4 HORAS ATRÁS, E EU NUNCA FIQUEI TÃO PUTO, PQ MESMO TENDO SALVADO NESSAS 4 HORAS, OS SAVES SUMIRAM, E FODA-SE...não zerei ate hj mt bom

watched a full playthrough of this game when it first came out but i havent actually finished it myself. mostly because i realized through this game that i cant really aim with a mouse. and because the hordes of zombies scare me. idk it was a weird game from what i remember (THE GUY IN LITERAL S&M GEAR?). maybe one day ill actually play since im not a literal kid anymore and i have better gaming skills. nick is babygirl tho

Probably the best launch title of its generation, Dead Rising 3 is an enormous buffet that certainly gives you a lot to do, but whether or not that content is palpable is the big question. The game is huge and sprawling, but it can also get monotonous from time-to-time. Granted, controlling feels much better than it did in Dead Rising 2, but not quite as smooth as the original game.

The world is a bit too gray, even for a city overrun with zombies, and the story is generic to say the least. The zombie designs themselves feel extremely derivative of hit-works at the time such as "The Walking Dead" (whereas the original Dead Rising already had unique zombies). Regardless, the game is exploding with violent action and absolutely ridiculous weapon combos which lost all sense of reality, even compared to the previous game. Co-op campaign from beginning to end is nice too.

I think, as a Dead Rising game, it's lukewarm at best. But I have to give credit that they put a lot into this game, and despite looking 'pretty' next-gen for 2013, it didn't make compromises in its heavy gameplay or thick content. Dead Rising 3 made for a great time sink, especially compared to . . . idunno, Ryse: Son of Rome?

By far the best Dead Rising game in my opinion, and quite possibly the most fun zombie game I've ever played.

The infamous deadlines are much more generous than the first games, with a 7 day deadline lasting so long that I beat the game with 2+ days to spare, even while saving every survivor I found (23/25 total), killing every psycho, and spending hours just pissing about.

The amount of zombies on screen is super fun, and the map is a lot more accommodating to faster transportation than the previous games as well, getting around takes a lot less time in general but it doesn't feel too big nor too small.

I never got to play this back on release because I haven't owned an Xbox since the 360 and it's a real shame it hasn't come to PS, but I'm glad I was able to finally play through it on PC. If it ever does come to PS I may even grab it again honestly, great way to kill time.

This game is perfect for playing while watching something on your offscreen as well, I got through most of it in a long weekend while binging TWD in an attempt to catch up before it ends and can honestly say that it was not only addictive the whole time but it was engaging enough that I'd always pause the show to watch the game's cutscenes, which I didn't really expect to care about.

The weapon selection and combinations are at their best in this game also, honestly can't recommend it enough if you wanna just kill zombies. I haven't played 4 yet but having seen the trailers I expect this is the best the series has to offer.

In conclusion, really enjoyed my time with this, only complaints at all are to do with the audio mixing which I think was a me-problem anyway. I s'pose there's a problem with assets popping-in too but frankly idc about that.
If you haven't played this and you have the means to- give it a try :)

It's not the best game in the series but I have always had a lot of fun with Dead Rising 3.

It's a little buggy and runs pretty bad on both Xbox One and PC, however the gameplay is my favorite in the series. It works pretty well for the most part. The combat is a good step-up from what Dead Rising 2 started and the crafting system is a lot more convenient now, if unbalanced.

The open world is generally fun to explore and fight in but it should have been scaled back a bit as a chunk of it is just highways that seem to act as loading zones for the next area, with not a lot to do within those roads but run over zombies.

My biggest gripe is with the story and the psychos as they are pretty poorly written and even cringey at points. None of the characters are likeable and none of them are good. Especially the psychos, they are extremely lame.

The game does not really have a timer either. It technically does but you will probably never run out of time on even your first playthrough. This doesn't bother me too much but it is worth mentioning as the timer was one of the defining aspects of the previous games.

Graphically the game looks good but it doesn't impress. There is a lot of pop-in and the colors are muted.

As a whole, the game feels unfocused because nothing is really excellent here; some of it is good enough and some of it is pretty average to bad.

I wish things turned out better with Capcom Vancouver because there could have been so much improvement on future entries in the series like this. I recommend checking Dead Rising 3 out when it is on sale and playing it with a friend. It really is a fun and good game in it's own right but it does not live up to the last two games as a whole.

awesome sandbox to play with, especially with this satisfying ass combat

be sure to play with a friend!

This is where DR starts to lose focus. You're way too powerful in this zombie-populated world and nothing feels threatening or memorable. Most of the staple mechanics of the series are gutted in place of ill-inspired psychos and a focus on killing zombies above all else. Took itself far too seriously and the moodier tone hurts it greatly.

On my first playthrough I loved it. No time limit, expanded combo mechanics in the form of combo vehicles, survivors that you can bring with you permanently (and are USEFUL), weapon lockers to spawn any weapon you want, and an even larger map. But upon revisiting it last year (2021) I realized that as a Dead Rising game, it's very very weak.

Everything I described above sounds like the perfect sandbox. City full of zombies, spawn kickass military vehicles, spawn whatever weapons you want, and some effective battle buddies. But that's not Dead Rising. Dead Rising isn't a sandbox; it's survival. What ended up happening here is that the weapon lockers and car spawn garages especially took so much away from the formula that it's like the lacroix of dead rising flavor. You aren't trapped in a mall using whatever you can to survive, you're trapped in a city using 7 assault rifles and a military transport tank. Not to mention that the psychopaths in 3 feel only half as effective (AT MOST) as the psychopaths of the past games. And while the vehicles are very fun and an appropriate escalation from combo weapons, it just.....feels odd. Like, as satisfying as it is to plow through several hundred zombies, is that really something that should take place in a Dead Rising game?

This game could've been much much more, but in the end it was just too many steps away from Dead Rising. DR2 ran so DR3 could walk and so DR4 could be a stillborn

No tiene el 5 por que vaya mierda de port el de pc por mi puta vida

The “Dead Rising” I knew was dragged behind a shed and shot in the sweltering summer of 2010, its rotting shell sharing the same name but carrying the soul of an entirely different beast. Stumbling upon the shambling creature, I fell for its ruse, a 24-hour entanglement with a monster wearing a beloved veil. But for all of the carcass’ failings, I couldn’t bring myself to hate it. Glancing upon the decayed remnants of a lost friend, I still could see the remains of the dearly departed; in spite of the malicious current pulsating through its veins, I still saw the “Dead Rising” that I fell head-over-heels for, crumbling away but still recognizable all the same. Laid to rest and buried away, I said goodbye to not only “Dead Rising” itself, but the love I held for it, not out of new-found hatred, but out of acceptance for what it was becoming. In 2013, something bearing the name “Dead Rising” crawled out of that grave, festering and desecrated.

It’s… extreme, to put it in such intense terms, perhaps hyperbolic. However, as time passes and as I expose myself to more and more of the series, my individual story becomes one of watching something I adore be ripped limb from limb, it’s remains cobbled together in a discombobulated amalgam and presented as a new iteration on “Dead Rising”. The spirit of the original has long been excised, and the withered corpse walks, lacking the stylistic flourishes, the mechanical depth, the heart and soul that the name “Dead Rising” usually encompasses.

Yet despite my obvious grievances with the game, I have reached acceptance in my personal stages of grief. Beyond my preconceived notions of what is or isn't “Dead Rising”, of a minimalist structure maintained by the backbone of breakneck pacing and nerve-shredding time limits, something is under the shallow surface. Buried under the murky sands of mid-2010s design philosophies, emotionless browns and soul-sucking grays plastered under a user interface reminiscent of a thousand mobile games, the embrace of freedom over structure flawlessly encapsulated the mindset behind Dead Rising 3. Disregarding story, tonal consistency, and filing away mechanical grain, the city of Los Perdidos becomes a puerile playground, an endless wave of gory, grotesque, goofy ways to dispatch impressive waves of undead practice dummies.

I wish there was more to say, but Dead Rising 3 casts aside most of what I like about the prior entries, with the tone leading in the grimy direction pushed by its direct predecessor, the oversimplification of combo weapons and streamlining of the leveling system. I can’t fairly say it’s a game I disliked; playing online was still extremely fun, but that comes down to the fact that every game in the world can be fun with someone else, even irredeemable trash. As a game building off of one of my favorite series, it’s a massive let down.

So obviously expect a Dead Rising 4 review in a month or so, We Doin’ This

Has one of the most memorable psychopaths.
They tried unlike 4...

While you can barely call this a Dead Rising with the removal of survivors mechanic, the timer is barely even present at all and has such a disjointed story and characters, it still is a fun game.

The combo on the go mechanic gives you a lot to experiment with weapons, the map does reward you for exploring, the tons the combo vehicles mechanic is also great!

The only major problems other than not really being a dead rising game, is that the difficulty feels overall unbalanced, the survivor side quests are pretty much terrible, that they all feel the same, lastly the skill system sucks ass, it worked much better in previous games being automated.

One last thing, be warned, the PC port sucks ass, and this game will probably give you motion sickness without a FOV patch.

The best thing I can say about this game is there's nothing wrong with it. It's light fun breezy zombie killing with reasonably fun to use (and create) weapons. Good and simple mindless fun and also it looks nice. The traditional Dead Rising timer isn't too restrictive this time around, which means you mostly don't have to worry about it and you can do everything for the most part. The game is certainly fun, but it could use a little more oomf. Something that makes it rise above average.

Apart from the DLCs being obvious cashgrabs I wish the game didn't have the object permanence of a 1 year old and insisted of deleting my character file several times

it's okay, kinda mediocre but the co-op can be kinda fun and exploration is decent

things that work and things that don’t here. feel like a lot of the charm and silliness has been lost. you’re better off playin any of the other games

Best in the series imo, fun game