Reviews from

in the past

you knew it was all over when they cooked up a "loving tribute faithful remaster" and they made lightning blue puffs. a deliberate and black-hearted botch job.

One of the best games ever made, now and forever

I got this for free from my older brother in a giveaway and having played it myself, it begs the question...
What made this game so good back then?
It feels lackluster now cuz let's be honest there's WAY more mobility and gameplay focus on Diablo 3 than in this.
I don't want to offend the PC overlords/snobs who played this nonstop back in early 2000s but please do admit, this game has lost some of its charm. It's okay to play but it still feels lackluster.

I have no nostalgia for this game because I entered the series with Diablo 3. Personally, I vastly prefer Diablo 3. I like the updated look of this game and I found it fun to jump back and forth between the current and original graphics. Though the ability to do that highlights the fact that there is a crusty, dated game running underneath the 2021 sheen at all times. And it feels like it.

Loses it's fascination pretty quickliy

pretty good remaster for what it is, if blizzard tried to remake d2 today it would prob play like d3 or d4

Actually, I think it's very good. Of course, we can argue about some outdated mechanics here and there. Developers are changing things slightly to make the game more digestible and modern though. What makes it stand out to me the most is the visuals.

I can't point out what I disliked in D3 and actually MOST RPGs these days -but I think it might be that generic "make it run on all platforms" 3D graphic. Somehow they made it look like it's still 20 y.o. game but contemporary at the same time.

I believe being so old school visually and mechanically wise - somehow this game transcends most of its clones, successors and offspring these days.

This game goes so hard, I’ve never played D2, but this was a treat I will continue to play this for days to come. You all know the formula I don’t have to go over the gameplay loop.

Originalmente tinha começado com Amazon, acabei recomeçando com Assassin e foi mais divertido.

O jogo é bem divertido, da pra ver bem de onde veio as bases do Diablo 3. Ele é certamente mais lento, mas isso não o torna ruim. Eu até prefiro o ritmo dele.

O maior defeito pra mim, que é compartilhado por todos os jogos similares (Diablo, PoE e outros que copiaram essa fórmula) são os mapas. Entendo que para muita gente o apelo de explorar novas áreas toda vez seja interessante mas eu simplesmente detesto esses mapas genéricos procedurais que você fica meia hora pra encontrar qualquer coisa. Acho realmente ruim.

No mais, esse remaster funciona bem e entrega o prometido, apesar de decisões escrotas da Activision Blizzard, como forçar online mesmo no modo offline, eu literalmente deixei de comprar a versão de Switch porque mesmo jogando offline você precisa se conectar na internet a cada 30 dias se não você perde acesso ao jogo. De longe a coisa mais nojenta que eu já vi qualquer empresa de videogame fazer.

A fairly good remaster for a game whose mechanics have not aged entirely well, especially in comparison to Diablo III. I don't think I did myself any favors by getting this on console after playing Diablo only on PC before this game. It was still fun to beat and I will likely do another playthrough with a different class in the future.

A very faithful remake of a video game from the year 2000, dated gameplay and all.

For better or worse, Diablo 2: Resurrected is a pretty faithful remake of the original. Within a few minutes of starting the game, I was brought back to the same game I dropped a few hundreds hours on in middle school with my friends. But the more I spent time with it, the more I noticed all the missing improvements that newer games have brought to this genre in the last 20 years. I was literally just playing a game from the year 2000, but prettier.

I spent about 100 hours on Diablo 3 on console and I liked it quite a bit. I maxed every character and got the Plat. So going back to Diablo 2 was more of a shock than I imagined it would be. The inventory is tiny, spells and abilities don't pack as much of a punch, environments are sparse, enemies are uninteresting, the gameplay is slower, and controlling it on console was an absolute drag. Once the nostalgia wore off, I realized just how bored I was and how much I wished I was playing Diablo 3. Even though I've always had a bit of trouble going back to old games, I hoped a remake of one of my childhood favorites would've been different, but I couldn't even make it past Act 2.

+ Fantastic update to the older visuals
+ Faithful remake of the original
+ Good nostalgia

- Could've used with some modern updates to make it feel less dated
- Terrible to control on console (especially the menus)

Fuck you for forcing me to make a goddamn Battle Net account on a separate device to be able to start the game.

Probably the grindiest game I've ever played. Very frustrating with it's outdated mechanics but I really love the atmosphere and the gameplay loop is genuinely addictive. The class and gear variety and complexity is dizzying and downright confusing at times. This game definitely doesnt hold your hand or give you a lot of information. I cant believe people used to master these kinds of games without guides. I am constantly looking up guides on my phone and getting lost because the map design is so confusing. Anyways, shout out blizzard for always making extremely good cinematics and cutscenes. Liked this more than diablo 3, excited for diablo 4

I fell in love with Diablo 3 when I first played it on the PS3 and also played through it a second time with reaper of souls. Imagine my excitement when I found out this was going to be released on consoles and was ready for the old school rpg experience. What turned into a great experience with a few friends on coop became a grueling nightmare that sucked the joy and life out of me with the constant bullshit by the end of the 2nd Act. Tried playing through this with several different classes and all ending up with the same outcome constant burnout of me thinking I made a solid build to just get decimated by Duriel for the thousandth time which also made other friends quit the game in frustration. I would play on easy if it was an option, but maybe I'm just not cut out for this unreal hardcore experience. I have lost any interest by this point with it and I am sure Diablo 4 will be better (I hope). Maybe I will one day come back to it, but certainly no time soon.

They remastered the Blizzard North logo
They took out LAN games

Honestly, regardless of your stance on the activision lawsuit just pirate this shit if you really want to play a version with pretty graphics; in terms of gameplay features this is an incredibly barebones re-release of one of the greatest games made by a now defunct offshoot dev studio of Blizzard's. Especially compared to getting the OG version and loading it up with some mods; OG D2 has some really cool custom modded gametypes like Project Diablo 2, MedianXL and Path of Diablo that add a lot of great QoL and other new game features and it's also incredibly easy to obtain a "legitimate" copy. If you haven't played vanilla D2 LOD, definitely start there with like, an expanded stash mod or just no mods at all. This version didn't really end up doing much to justify itself aside from the easy controller support, as the removal of LAN functionality is basically a death knell for any gametype mods coming to resurrected, and a real bummer for anyone that still likes to play this game over LAN or by hosting their own lobbies.

Haven't played this and have no desire to, but there is not a single chance in hell people are actually giving fucking Blizzard, a company that fucking abuses women to the point one commited suicide their money.

thank god due to an error in transactions i got overwatch for free back then so i didn't give them a single buck

Harika bir remastered olmuş. 2000 yapımı Diablo II'yi arada indirip oynardım. Yıllar sonra ilaç gibi geldi.

It is okay. A very well done remake.

Dark Souls took the dark fantasy vibe and elevated it to such high standards that make Diablo look boring in comparison. On top of that it added good mechanics and well though game design.

I just wished my habilities as a player matter more in Diablo 2. It felt like the progression is only dependent on my characters level and equipments.

Más de 500 horas de recuperación nostálgica desde el día que salió. Esperando con ganas el nuevo contenido, las nuevas palabras rúnicas y el nuevo ladder :)

- The function to swap between legacy and HD graphics is crazy good. Shows how much work it is done to keep Diablo 2 as close to the original.
- Classes are interesting.
- Dungeons and maps are eerie (in a good way) and sets a good tone to the game.

- Skill trees are a little too simple for modern times.
- Gameplay is a tad bit slow.

A beautiful game, marred by horrible drop rates, poor balance, and limiting character customization. It's very much worth playing, but be ready for some struggles if you decide to play anything higher than the base difficulty.

Boring game for people with erectile dysfunction

A very nice visual upgrade compared to the original. Gameplay wise this is exactly the og game and I wish they offered an optional improved way to play and optional QoL features. It is still rather fun to play but it is quite stiff and restrictive compared to its sequel or other newer games of the genre. Biggest highlight for me were the music (incredible soundtrack), atmosphere and rather interesting but simple story. It is worth it but do not buy at full price.

I am fully aware that this critical review is heavily influenced by my being spoiled by modern game mechanics and variety.

I never got around to playing Diablo 2 when I was younger and it still could at least be considered relatively modern. I remember briefly playing it at a friend's house and hating how you had to click everywhere to move. I grew up playing consoles so this seemed very cumbersome to me.

Anyway, I was very excited for Resurrected because Diablo 3 was a very fun co-op experience for my wife and me and now Diablo 2 is here with controller support. Let's goooo!

First issue: why did I have to buy two copies of this game to play it co-op? I don't believe that they couldn't have added local co-op if they wanted to. It's ok though because we got it when it was 50% off so we basically just paid full price for one copy. It all worked out.

But then we start playing and everything is just... blah. Act 1 is nothing but bland environments and getting swarmed by the same enemies over and over again with very little variance. The number of skills available to you is pretty lackluster and none of them are terribly exciting (for the two classes we chose at least). It's just a whole lot of "run forward and then stop and hold the A button".

The field areas are mostly just empty space and the dungeons are mostly just cluttered mazes. Some areas take upwards of 20 minutes to explore fully, and the fact that they are procedurally generated (and an always online connection while playing co-op) means that you can't stop to take a break when you need one unless you want to waste a bunch more time finding the dungeon that you needed to get to. There were multiple times that we were playing 30-60 minutes longer than we really wanted to because we had to get to the next waypoint or half of our current play session would have been wasted.

I like physical inventory systems, but since there is no way to expand your inventory, everything should have been smaller and you should have been able to rotate things like in Resident Evil 4. It's too easy to fill it up. What is the point of finding a crapload of loot if you don't want to pick up 90% of it because it'll just take up space?

Act 2 did at least make things a bit more exciting with the level and enemy design, but even that was just a step up.

We made it about halfway through Act 2 before we decided it wasn't worth our time. Couldn't imagine going through another 3 Acts of this monotonous gameplay. I definitely can understand that it was revolutionary when it came out, and I'm sad to say that I didn't enjoy it, especially after likely D3 so much. I'm still looking forward to D4 and will definitely get that one.

I have never played an old-school ARPG before, so the game mechanics felt daunting. I read through a lot of guides and tutorials and slowly started understanding the mechanics and approach to my character build, and it has been fun so far.

An extremely competent remaster of a classic, but hugely dated game.

I don't want to be harsh on Diablo II here, it was one of the first big examples of a genre you could arguably name after the series, and it still holds up surprisingly well despite its age. But the genre can do and has done much better in the many years since the game came out.

The game still oozes atmosphere with its dark tone and brilliant Matt Uelmen soundtrack. It's baffling that the sequel opted for a more cartoony vibe - I don't hate it, per se, but it doesn't really fit the world at all and playing D2 again really hammers that home. It's also much more hands-off with the story, which, again, works much better than D3's Demon Generals telling you their plans in advance over and over.

The remaster does a great job of updating the visuals while remaining true to the original. The ability to switch between the legacy and new graphics modes really shows what a huge upgrade it is, but the game unmistakably looks like Diablo II. It's more or less exactly what I would expect Diablo II with modern graphics to look like.

The remaster also adds some nice quality of life changes, a much bigger stash with 4 tabs reducing the need for mules is a big one. The game also has controller support and playing on PS5 was a little clunky and relied on some less obvious shortcuts sometimes, but was perfectly functional. I think it was about as good as it gets considering the original game simply wasn't made for a controller at all.

What the remaster doesn't really change, though, is the gameplay. This is understandable - the outcry if they were to touch the gameplay in any significant way would be crazy, but playing through I kept comparing the way the game does things to how Diablo III does things, and often I concluded that the sequel actually greatly improves on them.

Inventory tetris is awful and games should move away from it (looking at you, Path of Exile). Running the same campaign on multiple difficulties feels like a huge downgrade and wasteful padding compared to the Adventure Mode and scaling difficulty options the sequel eventually moved to.

I think that's my big problem with Diablo II compared to III - I don't really have the time or inclination to farm the necessary gear for my characters like I did 20 odd years ago. III is much faster-paced, both in terms of getting your build up and running and getting you into the action quickly. Diablo II early-game is incredibly dull by comparison.

That said, there are definitely some things I prefer about Diablo II. Levelling feels meaningful, unlike in III where you race to 70 then just grind paragon levels. And the itemisation in II is way better and more interesting than III's reliance on set bonuses that make a skill do +5000% damage.

That said, given the choice, I'd rather play III these days, or maybe something else like Path of Exile. II remains a really good game despite its age, but much has changed in 20 years and it just doesn't hit like it used to. Nevertheless, I'm grateful for the nostalgia trip. If Diablo IV can merge II's tone and itemisation with III's general gameplay, it might well be the perfect Diablo game.

You can't ever "finish" Diablo, can you? Same old grindy addictive pseudo RPG as before, but with nicer graphics and bad usage of the controller (MK doesn'T really translate in this game, it was better implemented in D3).

Eu não sei a terminologia correta para definir esse relançamento de Diablo II, se podemos chamar de uma remasterização bem feita ou de um remake preguiçoso. Confesso que tive sentimentos conflitantes ao revisitar esse clássico dos jogos de computador, parte de mim estava profundamente admirado com a construção de mundo e a outra parte extremamente frustrada com a quantidade de mecânicas rudimentares transportadas diretamente dos anos 2000. Sinto esse jogo como uma oportunidade perdida em se atualizar um clássico, adicionar mecânicas apresentadas na sua sequência e melhorar a qualidade de vida do jogo, especialmente no tocante ao grinding, que é a pior parte do jogo para mim.

Foi uma experiência muito legal passar 30h nesse mundo novamente, só esperava que o jogo tivesse algo além de uma atualização gráfica, faltou razão de ser ao meu ver.

O fato do último chefe SEQUER lhe dar experiência ou um item que preste é uma das maiores frustrações que já tive com jogos, é um game extremamente desbalanceado que não recompensa o jogador em batalhas difíceis.

Diablo II Resurrected vale a pena numa promoção, mas não sei se é a melhor porta de entrada pra essa franquia. É um jogo cheio de mecânicas datadas e que exige um grinding inimaginável.