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in the past

Diablo II: Resurrected foi a minha porta de entrada para a franquia, acho que o grande problema desse jogo e possivelmente o fato dele não ter uma nota mais alta nesse meu review é por causa que ele é datado, jogo com mecânicas antigas e no console acaba sendo bem chato de ficar mexendo no seu inventário e fazer outras funções. Porém o jogo tem muitos pontos positivos, cenários diversos, inimigos bem trabalhados e o leque de classes diferentes disponíveis são alguns deles. Na reta final do jogo eu precisei fazer um bom grind para derrotar o chefe final, no geral me diverti jogando mas não sei se foi o jogo certo para começar na franquia.

I played Diablo I long ago (at release) but missed the sequel over the years. The TL;DR here is that DII: Resurrected is a faithful take on a well loved classic and at a discounted price, it's worth the the nostalgia-trip.

More specifically, the game's most winning quality is its charm. The gameplay is loop is rewardingly grindy and it can be taken as seriously as the player wants. You can bounce through on Normal and just enjoy it for what it is and you can also strategize, and min-max, and consult a million guides to get just the right build for Nightmare difficulty. But it is a kind of game that isn't made anymore, and you can take that as good or bad. For my part, the game is rewarding to play and the inspiration for decades of games that came later (eg. if "Back4Blood" was isometric it would feel VERY much like Diablo II).

You gear up, go fight demons, collect their loot, sell the loot in town, upgrade yourself and your gear, and repeat. The story is very much in the passenger seat which allows gameplay and atmosphere to take the wheel.

Charming games that are not afraid to be themselves still exist, and there is certainly a lot to be said for the improvements we have made in games in the last two decades. BUT anyone wanting to take a trip back in time will find the experience an enjoyable one.

Just don't expect it to be something that it's not :)

Buen remaster, es visualmente espectacular, ademas si quieres siempre puedes jugar con los graficos originales pulsando una tecla. Como videojuego se le sigue notando los años, los huecos de inventario limitados que te obliga a ir a la ciudad cada dos por tres... Aun asi es un juego muy entretenido que te dara para horas y horas.

at least the arrow sound is pretty funny

While I agree with the sentiment that this isn't an optimal remaster, I think it still needs to be stated that this is pretty objectively the best way to play Diablo II. If you prefer the old graphics (and can stand the 25fps), you can just press G. Apart from that, Diablo II is a marvelous game that makes me nostalgic for a simpler time in my life. Play it with friends if you can. Makes it much more fun.

O senhor das trevas retorna!

Diablo II diferente de seu antecessor, se tornou um jogo de mundo aberto, com aspectos claro dos RPGs ocidentais, uma atmosfera sombria e com uma trilha sonora que gruda na cabeça.

Deixo claro que pra mim Diablo II não envelheceu bem no quesito de gameplay, afinal ao criar o personagem você é jogado no meio do nada e vai andando pra la e pra ca até saber com quem conversar. O jogo não explica nada tão útil, deixando tudo pra você descobrir.

Resurrected segue fielmente a obra original dos anos 2000, mantendo os elementos old school e desafiadores de seus jogos.

Mudanças que deviam ocorrer!

Pra ser mais agradável a novos jogadores, Resurrected deveria alterar algumas coisas do jogo original, como o sistema de XP, colocar mais atalhos pras skills, um espaço de inventário maior e explicações sobre o sistema.

Sei que é um remaster, mas se tivesse alterado essas pequenas coisas do original, confesso que ele seria muito mais agradável pra quem quer começar na saga Diablo e com toda certeza, teria uma gameplay mais satisfatória até pros antigos.

O tal do "Fator Replay"

O jogo não lhe da muitos incentivos para zerar com as demais classes dele, mas se você quiser tomar a liberdade de fazer as run com classes que nunca jogou, você pode, e eu diria até que deve.

Zerar com outras classes é muito divertido e traz realmente a sensação de que você ta "debulhando" do jogo por completo. Cada classe é diferente e se adapta ao estilo de jogo de cada um, não tenho nem o que reclamar nesse ponto aqui já que eu me diverti muito fazendo as runs com classes que eu não havia jogado. Inclusive ainda to na jornada de zerar com todas elas!

A história sombria e atraente

Diablo II traz uma continuação direta de Diablo I. Não vou entrar tanto em detalhes pra não da spoilers. Mas só tenho a dizer que a narrativa é muito boa e as cutscenes estão muito bem trabalhadas, não posso definir que ela é de fácil entendimento. Apenas se torna fácil de entender se você já jogou o Diablo I, se jogar apenas o 2 é possível que você fique meio perdido ali na estrada.

É o melhor pra começar?

Não. Ele é um jogo antigo com sistemas que envelheceram mal, se for ligar apenas para gameplay esse é um dos jogos que você não deve jogar de início, indico fortemente iniciar pelo Diablo 3.

Mas se for ligar por ordem cronológica, inicie pelo 1 e adiante.

Porém fique avisado que os sistemas do Diablo II já tão capenga, e tu vai sofrer pra se acostumar se não for uma pessoa que gosta muito de jogo retro e da velha guarda.

irrelevant in a post path of exile world

Gran actualización del clasicazo de Blizzard que nos maravilló a todos en las postrimerías del siglo 20. Diablo 2: Resurrected conserva toda la esencia del original, con cambios mínimos e incluso imperceptibles en lo jugable y una puesta a punto técnica que le sienta de maravilla, pudiendo alternar al modo clásico en cualquier momento pulsando una tecla. También se han mejorado las cinemáticas, haciendo del conjunto un juego que cualquiera hoy en día, se joven o veterano, puede disfrutar. Sin dida, esta versión es la mejor manera de disfrutar de los 5 actos (incluye la expansión) de este juegazo atemporal. Fue, es y será uno de los imprescindibles de la historia del videojuego, y esta resurrección le sienta como un guante.

Played the original a few years back, came back to the
Resurrected version. After playing through a lot of games that were inspired by this one, i can finally confirm: this is probably the best of the best.

I didn't play the original but man the game as it launched was not living up to the hype.

This is not going to be a full review really as I only played Diablo 2: Resurrected for a few hours. I played the first Diablo a good few years ago and I think I remember just getting bored of it. I was hoping that the next game would feature some progression, which it does, just not enough to overcome how easily I got bored with it. The game’s remaster makes the game look brand new and fresh. I love the art style, animations and atmosphere. For me though, the game boils down to: click, click, click, click (to move), click, click, click (to fight) and the same thing over and over again. You do slowly upgrade your weapons and get stronger but the game is very repetitive to me. I never really felt involved in the battles, unless I was doing it wrong, all I was doing was clicking on enemies and hoping for the best. I have previous experience with world of Warcraft so certain elements of the game including how the HUD worked felt very familiar to me.

There’s something about a procedurally generated environment I just don’t like. In my opinion a good video game map is one that has been tailor made and crafted for the player’s experience. One that all people share the experience and you can look up online if you ever get stuck.

If I could change things to make the game better for me it would be: Free movement rather than point and click, save states or auto save, larger inventory, different moves assigned to different button, to name a few.

I threw in the towel after being defeated for the umpteenth time and having to make my way back to my body. When getting overcrowded in battles I couldn’t think fast enough to defend myself or run away, my life depleted away so quickly. I’m more of a fan of the type of levelling system that automatically increases your stats. As a first time player, having to manually decide which stats to increase felt like too much. I do own Diablo 3 and 4 that has just been released, if they are pretty much the same as 1 & 2 where you need to click for your character to move rather than free controls then it could be a good while before I try them out.

The worst thing about nostalgia is that things usually aren't quite like we remember them. For Diablo 2, I didn't remember it as tedious, especially with inventory management. I never thought I'd say this but I do prefer Diablo 3 over 2.

Well, I expected resurrected to be a remake, not a remaster. So I was pretty much disappointed with how old the game felt. Anyway there are a couple of wonderful great old games out there, but diablo II is just unhinged. Fuck that god forsaken hellish cube.

That said, it was pretty fun to play it on co-op. I was a necromancer and my friend Bolt was a Paladin. The last act was solid, the GC scenes were cool and I can see how the game was GREAT for when it launched, but it is pretty bad nowadays.

Lord of Destruction was the best part! Wayyy better than the base game. Gave it an extra half star just ‘cause of the DLC.

At it’s core, Diablo 2 feels like an attempt to just give people more Diablo 1. More dungeons, more quests, more locations, but still the same mouse driven hack and slash gameplay. That’s pretty standard for a sequel, I think, but what’s weird about Diablo 2 is how much it fits in with games released today. Basically, in addition to more of Diablo 1, they’ve also tried to heighten the experiences Diablo 1 gave.

For one, Loot is lootier, more disposable and more greed-inducing. Rather than a secondary thing in the first one, not all that different to how loot is handled in other RPGs of the time, loot is the primary driver besides quests here. There’s tons of little dungeons scattered throughout the game, each with a locked chest of randomized loot waiting at the end.

Multiplayer is also more competitive, with a ladder (at least in Resurrected, not sure about the original release), but also just feels more global. What comes out of this in particular isn’t a live service game, but you can feel what would become GaaS forming around you, like an addictive husk. In a way I think you can blame much of the issues the game industry faces today on Diablo 2, but I think you’d be overeager to do that. You can see where the shockwaves come from though, the focus on what Melos Han-Tani once called [“the treatmill”](, or, Hades, Roguelites, and Gacha Games.html).

Honestly, beyond that, it’s a great 2001 PC dungeon crawler. I’m still not convinced by the mouse-driven controls (so much so that I got this on switch lol), but the art is gorgeous, the plot is interesting if a bit simple, and the whole experience is really like a roguelite with an enormous budget, and no permadeath lol. It’s got some bits that are beholden to the less desireable qualities of fantasy aesthetics of the time, particularly in the jungle and desert regions, but even those have enough wild successes to not call them anywhere close to a failure.

Basically, you should probably pirate this game.

perhaps the worst optimized pc game in recorded history. best balanced version of lod

This is exactly what a remaster should be: modern graphics, remastered music and cinematics, quality of life improvements...and don't touch anything else.

I mean it was cheap with the Diablo bundle on switch, so

I still hate having to hunt for all my equipment after a death! Really glad that twenty fuckin years later that still made it in the mix. That alone, knowing how unfun this feature is and knowing you got rid of it in III and putting it back in anyway with willful malice, I'm afraid I can't award anything more than two stars for that.

I'm also really glad we grew out of "stamina" as a society. Just let me run all the time, please. ABR, always be running. And runes are still as unintuitive as ever. If you go on this websight and complain about certain games that you can't beat without a guide, you have no right to think the runes are good.

But I did notice that Akara has an option to reset all your skill tree and character points, so that's nice. That brings it back up to three I guess

Edit: Nevermind, Akara can only reset your points once. Two and a half stars. Goddam-ass bullshit

Solid but it feels outdated in a lot of aspects to me, I dont really see myself coming back to this one like I do with 3.

I loved Diablo 3 and I’m so hyped for Diablo 4, so I decided to grab this to get myself ready before I replay 3.

Man I really wanted to like it but there were just so many issues that riddled my play-through. First off, the game plays relatively well, I had lots of frame rate drops even in performance mode. I also got booted from the game quite frequently, yes this could be related to my internet but I DON’T like the fact that you have to make a SEPARATE character for offline instead of using your current player.

Gameplay wise it’s fine although I found Diablo 3’s combat to be much smoother and satisfying but that could be personal preference. Prob a 2.5/5 for me

Só tinha jogado o Diablo 3 até hoje, e mesmo assim nunca fui muito fundo nele, quanto mais joguei Diablo 2 mais senti semelhanças com o Dark Souls original, ambos são meio "travados" para os padrões de jogabilidade de hoje em dia e cheios de sistemas mal explicados pelo próprio jogo, mas ambos dão uma sensação de satisfação parecida ao matar bosses ou conseguir deixar o personagem do jeito que você queria.
Provavelmente a maior "descoberta de franquia antiga" que vou fazer em 2023

Bought this on sale, played 2 hours, asked for a refund. Its not bad but gameplay from 20-years ago does not hold up at all. This was a lot of fun back in the day but hella boring now

Garbage launch. Activision pretending they care about their audience and aren't just greedy for short term profits to pay out shareholders and executives

Diablo 1 always gives me the experience of expeditions into the unknown. You slowly move through each floor of the ancient dungeon. You can open the door and there will be a sad skeleton king, or there will be a real treasure, nice piece of equipment. I feel that everything works correctly in Diablo 1.
Diablo 2 throw a village of goblins into your face. All of them are just meat, no potion is need to kill them. The player is a machine. Inventory gets full immediately so you have to jump into town every minute or just ignore all of this loot. And if you will jump into town to sell the loot, you can make 100k at the beginning of the game.
There is no danger, there is no fear. Just numbers.

Having played many, many hours of the original Diablo 2, I thought this would be a great bite of nostalgia to sink my teeth into for some hours. Maybe complete the campaign, do a little bit of farming, why not? Having just done my first league of PoE and having tried Last Epoch recently, I was in the mood to play some more ARPG. So I gave it a shot.

I should not have given it a shot.

Diablo 2's atmosphere is still wonderfully grimdark and broody, with color in all the right places to make things pop, but the actual act of playing the game is a torture of the senses. Slow, plodding, unsatisfying to press buttons in, incredibly boring bosses even relative to the rest of the genre, the most flaccid endgame experience of all time... it goes on. Besides the graphics and its own namesake, I don't know how this game competes with its contemporaries in today's age.

Hell, I guess those things are what got ME to buy the remake, so egg on my face.

One day I will stop trying to revisit my old nostalgia games only to be disappointed. Maybe.

Perhaps I treated you too harshly......then again, maybe not.

This game never set right with me after the torment it had given me and I had thrown in the towel, but momma didn't raise no quitter and it's become a very bad habit of mine to let sleeping dogs lie. Once I started to sink my teeth into the great game that is Diablo 4 this damn game kept sinking into the back of my mind to remind me of the unfinished journey I had started quite a while ago. Needless to say, I had finally conquered the deadly Duriel and dove into the hellscape that laid before me in the coming acts all the way to the credits.

Honestly, I can't say much has changed from the judgments I made before and after acquiring the full experience, some of the same issues still stand. The grind is truly the worst I had experienced in a Diablo game. Once I hit level 20 every level after felt like it took centuries until I made it to the lord of Destruction where XP kind of got a much-needed boost. The environments, monsters, and pure aesthetic of this game are one to see for any fans of this style of game and the cutscenes were gorgeous! I loved these things about the game. Although playing as a solo assassin was tough, I was fortunate to make this nice build that carried me to the end. Although some end-game bosses were insanely tough including bullshit hellish dinosaurs toward the end that can stun-lock you. This game certainly has to have one of the worst systems when you die where you have to run all the way back to your body to get your gear back. The enemy AI is damn smart too and will camp your body until you get there just to beat your ass again. These demons got no mercy!!

Glad I stuck through it after failing constantly and came back and fought to an accomplishing finish to the game. Give it a shot if you enjoy the others, but be warned it's a relentless old-school hardcore beast to tame.

Не фанат данной серии игр. Ремастер не привнес изменений в геймплей, который устарел и визуально и механически

I understand the importance this game has had on gaming, but I did not enjoy my time with it. The classes all are unique, it has great music, and has a lot of cool features and builds but it feels janky and awkward to me with a lot of little annoyances.

diablo II, but better graphics! I don't know if other people care about seasonal content but I impartial about it. Cool game, fun loot grind, feels kinda crunchy.