Reviews from

in the past

You kill replicas while trying not to get sexually assaulted by a supernatural woman

Pretty awful. The scariest thing in the game is probably the consolisation. No quicksaves, huge HUD, somehow less technically impressive than the first. It's just not good. No clever use of space for the horror scenes, or any creativeness for the scares at all. It's pretty much just Alma grabbing you, a specimen jumping at you, or being teleported to some hell swing. I'd say avoid this.

The first game but way more generic and boring in basically every way. I find it hard to believe these are the same developers, unless publisher meddling forced them to make a bog-standard FPS with decent graphics and a worse implementation of the bullet time stuff. Story is enjoyably weird at least.

sigue la línea de su predecesor pero se inclina más a favor de la acción que del survival horror

Coming hot off the heels off playing F.E.A.R.'s expansion packs - Extraction Point & Perseus Mandate - I had some higher hopes for this. I knew it wasn't terribly well received but the reception was better than F.E.A.R. 3 so surely that meant something? Not really.

- Story & Characters -
Characters have even less depth than the first game, and some of the dialogue is just painfully stupid & corny. Story is... there, I guess. Nothing to really say about it. The ending was flat out dumb and massively threw off the game's pacing.

- Gameplay -
Gunplay and the combat dynamic have taken a big step down from the first game. Most guns sound very weak, with bizarre changes in their look and feel. They did the shotgun horrendously dirty in this, it feels and sounds like a peashooter compared to the god-tier VK-12.

Enemy AI also feels like a big step down. They seem outright dumb at times, standing still and eating shots without ever returning fire. There were a few glimpse of what could've been with them: flipping over cover, crashing through windows and the various voice lines indicating they had a clue of what was going on, but generally not very interesting to fight.

All they really had to do was copy over the gunplay & AI from the first game and the rest would've taken care of itself, but they felt the need to so drastically alter the core formula to what every 7th gen console shooter felt like at that time.

- Visuals & Performance -
Environmental variety is much greater than the first game, which is about the only positive thing I can say about the visual design. Levels are very linear with not much in the way of exploration. The entire game's art style has changed to this ugly semi sci-fi look, with bright lights and dull color palettes stuck onto enemies, which makes visibility even worse amongst the abundance of post-process effects on screen at any given time. It's aged the game horribly.

Performance on a Ryzen 7 3700x and GTX 1660 SUPER running Windows 11 wasn't great either. While I never ran into stuttering or unplayable framerates, it would still often drop frames down to below 70 at times, which is odd for a game this old. Not a huge deal but something worth noting if your PC is on the weaker side.

- Conclusion -
The two positives this game managed to gain from me:
- Greater environmental variety
- Alma's hot now, I guess? Not sure how to feel about that since you could classify it as necrophilia

Pretty disappointing overall, cannot see myself coming back to this ever. I don't understand how some people think this is better than Perseus Mandate. That expansion, for all it's faults, is much more fun than this.

So I finished this and had mostly positive things to say about it as a shooter.

Then I watched a GrimBeard video and he commented once you're in a giant mechsuit, the game has actually become the antithesis of fear and instead has insulated you in the safest conditions a shooter could possibly provide.

It takes a big man to change his mind because of one comment. I'm a big man. You know what. Fuck it. I had nothing positive to say about it as anything but a shooter with some nice environments. But now I'm fairly sure those things mostly sucked too.

So, like, yeah. Bad game.

Inferior to the first game but it can still scary you.

just as fun as the first one but with improved graphics! it was really an upgrade

FEAR 2 é definitivamente uma das piores sequências que eu já joguei e olha que minha expectativa estava bem baixa graças a todos os comentários de colegas que já haviam finalizado a franquia.

O enredo e os personagens são péssimos e não fazem sentido ou conexão, o que acaba sendo extremamente confuso para quem veio do primeiro, pois a história principal é quase a mesma coisa. Infelizmente, isso me deixou bem triste já que o meu interesse sempre foi entender mais sobre a antagonista.

A gameplay também nem chega aos pés do primeiro, pois a inteligência artificial que foi tão destacada e elevada como referência se perdeu. Basicamente, você pode entrar em uma sala, ficar na porta e esperar os inimigos chegarem em fila única, ou seja, não existe mais aquele medo de ser preso em uma sala com 5 inimigos vindos de várias direções ou emboscadas extremamente preparadas.

Outro ponto que achei extremamente inferior foi a ambientação que em geral é repetitiva e pouco agradável. Para não ser totalmente negativa, acho que o único local que realmente conseguiu impactar alguma coisa foi a escola, pois existe algumas cenas com Poltergeist que realmente trazem uma diferença.

Acho que o ponto mais grave de todo esse jogo foi a péssima utilização de jumpscares, ação e a quantidade de piscadas e mudanças abruptas enquanto o jogador anda pelo mapa. Sério, teve um momento que eu precisei parar de jogar graças a dor de cabeça que as luzes piscando a todo momento estavam me causando.

No fim, acho que vou fingir nunca ter jogado a continuação de FEAR e imaginar que o jogo acabou daquela forma, assim como aconteceu com NOLF.

disappointing and middling sequel to otherwise one of the finest first person shooters out there, instead of letting you piece the story together from phone calls like in the first game, the sequel is overly cinematic and relies Heavily on shock content to mask how shallow and pointless the actual plot is, level design and actual shooting being Much weaker not helping the matter at all

This is just F.E.A.R. but worse really. It's fine I guess, the low rating is mostly because I have no idea who it's for? The very meaty and sandbox-ish feeling to the shooting in the first game is replaced with something a lot more timid where you peak out, aim down sights and get a quick headshot to win. The horror stuff is also so in your face that it's not scary it's more irritating. I guess it was designed more for consoles but I don't see what about the first's gameplay wouldn't have worked on console.

It's also funny how much this contrasts with Monolith's other sequel from the year before, Condemned 2. That adds bears and clowns and stuff to ruin Condemned 1's quiet atmosphere but I like Condemned 2 as its own thing. This on the other hand just does F.E.A.R. again and I don't really care.

Ziyan olmuş bir oyun. Bulaşmayın.

A heavily consolized sequel that loses most of the charm of the first, inevitable consequence of much of the original staff moving on to other things, most egregiously FPS legend Craig Hubbard, who left single player development almost entirely to try his luck on multiplayer-only games, and was only brought in to consult on F.E.A.R. 2 late in development when it was too late to rebuild it into something the fans would have liked more.

It's by no means a bad game, quite the contrary in fact, but most of what made F.E.A.R. special is lost along the way, like smart AI, spookiness, punchy weapons and moody lighting.

It's essentially the Deus Ex Invisible War of the F.E.A.R. franchise: a game you would have liked a lot more had belonged to a different IP. For maximized enjoyment, play while ignoring what it's a sequel to.

um jogo de acão bem divertido com elemetos de terror

Se perdeu de leve principalmente na parte do terror e prefiro nem comentar sobre a história, o resto ta no mesmo nível do primeiro, continuaçãozinha mixuruca rapaz

We want the CoD audience: The Game.
The concept introduced in the first game is so cool - sci-fi military unit to fight paranormal forces.
But instead of expanding on that, the sequel rehashes the Alma plot from the first game, which sucks! They could do so much and don't use it - but i give them that, the hallucination sequences are great, way better then in the original.
Too bad the gameplay sucks and is a massive step down in every single way - even the hud is worse. Monolith just can't make good sequels, i guess.

Just an perfect sequel. Better weapons designs, better visual style (better than it looks on screenshots), better cutscenes. But weak plot B category.
But there are also minuses in the gameplay, the game lacks the ability to lean left or right, the super-mega cool ai of the enemies (which the series is famous for) is not felt. The difficulty is too easy. There is not enough variety in the gameplay.
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Просто идеальный сиквел. Лучше дизайн оружия, лучше визуальный стиль (лучше, чем выглядит на скриншотах), лучше катсцены. Но слабенький сюжет категории В.
Но и в геймплее есть минусы, не хватает наклонов в сторону, супер-мега крутой интеллект врагов (чем славится серия) - не чувствуется. Сложность слишком лёгкая. Разнообразия в геймплее не хватает.

Like free pizza at an anime convention.

1 extra star for a weird sex scene

Decent shooter but completely mediocre when measured against his predecessor. It has some good moments but still feels like a hollow and watered-down Fear.

The story is poor and if you are paying attention filled with plot holes while simultaneously ruining/ignoring plot points and characters that made the original game unique.

A step down from the first game but still solid

Great game - enemy AI is wicked smart and the game is actually scary.

Guter Shooter. Leider ist der Horror etwas plump aber das Gameplay reißt es raus.

La segunda parte de esta franquicia de terror evoluciona bastante no solo en su apartado gráfico sino también en historia y calidad de gameplay. Se nota el paso de los años y se nota que los errores del pasado han sido tenidos en cuenta. Ya parece que es una premisa de esta saga el contar la misma historia desde otro punto de vista, o bien, contar una historia que está ocurriendo al mismo tiempo que la historia principal; eso es lo que sucede en Project Origin, y muy lejos de parecerse a los pobres Extraction Point y Perseus Mandate, este título encuentra la forma de contar las peripecias que tiene que realizar un grupo de soldados para sobrevivir a los constantes ataques de Alma Wade. Es un juego que de primer vistazo no asusta demasiado, pero tiene sus secuencias interesantes que harán de nuestro corazón una orquesta de tambores. Un final de lo más interesante aguarda a quienes les interese eliminar a unas cuantas fuerzas demoniacas, en éste interesante FPS de acción que, como bonus, tiene algo de terror que ofrecer.

Super mid, definitely inferior to the first game, but I find it hard to hate this game as it is quite competently made.