Reviews from

in the past

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Optimised as well as a brick is optimised for an eyeball

Lancersaw sound
Hammerburst is overpowered!
The first game is very good...

the framerate glitch is still out even in 2021 and while the game is awesome this remaster is very poorly done and alot of glitches are still in

Andar pra frente e atirar com uma história meia boca com uma pitada de exaltação militar, mas a gameplay é até legal pelo menos.

Great way to relive a classic

Cool actiony game, the gunplay felt nice. Cool story too, typical soldiers vs wierd aliens, It reminded me of Quake 4 for some reason. Completed it in three days lmao.

Excelente remaster/remake eu n sei ao certo nesse caso, pra mim a forma definitiva de se jogar o primeiro Gears Of War, mas qnd analisado sozinho em relação a outros jogos da franquia falta conteudo em comparação ao Gears 3, principalmente em modos multiplayer

I miss the luster the original game had, especially during Act III and the introduction of glowing wretches, who in the remaster look more like Hell beasts than the Imulsion-filled monsters of the original. That aside, Ultimate Edition is a faithful remaster with an upgraded framerate, enhanced graphics, and the inclusion of the exclusive PC chapter in Act V (which isn't very good and fucks with the game's pacing, but hey, you fight a Brumak for like 30 seconds so... fun). There's some hiccups at times with weird checkpoint replacements of the characters and framerate dips, but for most, this will be the definitive version of an alright third person cover shooter that is unfortunately not as well-aged as its sequels 2 and 3. I don't think I'll ever play this nor the original again at this point.

Didn't feel as fun as the first time around

É bom jogo. Cria um base solida de gameplay com a parte técnica muito alta, porém conta história simples com pouca profundidade e falhar na diversidade de gameplay e exploração.

It's fine, I guess? It's a competent third person shooter, and the gunplay is fun. It just doesn't do anything beyond that to stand out or make me want to keep playing.

Played on Insane Difficulty, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition's campaign is both a test of skill and a test of patience. Enemies are both high in number and meaty in terms of constitution, forcing you to favor headshots with guns that are perhaps.....less than accurate. You truly have to learn the limitations of the weapons you are wielding inside and out to be successful. The previously PC exclusive levels added to the game significantly slow down the 3rd act in a tangibly annoying way that I can't seem to shake.

Level design is top notch, with quick and responsive movement between different points of snap-to cover emphasizing just how tastefully designed these environments are for playing this delightful game.

Honestly, it feels like the foundation upon which an entire generation of shooters chose their structure and style of storytelling; dozens of teams looked to Gears' emphasis on moments of adrenaline charged spectacle, interspersed with quiet moments for character development and dialogue as a template, and while Gears' attempt at storytelling doesn't seem to transcend kindergarten levels of dialogue , it does tease something greater on the horizon, which gets me more than just a little bit excited for Gears of War 2.

It's too bad about that final boss encounter though. Too darn bad. Sours the entire experience.

Bottom Line: N I C E

Como primeiro contato com a franquia eu devo dizer que gostei bastante do que vi aqui, o jogo tem um ritmo frenético que segue por trechos que se resumem Atirar >> Pegar cobertura >> Atirar >> Andar, o mais legal é que esse ritmo não fica cansativo durante a campanha, na verdade é divertido pra caramba, a jogabilidade é muito boa pra um jogo de 2006, mesmo com exageros e completamente compreensível como o design do jogo foi montado, eu gostei demais, tem algumas partes mais frustrantes pela dificuldade mas todo jogo é assim.

Na questão do design o que mais me incomodou foi a IA, os seus amigos são quase inúteis e a dificuldade é afetada por isso, se você estiver jogando online com amigos não passará tanto perrengue em alguns momentos simplesmente pq terá a ajuda certa, a IA é burra e isso afeta alguns trechos onde eles deveriam te dar cobertura e não dão.

Algumas mecânicas ficaram datadas mas se consideramos a época do jogo da pra relevar.

Sobre os gráficos eu achei eles bem bonitos principalmente se tratando de um remaster/remake de um jogo de 2006 (que eu acho bonito até hoje)

A trilha sonora é boa, nada de mais.

Um coisa que me incomodou bastante foram os bugs, direto inimigos ficavam parados, me matavam através da parede, os bots caiam na cobertura, e muitas vezes eu morria pq o hitbox era ridículo, foi o que mais me incomodou no jogo, fui pesquisar e vi que esses problemas também ocorrem no original, então não da pra passar pano.

Pra finalizar, devo dizer que gostei bastante do jogo, dado a sua época é um excelente título, porém vou pausar minhas jogatinas na franquia aqui por enquanto, o segundo e o terceiro título não foram lançados pra PC, não sou fã de pular jogos, ainda mais esses que muita gente fala que são os melhores da franquia, espero que a Microsoft um dia solte esses game nos PC´s pra eu poder jogar e continuar minha experiência com a franquia!

La optimizacion es malisima pero no deja de ser para mi un buen remaster

Una remasterización un poco meh. Además se cargan el multijugador completamente, no se para que lo tocan.

What a place to start a series. Also very well remastered.

Peguei não esperando nada e acabei me apaixonando pela franquia. Obrigado Gamepass.

A game that has aged surprisingly well with its cover based shooter gameplay still rarely been bested. Its penchant for brutal gore and fun weaponry make for an entertaining campaign even if the dialogue and story can be cringe even amongst other bro shooters.

Um jogo bem bom no geral, uma historia daora e a gameplay muito boa no começo.

Pena que o jogo se estende dms dava pra tirar 1 a 2 horas dali fácil, no final do jogo a gameplay fica massante e chata e vc so joga pra zerar logo, sorte minha que tava em coop ai diminui um pouco.

Recomendo mas jogar em coop que deve ser uma melhore experiencia (joguei ao o final em coop), mas no geral é bom.

Good as I remember and even better co-op. The game loses a little steam by the end though. (It's bizarre how easier General RAAM was in co-op). 7

Ótimo jogo, gameplay simples porém funcional, história incrível e gráficos maravilhosos.
Infelizmente, a IA é bem mediana, acabei encontrando vários bugs com o uso de comandos e movimento, em alguns casos chegou até a atrapalhar a conclusão de alguns capítulos.

Since I've never had an Xbox, it wasn't until very recently I could play the series. A friend of mine accepted my invite for a coop playthrough, and we had a lot of fun.

It definitely feels like a relic of its time, what with the cover shooting, the hilarious edgy, dudebro tone (I do think it adds to the enjoyment). But it's just fun hockey action.

We're actually installing Gears 4 right now (130+ GB WHYYYY)

The PC port is poorly optimized though. It's a 2015-16 Xbox One game, bringing my 2019 CPU to its knees, the hell is that.

This game feels like a parody, and the fact that it seemingly isn't lowkey makes it even better. It's campy as hell. Surprisingly challenging, too! Atrocious final boss aside, it was a fun time.

Tremenda sobredosis de testosterona concentrada en apenas 10 horas de tipos musculosos disparando a monstruos. Buen third person shooter en el que destaca el sistema de coberturas y la recarga activa.

The shooting is absolutely sublime. Enemy feedback is one of the most important features for me in a shooter and Gears nails that. Turning Locusts into big chunks of butcher meat never gets old.

It bums me out that actual encounter design and checkpoint system is so poor. I felt like I was just going through the motions the whole game and repeating the same kinds of encounters over and over again with turret sections sprinkled in. Even the story is kind of a big nothing. The characters are a bunch of dudes which I appreciated. It's a fun cast and I'm hoping for better in the next entries.

Hasn't aged the best but it was fun with a friend. The core gameplay was fun but the mission structures and plot really feels stuck in the past and that hurt it quite a bit.

The difficulty in this game too was really messy. One minute we were dying constantly and the next we were fighting the final boss and killed it within a minute.

Fun nostalgic romp, definitely shows it's age. Really like the banter between the members of Delta.

I have no nostalgia associated with the gears franchise. Given how important this game was to xbox's prestige, I expected it to be on par with halo in terms of quality. Unfortunately I found this game to be average at best. While Halo MCC introduced me to this amazingly realized revolutionary shooter, Gears left me whelmed. Nothing the game ever did made me excited. Everything including the gunplay is a solid 2.5/5 for me. The guns themselves are awesome looking but don't pack the punch that you would expect. I've put this aside for now. Maybe I'll give it another shot if it's remastered and/or all the games are put on pc like MCC.