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Não joguei o original e tive mais uma ótima experiência com Kirby. Super divertido, relaxante e repleto de fofura. Apesar de curto, o 100% dele garante um bom tempo de gameplay extra. Recomendadíssimo pra quem curte o gênero de plataforma e aventura!

Nota Final: 80/100

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When I finished the main game and Merry Magoland, I already thought it was a great remaster. The original Wii version is already a really good Kirby game, but the improved visuals and especially the new copy abilities Sand and Mecha easily make this the definitive version.

But then I got to Magolor's Epilogue, a four world postgame where you get to play as Magolor, collecting and upgrading his lost abilities along the way. The mode focuses on fast gameplay with a high skill ceiling, rewarding you for stringing along combos by making deliberate use of Magolor's various moves.

The reason this is awesome is that it forces you to learn and potentially master the intricacies of Magolor's abilities, something that is never really necessary when playing as Kirby, since almost every ability has two or three basic moves you can get by with. By the end of the epilogue, you will absolutely shred through levels (and bosses), which is intensely satisfying and feels earned.

In conclusion, this game offers a fun time around every corner. The main story is great, Merry Magoland offers a variety of minigames, all of which are at least good, and Magolor's Epilogue takes the cake for the best part of the whole ride. Bravo HAL.

Just as great as the og but WHERE'S SCOPE SHOT? 😭😭😭😭😭

Kirby adventures have always been the equivalent to gaming dessert for me. Light, fluffy, and not much in terms of nutritional value. Return to Dream Land is certainly a competently made and creative platformer, with some unique level designs and fun copy abilities, but it's not anything groundbreaking. The Magolor Epilogue that this game adds was actually quite cool, I enjoyed having permanent progression on a character. This game isn't changing my mind about Kirby, but that's also not a problem -- everyone loves dessert.

ok i think im better at gaming than i thought bc this game might be too easy for me but it was fun while it lasted

I think Return to Dreamland's base content has some issues, and by that I really just mean EX Mode is kind of a drag outside of the revamped bosses, but the new content is some peak Kirby stuff, Magolor Epilogue is super unique and fun, and Merry Magoland is the most compelling way the series has included sub-games ever I think. Despite my nitpicks here and there this was a great time

Still shouldn't be $60 though what the fuck

This game makes me wanna kms I love you HAL Labs

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Return to Dreamland but like, it returns again.

I'll be honest, I'm really glad I sat down to 100% THIS version of the game, because of a lot of the new stuff that was added to make the game that much better to exprience. Because without it, it's a little dreadful.

I say that mainly because the base RtD stuff is hindered by the extra mode. It's an unlockable mode you get after beating the main story that lets you play it again, but harder because of it introducing EX Bosses, your health being halved, and healing items being much MUCH more scarce than the main game. It kind of sucks, because it is a boring and more annoying way of presenting the side content as you just go and collect everything, but now you have less chances to make mistakes, especially in the more annoying stages. Other games, hell even this remake, would find better ways of presenting those fights and new things without overstaying it's welcome, like pretty much every game after this one.

That said though, ignoring the extra mode, the main story is still as good as I remember it being, alongside the little changes they added throughout. Firstly, they added two new abilities in Sand and Mecha that both have something really cool about them, like sand castles or laser beams, like hiding in sand piles that are invincible to dropping fire mortars. It's all really cool. They touched up the game's looks quite a bit, making the game look prettier than it has any right to, and they added a lot of small mechanical stuff that expands the moveset a bit. Kirby and co. can quickfall, dodge and quickstep, shoot bubbles diagonally, dash from a standstill, and certain copy abilities keep moves they got after RtD's release. All of these are greatly appreciated, as they help make fights and levels feel a bit better to play. The one change I don't super get though about abilities specifically is why Festival is here? It was added alongside Mecha and Sand, and it's fine, it's a screen nuke, but they had it replace a lot of spots Crash was in, and that's weird. Festival already felt kind of pointless in Star Allies, so retroactively making it something in RtD is weird. It might be like a "we have these characters so it would make sense to put them here" kind of deal, but it is a little jarring.

They also added a few things regarding Magolor aside from his own epilogue. First Merry Magoland, a theme park opened by him in another time that houses all the mini-game (of which there are 9 or 10 and bomb rally and checkerboard chase are the best), that also houses items you can carry in an inventory for any mode of the game (which admittedly strips some of the challenge from arena and true arena if you use them), as well a wearable masks of other characters you unlock throughout the side mode and main modes. They also added Magolor helper, where he will give you health items and pull you out of pits if you fall in them. I didn't have it on past the first level, but it's a nice touch.

The star of the show however is the Magolor Epilogue, and uhh, i'll be honest, this mode was main reason I wanted this game, because everything about Magolor in this story, from his role, to his design, to his abilities all just click with me.

First thing that caught my eye was the new redesign for Magolor. It's his original outfit, but sapped of color now being light greys and whites, but also torn and tattered after everything with the Master Crown and Kirby happened. While I think it captures his vibe in the story very well, as a ragged survivor having to rebuild his strength and use it to atone for his past, but it also just aesthetically clicks with me more. I think it's a nice transitionary outfit between his original blue/yellow outfit, and the simpler green/white outfit from Team Kirby Clash, but I like this one more partially because the color scheme weirdly works better simplifying it to black and white with grey and yellow bits (via accents and the eye colors) looks really nice. Plus it's adorable (like a lot of kirby designs), and Magolor's design vaguely reminds me of a kitty.

Because Magolor's put as the star of the show here, we also get a lot of chances to see his personality shine through, not just through animations (which especially at the beginning are excellent due to it being RIGHT after waking up from the fight, so he is understandable shaken and still exhausted), but also in the upgrade descriptions. Presented as brainstorming new ways to take advantage of his abilities slowly coming back to him, we get a honest depiction of Magolor's traits from his own thoughts. His silliness, intelligence, his trickery and love of pranks, and his ego are all given some spotlight in smaller ways, which get a bit more emphasized as he starts regaining his stride, which can be fun to read through.

Inspeaking of upgrading however, the gameplay is similar to normal gameplay, but shifted in some key ways, where not only does Magolor start with a weak moveset that has to be upgraded, much different than the other characters and especially the copy abilities Kirby gets, but now there is a combo meter that encourages long strings and careful positioning to reap the most benefits. By the start, keeping a combo of 5 or 10 is impressive. By the end, combos of 100 to 200 are well in the cards depending on how you use your moves. There's also a lot you can end up doing to fight with that all pull from Magolor's boss moveset and his moveset in Star Allies.

Revolution Flames, Bombs, Levitation, Deadly Needles, Dash Attacks, and his huge fucking laser. He can vanish into another plane of dimension to slip through walls, his shield is similar to the star shield at the end of the first boss fight with him that can counter, and he can even summon a black hole to suck everything in. He ends up getting a lot of cool moves and handy upgrades that extends his health, combo time, movement, etc.

It's really fun slowly building Magolor back up as you progress through main levels or the smaller ordeal challenges that take advantage of a certain upgrade to play it. You even get ranked on levels after beating them with enough time and combos, making coming back to get any platinums you missed early one a really fun way to compare and contrast. The bosses are also pretty good. Most of them are reworkings of Mr. Dooter, Fatty Puffer, Goriath, the Sphere Doomer fights now made into 1 new fight, and version of the Grand Doomer with the Master Crown. However the final boss is against the Crown itself, possessing the Gem Apple you've been repairing all game, and that is Magolor's final challenge, to attone for his past by putting down the very thing he sought after before it can threaten to destroy the universe once more.

This epilogue isn't very long, about as long as any other of the side modes in other games but it's one of my favorites of the side modes for how it shook up the gameplay, and how it got me to like Magolor a lot more than I ever did in the past. It's probably my favorite part of the game honestly.

Overall though, this game is good. I might find it a bit hard to care as much about the main story nowadays, and the extra mode kind sours things and makes this one of the worst to 100%, I appreciate a lot of things this remake added. I love a lot of the little changes to smoothen the gameplay and make it feel just as good as other games do. I appreciate the Magoland recontextualization of the mini-games and Magolor getting more time to shine both as a supporting cast member and as a playable member, and I love the abilities added in this game and some of the unique moves certain abilities have only here.

There's a lot of goodwill added into this remake, and I can't knock it for that. So yeah, good game.

Okay, this confirms I’m not crazy. Star Allies really is just bad.

ngl at first the visuals put me off but after playing it for myself i can certainly say that this is on par, if not better than the original. sadly it costs $60, and while everything here certainly is great, i still don't think it warrants the pricetag, especially since its a remake. nonetheless tho still had just as great of a time with this as i did playing the original on wii months ago <3

on a more personal note, think im gonna be taking a break from gaming for a while. im going to devote my time to the most important thing in the world: watching south park. and also getting a job. two in the same, really.

Return to Dream Land is probably the most traditional Kirby game in recent times. Even more traditional than Star Allies. So while it doesn't break any new ground (even when originally released), it's also very solid since Kirby's Adventure is very solid, which is clearly what this is trying to be. So yeah, if you haven't played a Kirby game before, this is a great entry to start with. Much more so than Star Allies that's for sure.

For those who have played this before on the Wii, I would only recommend if you want to replay the game. The game looks magnificent, and the new content is great, but it is by and large the same game. The new content mostly comes in the form of two new modes. First is Merry Magoland, which is basically just your typical Kirby mini games, though there are a lot more this time. It's pretty fun, though also not much we haven't seen before. The second is an epilogue where you play as Magalor, which is actually pretty great. The gimmick is that you are powering Magalor up, and teaching him new moves so he can get bigger and bigger combos like this is DMC or something. It works really well, though definitely would get quite repetitive if stretched past it's 2 hour length.

So yeah, I quite enjoyed this return to Return to Dream Land. It was just a dandy time.

Because it is no longer the first Kirby game on a home console in like a decade, this is maybe not the revelation it was back in 2011. The original "modern" kirby it comes off a little bland now, especially in the wake of Forgotten Land. The remaster looks nice though, and a huge amount of new content justifies the game's existence beyond simply the aesthetic.

my friend's internet connection fucking exploded and parsec died right at the final boss. cool game

Hab jetzt zum ersten mal das Spiel durchgespielt, weil ich die Wii Version nicht hatte. Sehr sehr gutes Spiel. Hab das Main Game, das Lustige Magoland, die Arena und den Magolor Epilog zu 100% durchgespielt. Macht viel Spaß. Das Spiel hat leider nur die Klassischen Weltenthemen Gras, Wüste, Wasser usw. und ist auch nicht sehr lang. Aber alles ist qualitativ so hochwertig. Das Magoland ist auch ganz cool. Mit den ganzen Minispielen und den Masken quasi wie ein Kirby Party. Die Arena ist halt ein normaler Boss Rush. Nicht das schwerste weil das Main Game sowieso sehr einfach ist. Hab mir das Spiel aber eigentlich hauptsächlich wegen dem Magolor Epilog geholt und der trifft genau meinen Geschmack, obwohl ich eigentlich gar kein Fan von solchen Combo Spielen bin. Hab alles auf Platin gemacht. Einfach coole, kleine Level. Mogolor bekommt nach und nach sein Moveset zurück und kann es upgraden und gegen Ende ist man einfach nur noch OP. Leider auch etwas kurz mit circa 2 Stunden. Ich weiß, dass es noch den Extra Modus und die True Arena gibt, die komplettiere ich vielleicht auch noch irgendwann aber im Moment reichts mir. Ich habs genossen.

played this demo with my bf and we were obsessed, laughing and sucked into the gameplay. actually plan on purchasing this soon. very accessible and addictive

absolute fun, the original game is great and the remake is even better. lots of magolor fanservice. gaining 200+ combos with magolor surge is fun.
oh and they finally added meaning to that empty space at the end of level 6-4

Um remaster impecável de um jogo que já era excelente. Melhor que o original em ABSOLUTAMENTE TUDO, e as novidades são excelentes.

A campanha do Magolor é simplesmente absurda.

i literally love magalor he's so fluffy (he tried to kill people)

This is a stellar, perfect remake, straight up.

Return to Dreamland is a game I've always adored, it's been a comfort game of mine, though it never stood as my absolute favorite in the series, it always stood high among the series, but after playing it around 4 or so times total the game had begun to slightly lose its luster.

Going into this remake I expected a slightly better version of a game I already loved, what I didn't expect was for it to become the genuine definitive edition of the game without a thought.

RTDL Deluxe improves upon what is left and proceeds to add even more. The main game is kept almost exactly as is, just beautifully revamped with the new wonderful artstyle and higher fidelity visuals. This game is stunning, with the already pretty backgrounds of the original being incredibly revamped to look even better. All of the copy abilities have received their new attacks seen in future games, the new copy abilities of Sand & Mecha are all fun to use and implemented quite well and their Ability Rooms are pretty cool (getting Platinum Ranks in Ability Rooms is still a huge fucking pain tho), feeling like they fit right into the original game, and there's occasional additions of new music from future entries that fit in better.

All the new content however, is what really pulled me in. Magolor Epilogue was a surprisingly fun, with its more combo-oriented gameplay mode, ranking system, and moveset upgrading making for a fun mode to play through and master (I actually Platinum Ranked everything before even getting close to fully upgrading my moveset so I'll have to grind some stages to get the final upgrades now lol).

Merry Magoland was so much better than I anticipated. Even as someone who actually does get a huge kick out of Kirby Subgames, I wasn't expecting to get as much of a kick out of it as I did. Magoland will unironically give this game a huge amount of longevity with me & my little sister and my friend group, as the quick, chaotic, kinetic fun they offer are a blast. Honestly if anything, Magoland only proves that if they ever made a Kirby equivalent to Mario Party it would literally thrash 90% of the entries in that series. Seeing so many classics revamped and just as fun, if not even better than they were, alongside several new ones that were also a complete blast put a huge smile on my face. Them bringing back Checkerboard Chase and making it even better made me inordinately happy, as that might just be my favorite party minigame ever lol. I'm planning to work on getting all Missions overtime as I can.

Also no spoilers but the new / revamped EX bosses in this game are some of the coolest goddamn fights in the series, with the final fight in the True Arena being an easy contender for a Top 5 fight in the entire franchise. Not to mention all of the lore additions being surprisingly fucking staggering and adding a lot to the story & expanding Kirby's world further.

One of my only issues with the remake is the one, sole aspect it removed, the original Scope Shot minigame. Yes, they replaced it with a new, also fun and chaotic scope minigame, and the original Scope Shot minigame really isn't all that replayable, it was a super fun rush of 3 different bosses with really fun patterns that was a blast with friends. It's not even an issue with not having pointer controls, as Kirby on the Draw showed that pointer based shooting minigames could be brought back with stick based aiming just as fine. Though maybe having a stick based aiming game + a scope shot minigame made bringing back the original Scope Shot minigame seem unneccesary. Ultimately, its not a major loss, as we gained a replacement minigame, Ninja Dojo was kept, and we got 8 other great ones as well (well, that Magolor Tome one is pretty mid but the other 7 are great), so it's really a miniscule, minor loss if anything.

Unfortunately, the remake's intention to be as faithful as possible with the original content does result in EX Mode still remaining as a relatively uninteresting revisit, with the only changes being halved health, less healing items, increased & slightly changed enemy locations, and the admittedly good revamped bosses, just as they were in the original game. Simply put, EX Mode doesn't add much to a playthrough outside of the bosses to warrant playing through the entire game again just to unlock the True Arena. Every future game handled the replay modes significantly better (Dedede Tour, Meta Knightmare & Guest Star are all just better), and it would have been preferable if something could have been done to make EX Mode more interesting, but being left as is ultimately isn't the worst thing, maybe just don't play it so close to playing the main story, or bring some friends along if possible.

Overall though, minor nitpicks aside, Return to Dreamland Deluxe is an incredible remake completely worth picking it up again. It's a perfect remake and the superior way to play RTDL, that preserves everything wonderful from the original but improved, and only adds star studded new content. If you're a Kirby fan or just someone who's interested, please pick this title up.

The dinky ass ost.

Man, one of my favorite titles on the Wii as a kid remastered on the Switch? This type of remasters really shows if the games in question passed the test of time and also if they were just better than when we were kids.

And this remaster did not disappoint with that! After one full playthrough of the game, it made me realize how somewhat bland the stages can be with them pretty much all being really similar; I had vague memories of the game being pretty darn tough as a kid but it's really not the case since I ended up finishing the game with 97 extra lives; And I forgot how short the main story was but it's most likely under 7 hours even with all Spheres as I did.
So yeah it's not as good as I remembered it to be, but does that make it a bad game? Of course not! The game is still kinda numb and mindless at times with overly easy courses but it's chill and great for children like me in 2011 but this time in 2023. Though this does not mean Kirby games are all excused for actual criticism in level design but that's a discourse for another day.

So yeah it's Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe, Give me that extra deluxe content!
So we get a new collection of minigames at the price of some of the old ones with a theme park gimmick for multiplayer? I'm gonna be honest with that one, I don't really care about it I never really was into filler minigame content but it's fairly high quality and I've seen plenty of people having fun with it so good for them!

Now the real content is the Magolor epilogue which serves as an extra game in the veins of Bowser's Fury in the 3D world remastered port on the switch. It's overall a pretty solid 3 hours-long game where you play as Magolor and restores your power by playing different stages and earning magic points to upgrade your abilities. It's somewhat tough for a Kirby game that isn't just a dumb boss rush and I had my fair share of fun with it!

This game is overall better than the original Wii release and pretty much replaces it even though they removed the scope shot and it was the best minigame in the original Wii version.

i have spent all my time in the new side area and im loving every second of it! maybe ill play more of the story? x3

A little overpriced but a very good remaster of this incredible Wii Kirby game

What a really good remake ! Everything is faithful to the original title. I like the new style and Magoland is a nice new additon for variety and messing around with friends. The new mode featuring Magolor is Super fun and i loved tryng to get high scores on that even if i think that maybe he's a little too broken for my tastes. Shame for the New DEDEDE design , i kinda hate it ...

[ 8.1 / 10 ]

I have an attachment with Return to Dream Land since I remember the vague Kirby 'renaissance' it triggered when it released. A lot of the games we got from the series before were still good but very experimental and didn't really leave much of an impression outside of a few cases. Return to Dream Land was a return to form that pushed the series further with aspects which came to be further refined as well as define this modern era of Kirby: fun levels, tight platforming, great bosses and a whole lot of spectacle. In the present, this remake arrives after Kirby's first 3D excursion and serves as a palette cleanser. I loved Forgotten Land but it makes sense that HAL would want to revisit one of their most well-recieved games, perhaps to show that there is still room for 2D Kirby games in the future. This remaster improves the original with an amazing new cel-shaded art style, a large assortment of subgames, QOL enhancements from its successors and an amazing little epilogue that shakes up how things play amazingly and adds the biblical references that every self respecting game series needs nowadays(?) Jokes aside, I can't recommend this remaster enough; it's THE way to play Return to Dream Land.

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I beat everything I could in 100%. expect from merry magoland's extra hard mission to complete.

seagullmoe borracho arregla el wifi