Reviews from

in the past

Eu definitivamente subestimei o quanto esse jogo seria divertido de jogar. Comprei ele na Devolver Digital Sale em 2020 e foi uma surpresa enorme, em questão de visual e jogabilidade.

De início, logo que abri o jogo, a paleta de cores me conquistou, o bege junto ao vinho enferrujado é uma combinação ótima e ajuda a diferenciar bem cada elemento do jogo. As animações são muito boas, particularmente o jeito que a água se comporta e as explosões dos inimigos.

A trilha sonora é digna de um jogo publicado pela Devolver, como sempre muito boa, juntando uma instrumentação militar com uma vibe eletrônica. E uma coisa bem legal é que dependendo das partes que você escolhe para o seu avião a música muda.

A jogabilidade parece bem complicada quando vista de fora, mas jogando você percebe que tem tudo sobre controle, o desafio é administrar esse controle da forma correta. A dificuldade aumenta no ritmo certo, deixando tudo mais divertido e nada frustrante.

Senti falta apenas de uma historinha mais elaborada, ou algum tipo de lore. Mas ao mesmo tempo não sei se é necessário.

Actually really fucking dope. Lacking in a lot of content but for a small action arcade game, wonderful

A falsework more than a game. If only Vlambeer had more imagination.

While theres quite a lot to like about Luftrausers in its complete arcade mentality, it just suffers from being balls-difficult and having very little in the way to unlock and find. This basically makes it perfect for quick 5-minute blasts on a handheld like the Vita but on PC or Ps3 its a game that just gets tiring quick.

o modo como as músicas mudam de acordo com o avião que vc tá usando é bem interessante

Feels like the controls need to be juuuust a little more expressive for this to work as well as it should.


A simple fun air combat game with a striking minimalist style. You put together the right parts and then take to the bullet laden skies for some hectic fun. While things don't change all that much run to run, it's always pretty fun to manuver around other planes and gun fire whilst shooting down as much as you can. I never got super good at this, and it was never long before things escalated beyond what I could handle, but that intensity is part of its charm. Solid.

I did not understand how to play this game back then

Extremely cool and simple little game.

This is a very fun and simple game. The mechanic that shooting means your plane won't heal is great. This is one of those games where there is a great simple core and then a whole bunch of challenges are added to it so that you have to try the different ship parts or do specific things. Unfortunately I don't think there are enough challenges. It goes from a nice level of challenge to very hard quickly. I think there needed to be more to build up to the harder challenges. There is also like an extreme mode that unlocks and unfortunately this is too hard too. It would have been great if there was a mode between that and the normal mode. I was able to complete some parts to the end of their challenges but others I am not bothering. I also never really bothered with the other pallets, I think it would have been nicer to just have a few extras but a bit more care or extras added to them, but obviously a pallet swap is easy for the developer to implement.

Very barebones with unlocks being pallet colors. Fun for a bit.

this game is hard and makes me hard

So here we have an addicting shmup with poor controls, at least on a controller. I really do think this game was made with keyboard/mouse in mind because it can be very frustrating to play on a controller. That gripe aside, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game. The graphics are retro pixel goodness along with the music and sounds that seem like old midi files. The game has plenty of things to unlock and you don’t need to spend a dime of your real money to do so. It’s great.

Cool, but can we not make it Nazis

Sometimes games are just fun! And very few of them are as fun as Luftrausers, it's become my go-to reinstall whenever I just need something to take the edge off.

It's very good at the one thing it does, but I found it too repetitive to continue

soy un avioneta
mira como vuelo

Great game feel. This is a slick, polished and difficult game. As soon as you start to play it, you immediately feel the kinetic motion of your aircraft, cutting through the skies like a blade. Turning, shooting and accelerating are all simultaneously really responsive and almost a bit out of your control, like you're going too fast for your own good - the camera even seems to have a hard time keeping up with it sometimes.

As you play the game, you slowly unlock new weapons, engines and bodies for your craft (which can all be combined in different ways) by completing certain achievements. Each craft part has different achievements, by the way, and so the player is encouraged to experiment and eventually master them all.

Aside from this progression system, however, the game doesn't offer much else in terms of sticking power. There's no campaign, multiplayer or leaderboards - it's a singleplayer arcade game, and its fun is derived solely by its tight gameplay loop. In my opinion, this will come down mostly to how good you are at the game - this seems like the perfect game to "enter in the zone", or for the more game design-savvy people, "the Flow State". If you're good enough to eventually reach that, honestly, this game seems like paradise. For the swads of people that aren't, though... I'd give you 5-6 hours before you shelve it.

A pretty fun arcade experience that's really fun to get good at. The soundtrack that changes with the customization of your plane is a nice touch, and the mission structure helps give purpose to the action. Figuring out the best plane part combo to solve a particular mission can be pretty fun. The only major letdown is in some of the game's luck elements. Some missions require you to get good combos or defeat specific rare enemy types, which can be really hard to do if they just refuse to spawn. Overall pretty good.

fun, but has the worst case of "you have to admit, their outfits were cool tho!!!". No! I do not have to hand it to the nazis fuck that

a fun arcade shooter, however it's an arcade game, making it pretty much impossible to complete all the missions due to random elements

just fun and simple game,good to kill some time

amazing arcade shooter, gets so chaotic and difficult but keeps you hooked with lots of charm and heaps of customization

Crazy music and addicting loop. You can't go wrong by playing it.