Reviews from

in the past

There's an incredible sense of weight to Lincoln's action. Light or heavy, the situation demands and he supplies. When the bullets go flying and some goon makes a concerted effort to dramatically fling himself over a railing– sorry, but how am I not supposed to love that shit?

This game rules. Flaws? More than a few, but I'd play ten more games of Lincoln Clay carving a path of destruction through racist trash.

Going into this, all I read were ngative reviews that focused purely on the repetitive gameplay loop.

What's actually just benath this veneer is a powerful narrative and story, with fun gunplay, VERY well written characters and amazing set pieces. Yes, there is a repetitive gameplay loop in there too, but the systems that combine to make this loop are satisfying and fun to engage with.

Would heartily reccommend this game - come for the cool atmopshere and setting, shoot some racists and gansters, stay for a compelling story, full of memorable characters and callbacks to the older Mafia titles.

I had a preorder and everything, I loved 2 with all of my heart, and honestly, i really dont mind this game. Was clearly rushed with shitty expectations for Hanger 13 when they developed it, but i still enjoy it a lot. Its fun

The combat is really fun. The cutscenes are very well written with great dialogue. Those are the only two good things I have to say about this, because the story itself is a generic revenge plot and the gameplay is that of a Ubisoft-esque open world with mindless repetition and almost nothing else to do.

The fuck? As soon as the story started going I already discovered what the gameplay formula was and stopped playing.

sjw pandering garbage. boring game. tbh

Welcome to part one in my 12 part series on why American markets will eat up any crime game as long as you have either a cool gimmick or a cool car. The game needed, a lot more time in the oven btw.

You cannot hope to unsettle colonialist and racist structures by simply affirming the violent context of your open-world.

Another typical dissociative disorder.

This game is boring and repetitive as hell. A shame too considering the story is actually quite interesting with a lot of very nice performances. At least they picked some good songs for the radio station.

Painfully average and an insult compared to Mafia 2, consistently hinders it's potential and any of its positive qualities because of how boring, repetitive, and buggy and utterly broken it is. Not even Donovan can save this game.

While I completely understand and even agree with the complaints of this games repetitive nature, I never found myself not having a good time with it. Just rolling through New Bordeaux with a youtube video on in the background made for some of the most fun evenings I've had with a game in a while. The characters were quite fun too and I truly think it earned it's ending.

(You can refer to the plethora of negative reviews across the internet to see the things I didn't like. I just wanted to say some nice things about this game for a change)

Just for the fucking good f I n a l e

Unbelievably disappointing. It's narrative is pretty solid and the soundtrack is insane with the amount of bangers it has but when the gameplay is just so fucking bland you start to wonder what's even the point?

A história é boa, com uma gameplay simples, mas que funciona, entretanto é meio que mais do mesmo, legal só que sem inovar muito.

There has never been a more important time to kill racist pigs

these are only for vito returning

as an all time fan of mafia one and two, i didn't like this game at first, but its been a few years so i decided to look back into it, and i have to say it is a decent game, it will never be near as good as other mafia games but its sometimes fun and a solid gta copy

This game is great even though it is so repetitive but the story is amazing and the boss fights are too

The most repetitive game I've played. I still don't know why I finished it.

Easily a 4 star game but oh my god the amount of times you have to drive halfway across the city to then drive a boat through the bayou Christ. Incredible last hour though.

was boring just did the same thing 50,000 times found it funny shooting random people tho

more boring shit repetitive gameplay I have ever played ever, dropped it after 3 hours

Garbage repetitive game, terrible story, terrible characters, protagonist is a bland psycho, Vito is in game but has no character too. Spare yourself and don't let anyone talking you into playing this.

The soundtrack was cool and the story was uniquely told and well made


None of that fucking matters when every main mission is a side mission. Heres a hint to developers: Don't bloat your game out by making side missions, main missions. This shit is awful