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Full review:

Linear, story-driven, single player action adventure game
You only play as Star Lord and give commands to the other Guardians
There are 4 abilities for each character + perks and elemental shots for Peter
Visually stunning with unique alien worlds that are fun to explore
Amazing story and team dynamic
Great voice acting and solid motion capture
Impressive amount and quality of dialogues
Awesome soundtrack (iconic 80s hits, orchestral score and an original hard rock album)

Combat isn’t challenging, but fun
Choices have little impact
Abilities are overused during exploration
Dialogues are often cut off when entering a new section
* Occasional Quick Time Events

One of the best releases this year!

Surprise of the year with great writing and fantastic presentation!

The combat is chaotic fun at first, but gets extremely boring and repetitive towards the end of chapter 8. The fights seem to drag on forever even on custom difficulty with increased damage and defenses.

Here's hoping for a sequel with more polished and smooth combat and traversal.

I had no intention of buying this game when it was revealed back at E3. The showing was genuinely terrible and I immediately wrote it off. And then I saw a gameplay demo a few weeks before it came out, and I was surprised to see that it didn't look half bad. After I finished it, I'm happy to say that this is easily one of the best games I've played all year. And I've played a LOT of games.

I can't look at many games these days and confidently say that they're made with a lot of passion and heart. The 20 hours I spent with the Guardians easily put the game in that category. The game itself has a lot of problems. From a pure design standpoint it's nothing special. Lots of walking and talking sections, especially at the beginning, followed by battles from big room to big room. Commanding teammates in and out of combat for really easy puzzle solving. On the surface, it actually sounds pretty boring. But once you throw in the staples of this series, like it's excellent characters, dialogue, locales, classic rock soundtrack, and everything else that Guardians is known and loved for, you get a formula that doesn't get old throughout the entire run of the game.

Guardians of The Galaxy is one of the prettiest games I've ever looked at. You travel to so many places in such a short time and every single one of them is jaw dropping. Character models have so much detail on every inch of them, and the effect work is really well done too. Animations can be a bit wonky sometimes, especially outside of custcenes, but the hand animated cutscenes that play during important story beats are really impressive.

Like I said before, from a pure game design perspective, the game can be kinda boring, but the banter between the Guardians that is constantly happening makes everything worth it. The only character I didn't think was up to par was Star-Lord himself, but he wasn't bad at all, and he really shines in the last couple chapters. Anyways, when the game hits it's stride, everything flows so well. Combat sequences are especially fun when the guardians are working together and yelling shit at the enemies and each other while they fight. It's really endearing.

The plot itself is really good, and it takes it's time setting up stakes that you can really find yourself personally invested in. I won't say much about it because spoilers, but I really loved seeing the villain give the story a way to delve into each guardian's trauma and problems. I've never read the comics, but the game did a much better job of communicating how fucked up this ragtag group of criminals is than the MCU ever could, given the opportunities of this medium. Addressing each character's trauma and past mistakes with a unique villain that opened the door to a TON of good storytelling opportunities that the dev team took advantage of. They could've gone further with it, but I think this was a great first attempt.

It's a little clunky, and it's no masterpiece, but it's easy to tell that Guardians was had a lot of talent behind it, and that the people who worked on it love this series and wanted to do it justice. Highly recommend.

Guardians of the Galaxy is a breath of fresh air after a long held breath from the previous marvel game "Marvels Avengers". Made by the same development company as Marvels Avengers, many where skeptical about whether or not this would be a dumpster fire. But to most people surprise, it was astounding.

The game has you play from the perspective of Star Lord about 1 year or so into the Guardians being formed, and there is still growing and tension between the group. The gameplay enhances this, because you only play as Star Lord, and you control the guardians and command them to do certain actions.

The story is an emotional ride about loss, family, your past and becoming who you want to be. Love, loss, and loneliness are even present themes of the game, and the character integrations are where this game shines. The characters have a quip and joke for everything that they do and how they act, and it does not get old. The story characters and gameplay are amazing, highly highly recommend for any marvel or gaming fan in general.

Often hilarious, often charming, often heartfelt - the script and voice acting are fantastic. The banter between the characters is never

The location and world designs are wonderful, with a lean towards colourful and fantastical flora and fauna.

Unfortunately the combat lets it down. Conceptually it's a fun idea - controlling the other characters special abilities to emphasise teamwork - but the action is so frantic that pausing to select the right move constantly feels awkward. And instead you end up spamming every character move. It does improve as the game goes on and you unlock more things, but it never quite clicks.

However every other part of the game just absolutely bangs that I can oversee the poor combat.

A lot more fun than I expected from it. Surprise hit of the season.

Combat really drug it down for me but you know what

5 stars for the story, George Michael, and most importantly, Drax

Fuck Rocket Raccoon, at least, a little bit

There’s a sequence in this game where you and your crew are trapped in your rooms, and the only way to progress is to guide a llama to open the doors by having you and your crew sing “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and I think that alone makes this worth full price

This was a nice surprise. Very funny with a surprisingly enjoyable story. I really liked how the team felt like they were growing as the story went on and how that was even reflected in gameplay by them automatically doing things you'd have to directly ask them too earlier in the story. The gameplay is nothing incredible but its fun enough that I was never bothered by it, and the huddle mechanic was really neat (although feel like it' should of occured more often) But the game isnt perfect. For one - the amount of dialogue in this game is insane when roaming the levels especially considering how well its done and how funny it can be, the problem is that theres just so much of it in each level that characters are getting constantly cut off. Second of all- some of the levels just go on way too long and makes the game feel a bit more bloaty than needed. Other than that, this was one of the most surprising and charming games i've played in recent memory and I simply wouldn't feel right giving it any less than five stars.


Pues una de las sorpresas del año esto es lo que tenia que haber sido el juego de los vengadores super divertido, una jugabilidad super chula y una historia bastante bueno para mi sorpresa al menos para mi es los Guardianes en estado puro.

biggest surprise of 2021. really enjoyed it and it actually made me like the guardians finally.

Bem melhor do que eu esperava MESMO. Eu gostei de tudo que ele fez. Porém, o combate é muito inacabado e buga demais. E ainda assim, eu achei ele ótimo e me diverti demais

When this game isn't bugging out, soft locking, dropping audio, straight-up crashing, or putting you through gauntlets of repetitive combat arenas that drag on too long and ruin the's probably one of the better comic book adaptations in recent gaming memory.

The combat system is essentially "What if GOD OF WAR 2018, but you controlled 4 Boys at once?" It really flows after you get yourself accustomed to the awkward button layout (which you can't remap). That said, the fights frequently run long, and there's only so many times I can hear the cast repeat the same quips before I got really annoyed.

Still, the main event here is the narrative. Very well designed in its core ideas, and with a lot of creative room for replays based on its branching options. This is one of the first games in a long time that has me EXCITED for New Game Plus. Takes a lot of queues from the popular MCU adaptation, but remixes everything with Cosmic Marvel Comics Lore to make something that stands alone.

Worth a play, and honestly I would love to see this get some DLC or a sequel. But first and foremost: This needs some effing patches.

Surprisingly not bad! Fun story. Got most of the trophies. 12 hours. 11/8

What it lacks in technical polish this game more than makes up for in heartfelt characterization and creative world-building, culminating in one of the very best Marvel games in years.

Una joyita de principio a fin. Combina perfectamente niveles lineales de acción con exploración, diálogos, sistemas de decisiones y una ristra interminable de guiños, homenajes y referencias no solo al Marvel cósmico, sino a todo el universo en general.

Es posiblemente mi encarnación favorita de estos personajes. Todos están adaptados de maravilla, derrochan personalidad desde el primer segundo que aparecen en pantalla y las dinámicas y conversaciones entre ellos son fantásticas.

Visualmente es un espectáculo, particularmente la animación facial de los personajes. Combinado con el impecable trabajo de doblaje, dan para momentos genuinamente emotivos, intensos y, sobre todo, cómicos.

El diseño de entornos y personajes me ha gustado muchísimo. Hay mucha originalidad y muy buen gusto en general, colocándose en un punto intermedio entre los cómics y el MCU.

Por supuesto, la banda sonora es espectacular, tanto la original como las canciones ochenteras que han elegido para el repertorio y que aparecen en los momentos más oportunos siempre.

Me he reído muchísimo, ha conseguido emocionarme y hacerme conectar con la trama, los personajes y todo en general con una facilidad pasmosa.

Jugablemente también es bastante bueno. Si bien tiene algunos aspectos un pelín más toscos, el sistema de combate es muy original y funciona muy bien, transmitiendo esa sensación de trabajo en equipo que es tan importante para estos personajes. La exploración está a la altura, con caminos alternativos y secretos que encontrar por todas partes y la interacción entre los personajes.

Quizá el punto más negativo son los bugs, que son abundantes y algunos pueden llegar a ser molestos y estropear un poco la experiencia, pero normalmente se resuelven rápidamente y no dan más problemas que ser una molestia.

Ojalá hagan una secuela. Es una licencia potentísima que da para muchas historias y me encantaría poder pasar más tiempo con esta encarnación de los personajes.

Candidato a GOTY, sin duda alguna.


A little gem from beginning to end. It perfectly combines linear action with exploration, dialogues, a choice system and an endless stream of easter eggs, homages and references not only to cosmic Marvel, but the universe as a whole.

Possibly my favorite version of these characters. They're all wonderfully adapted, they overflow with personality from the very first second they appear on screen and the dynamics and conversations between them are fantastic.

Visually spectacular, particularly the characters' facial animations. That, combined with the flawless voice acting, makes for genuinely emotive, intense and, most of all, hilarious moments.

I really loved the character and environment design. It's very original and tasteful, generally, placing itself halfway between the comics and the MCU.

Of course, the soundtrack is spectacular, both the original and the 80s songs they've picked, which pop up always in the most opportune moments.

It made me laugh a lot, managed to move me and made me connect with the plot, characters and everything with surprising ease.

Gameplay-wise, it's also pretty good. It's a bit rough in some ways, but the combat system is quite unique and it works really well, transmitting that sense of teamwork that's so important for these characters. The exploration is equally good, with alternative routes and secrets to find everywhere and the character banter that comes along with it.

Perhaps the most negative aspects are the bugs, which are abundant and some can be annoying and spoil the experience a bit, but they usually fix themselves quickly and are nothing but a minor annoyance.

I hope they do a sequel. It's a really strong IP that can make for many stories and I'd love to spend more time with this version of the characters.

GOTY candidate, for sure.

This reminded me a lot of Jedi Fallen Order. Not gameplay-wise (JFO is vastly superior in that regard), but in terms of how much heart the game has. It was a really fun time. Strong writing, great soundtrack, fantastic performances, and surprisingly good visuals. Sadly wasn't a big fan of the combat system though. It's fine, but gets insanely old towards the end of the game.

GOD I miss linear, set-piece heavy AAA games.

El sistema de combate se hace un poco repetitivo, pero como historia de mi grupo de superhéroes misfits favorito, es buenísima, es a las pelis de Gunn lo que el Spider-Man de PS4 a las pelis de Raimi. Manejar solo a Star-Lord y hacer que los diálogos tengan relevancia ayuda muchísimo a darte la sensación de de verdad estar liderando el equipo. Todos los personajes tienen muchísima carisma y casi que es mi versión favorita de muchos de ellos (de Gamora al menos), y me gusta que aunque solo luches con los 5 Guardianes principales, el equipo vaya creciendo en cada aventura. En definitiva, un producto que puede sentirse orgulloso de llevar el nombre de la marca.

This one feels like a tough game to rate. The voice cast and dialogue are amazing, the music is excellent, and the story is pretty fun.

However, the gameplay is just plain mediocre, and I encountered a lot of really annoying bugs that required me to restart quite a bit, such as battles hanging where I couldn't do anything, characters deciding to stop talking (but other ones would keep talking to them like they were), and characters spawning where they shouldn't and ruining scenes.

If I were rating this just on gameplay, it would probably be one star. It's one of those games where you try it on normal difficulty, realize it's just not fun, and then crank it down to the easiest you can make it just to get through the unfun battles and back to bonding with your teammates.

The game also ends really strongly, and I flew through the last few chapters, while it took me a long time to get through the ones before that since I'd just lose interest in playing. I'm glad I kept going, though, because the end of the game is worth it and is really well done.

Overall, I'd say definitely play it if you're a fan of the source material. The writing is top-notch, and there's obviously a lot of care and love that went into the script. I just wish the gameplay were better and that more of the bugs had been ironed out by the time I played. And I wish I could have played as anyone other than Starlord!

You know what, this was pretty damn good. Really well written, with fun, fluid and complex combat that shakes things up with perfect pace. The art design is astronomically good, and the sheer ammount of dialogue recorded for this game deserves shouting-out too.

A solid 50% of the decisions do feel a bit hollow, but it's made up for with some really meaningful choices, there are times where the story lags and I can't tell you anything in the gameplay that's wholly 'original', but it's an interesting combination of things that definitely makes one of the best titles I've played this year.

It does suffer from the issue of the player needing to already know a decent ammount about the guardians of the galaxy, but if you have a passing knowledge of the comics, or have seen the movie, you'll be fine.

This review contains spoilers

Shoutout to all the superhero stories that manage to succeed at being everything WandaVision wanted to be but failed at, gotta be one of my favorite genres.

Thought about a lot about music while playing this- how it could occasionally transform the game, but so often failed in its implementation. The game has a “huddle” mechanic, basically a super mode for the whole team, and it’ll pick a song at random to play alongside the action.

Sometimes it’s incredible, a dramatic and tender scene will lead into a massive fight, only to be scored by “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” It’s a great idea, too often brought down by the fact that you’re most often activating the ability at the end of fights, so you’ll likely hear the first few seconds of something like “The Final Countdown” before unceremoniously killing the last enemy.

There are also a few songs that reach near “Big Iron” levels of airwave dominance; despite having a decently-sized tracklist, the game seemed to have a strange fascination for “Tainted Love” and “Jitterbug,” playing them in fight after fight. What I assumed to be the anthem for the game, “Zero to Hero,” was noticeably absent for my playthrough, and I kept on waiting for the lavish set piece where the vocals would kick in- the “Rules of Nature” moment that never seemed to happen. Turns out the licensed and non-licensed soundtracks are mutually exclusive; you’re choosing between a near-constant musical bait-and-switch or a stream of more fitting, but less iconic, buttrock.

I guess the reason I want to highlight this feature in particular, is that I don’t think this game suffers so much from the Triple-A problems of a compromised vision or some horrific development cycle, as much as one of a slightly lacking execution. I could go on about the shortcomings of the combat or the weaker points of the story, but I think I begrudgingly liked it. All of it’s issues at least speak to a game that’s earnestly trying to make systems that suit its characters- and the few moments where everything aligned, with the full range of abilities unlocked, the cast trading banter with another, and “Relax” playing in the background- it all works.

But seriously, I’ve rarely had a moment as deflating as when I used my powers to pull a guy into a bottomless pit, only to see him plop back into existence on the nearest platform. Deeply unsatisfying.

Everything about this game exceeded my expectations and it was basically everything I ever wanted from a GOTG game but didn't exactly expect Square to actually produce. I need more Marvel games like this and Spider-Man because this is the GOOD SHIT.

nobody in their right mind thought this game was gonna be as good as it is

This game ending up being a pleasant surprise for me. Upon hearing that this game was nothing like the previous Marvel’s Avengers game, I decided to give it a shot.

-Absolutely killer soundtrack with top hits from the 80s!
-Impressive backdrops and graphics on the PS5. Each zone has its own unique atmosphere and aesthetic.
-Characters are very faithful to the movies. The humor rarely misses a beat.
-The huddle mechanic was a neat feature which increases your party members skills and plays a track from the 80s.

-I ran into quite a bit of glitches / technical issues which sometimes required me to reload a save.
-Sometimes there are way too many character interactions going on at one time which makes it hard to hear what someone is saying.

Overall I enjoyed the game and recommend to anyone looking for a fun linear story / action game.

I have a lot of thoughts on this one. Overall I like it, but I think it has a fair bit of aspects I don't care much about. The gameplay is good, blasting stuff is fun, Star-Lord's elemental blasters was always videogamey as shit, and it translates well to the combat and environment. It would be nice if each element had the same depth as the wind setting, instead of just color-coded shields. I didn't care that much about a few of the abilities. Drax and Gamora's AOEs especially when they both feel inferior to Rocket's. I think I ran into more glitches than the average person would, there were a handful of moments where I had to reload the checkpoint because the next scene would not happen or characters were trapped in the level geometry. This game has the thing where characters will be constantly interrupting each other when you hit the next scene, I feel like I missed out on good stuff because of it. The story was a big part of why I played, they made it very clear that their biggest inspiration was Guardians Of The Galaxy (2008), which is one of my favorites, and the first time these characters are a team. It has the comics influence, totally, but the tone is definitely more in line with the James Gunn movies, which is to be expected. The music choices are way more "ultimate 80's nostalgia mix" than the movies' tracks, and they don't always match the tone and themes like the movies. If you liked the movies or enjoyed games like Marvel's Spider-Man, Id recommend this one for sure.

Vastly surpassed my expectations much to my surprise, especially after how lackluster the initial reveal and gameplay was when this was announced at E3. The character writing is outstanding, even if a little bit too much and in your face initially for the first two hours or so. I'd actually dare say that this is my favorite rendition of the Guardians, even more than the MCU movies.

It's a game that deals with how people deal with personal trauma and history, and how to move past it, which was something I never expected from a Marvel game, let alone Guardians of the Galaxy. I do think that whether or not you'll like this game simply just comes down to, if you like the GOTG characters, you will probably like this game. If not, this game won't change your mind.

The gameplay just isn't for me. Just nonstop pew pewing with your gun at generic, spongy enemies. I can see how the characters and environments would be appealing but it isn't nearly enough to make up for the bad gameplay. Dropped.

historia impresionante, desarrollo de personajes e interpretaciones sublimes, esto es un juegazo en mayúsculas, lo penaliza un poco su gameplay repetitivo, pero no es para nada un deal breaker