Reviews from

in the past

This is one of the only old games I can still get my married older brother to play with me

Extramamente ruim, chefes chatos e sem graça, graficos esquisitos ate pra epoca e dificuldade extramamente fraca.

me lo pasé con mi hermano de pequeño y lo recordaba divertido.

a neat little mega man boss rush. fun stuff. protoman feels so good

It's pretty fun for a few runs. Was cool to see new models of the old robot masters and music. I liked how you could use the weapons on all 3 characters even if some animations looked weird. Wily being reused on all routes is a bit of a downer. You can wall jump with classic! It's so short and just a boss rush so can't really go wrong with playing it.

Played though the anniversary collection on GameCube

played all 3 routes, 1-2 as mega 3-6 as bass 7 as proto. the main, and only real difference between them is their dashes. mega man has the slide, proto has a shield bash (that doesnt do damage or protect him) and bass has an air dash. what this means is that mega is the best character and bass is the worst.
this game is fun. tad easy, even on difficulty 4 but i definitely enjoyed it. boss weaknesses were fun to learn, and even without them the buster works perfectly fine. i swear napalm mans design changes every appearance, which is weird but hes my favorite either way. id say it was worth 4 bucks, if i had a friend irl that also liked mega man id definitely want to play this with him.

Funny little boss gauntlet. Being multiplayer is a plus.

Um boss rush de Mega Man divertido e muito bonito! Mega Man e cia se movimentam do jeitinho que estamos acostumados e os chefes, apesar de significativamente mais fáceis de derrotar que nos jogos originais, ainda são divertidos de lutar. Se qualquer coisa, o desafio mais moderado é um ponto forte, já que te motiva a rejogar de novo com os outros personagens e tentar fazer um 1cc ou até uma perfect run. E foi justamente o que eu fiz, 1cc'ing os três níveis de dificuldade com o Mega Man e rejogando tudo de novo com Protoman e Bass só para ver como era com eles.

O destaque mesmo fica para a estética visual. Esse é sem exageros um dos games mais bonitos de toda a série, pegando o estilo de MM7 e elevando ele ao seu verdadeiro potencial graças ao hardware dedicado do arcade. Ver alguns estágios antigos e chefes de jogos anteriores nesse estilo visual até me deixou com vontade de ver os MM clássicos sendo refeitos nele.

Idk i had fun. Beat 1-2 with Bass, 3-6 with Rock, and 7 with Blues. They were all fun, but I like Proto Man the best. Another Mega Man game to scratch off the list

Fun way to translate the Mega Man experience to the arcade. For a boss rush game, it's fairly engaging! Every game is represented somehow, and as an advertisement for MM7, it does a decent job at that too. One of those games I usually end up playing once a year.

really fun boss rush game but theres nothing else really to it.

This is great fun for Mega Man fans. If you're not one, it will probably be meh but I really enjoyed the reimagined bossfights and the different stages.

Surprisingly kinda lame. Feels a bit hastily thrown together, especially from the differences in how good and bad the sprites can be and also the dinky music. Kinda disappointed by this one.

Played this the way it was intended: on the Street Fighter 6 battle hub arcade cabinets

just play the classic games bruh

An interesting idea but I don't feel this was very fleshed out.

[Played via MisterFPGA project]

Perfectly cromulent mega man boss rush experience

It's a fun arcade boss rush game with a bunch of variety to it. Although Bass doesn't have directional shooting. I'd say it's worth the $4 for Capcom 2nd Arcade.

Played as part of the anniversary collection on Gamecube. It's tons of fun.

Played this at a shop and it was fun, Megaman but just the battles, I think the machine broke
but anyways, snappy fun robot fighting, Protoman might be my main

A boss rush with arcade-style graphics and music. It is simple yet it is very fun to play. There are different robot masters to fight so the game isn't the same ever time but itis quite short. There isn't much here, but it is fun for what it is.

Joguei esse aqui há muito tempo atrás sozinho, mas joguei co-op com o João esses dias. Muito daora, as mecânicas são interessantes pra um jogo cuja proposta é ser um Boss Rush glorificado. Visual lindo, 3 personagens pra usar, OST padrão MM8. Só achei o jogo um pouco curto demais pro meu gosto, mas isso melhora na sequência.


wild it took em this long to make a boss rush game. could’ve easily been ported to home consoles smh with co op??? it’s free money!!!
used to play this at da pediatrician when ms pac man wasn’t workin

pega com um amigo pra jogar isso aqui, é 1 horinha de muita diversão

Used to play this a lot at Nickel City. Decent boss rush Mega man arcade game