Reviews from

in the past

Echoes is nearly as amazing and enjoyable as MP1. One thing I love about this game is that it feels like it was designed specifically for those who have already played MP1. Bosses are tougher and more complex, item hiding locations, especially the morph ball sections, are more involved, and the Aether/Dark Aether world switching mechanic makes the game all the more tougher. The Luminoth were just as interesting to learn about as the Chozo. Another solid Prime game.

Prime 2 happily lives up to Prime 1, and would be the best in the series if it weren't for the irritating light/dark ammo mechanic and the extremely bullet spongey enemies that accompany it.

Terrible design most of the time, and the keys mechanic (the equivalent to the artifacts in MP1) seems even worse designed, with tips that make you think where stuff might be, but actively punishes exploration ahead of time, as most of them are locked behind getting the latest upgrades of the game, making the progress a chore unless you know ahead of time to wait until the end of the game (in which case it becomes a chore again, but at least you do it all in one sweep). All in all a shame, as it has a great world, great story and lore, but is weighed by some poor decision making.

Also the bosses suck, except Quadraxis, Quadraxis is lovely.

Éste me gustó bastante menos. Tremendamente continuista con el 1, más pesado, visualmente más monótono, con una búsqueda de llaves incluso más angustiante.

got bored fast. significantly less engaging than its predecessor. too much telling in the narrative; not enough showing

used to extremely hate this game, now i adore it. the boss fights here are incredibly creative, probably my favorite part about the game. dark samus may be a bit of a tired concept, but good CHRIST does her battle theme slap obscenely hard.

The result of if the colour grey became sentient and decided it wanted to become a video game.

Takes the amazing groundwork of the first game and just expands upon it in super smart and fun ways.

This game could literally get rid of half the stupid bullshit and be fine. Fuck Spider Ball, fuck Dark and Light Worlds, fuck Dark Samus.

Don't get fooled; the light-darkness conflict here it is not like the other typical plots out there. Nevertheless, it doesn't improve on anything in comparison its predecessor.

Unfortunately, like many others, I was filtered by the light-dark world style and although this is probably the most atmospheric Metroid I've played, it still feels like a step down from its predecessor.

The sheer isolation in a foreign world already holds a candle, but that combined with the most successful form of mass genre blending makes Metroid Prime 2 an experience I'll never be able to relive. Exploring a once-lived-in world with so much lore that's ripe for the picking (if you choose to pick) got me invested despite my usual distaste in lore deep diving. Metroid Prime Trilogy edition is my particular favorite.

An improvement on Prime in almost every area and potentially one of the best Metroid games. Holy crap everything is amazing. The exploration is much tighter, the Boss Battles (for the most part) are Legendary and that OST is God Like.

There's a few faults, the Sky Temple Keys, some Bosses and Mini Bosses are super frustrating and if your playing the GameCube version that penultimate Boss is gonna be a headache.

Do not play this as your first Metroid. But if you familiar with the series, you owe it to yourself to give this a try.

For some reason as a kid I played this games demo disc more than the full game that is Metroid Prime that I STILL OWN???????

after replaying it and finishing it last night, i've revised my opinion. i don't hate it but i do not like it as much as i did. despite the atmosphere and setting, the constant recycling of beams and enemies from Prime 1 and some frustrating design make it much worse imo

I hope you enjoy backtracking!

Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time I try to pick it up again. I don't find it nearly as interesting or fun as the first one, maybe if I give it another try it might finally click.

The best Metroid Prime game. Moth friends and dark world

i always pick this game every once in a while but everytime I get so bored after the first few hours

Honestly a perfect sequel.

+ Mechanics are extended from prime, giving us more of the good stuff
+ New items/beams visually are very fun
+ Level design and the Dark world are very fun concepts
+ The story is great

- Backtracking
- The map can get you lost a few times, but it's less pronounced in this game

Great atmosphere, probably the best soundtrack out of the whole trilogy. An overall improvement on the first game in almost everyway, the Light/Dark Aether mechanics give way to a lot of clever puzzles.

Has some annoying bosses and going back and forth through the hub section to get power ups becomes pretty tedious if you're looking to 100% it.

Não tão bom quanto o primeiro, mas ainda assim excelente. Começa meio morno, sendo um efeito colateral de ter um mapa dividido em "templos" em vez de algo mais interconectado e coeso desde o incício. Mas logo essa sensação passa. Minha maior crítica vai aos chefões. A intenção era deixá-los mais difíceis, mas achei apenas mais chatos. As lutas são longas e eles demoram muito pra cair, sendo mais uma questão de persistência do que habilidade.

Secretly the best Prime game, possibly my favorite Metroid game in terms of story. Feels like a polished redo of the previous game. Plagued my 10 year old brain with nightmares when it came out. Still suffer from that to this day

Wouldn't say it has improved over the first game, others label it as more atmospheric and I think so as well.

i will never forgive the cowards at retro for once walking god's path with the understated solemn soldier samus in prime 1, the closest the franchise has gotten to the platonic ideal of that one nintendo power illustration, only to cave to sakamoto's latex waifu fetish for prime 2. not gonna pretend samus was never sexualized until the gba games but the hardware limitations at least gave some space for dignity, prime 1 was proof it was a possible direction to develop towards until it was cruelly ripped away from us. her render in this game looks like shit too and that just feels so fitting, the true visage of the eldritch monstrosity venerated as a core deity of the hideous nintendo cum cult. i love to do screw attacks in a 3d space even if it isnt as flexible as super metroid.

What's with the light/dark split in the 200s at Nintendo? Were the staff ok?

i really think this one sucks.