Reviews from

in the past

Pretty surprised how much I liked this game. Great bullet hell shmup mixed with Zelda, simple but effective gameplay and level design. Progression feels great, clearing the map doesn't take a ton of hours, and it has fun, satisfying bullet hell boss fights. I really enjoyed the devs other game, Sword and Souls Neverseen, but this is much better honestly. Where that game basically just felt like a paid for flash game, for good and for bad, this while visually similar plays very smoothly and has simple, slick controls. The artstyle isn't overly interesting, and my personal issues with navigation caused a few minor frustrating points, but its overall a great game, and I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys either/both of the types of game mentioned.

EXCELENTE, um zelda like de navinha com muito tiro e exploração. Ótimo para passar o tempo enquanto ouve um podcast, depois que entendi como funciona o mapa, parei de ficar perdido no jogo e a aventura ficou bem prazerosa. A dificuldade certa tanto nos chefes quando os labirintos, com mecânicas novas apresentadas no tempo certo

Ich hab ehrlicherweise kaum bis gar keine Kritik dem Game gegenüber, einfach ein ganz netter Twinstick Shooter mit Zelda Inspirationen den man gut und gerne mal spielen kann.

I bought this game purely because I was confused by the high reviews and BOY do I get it now!!

Minishoot Adventures is basically a 2D Zelda game + Twin-stick combat + Metroidvania progression systems and it comes together perfectly. The combat is satisfying, the exploration is addicting, and the bosses are an event all on their own.

It also has a number of accessibility features, including some tied into how your character targets enemies, which was SUPER helpful for me the Steam Deck!

My only real critique is that enemies feel kind of bullet-sponge-y? To the extent that, in the postgame content, I ended up lowering the difficulty simply because constant aiming for so long was tiring for my wrist. However, that lowest difficulty setting felt really good to me, to the extent that I wish I had used it earlier!

God this game is good!!

What a sleeper hit out of nowhere! This is a really novel and unique concept, super fresh for the Metroidvania genre. I really appreciate that this is a Zelda/Metroid hybrid; it makes a really strong experience. The world is fun to explore, with robust and helpful mapping tools and completion trackers to ensure you don't spend late game hours searching the overworld for an item you couldn't get three hours ago. The gameplay is smooth and fun, with a great drip feed of upgrades. It even has a surprisingly dense post-game. Just a great game.

A fun mix between a Zelda-like and a shmup. Shmup aficionados will not feel particularly challenged by most of this game, but adventure gamers looking for a different take on the genre will find a good mix of finding objectives and shooting bad guys.

This is so good. I played the demo for 2 hours, then bought myself a copy and two gift copies for friends as well. I just completed the game to 100% after 10.5 hours, but there is still a bit more left to do apparently. I will do it all!

me perdio mucho por el diseño de mundo y la progresion, me parecieron muy poco creativos para un juego de este estilo. el combate en general me parecio muy basico, jugando en normal no mori contra ningun jefe. lo que mas destaco es la cantidad de pulido moderno que tiene, que lo hace muy comodo de jugar y denota la falta de personalidad que maneja.

Ótimo jogo. Bullet Hell bem feito misturado com a exploração dos zeldas clássicos. Dificuldade muito bem balanceada, doideira ter sido feito apenas por 2 pessoas.

Gameplay is snappy and responsive, with combat that is balanced overall very well, if a bit easy towards the end as you start acquiring most upgrades.

The world is very well designed, with everything quickly accessible from the hub area even without fast travel. Exploring it was quite fun and you can get upgrades to see where you missed some stuff. I ended up being able to find everything without a guide, which was very nice.

Graphically, it's quite simple but very effective. Environments are clear and colorful, and I love the choice of making the characters cute spaceship things. It's a bit weird but it works !

Overall, it's a very polished little gem of a game, I very much enjoyed my time with it !

really fun game, controls really nice

but the style and music are not matching how well it plays

Juegazo de naves que mezcla el clásico shooter de naves con los Zelda clásicos. Increíble lo que han hecho 2 personas solo, de los mejores juegos de 2024 y un must del año y si tienes Steam deck rog Ally y esas cosas

What a fun little steamdeck game. Makes me wonder why no one has done this before! Bullet Hell Zelda isn't the peak of either of those two genera's. But it does both, very well. A fun 8 hours to ~100%

Can a spaceship and their friends (also spaceships) be adorable? Well yes, and they're the stars in one of the best games I've played so far this year.

Loved the mix of Zelda style mechanics with shoot'em up combat, I remember looking at a gif or video on some social network and it was love at first sight. Then I played it and it was even better.

Movement felt great in general and visuals were very clean. Combat was reasonably challenging on hard mode, but the best part for me was exploration and character progression. Lots of small secrets and relatively open navigation, with the right amount of anticipation for gated areas. There wasn't a teleport feature (other than a "back to base" at the overworld you need to unlock) but backtracking was manageable.

I managed to play decently on a KBM setup, but I ended up switching to a Steam Deck, and it was a way better choice for accurate turns (winning races could have been tricky otherwise).

Strongly recommended.

I saw the demo for this game in a Steam demo fest, and I never got around to playing the demo but thought "I like Shmups! I'll wishlist this blindly!" and kinda forgot about it entirely. I then got an email for the release of this game a few days ago, watched the trailer more closely, and instantly thought "This is so sick, how have I never seen a game like this?" and booted up the demo. I was pretty instantly hooked, and bought the game the next day because I wanted to play more.

It's at the end of the day an extremely simple and solidly made shoot em' up mixed with Adventure Game/Metroidvania mechanics. I don't love saying "game but this!" but it is kinda just 2D Zelda as a shoot em' up. I've always loved shoot em' ups and have played a few of them, but never found one that was also an adventure game and it works incredibly well. The ship feels good to control, and the upgrades feel substantial and exciting to get. The bosses are really solid bullet hells, my only complaint being that there aren't a ton of them so the difficulty doesn't ramp up much til the very end and I would have liked a few more tough boss fights. The post game arena helps with this a bit but it is ultimately just refights of the old bosses that are a bit harder. The map is fun to explore and filled with lots of secrets and hidden paths and shortcuts that connect various parts of the map. If you like metroidvania progression it has a lot of that satisfying feeling once you unlock new abilities. Visually it's pretty simple but at least to me very clean and appealing! The music wasn't super notable for me though, but I did have it a bit low and played a lot while talking to friends in a discord call so I don't wanna judge it too hard.

I said it at the start, but the concept for this game so instantly excited me and again I'm surprised I haven't seen any other game do this concept. If the elevator pitch of "2D Zelda but as a shmup" sounds as sick to you as it did to me, I'm very glad to say it lived up to the concept and is well worth the $15!

pov: los pibes que hicieron la tarea

Alcuni boss sono stati davvero un grande dito in culo, con qualcosa come 6 fasi. Nel bene e nel male

La difficoltà aumenta gradualmente così da risultare più affascinante nella seconda metà per varietà e complessità delle situazioni da approcciare. Come metroidvania funziona anche abbastanza bene, la visuale top-down permette di realizzare un adeguato tipo di interconnessione del mondo di gioco e di tutti i relativi dungeon inclusi - e son tanti

No joke, potentiellement le meilleur jeu que j’ai joué cette année LOL

Le sentiment de découverte, les donjons, la vibe Zelda/Bullet Hell… Ce jeu-là est tout simplement du génie


Crítica completa:

Baseado nos Zeldas mais antigos, Minishoot é uma obra que traz um frescor, mesmo visitando gêneros clássicos como metroidvania e bullet hell. Mais uma prova viva de quem com poucos recursos é possível entregar uma experiência absurdamente divertida.

La fusion d'un Zelda-like et un manic shooter. C'est ultra fluide et le concept fonctionne très bien.

Fun, polished and well designed with no bullshit. Just a solid mix of classic Zelda, bullet hell and Metroidvania. I kinda wish the different dungeons had varied colored pallets and a minor problem that probably doesn't affect many but some of the final post game challenges chug hard on a steam deck.

Fun Zelda-like bullet hell that didn’t mix up the gameplay enough as I progressed. I think it could benefit from more outlandish secondary weapons or unique abilities. Would still recommend

Minishoot Adventures is a top down twin stick shooter that features an overworld that feels very similar to the other Zelda games, but with the combat making it feel completely unique in its own right. For a shooter game you'll also probably be surprised to know it's actually somewhat easy, with the middle difficulty hardly causing many deaths for me.

The way the world is structured is pretty generous in terms of making shortcuts to travel places faster. For fast travel there's only a way to teleport back to tour home base, but I assure you this isn't much of an issue since you can get from one end of the map to another in less than a minute eventually. The game will encourage you to head to certain objectives which it'll mark on the map, but of course there are dozens of secrets to obtain everywhere. Even more generous of the game is the fact it offers upgrades that can mark secret items on the map, so anyone can be a true completionist here.

The combat of course is what makes this game interesting you move your ship with one stick and shoot with the other. Eventually you get items that give a few new mechanics that will also let you explore more areas. There is also a level up system that gives you points to upgrade stats that can you respec at any time. On the other side of the coin are the enemies, and there's a good few of them that make sure the game never gets boring, alongside fun bosses that don't outstay their welcome.

Overall, definitely a delightful game that certainly lives up to the name of adventure. The exploration aspect is fun, the combat is slick, and the storyline it has was also cute. Definitely a recommendation from me.

Just a simple bullet hell game. Very satisfying HUD though and the game just feels extremely smooth.

Fantastic game! Brilliant idea for a twinstick shooter that looks and feels like a classic Zelda game.

Doesn't break new ground in the genre, but it's fun, well paced, and never frustrating. One of the purest games I've played in a while.

Petit jeu très très très cool, efficace, fluide, agréable. A faire !

It's Bullet Hell Zelda, and it does both parts quite well. The exploration and upgrades are satisfying, and the bullet hell aspect is hard enough to provide a challenge while not being too punishing - a perfect entry point for newcomers to the genre.