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in the past


Un metroidvania muy equilibrado en sus tres partes jugables: combate, exploración y puzzles. Estética y ambientalmente es una preciosidad, con una música y unos pixelazos de quitar el sentido. Así que si lo que muestra en esta demo es indicativo de la calidad media del resto del juego estamos ante una muy buena noticia.

Not quite the game I wanted it to be. The greasy floor platforming feel is just something I cannot deal with in games right now.

Style over Substante: The Game.
The artstyle is amazing just like the fantasy world inside of a computer. The story is also kinda good and sweet. Everything works in perfect harmony.
But the combat just feels off, I couldn't tell when and why I got hit most of the times because the animations are made after the artstyle which makes it difficult to see when the hitting animation beggins.
The world structure is also poor, the game tries to pass of as a metroidvania but the metroidvania factor boild down to a NPC saying "Go back and get the key to open this one door" and then you have to get another key in a empy room to open the door that leads to the first key.
It gets boring and frustrating and it's really a shame because, as I said, the visual, the music and the world are insanely good.

From the amazing 1980s synth aesthetic, to the surprisingly intriguing narrative, and its fast-paced 2D Hack and Slash gameplay, it's all-around a great game.

I was initially surprised at the mostly negative/medicore reception the game got, but as I progressed through the game, I started understanding why. The back half of the game really drags. I liked the aesthetic though, and the story's actually pretty interesting. They needed to tighten up the platforming a little, because it never felt good.

The engaging, immersive world created by Narita Boy saves this game from obscurity. The gameplay is rather shallow and the platforming is slippery, but the Digital Kingdom is so rich in lore and original environments that you have no choice but to be enthralled. I would have liked more substance to the mechanics of the game but still a worthwhile playthrough.

Por toda la atmosfera que logra crear, Narita Boy es un mediocre intento de metroidvania que se queda muy corto en términos de incentivar al jugador a seguir explorando su mundo retropixeleado con jefes sorprendemente fáciles, escondiendo sus mejores momentos narrativos detrás de un muy monótono gameplay.

Too much jargon, great style and music , needs better gameplay for sequel

A ton of potential bogged down by inferior writing and so-so gameplay.

underrated gem, but also not perfect

The 80s neon-y synth-y cyberpunk-y aesthetic here seemed like it would be played out and hacky, but I was surprised to instead be blown away by the charm and originality of Narita Boy’s world-building and stunning pixel graphics and soundtrack. Similarly, the CRT visual filter (fuzzy glow and warped edges, with a subtle vertical scroll flicker) is incredibly fitting and well-done, instead of just making me roll my eyes as I would have expected. Combat and exploration mechanics are simple but deeper than I expected, and the challenge is just on the edge of old-school difficult without being frustrating. I hope this gets the sequel it hints at.

A bunch of talented artists made a game thats just not fun to play.

Good visuals and atmosphere. Did not like the controls or the feel of combat. Dropped because the game does not make clear what you're supposed to do or where to go. Ran around for 30 minutes trying to interact with everything and could not find any way to progress so I uninstalled. Thank heavens for game pass.

É um bom metroidvania. Um pouco simples demais, mas a arte é bem interessante.

Fantastic aesthetic that works in tandem with the game's story. Often gets a bit too obtuse, but the largest element holding the game back is that it never really feels like it has much care for its combat or desire to really do much with it. Pads itself out and by the end just kind of wears out its welcome to the point that even the final boss fight feels uninspired.

Enjoyed my time with it, but leaves a stronger first impression than it is able to sustain itself.

Vim pelo synthwave e fiquei pela atmosfera sensacional, história interessante, combate delicioso, ROBÔS GIGANTES e uma fodendo Akira reference.

No me ha parecido un buen videojuego. Sabe derrochar estilo e imaginación con un apartado artístico realmente desbordante y llamativo, pero es un videojuego poco intuitivo a la hora de desplazarse por el mapa en los primeros compases, el combate es un poco soporífero y hay zonas que no aportan nada más que alargar el reloj.

Ah, y al final decide transformarse de repente en un Hollow Knight.

Honestly a pretty darn fun and frantic action platformer with an amazing aesthetic, style and some chunky but fun fights... But its also let down by some rather floaty platforming, a lack of a mapping system and a few other rather strange elements that dont really work such as a health system where it often feels easier to kill yourself off and respawn vs actually trying to battle through things.

Still. The neon-soaked graphics and great soundtrack make this still worth playing.

De lejos lo peor que he jugado este año. No puedes compensar una jugabilidad mediocre con un buen arte y una bonita BSO.

Las mecanicas se traducen en ir de un sitio a otro sin ningun sentido para encontrar la proxima llave que insertar, mientras te encuentras grupos de enemigos con un 0 de dificultad, ni siquiera el jefe final dura más de dos intentos.

No hay plataformas (menos mal ya que el salto es horrible), no hay puzzles no hay nada mas que hacer que pelear e insertar llaves.

Hay algunas fases especiales como luchar contra kaijus gigantes totalmente desaprovechadas.

Mucho tienen que mejorar para que me acerque a una segunda parte, porque encima el final es abierto, te tienes que reir

Brimming with promise, but the pacing and linear design drag it down.

this game seems like it was designed for me--love the plot set-up, world, aesthetic, and swords, but the controls didn't feel tight or responsive in a way that felt good, instead feeling 'slippery' in a way that didn't ultimately click for me

Feels like I'm being battered about the head with the aesthetic to distract from how loose and tedious it all is. Shame.

Pegou meu interesse pela direção de arte, mas o que eu encontrei foi um beat-em-up cheio de charme, uma história pessoal e melancólica e um time de produtores que genuinamente ama o que faz.

Infelizmente perdeu algumas estrelas por causa da progressão esquisita que te prende de certas áreas sem motivo algum - você fica meio paranoico procurando segredos em todos os cantos do mapa quando você não sabe se, quando passar por uma porta, vai poder voltar atrás. Combinado com o auto-save intenso e alguns puzzles crípticos, Narita Boy faz você repetir o trabalho para um 100%, coisa que eu não tive vontade alguma de fazer.

Posso recomendar como um beat-em-up, mas acho que o forte de Narita Boy está em explorar esse cyber-espaço repleto de criatividade. Good vibes

I just have to get this off my chest. I understand that the purpose of not having a map was to embrace the whole retro 80s aesthetic, but if that was the case, why do they include features like quest trackers??? The inconsistency turns the lack of a map from a quirky design choice into a genuine issue. I have a LOT of issues with this game, but the lack of a map just infuriated me. If I took my time to finish this game, I have a strong feeling it would be one of the worst games I've played.

Esse jogo fez eu sentir tantas coisas em tão pouco tempo e eu sinceramente não consigo pensar um único motivo pra ele ser tão underrated. É uma obra de arte completa com gameplay variada e divertida, exploração intrigante e recompensadora, trilha sonora maravilhosa e como se não bastasse tudo isso, tem uma história incrível.

Fazia tempo que eu não jogava algo tão intrigante e diferente. Narita Boy trouxe esse sentimento de volta, sendo assim uma das melhores surpresas no meu 2022.