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God, this game is absolutely incredible. Story is alright but man everything else was absolutely phenomenal. Music, character design, UI, gameplay, level themes, etc are just soooo great man.

Neon White takes the core conceit of Lovely Planet but switches out precision for more free form movement. If you want to find all the hidden presents and top the leader boards you will have to think outside the box on how to best use your cards. One of the most innovative 3D platformers in years.

This is some of the best gameplay I've seen but every time a character opens their mouth I wish I never learned how to read

plays extremely well, solid amount of content that made me want to put effort into completing most of what it has to offer and presented super nicely. everyone is saying the dialogue and story stink. they do. good game.

This review contains spoilers

Neon White is an incredibly fast paced puzzle platforming FPS, filled with fluid movement, hardbanging tunes and some very interesting visuals and level design. It took me around 16 hours to 100% this title, and honestly I have to say it was worth it!... Sorta.

Let's start with the great stuff: Gameplay and music.
As for the gameplay, like I said before it is a super snappy and fast puzzle platformer in the FPS perspective, which is honestly something we don't get enough of these days. All the cards serve different purposes and uses, and they all end up feeling pretty fun to use. Especially once the Dominion card comes into play, as rocket jumping in this game feels absolutely fantastic! There's also bonus side missions you can unlock by increasing your relationship insights with your Neon friends, and these missions are all excellent. Violet's side missions ended up as my favorite, as I loved the much harder challenge they brought to the table.
The music is another high note for this game, with the artist Machine Girl being the driving force behind the OST. There are some absolutely fantastic songs on this soundtrack, such as Cloud Nine, Rigged Game, and Hellion to name a few. Though, Machine Girl's style sometimes brings a strange juxtaposition when it comes to some of the levels. The harsh noise and crazy samples along to fast beats are good MOST of the time, though I found a handful of songs to grow especially grating over time. Namely Green's second boss fight theme, for an example...

As for the bad? The story, in my opinion, is incredibly weak. To a point where I just kinda wish they left it out all together. Despite having a rather grim plot with the potential to have some really interesting character interactions, everyone spends most of their time bombing jokes and making irritating meme references. If there's something indie games have been falling prey to in recent times, its trying too hard to be funny, and this game is definitely a victim to it. But I guess that's what you get when you have an OK KO writer doing the story for your game... It would've benefitted from taking itself a LITTLE more seriously. I think where it especially hurts are the Heavens Delight Tickets and Dialogue unlocks you get from other characters relationships. Why? Because it's all jokes and punchlines. The only reason you should even do any of it is to just play the incredibly fun side missions that come with the relationships. However, that does mean you'll have to tolerate characters singing The Black Parade in karaoke, or Mikey asking "what does pog mean?" And if that sounds awful to you, then luckily for you AND me, there's a big fat button to skip through dialogue! So at least they thought of that.

Overall, the game is a pretty great package with good replayability due to the Level Rush gamemodes, great visuals and tunes, and absolutely wonderful addicting core gameplay. Had it's writing just been a bit better, I may of given it a higher score. Despite that, I would definitely recommend for anybody looking for a quick and unique FPS game to play through.

if the cutscenes were removed this would be a 10/10

Yeah sure whatever the story and characters are kinda mid, but the gameplay is so damn addicting and kinetic that I could give less of a shit. Neon White fucking owns. I'm just glad I finished it because this game was absolutely toxic to my productivity

Story and writing is whatever but you’d be a fool to let that distract you from how amazing everything else about this game is, it’s strongest points are the gameplay, soundtrack and style— and it heavily outweighs the lame writing and ‘eh’ story.

"goo goo gaga im a little baby who cant handle good old fashioned danganronpa so im giving this a 1-star" thats what you sound like, if you pass up this game because its cringe then you are undeserving of its incredible OST and amazing gameplay/level design. do better

probably my #1 game this year so far.

i have never played a game with such an immaculate vibe going for it, i am an absolute sucker for the y2k aesthetic, and machine giel's music only helps to give me that feeling even further.

dialogue is a bit cringe at times tho, but i expected that since the developer described it as a game for freaks.

the gameplay is top-notch, and probably the most unique time attack game i've played in a good while.

i loved every minute of it. 5/5

Skipped the dialogue and had tons of fun!

Neon White è per il momento il mio gioco preferito di quelli usciti nel 2022, un'annata non troppo felice per i videogiochi o almeno per i tripla A dal momento che gli indie tengono in piedi la baracca e questo giocone ne è la dimostrazione.

Interpretiamo White un Neon. I Neon sono spiriti dei morti peccatori selezionati dai credenti che partecipano ad una caccia annuale di demoni in paradiso per guadagnare la residenza di un anno dall'inferno al paradiso. White si ritroverà presto ad avere a che fare con altri Neon ma ha un'amnesia sulla sua vita passata e dovrà quindi riprendersi poco a poco i ricordi che a quanto pare sono collegati ai Neon di cui farà la conoscenza.

La trama è molto interessante e si sviluppa ulteriormente con risvolti inaspettati. La narrazione funziona alla grande non solo grande all'evoluzione dell'intreccio ma anche e soprattutto per i personaggi carismatici, il sarcasmo continuo ed i riferimenti geniali al mondo reale. Sembra assurdo credere che in un gioco del genere anche la narrazione sia riuscitissima.

Dico così perchè il fulcro del titolo è il gameplay. Il gioco si divide in più missioni. Le missioni sono composte da livelli. Il gioco è un fps puzzle platform. Lo scopo sarà finire il livello sfruttando le skill lasciate dalle carte, ogni livello ha una risoluzione predefinita che andrà capita, memorizzata ed attuata. Non entro nel dettaglio sul funzionamento delle carte perchè spero che scopriate voi i meccanismi, sappiate però che questo NON è assolutamente un gioco di carte, se avessero usato un emblema generico del powerup al posto delle carte il risultato sarebbe stato lo stesso.

Sarà possibile ripetere il livello da capo nel giro di un istante grazie alla pressione di un tasto, cosa essenziale non solo perchè si può rimanere bloccati ma anche per il fatto che non bisogna soltanto concludere i livelli; per sbloccare nuove missioni occorre avere un determinato punteggio.

Il punteggio di White sale nel momento in cui si conquistano medaglie d'oro. Ci sono 4 medaglie che vengono assegnate in base al tempo di completamento del livello: bronzo, argento, oro e platino. Ogni volta che si ottiene una medaglia si sbloccano elementi extra del livello che potrà essere rigiocato a piacimento in ogni momento. L'oro si ottiene eseguendo il livello in maniera pressochè perfetta poi ci sono i platini: per ottenere un platino bisogna o finire il livello a regola d'arte (ma non sempre) o soprattutto utilizzare gli shortcut che ci vengono segnalati quando otteniamo l'oro nel medesimo livello tuttavia è abbastanza semplice sfruttare lo shortcut ragion per cui la vera sfida è prendere l'oro. Dal momento che non è obbligatorio prendere tutti gli ori ma solo una certa quantità, il gioco volendo può essere anche rushato, ma vi consiglio di prendere da subito tutti gli ori perchè il livello di sfida è impegnativo ma mai frustrante.

La difficoltà infatti è data dalla complessità dei percorsi che aumenterà verso la fine tuttavia i singoli livelli durano poco, solitamente un minuto se completati e meno se li si interrompe prima, questo consentirà di ripetere continuamente i livelli per padroneggiarli appieno e senza che insorga alcun senso di frustrazione anzi, il gioco sarà sempre divertente e non ci saranno mai momenti morti.

Esteticamente è fantastico, non è che lo stile artistico sia particolarmente originale ma i livelli ambientati in paradiso sono bellissimi ed accompagnati da una mega colonna sonora.

Neon White è sinceramente uno dei giochi più divertenti che abbia mai giocato, non annoia letteralmente mai, è impegnativo ma non frustrante, estremamente riuscito sotto ogni aspetto, a mio avviso e gusto è privo di difetti rilevanti in più prende anche per la narrazione, è un gioco semplicemente formidabile, uno dei titoli più belli che abbia giocato e vi consiglio caldamente l'acquisto. Per me allo stato attuale, considerando i titoli usciti quest'anno fino ad adesso, è Goty 2022.

/r/animemes have found their Black Panther

This game is simply amazing. Addicting gameplay mixed with amazing music = a game that you will want to keep playing to beat your previous best time. Only draw back is the story simply sucks and the dialogue as well simply sucks but of course that isn't why you are playing this game.

I was floored with this game and found myself wanting to get every gift and ace medal every level in which I did. I truly do believe this game is a masterpiece because the gameplay is simply brilliant.

This is exactly what I needed and I didn't even know it.

I'd describe Neon White as a bite sized FPS Puzzler with Visual Novel elements sprinkled in. It slaps. It really does.

The actual gameplay is where Neon White shines so so bright. I loved how fast paced the levels felt and the control scheme felt extremely good once I got used to it. The game also does a good job of feeling fresh for it's entire duration. New mechanics and enemy types are frequently introduced. It's a bit on the easy side but that's exactly why it was so fun to keep improving my times. I loved the thrill of memorizing these short (rarely over 60 second) levels by heart and then executing near perfect runs.

My only "gripe" is that the Visual Novel stuff (well all of the story/character stuff really) is just ok. It's fine but nothing was really compelling to me other than the main premise. Good ideas but the execution felt lacking. But in all honesty it doesn't really matter when the rest of the game is so damn fun.

I should mention that I played the Switch port so while the graphics didn't wow me, it still ran at a smooth 60fps while also having good gyro implementation.

A very easy game to recommend. Play Neon White!

5/5 for me in the first 3 hours.
Really loses steam in Episode 3 and 4. As someone who enjoys Doom ILs I had a blast going in and spending up to 2 hours on a single map, trying to move up the leaderboard inch by inch. Sadly after a while the mechanics started to stagnate and movement felt shallow. Every level felt the same for me after a while and by episode 6 I stopped having fun altogether. Unfortunatley the brain dead anime plot is also a huge turn-off for me.

Maybe I'll come back to this one.

This may be the hardest a game has gone

Bom jogo.
Speedrun em jogo de FPS é sempre algo gostoso. esse jogo tem o efeito flow muito forte, que combina bem com o tema.
A parte social do jogo é beeem superficial, mas entrega bem. o jogo quer ser um anime nesse sentido e funciona tendo até "episódios fillers".
Não espere nada demais, sendo um tema póstumo o jogo deixa bem a desejar nesse aspecto ao meu ver, não espere reflexões.
A gameplay tho... delicia e bem competitivo.

Borrowing from the zany character and world design of Killer7 and the gameplay loop of CS:GO surfing is the red-hot Neon White. I saw it at its unveiling sometime during conference season last year and had it marked down as "woah that looks kinda cool, I hope it plays like that on release," and lo and behold, it does! Though I felt like it runs a bit long story-wise, the gameplay loop of Neon White never really feels stale. Each missions requires something new from the player, and movement changes in its methodology and practice from level to level. This consistency of changing up the gameplay in a fast paced platforming/speedrun type game is required for a game to be as rejuvinating and fun as Neon White is. Outside of the gameplay itself, the greatest thing about this game is the Machine Girl soundtrack, which oddly enough I was NOT expecting to be this good. I've listened to a decent bit of Machine Girl's catalogue, and while innovative and interesting, it didn't do too much for me sonically. Couple their glitchy drum and bass sound with fast paced gameplay and contextually important songs to the moments of the game, and you have what I would say is Machine GIrl's best release.

As others around Backloggd and whatever review sites you might visit are saying, I will echo that the story and dialogue in Neon White is largely... lacking. The voice acting is... good enough (I mean you have Steve Blum as Neon White for example,) but the writing does the actors no charm. The story itself is there, but that's about it.

If you're looking for a competitive speedrun style game with an amazing soundtrack, Neon White is a great pickup.

Some really weird consensus with people who like this writing is that it's akin to a 2000's anime? I gotta say I don't remember people in s-CRY-ed talking like a Twitter thread about anime character PNGs imposed over popular text posts but whatever floats your boat, just don't try convincing me that it's good. I was more attached to the F key than to any of the Neons.

Game looks and sounds fantastic though!! The aesthetic is the actual part that feels dragged out of the early 2000's, what with the whole "sleek edginess" aspect of it, especially the mission intro screens. The gameplay is very fine-tuned for what it is, although it would help if it was a bit less floaty in places. Not nearly as gimmicky as it comes off at first and could probably do with a level editor somewhere down the line. Big fan of everything here other than when the characters are talking!!

good shit good ost great gameplay story is alright enough and the writing isn't bad if needy girl overdose didn't come out earlier this year I would have put this in my goty it's unique and I can say I don't think there's another type of game like it

One of my favorite games of the year so far. Awesome FPS speedrunner with a style/story that feels like a really good late night dubbed anime. Great on Steam Deck too.

This game snuck up on me and kinda took over my life the last week. Neon White should not even be a real game. It's been such a long time since such a unique idea for a game, combining 5 different genres and influences meshed together as perfectly as this one AND was presented in an excellent way as well.

The writing isn't really for everyone, but I personally enjoyed myself. Extra shoutouts to Mikey, and Neons Red and Green!

What I didn't expect was the twist about halfway through the game. It was presented in an incredible way and only makes the story a lot more interesting. There are aspects of this new complex element that I think should've been explained a bit more, but we'll get there when talking about my only issue. For now, though, let's talk about how pretty this game is.

The art across the board looks excellent. The white, Greek-esque Heaven locations are the kinds that a lesser game would use the whole way through with almost no variation. But this is not a lesser game and some of the later areas look incredible! The same can be extended to the soundtrack. Its across the board really stylish and interesting, with some really great tracks.

The main appeal for me though is the deck building, speedrunning, platforming FPS gameplay with RPG and Dating Sim elements. Did that sound like a random combination? Well, it seems like that until you actually play it and now I want more games like this. The movement is a little floaty, but just smooth and fast enough to where I still think it works! What really makes the platforming fps stages are the weapon cards which you can either use as a weapon or discard them for a unique platforming ability.

This is like the Cappy mechanic in Mario Odyssey in the way that it already takes an excellent gameplay system and adds an extra awesome gameplay feature on top of it.

Going through levels and trying to 100% never gets boring and the levels themselves are just designed super well. You are also rewarded with playing quickly and also for exploring for gifts.

The only issue I have with the game is the length, but it's a more hopeful one. I really wish the game was longer. I 100 %ed the game in 12 hours. I wish at least one or two more chapters were in the game to both add more excellent content but also to maybe explain some obtuse parts of the twist. That being said, I was able to understand them after a bit of time.

That being said, I genuinely had to debate with myself if this was my game of the year. Because it honestly might be. If the only issue I have with the game is that I wanted more, then this is a damn excellent game.

Also because I love Neon Red so fucking much I swear to god.

Update - 11/10-2022:
Wow this story is not as good as I thought it was. Still decent though.

It's a speedrun game but it's fun to play. incredible

A pretty addicting FPS/movement shooter, speedrunning platformer that's pretty creative in level design that has enough freedom to give players creativity in finding out the fastest route.

I was honestly surprised trying out the demo as I didn't think this would click with me as I suck at platformers and only just started to make sense of playing FPS games, but because of the flow of movement along with the level structure I really latched on to the game.
The devs made the right decision to have ace medals unlock the leaderboard for each level which encourages me to really beat specific times and even friend times, somewhat like how DMC's ranking system is supposed to inspire players to be more stylish.

Some of the later levels, specifically when they introduce the Book of Life card, actually feel a bit drawn out most likely to compensate for how OP the card is. Especially when they're really long levels.

The story and writing itself, while many said to be cringe, is actually pretty fine for me. It's definitely not deep like other dedicated visual novels, but it's pretty laid back and fits the free flowing nature of Neon's gameplay and really doesn't need to go that hard.

Machine Girl did really well with the soundtrack as a bonus

Tiene uno de los gameplay mas divertido que jugué este año, es adictivo y rápido. Mi único problema es que la historia es bastante mala pero esta bueno para descansar de tanta acción. En tema gráficos es muy atractivo y llaman mucho la atención.
Tienen que jugarlo, es cortito y vale la pena, de mi parte de lo mejor que jugué en año.

Very fun, but I can't justify playing it more. Amazing gameplay and great levels, if I had 48 hours a day I'd definitely finish the game but I dropped it 2 hours in as is.