Reviews from

in the past

Masterful game. The soundtrack and the art style is utterly beautiful and the narrative makes an impact. The movement in this game is smooth, fast and responsive and with the metroidvania like gameplay alongside fun abilities makes this super fun and additive the play. Play Ori and the Blind Forest.

Why is the Forest blind? Other than that pretty solid

cool game really short meh story

Ori and the Blind Forest is a beautiful game with some fun music and sequences, and it keeps you engaged pretty much from start to finish. Main levels and such are great for the most part, and it's fun and addictive to run around clearing out the map. Unfortunately, it suffers from a lack of variety, polish (gameplay-wise) and thought put into the story

The End game is really epic. You basically get the ability to fly, without getting the ability to fly. kinda gaming

Love the music and the backgrounds are gorgeous.

The platforming is good but feels a little bit floaty in some places, and there were several moments where I felt "that's not fair" in a way I didn't in Hollow Knight or Celeste.

I never quite gelled with the combat either, the enemies have an odd rhythm and the button mashing electricity/spirit(?) attack is really unsatisfying.

combate deixa a desejar e alguns bugs com o cenário eram bem frustrantes

Ye the combat sorta sucks but it's pretty

El juego me parece buenisimo, la musica es una bestialidad, el plataformeo esta muy bien hecho y las mecanicas son tremendas, la mecanica de rebotar es la mejor mecanica que he visto en un videojuego de este estilo, por lo bien que se siente y por el juego que da a la hora de hacer puzzles, lo unico que le falla al juego es el sistema de combate, y ese problema en el dos no esque lo arreglen, esque lo hacen uno de sus puntos fuertes

Fuck that ending but the rest is great platforming gameplay. Wonderful art style and a relaxing score make for a memorable experience. Not extremely difficult but anyone able to beat this in one-life mode is beyond hardcore

Um bom jogo com bons elementos de plataforma, progressão ok, história, trilha sonora e os gráficos são o ponto alto.

Full review over at my website:

''Just me telling you how beautiful Ori and the Blind Forest is in both graphics- and storytelling would not do it justice, but I can assure you not a single word here is a lie. The latter is definitely mention-worthy, as the emotional story of loss and revenge is told mostly through expressions and movements. Fortunately, the game is not just a visual marvel to look at. Ori controls very smoothly in a game where platforming is definitely the main appeal, with challenging aspects but not necessarily unforgiving ones. Especially with the ability to place checkpoints anywhere you want given you have the energy, but also with the flexible- yet optional skill trees. Combat is definitely on the weaker side though; it does the job, but nothing more as you’re basically just mashing a button with no regard to positioning. The world is also not my favourite due to it being slightly more restrictive in terms of linearity, and also less interconnected than other pioneers in the genre. Fortunately, the Definitive Version did fix an issue with the latter part and has many fast-travel points as well as unique abilities that make backtracking far easier to do.''

absolutely beautiful game that i am absolutely crap at.

I know Ori has a lot of love, and I am coming in late, but I can't help but feel like comparing it to other similar titles. It may seem lazy, but throughout my playthrough I found myself going "Man I think I just like everything better about Hollow Knight. Everything!"

Ori is g-d beautiful. The platforming is often super tight, and hella fun. The story and metroid I don't care much for, but it more than makes up for it in the platforming department.

Saying I'm not a big fan of metroidvania games is a bit of an understatement; I've just never really been fond of being lost and confused, as well as trying to navigate this large map that seems almost endless. But that's where Ori surprised me, it has all of these qualities, yet I still enjoyed the hell out of it.

The story was nothing special to be completely honest; it was cute and heartwarming seeing the "friends forever," type of ending, but that's about all I could take away from it. The gameplay on the other-hand? Phenomenal. Getting all the upgrades to your arsenal is one thing, but using them in the game and challenging your platforming abilities throughout the entire journey was super rewarding. It felt like there was no power-up that went unused.

There were some, hiccups though to say the least. Or hiccup if you want to be precise. There's a ton of trial and error in some parts which can be exceedingly frustrating, even the fast respawns couldn't save me from getting a little hotheaded at times. This trial and error gameplay is especially bad in the "escape" sections, which I won't go into too much detail about considering it could be delving into spoilers; but it's a timed escape section which is the bane of my existence.

And last but not least, the world. Now as I said at the beginning, I'm not a fan of getting lost or not knowing where to go, but in Ori it felt like the world was just waiting to be explored. It benefited in many ways as well, rewarding you with health upgrades, ability points (which I'm not gonna talk about the abilities that you can unlock cause they're not too special), and upgrades to the little blue ball things that are right next to your health that help you save your game and use a powerful AOE explosion attack.

Overall, Ori was a BEAUTIFUL game to witness and I highly recommend purchasing it if you're even the slightest bit interested; especially because it's marked down to $5 permanently on steam which is a steal. Persevere through the difficulty and the slight hiccups at times and you'll experience a magnificent and well crafted game that'll keep you entertained.

Ori and the Blind Forest is a beautiful game. Visuals are stunning with bright colors throughout your campaign. Gameplay and movement is the best I have ever felt in a videogame. It flows incredibly, the music is composed incredibly, you become connected with the characters and story is paced very well. I give Ori and the Blind Forest a 5/5 masterpiece of a video game. Combat needs a bit of touching but the sequel does fix these problems.

The tears started following and wouldn't stop

incredibly cluttered but still nice to look at art style, nice music, but shit everything else. exploration is boring, combat is shit, half the time i cant tell if hazards, enemies and attacks are what they are or if theyre part of the background.

I think this would've been much better as a linear action platformer, as opposed to the metroidvania structure they went with. The combat is worthless and only gets in the way, and you're forced to engage with it a ton. Story is pretty generic but not terrible. Platforming mechanics feel great, the bash is one of my favorite abilities in any platformer ever. Visuals are gorgeous, soundtrack is also great. Overall I liked more about this than I disliked.

I felt the combat was a bit annoying at times, and the story’s a little barebones for my taste, but everything else is literally perfect IMO.

This game is so damn good looking and was one of the more fun platformers I played. Also loved the power ups letting you explore areas you've passed that you just go hmmm why can't I get there

A beautiful experience, but a pretty good game. take that as you will.

I'm definitely in the minority here, but this game is just...fine. I found the gameplay prior to getting the double jump infuriating. I thought the dash was too quick and hard to control. The save mechanic is cool, but forgetting to save once and dying unexpectedly caused me to lose like 20 minutes of progress. The game gets better nearer to the end, but I feel like it would have been good throughout with slightly less slippery controls and less metroidvania type gameplay. Bash should be in every game from now on.

Nice game. My first metroidvania and it was enjoyable. A bit on the easy side.

Pretty fun, but is held back a lot by the save system and combat.