Reviews from

in the past

The start of Press Turn combat. While not my favorite SMT game, it still has really good gameplay, and strong atmosphere. The issues I have with it are how demon fusion is pretty tedious if you want to get even a few skills that you want, the story and characters are basically nothing, and a physical build for the main character is so much more viable than magic that it's hardly even a choice as to how you build your character

Still going through it fully, but such a strong game with incredibly storytelling and characters, no matter how minor. My favorite SMT game as of now.

it's quite funny how the best main SMT entry is the one with the less connections to the core ideas of the series

game is not nearly half as hard as people say it is, but still hates you.

unsure of what to say here beyond "this is my favorite video game out of nearly 500 that i've ever played". this game is special to me and i cannot talk about it in an objective way. if you respect my opinion in any capacity, you will know what that means and take away from that what you will.

Las buenas aventuras del semio-oscuro.
Con dante de El demonío todavía llora.
Y el Chavo.

> Nocturne combat are difficult
>spams buff/debuffs then every element until you find it's weakness
>me after getting it: man i'm too good ;)

empty on purpose but its too long for that shit

this demifiend is pretty cool

there are not many games with such a powerful atmosphere as this one

Goddammit I lost my save file and don't feel like replaying the game. I'll wait for the remaster to release.

The brightness of this game is its combat system. The way it allows the player, and his enemies, to take advantage of it is incredible. Both the player can destroy their enemies and enemies can destroy the player due to minimal errors, making the game's difficulty more strategic and tactical than based on grinding (as it is in most jrpgs).

As for the plot, it is incomplete, there is no other way to describe it so it is a fact. Although the game has 6 possible endings, one of them is unique because it requires more things from the player, besides being noticeably more difficult and being the only way to face all the bosses of the game, this ending being considered as canonical by the community and the universe of SMT now that SMT V, apparently will continue what started with "True Demon Ending".

One point I would like to highlight is the art direction of this game, perhaps it is the peak of Kaneko? Everything is perfect, the atmosphere is melancholy and "invasive", causing discomfort / aversion. Nocturne does not take place in a mere post-apocalypse, but in an epilogue of our world.

good shit

not better than sj tho

I think my real rating for this game would be 4.7/4.8 out of 5, and only because I think the menus are kinda clumsy and unintuitive and shuffling the skills demons inherit through fusion is boring.

Otherwise? I think this was peak JRPG and dungeon crawling for me. Everything about Nocturne is simply pure art, from the BEAUTIFUL and strong visual identity to the iconic and extremely unique OST that, when put together with the game's themes, characters and narrative, an opressive ambience is estabilished - an ambience that is unlike anything else I've seen in videogames so far. It instantly became an all-time favourite of mine.

The combat mechanics may not be as sophisticated as other titles in the genre (or in the same franchise, with games like SMTIV having superior combat IMO), but it simply works really really well, and you feel like every move can be useful. I also loved how there wasn't a huge focus on fusing a lot of demons everytime, but on the dungeons itself, which are where resides the core experience of this game. I kinda missed a story that made itself more present throughout the course of the game, but reaching it's end it's awesome how this more simple and philosophical narrative choice works wonders to the deliver the exact amount of impact in the game's endings - which are all very interesting and fulfilling in different ways.

Nocturne combines what I love the most in JRPGs and SMT with a unique personality and ambience that's yet to be replicated (even though I doubt it will ever be). It's everything I thought it would be and more. Pure delight.

Despite being held up as an artistic achievement, it limits itself by tapping into inspiration from American culture without expanding on the American philosophy - look no further than the lack of thematic connection between the main character's design and it's chief inspiration, the classic band Red Hot Chili Peppers; like everything else in the game, it's only skin deep.

Absolutely killer atmosphere, a great soundtrack from Shojii Meguro, and features my boy Dante. A relatively small roster of demons with a fusion and recruitment system that haven't aged all that gracefully. Not the most interesting plot and some weak characters, but the concept of choosing which god to form a new world with is really neat.

Chiaki is way harder than Matador tbh

literal, muito foda. diriaq é um dos melhores jrpgsq eu já joguei no ps2. e n é tão dificil quanto as pessoas dizem.

pal psn version of this crashes right after beating the second to last boss and I'm furious

Nocturne is a beautiful combination of ideas. A product of creative minds coming together to make the quintessential incarnation of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise and to set the standard for all games that would follow suit. From Kazuma Kaneko to Katsura Hashino, each mind gave it their all to make this a monumental masterpiece.

A truly underappreciated masterpiece of the PS2 era. Everything from the artwork, music, graphics, and gameplay hold up extremely well today. This game also laid down the foundation in which modern Megaten is built up from with the Press Turn System. Without this game we wouldn't have a Persona 5, or SMTIV.

this game has some pretty bad difficulty balancing problems but its still a solid rpg. the music and environmental design are mega hits and the team building in this game is really fun.

I played on PlayStation 3 :)))

It has great atmosphere, gameplay, music and is visually stunning. The boss battles are fantastic and very tense. The dungeons though... I found most of them pretty bad. Lots of dead ends and rooms with nothing in them or maze's with bad gimmicks. Coupling this with the high encounter rate made some of them tedious to get through.

Press turns honestly isn't as good a combat system as many people say it is, I feel as though it is too one-sided and allows you to cheese boss fights too easily if you know the type matchups. Regardless SMT nocturne is a game that got me back into JRPGs so I very much appreciate it existing.

Solid game. I had alot of fun with it back in the past but these days there's not much else to be said

This game will make you feel alone

The shifts in tone between eerie, pale liminal spaces and running away from 50 skeletons trying to put you in an early grave is a potent mix.