Reviews from

in the past

All I'm gonna say is that I got used to the controls and I had a lot of fun with it once I did.

Played through in Co-Op this time and was actually able to complete it. Honestly Co-Op makes this so much easier to play and I actually had a ton of fun. I appreciate the Wii U gamepad gimmick and it makes for some interesting and creative gameplay but it just doesn't work well for this time of game. Still love this franchise to death though.

Its legit one of the best games from the last decade. Yall aint learn how to aim or shoot and hated on it. The 2 screen set up just never been done before in such an innovative way...Nintendo SNAPPED with this, and the thing this, they can't recreate it because it was only possible with the Wii rail shooter ever?!

i really wish that this game had more to deliver with how it brought back the mech idea from starfox 2 on the SNES, but all it ended up being was a rehashed retelling of starfox 64 with reliance on a console specific gimmick that stopped it from being the best it could be as a starfox game. if you get used to the gamepad shooting, it works fine, but it's more annoying than it is a fun game mechanic. recommend just playing 64 or 64 3D instead

This game was shat upon constantly, I didn't have near as many problems though, in fact, the motion controls felt pretty good during the on rails section, everything else including the dumb idiot walker is annoying, as much as I kinda like the controls I do wish there was a way to turn them off, but at the same time, the game doesn't have its own identity without them.

Os controles realmente são mais complicados do que deveriam ser. Mas eu consegui pegar o jeito e isso acabou melhorando a minha experiência.

pretty sure i played this one

Is the starfox IP doomed to just be starfox 64 remakes untill it just stops to exist? This game controls just awful. I always forget just how not-fun this game is to play.

When the gameplay isn’t fun there isn’t much one can do to redeem the product. The visuals are bland and simple, wich works for an on-rails shooter. The story is simple and you cant get invested because you’re constantly fighting with the controls.

This game is super short. Starfox games are made to be replayed, so you can try to take a diffrent route each time. But after my first playthrough I had no intent of ever returning.

The only way forward for this franchise is to reinvent the genre like mario and zelda do for there genres. On-rails shooters were new and inventive once upon a time. now the genre has gone stale and nobody’s really interested in the genre. I feel like an open space exploration game with “on rail shooter sections” would work much better than a full game in this style nowadays.

Pretty good game if you ignore the terrible controls.

I really want to like this game but that control scheme…

I literally got to the final boss and quit because of the controls lmao

I don't know how else to describe Star Fox Zero as anything, but a jumbled mess plagued with gimmicky controls. Largely the game had everything going for it. Marketing, good graphics, a stellar cast of characters, and a much needed spotlight for the series since Star Fox Command's failure yet this was an even bigger failure.

The story for Zero is a complete rehash of the original Star Fox 64 game, which was a rehash of the original SNES game, which also had a 3DS remake that played far better than this mess. The fact that Star Fox largely never went a little more than a stones step away from it's original story added to the fact that this game was just an unplayable mess.

While yes, you could factually play this game, you wouldn't really want to. Nothing about this game is fun, and anything new is either ruined by the controls or pacing. It truly is amazing how they screwed up an on-rail shooter, and while you can get good on the set up for Zero, it requires far too much effort and willpower than any game should. Looking at two screens at once is a neat idea, but the simple neck movement can get tiring after one level, and with the way Star Fox games demanded excessive play in short bursts just adds on to that failure of a design. Let alone the problems with route accessing and the boring robot segments that took far too long.

Star Fox Zero is just a rare experience of a slight misstep ruining anything salvageable from a product. If not for it's control scheme it would still be mediocre, but at least could have some enjoyment from this game. Hopefully this will be a lesson to Nintendo to not force a gimmick into something for the sake of feeling new.

Many will shit talk this game but I find it fun.

Add this right next to Skyward Sword on the list of games most people hate because of the control scheme that I somehow had zero issues with and actually found quite enjoyable

Would've been better if not for the controls. Other than that, a solid game. Nothing perfect, but solid.

I wanted to love this game so badly. I played it in co-op with a friend and by the final boss the contortions I had to do to move the Gamepad so we could see where to shoot were causing me physical pain.

I honestly don't think this game is as bad as people say it is. Although it is obvious where the criticism lies, and I have to agree: the Gamepad utilization makes it obvious that they struggles to prove it's existence. But if you make it to the final boss, I think they make it clear that they at least had some good ideas even if it didn't justify the mandatory Gamepad usage in the whole game. I think it was fun.

i really do love the gamepad cockpit gimmick and i think people are too harsh on this one

yeah let's just take SF64, make it worse in most ways that you can imagine, do nothing interesting or new and hey you like motion controls right? I sure hope you like motion controls. GOD help you if you don't like motion controls, bud.

I think I liked this more than others did

Easily one of the worst games I've ever played. Very little redeeming qualities - it's a shame that a franchise with so much potential too was done so dirty with something like this

This is Star Fox 64, but with worse controls and no new content. If you decide to play this on Cemu and remap the controls, this game becomes much more playable. But on its own merits, this gets a 2.5 from me.

Fun game, I enjoyed the novelty of the control options as controversial as they are. What drags it down, in my opinion, is that the game is once more a retelling of the original story mirroring dialogues and some stages from the n64 one.

Seemed cool but had some terrible-ass controls so I couldn't get that far.

Literalmente literalmente injugable.
Los controles son tan jodidamente malos que es que de verdad no hay quien lo juegue. Igual tiene un diseño de níveles y unas batallas espaciales de la hostia, nunca lo sabremos, pero da igual cuando no vas a ser capaz de jugarlo/disfrutarlo con unos controles tan terribles.
Y la historia es otra vez un reboot del primero, sólo es la tercera vez que lo hacen...

I want new content, not a hacked out reboot...

Couldn't grasp the controls, felt unplayably disorienting.

Star Fox Zero is a game that many will say is horrible due to the control scheme. While I can agree that the controls take some getting used to, I think the game has some great ideas and very fun set pieces.

The game is pretty short, similar to 64 in that way. I finished all of the side missions and alternate paths as well, some of them were pretty fun, but most weren't that amazing as the side paths in this game don't usually lead to other planets just small missions. Two of the side missions are literally the same missions but with different vehicles.

Speaking of different vehicles, you control three vehicles throughout the adventure, and most of them are fun, other than the Gyrojet. The "returning" Walker mode on the arwing is a nice touch, as a callback to Star Fox 2. I thought the controls for these vehicles were pretty good, though the separate aiming and movement does take some getting used to as well as having to focus on both screens at once.

I think the music and graphics are very nice as well, with nice renditions of classic SF tunes and the game looks like how I imagined 64 looked as a kid. The re-playability is also very nice with each main mission having 5 medals to collect, and these unlock extra training missions.

All in all, Star Fox Zero is worth a play-though, if you can get used to the control scheme. It has some nice music, graphics, and mostly fun levels / bosses.

The controls are not even the main problem for me. The game feels extremely empty compared to 64 and even Assault. Levels are usually just simple 1 on 1 dogfights or repetitive geometry. There is no replay value whatsoever because of this, which is devastating for a Star Fox game.

"¡Fox, si miras en el gamepad, podrás hacer disparos más precisos!"
- Uy, a ver, a ver.
Me estampo 344509 veces mientras paso a mirar al gamepad