Reviews from

in the past

I still remember pretty well the 1st time I played this game on the Xbox after when I picked it up again and started playing nostalgia filled me, this is a great squad combat game with good mechanics it's very immersing and makes you feel as if your a commando yourself.

A recurring theme with Star Wars games is better than average movie tie in games and Republic Commando is no exception, although it does rank on the lower end personally. the presentation does a lot of the heavy lifting here because its mostly a Just Fine shooter with some light tactics to mix it up enough to be engaging.

i audibly said "ooooh republic commando thas a good one"

Rating: 7.5/10 - Pretty good

Pretty bad squad mechanics but pretty good weapons. Kinda wished that we'd got a sequel given how the game ends on a pretty interesting cliffhanger.

Procurando um jogo bem baratinho em promoção que seja basicamente a versão de Star Wars de um Halo ou um Call of Duty da vida com uma "pitadinha" estratégica de um Brothers in Arms? Então esse com certeza é o jogo certo, que mesmo sendo bem antigo (de 2005), continua sendo bem divertido e interessante para aqueles que gostam desse gênero de First Person Shooter (FPS).

"Star Wars: Republic Commando" conta a história de um esquadrão de clones conhecidos como "Delta Squad", que dentro das Guerras Clônicas precisam concluir missões de reconhecimento, dominação e aniquilação aos quatro únicos planetas ameaçados pelos separatistas no jogo, liderados pelo seu personagem conhecido como "Delta 38" ("RC-1138") que guiará aos outros três clones ("Fixer", "Scorch", e sem dúvidas o mais daora de todos, o "Sev") até a vitória, cada um contendo uma personalidade única que constrói bem toda a imersão e importância desses personagens e da trama, que ainda que seja uma história simples e "não canônica", da para considerá-la bem dentro da história principal da franquia por não apresentar nada que apresente um possível "furo de roteiro" e claro por ser bem isolada a maioria dos outros demais acontecimentos que ocorrem fora do game (com exceção do último planeta que conecta bem com algo paralelo que ocorre dentro do "EP III - A Vingança dos Sith"). Aliás, todo o lado estratégico que citei acima é explorado do mesmo estilo de um Brothers in Arms, em que você decide se um dos personagens irá se curar em algum campo de restauração próximo, se irá ficar em uma determinada posição, usar alguma artilharia no mapa, reanimar algum colega de equipe ou se todos irão se reagrupar com as demais teclas respectivas a tal ordem que será dada (onde no Teclado é F1,F2,F3 e F4), com um modo cooperativo que infelizmente não funciona na história, só servindo para infelizmente "PVP" local ou online.

Para finalizar, gostaria de citar alguns pontos para aqueles que forem jogar ou ainda estejam pensando a respeito, primeiro que como se trata de um game antigo não contém oficialmente legendas PT-BR e a resolução do jogo infelizmente não é FULL HD, onde o máximo que dá para aumentar a resolução dentro dele é de 1600x1200, e mesmo que o jogo esteja até que otimizado a ponto de conseguir jogá-lo sem baixar nada, uma única dica importantíssima e válida é que utilizem o software "RivaTuner Statistics Server" para capar o FPS do jogo em 60 FPS, já que caso não seja utilizado irá ficar quase que impossível de mexer o mouse e sem dúvidas apresentará vários bugs diante da sua jogatina, e usando ele resolverá completamente esse problema, e por fim, no meu caso a sensibilidade ficou ainda bem alta dentro da gameplay do jogo, o que resolveu completamente quando abaixei a sensibilidades nas opções para 1 e sugiro para quem ainda tiver problemas com isso como eu tive que façam isso para ter um controle melhor da mira.

Really fun tactical fps game. You go through three lengthy mission in a squad of 4 specially trained clone troopers known as Commandos. They each have a charming personality that bounce off each other so well, so it made the dialogue in the game one of the best enjoyments. They react to almost anything you or any of them do whether it's good or a mistake. Gameplay is a bit slow and it can be a it brutal at times imo but I still had fun. Using the squad to carry out tasks and strategies was really enjoyable. Story was interesting too. But man the switch port is riddled with way too many issues. Crashes, missing textures, models going nuts, sounds screeching and occasional frame drops. That last section with the Spider Droids one after another was insane. Wish the bigger enemies werent such bullet sponges. Also the squad AI can be a bit clunky at times too which was cumbersome. Would've given it a half star higher if these issues weren't present. Great Star Wars game

Very unique Star Wars game, I always liked games like this and the Battlefront series that took you to the point of view of a soldier in the galaxy. For Republic Commando I never finished the campaign till now, just finally found the time.

The only real problem I had with this game is that the main rifle you have doesn't do much damage especially against tougher enemies. Though one of my favorite weapons is the vibroblade, I find myself using it a lot because it can insta kill basic enemies(B1 Battledroids for example).

The squad tactics and commands work for the most part. I recommend giving the sniper and anti-armour positions it's super efficient and your allies never run out of ammo. However I feel like there should be more depth with this feature, such as giving your squad mates one of pickup weapons. Although I like the levels I feel like they should have put more areas in the game.

As for the multiplayer side of things I was not able to find a game, it seems pretty dead. Though what I have seen from it looks decent fun. I think they missed a big opportunity with this mode, they should have made something like a "Counter Strike" mode where the Commandos are the counter terrorists and have to disarm a bomb. While the Trandoshans are part of the terrorists and have to arm the bomb.

Overall, Republic Commando has a really good atmosphere to add to the franchise. I think it's a shame the never got its sequel.

One of the only star wars games I couldn't bring myself to finish, tried to get into this game like four times now and get bored well into the first mission. I don't find the gunplay very satisfying at all, shooting enemies feels like shooting a wall. Only giving this 2.5/5 because clone commandos look badass, otherwise its a 1 or 2 for me.

What a mess. I'm guessing some of it is down to this particular Switch port, but even so it's really hard to enjoy no matter how much I want to.

A.I. is janky as hell; sometimes enemies just stand around, sometimes your pals walk directly into your line of fire.

Camera occasionally just goes UP to the ceiling, and also sometimes stops turning to one side as if there's a limit to how much you can rotate? Only way to fix it is to spin the opposite direction a few times. Mad.

Shooting feels completely lacking in impact, looking and moving is floaty and imprecise.

The tactical stuff is neat at first, but after a while it's just gimmicky and has very little effect on gameplay. It looks good, when it works, like little set pieces every few minutes, but you're never really making any kind of decisions. Plus, pointing at the right interactive spot is finicky, occasionally takes a few attempts to get your guy to go do his thing.

I like the setting, I think it's good when Star Wars sidelines The Force, but the charm of this team isn't enough to carry the game. Disappointed, am I.

Made in an era of the best FPS games this stands out as one of the best.

A creative and unique style made you feel as if you were part of the clone wars itself.

This game was the right mix of hard and fun delivering one of the best FPS games and possibly the best starwars game I've played to date.

Geonosians. Droids. Super battle droids. Droids again. Super battle droids again. A spider droid. More super battle droids. Droidekas. Geonosians again for some reason. Trandoshan slavers (hey, that's diff-oh, they're just humanoids with guns and melee weapons). Super battle droids. Super battle droids. Super battle droids. Super battle droids.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that this game is -incredibly- repetitive and boring. I get the whole "tactical shooter" thing, and there are some solid ideas in here to that effect, but they're wasted on an overly linear, tedious slog of a campaign that never stops and takes the time to build the characters of your Republic commandos.

After you've somehow managed to make it through 8-10 hours of pointless repetition, the game can't even be bothered to end properly. Weak shooting, poor storytelling, and an overall feeling of "why bother?" make this one an easy miss.

Actually solid game, one of the few classics that can make you have fun even compared next to new gen titles!

I never had the chance to play Republic Commando when I was a child but loved the trailers. So the nostalgia factor doesn't have an effect on me. I'm expecting to get a lot of hate but I don't really understand why is there such a big praise for this game.

I will begin with the cons: bad AI even on the hardest difficulty (squad mates doing damage to you, getting on your way and even enemies just standing and doing nothing), nothing special about the gameplay - enemies are bullet sponges, the shooting is dull, weapons don't feel impactful (except the shotgun) but melee does the most damage. The game doesn't support widescreen resolutions and has terrible mouse acceleration but thanks to the modding community there are fixes. There is no lore, the campaign is just 3 linear and repetitive missions. Just as it gets interesting - the game ends.

However, there are still some pros - great OST, the game is actually quite challenging even on normal difficulty, cheesy dialogues, the HUD is very well made, and this is so far the only Star Wars game from a soldier's perspective and not from force-sensitive characters.

Pretty fun, wish there was a bit more squad actions you could do but not disappointed in the amount for an early 2000s game. Squad members often got stuck in hallways on the ship but at least load points resets them. Obviously great soundtrack since it's Star Wars. The visor wiping off blood rain etc is a nice touch.

-Gameplay is really good but feels kind of old and out dated like most of the fps games from the 7th and 6th generations. But considering how old it is, it's pretty impressive; the AI is better than many of the games that come out these days.
-The Graphics are fine; great for 2005.
-Atmosphere doesn't really feel like the star wars movies, which is obviously because we are neither a Jedi nor a Sith; I'm not a huge fan of Star Wars franchise but I think they nailed what they were going for in this game.
-Story is probably the best thing of the game; the four commandos have really good chemistry and the missions they go through are interesting to follow; not to mention the cliff hanger in the end...

It's a must play if you like Star Wars or shooters that are a little older; but there is something with this game that I can't seem to figure out... Looking at the elements separately, they hold up well; but the game as a whole pack feels really out dated.

It kinda feels like a Halo clone with Star Wars on top, but it's still pretty solid. The emphasis on tactics provides a unique twist that helps it to stand out a bit.

I've been having a really good time with Republic Commando on and off for a few months now. Usually I'll hop on and spend a few hours being blown away at the competence of the tactics this game utilizes or getting lost in the game's main theme.

I adore the clone wars era of Star Wars and every chapter in the story of the clones is equally interesting to me. As well represented as that is here, the game itself is impressive and fun and almost healthily removed from the clone wars content we've seen before. This is a must play for fans of the FPS genre and games like Rainbow Six or Metal Gear.

This is what the Bad Batch wishes it was
In all seriousness, this game is a hidden gem in the world of Star Wars videogames. You take control of Delta Squad, an elite force of clone commandos during the three years of the Clone Wars. Each squad member is functionally the same, but each has their own personallity that keeps the narrative from getting stale.

There are three scenarios total: Geonosis, a hijacked Republic cruiser and Kashyyyk. Each scenario is different enough from the others that the gameplay doesn't feel repetitive. The game is very short, but it does it best with what little time it has. It was developed inbetween movies II and III, so sadly there's no missions on battlefields like Felucia or Mygeeto.

The gameplay is very similar to older shooters like Halo, you pick up weapons and grenades on the way and each of them is more effective against certain types of enemies. You order your squad around to complete tasks or objectives like demolitions, hacking or breaching. When not carrying out a direct order from you they provide support for you and others, so you don't waste time babysitting them. It may be overwhelming at the start but once you get the hang of it you can plan out your offensives with efficiency and coordination.

That said, the game isn't above criticism in some areas. In some sections the game tries to force you to use certain types of weapons, and enforces it by not dropping ammo for others, which just comes out as arbitrary and annoying. Some enemies (looking at you, Super Battle Droids) are bullet sponges even in the lowest difficulties. Some say that the Delta's AI is idiotic; I myself never had much of an issue with it, but there were times I had to go revive a squadmate because they rushed right into a horde of enemies. And finally, the games ends very abruptly after an event which should be emotionally impactful, but it just isn't because the credits roll right after that. It seems they were going to explore it in the sequel, too bad they didn't finish it before the Mouse came.

Overall, its a short but very fun experience, and a good proof of concept for a cancelled sequel. Pick it up only if its on sale.


(don't play the Switch port it's trash-ass)

The difficulty spikes make the challenge-topography of this game like going from the depths of the ocean to summiting Everest. Still fun.

You should bacta yourself...NOW!

Fun little tactical shooter with a Star Wars coat of paint inspired by the likes of Halo and Counter-Strike!

Delta Squad is your typical group of cliched but enjoyable badass soldiers spouting machismo dialogue. I miss the era of prequel tie-in games for the franchise because they really fleshed out the world-building and expanded the universe.

The campaign is rather short as there are only really 3 main missions (Geonosis, The Prosecutor, and Kashyyyk) but they do take around 1.5-2 hours to complete each. Even on the easiest setting though, it's still quite a challenging experience because your weapons are so underpowered and the enemies (especially the droids) are bullet sponges and I was constantly running low on ammo and my squadmates kept getting downed.

A shame we never got a follow-up as it ends on a cliffhanger or a remaster as I could see it being improved with updated graphics and gameplay.

I have never played any other FPS game in my life.

This game is really fun. It’s not just a so-so FPS with a Star Wars coat of paint on it. I adored the squad commanding mechanics and how essential they were to progressing.

Can’t forget to mention how fun the characters were. Delta Squad had such a fun dynamic and I wish we got to see more of them just hanging out and talking.

If you got an extra £12 then why not?

definitely more of a coop thing i played it alone and its just kinda of ok fps of the time
just play halo instead

A pretty enjoyable shooter, and an incredible Star Wars game. Shows a side of the universe rarely touched upon. Memorable squadmates and nice level design. Weapon and enemy variety could've been better.
High level game though. Wish more starwars games like this came out.

It all ends in a cliffhanger and it's been almost 20 years. I feel like Rey waiting for her parents to come pick her up.

Can be surprisingly difficult at times but enjoyable nonetheless. A really solid Star Wars FPS. Also has a great cast of clones with banter that I’ve grown to enjoy.

This is one of those "aged like milk" games