Reviews from

in the past

Ah con razon la wea esta asi en SW Heist.

Melhorando tudo de seu antecessor, é uma otima sequencia, otimo metroidvania. Infelizmente não possui legendas pt br.

This game improves so much over the original in terms of movement, exploration, atmosphere and EVERYTHING that it makes it look kinda boring in comparison

Feels like I played this game a hundred times over on various different Flash games websites in my mid-teens, though SteamWorld Dig 2 is obviously broadly a much more polished and fleshed out experience. The story and characters didn't connect with me at all, and the movement doesn't really feel suited to some of the more precise platforming challenges, but I wanted something with a satisfying gameplay loop to keep me distracted and engaged for a few hours and the game very ably delivered in that regard.

Ends a bit abruptly, but great until that point. Perfect fit for the Switch.

I've replayed this one, along with the original SteamWorld Dig numerous times. This is as good as that, but makes a lot of quality of life improvements. And it's just polished as hell.

Would be my go to switch game if it didn't end so quickly. Dig 2 takes the quick addicting exploration of the first game and improves on it's design. Both games have an excellent game play loop of explore, sell and explore. The art is wonderful as well and the relaxing soundtrack is worth the listen. Looking forward to a third instalment.

Blows the first one out of the water in almost all ways.
Music is more memorable (I bought it on Bandcamp), and honestly it's warm colours and gameplay are just peak comfy. I remember the absolute nirvana it was popping this game on after hitting the gym and being absolutely exhausted.

Dialogue and humour are only servicable though, you can tell that English wasn't the first language of the writers, giving it all just a slight twinge of uncanniness.

Me gustó mucho Dorothy, quede encantada con su personalidad y con Fen, fue como un personaje tan lindo y me hubiera gustado más de él, el juego fue bastante más completo y emocionante que el primero con puzzles más interesantes y un exterior que explorar

steamworld dig 3 would sell 10 trillion copies

SteamWorld Dig 2 is a perfect sequel to this Metroidvania series. It takes everything the first game was and improves on it while adding some neat bells and whistles to the formula all it's own.

First of all the game is just gorgeous with this really interesting painterly art style. Big bold colors and fun shapes are used everywhere. It all perfectly sells the town of El Machino, the incredibly detailed main hub (including it's denizens) of this adventure.

It picks up where the first game ended and you're playing as Dorothy searching for Rusty, the previous main character, who vanished at the end of 1. The game breadcrumbs you story bits every now and then to keep you intrigued and wanting to further dig up this mystery. The story was kind of bare bones in the first one so I'm surprised they cared enough to expand it but I'm glad they did.

Don't let the extra care to the story fool you though, the main draw here is still the core loop from the first game. That being to dig up as much ore as you can carry, haul it to the top, and sell it to kit yourself out with upgrades that will let you carry even more and mine even further. Along your descent you'll find challenge rooms that will test your ability and reward you with various treasures, upgrade stations, and a new resource: cogs.

Cogs are one of my favorite additions to this game that adds a lot of depth and replay value. As you naturally upgrade your gear to be more effective you'll also unlock optional mods. That's where the cogs come in. Some mods cost 1, 2, or more to activate but they're not permanent. If you find that a mod isn't useful anymore and want to spend upgrade cogs elsewhere, you can slot them out and put them in the new thing. This essentially gives you total control of your play style and the freedom to experiment. You never have to worry if a weird upgrade will ruin the experience for you, just take your cogs elsewhere.

There are some great additions to your arsenal and gear that I don't want to spoil, just know that the developers keep things fresh and the gameplay ever evolving. There's always a new upgrade to learn, a secret to find, a challenge room to conquer.

The level design is in top form too. With all the options the game gives you it kind of has to be and they don't let things go to waste. There are some levels I'm never going to be able to forget and I'd reckon you won't be able to either.

All in all SteamWorld Dig 2 is one of the best Metroidvania titles I've ever played and I urge you to try it yourself if you like the genre. I'm surprised they gave this away for free. From the goofy steampunk western setting to the gorgeous artwork and the addictive gameplay you're spoiled for choice at finding something to like here. As for me, I eagerly await SteamWorld Dig 3 but I bought the spin-off SteamWorld Heist to tide me over.

This was super fun! Played it to completion, and never got spoiled on anything! Found a cool secret upgrade earlygame that make enemies explode for a high risk-reward thing. Highly recommend!

Steamworld Dig 2, perhaps more than any other game in history, is the shining example of what a sequel can and should be. Every single aspect of this game is improved up on from its predecessor. Gameplay mechanics, upgrade systems, characters, dialogue, economy, music, art, substance, emotional impact. This game is a perfect sequel. SD2 does directly follow the events of Steamworld Dig, but no knowledge of the previous game is required to understand the story or engage with the world. I do highly recommend that you play the first game though, I’d absolutely list it in my indie must-plays.

In SD2, you take control of Dot, a robot visiting the charming sci-fi western town of El Machino. The inhabitants of the the town are friendly, colorful, and memorable. The music is calming and yet exciting. The plot begins! You are searching for your uncle, Rusty, your voiceless protagoist from the first game, who disappeared at the end of Steamworld Dig. You team up with Fen, fire spirit/best boy, and together set off to the underground to dig, dig, dig.

In this metroidvania, you’ll dig down into the earth to find caverns, enemies, puzzles, challenges, and some pretty crazy boss fights as you progress towards the bottom. The great part about the game is that each tool you acquire and each skill you gain (by spending money back in town) serves a very specific purpose: to help you keep digging. Whether its an upgrade for more water (water is basically mana and makes all your gadgets work), a mobility tool like the hookshot, or an upgrade like the drill to bore through rock faster, each of these tools makes you just good enough, just fast enough to make it to the next checkpoint and unlock its mysteries.

Like many metroidvanias, there’s a hub world (the town) with a pipe that lets you fast travel to any of the checkpoints you’ve unlocked. You have a limited amount of light every time you travel to the underground, and must find places to recharge it for extended stays or else be lost in the darkness. Trips to the surface become less frequent as you progress farther underground and gain powerups and tools that help you keep the lights on longer. There’s plenty of collectibles too! Find all the cogs if you can. You’ll collect gems to sell for cash and use the cash to buy upgrades so you can dig for more gems. Feedback loop!

There aren’t a huge variety of enemies, but the fact is they’re not really there for you to fight, they’re mostly there to try and impede you from digging. Dig around them, fight them, whatever. Bossfights can get tough, I got stuck on the Prophet for a good while. It never gets overly challenging though, you can easily play on your switch while watching TV.

This game may not look like it has very much of a story, and it doesn’t, but what is there hits very hard. Dot and Fen have a great relationship, and the characters you meet around town and elsewhere all have something interesting going on. I don’t want to spoil anything, but the last scene of the game hit me so hard I teared up. You need to finish it.

Steamworld Dig 2 takes every aspect of the previous game and doubles, if not triples, its quality. The upgrade system is perfectly balanced so I was never over or under powered. The characters are fun, goofy, and memorable. The gameplay is smooth and satisfying, and use of mobility tools like the grappling hook feels like a natural addition to the formula. This is a perfect game to escape to while watching TV or listening to a podcast. Make sure you’re paying attention at the end tho — the last scene is well worth working to reach.

This game is underappreciated and I feel deserves a lot more love. I think the only problems I had with it back when I played it was it's admittedly janky movement and the story/plot not connecting too much with me, but everything else about this game makes up for those weaknesses tenfold. Definitely pick this one up if you can, it's worth playing,

better than the first in every way except it's a bit too long imo

I just want to dig hole, find rock, and buy upgrade. That's all I want. But this game keeps wanting me to do platforming challenges (despite the movement not feeling very good) and combat (which also does not feel very good) and there's also some story happening that seems to be very charming or whatever but I'm sorry I just simply do not care because all I want to do is dig hole, find rock, and buy upgrade.

Such a significant improvement on the original in every way possible. While it does get a little long in the tooth towards the end - if you enjoy Metroidvanias, SteamWorld Dig 2 will provide an enjoyable 8-10 experience.

SteamWorld Dig 2 is a good expansion on the first game. It takes the somewhat repetitive gameplay of the original and expands it with some new environments, more puzzle-based and interesting level design, and a more interesting narrative.

Like every Image & Form Games production, this game looks great and plays well. They know what their style is and nail it really well.

Gameplay in SteamWorld 2 can get a bit repetitive, but is pretty fun throughout. I ended up not pursuing many of the extra puzzles in the game and it goes on just a bit longer than I would have wanted, but I still enjoyed it all the way through.
There are a lot of satisfying upgrades and mining rare materials to fund your advancement feels good and rewarding.

The story in SteamWorld 2 takes off from the first one and is really just an excuse to talk to some wacky characters and explore a complex of underground tunnels. It has some twists that are fun and though it isn't extremely original, it also isn't boring.

SteamWorld Dig 2 is a fun exploration platformer with some good upgrade and traversal mechanics. I had a good time with this game.

Nice metroidvania. Very ok but gets overshadowed but a lot of other ones

Excellent sequel with improved gameplay. A tad bit long for a Metroidvania, but a great experience

Great! Liked it more than the first.. Which I played a good few hours of on the 3DS. That game was a more straight-forward, proof of concept for this game: How to dig up dirt and the occasional gem in 2D and make it interesting. Where the first game was very simple, this adds a whole layer of "metroidvania" skills and tools to help mix up exploration and gameplay that I quite enjoyed. It is very soothing to just head down into the mines, hack through a bunch of dirt and stone blocks to fill up your pack, sell it for loot, grab an upgrade you want, then head back down for more.

There a few "dungeons" of sorts that also help break this up that are more standard Metroidvania puzzles and exploration. Nothing too exceptional in terms of gameplay but the art direction is crazy good. Where the world initially looks like a desert wasteland, you quickly find old ruins, acid swamps, and technological nightmares not too far down in the deeps...

There's an attempt at a story and characters, and while nothing is grand they are certainly functional. The robot townsfolk are cute with their beeps and boops, there are some surprise human characters later on that hint at a dystopian backstory and Dot's (the MC) search for her uncle (the character from the first game!) is interesting at least. She makes friends with a floating light who likes to be a jackass and blow things up, but he and Dot become friends and that leads to a touching 'end' between the two that sets up a third game.

A giant leap over its predecessor and a simple but fulfilling game loop plus a dash of great art... make this a worthwhile purchase.

Final Grade: A-

I was the one who took Rusty, he is now a 3D printer

Great Metroidvania. While the bosses were boring, it was fun to slowly explore things and the music was just great. It was a fast play, but you constantly felt like you were making money and progressing. The art style was lovely, but it never quite rose the heights of other metroidvanias.

É incrível a evolução do primeiro jogo pra esse, a impressão é que o outro é até uma tech demo aumentada, dada a qualidade de SteamWorld Dig 2.

A mobilidade, a exploração, os níveis, a história, o visual, tudo faz do jogo uma experiência muito gostosa de apreciar. Ele tem um loop muito bom, que funciona tanto pra partidas curtas quanto mais longas.

Além disso, eu AMO o foco em exploração independente de maestria que ele dá: as vezes é mais importante olhar cada cantinho do que realmente saber pular rápido ou algo. Junta isso com meu prazer em ticar listinhas de coletáveis e taí um jogo que fiz 100%.

SteamWorld Dig 2 is basically just a bigger SteamWorld Dig 1. I didn't feel that any of the differences between the two were monumental. This one has a much bigger focus on the story, which kind of makes sense because the ending of 1 was a little weird from what I remember. The music is good, but nothing crazy. The gameplay and visuals remain mostly identical to the first game. The map is much larger, but it felt as if they wanted it bigger just to say it was bigger. Not much purpose to that for the most part, I thought. Still, SteamWorld Dig 1 was a good game so 2 being mostly identical isn't even a bad thing. Good job.

A great follow-up to Steamworld Dig. It expands on the previous game and refines mechanics in ways that really enhance the experience. Some of the hardware upgrades you'll acquire feel like a godsend. My only criticism is that the optional final challenges (which you can access for 100%-ing the rest of the game) are INSANELY difficult. Until then, the game's difficulty level seemed perfect. Even watching people make it through the final challenges on YouTube, I couldn't manage some of them, as the controls must be very exact and precise.

But that's not that big of a deal, as they're completely optional. If you ever enjoyed the first game or the old Flash game Motherload, you should buy this game.

The first game was a proof of concept for this game. Scratches the medtroidvania itch wonderfully.

Would love a 3rd game

This review contains spoilers

SteamWorld Dig 2 is a very solid Metroidvania experience. After having played the first SteamWorld Dig to completion (not 100%) about three years ago and finding it good, it was cool to see how this sequel reiterates and improves upon everything established in that game. The core is still pretty much the same, but it is expanded through great additions. This game took me three days of constant play to beat.

Upgrading your character (this time its Dorothy McCrank instead of Rusty) feels more satisfying than ever, it has that classic Metroidvania quality of feeling underwhelming and simple at first but really blossoming later on. I was surprised by just how many upgrades and new equipment you get throughout the game; sure, some of them return from the first game, but there are some that are completely new. My only real complaint about the progression in SteamWorld Dig 2 is that the whole leveling system felt rather pointless to me. Everything you can upgrade is already walled off through the money you get from selling the ore you collect on your journey, which felt like quite a natural path of progression to me, so I see no need for blocking things further through the level system. Whenever I had enough in-game cash to buy the upgrades I wanted, I was high enough level for it anyway. Also, I never felt any stronger or more efficient from leveling; the game would tell me my stats improved or something, but I couldn't tell the difference.

The level design of SteamWorld Dig 2 is wonderfully cohesive. I have a bad tendency of getting lost and frustrated with not knowing where to go or how to solve a puzzle in games, but that didn't happen to me a single time here. I don't know how to explain it in better terms, its just that the design of the game made it to where finding secrets and figuring out puzzles felt very intuitive, yet still complex enough to make me think about how to do it. I managed to find more than half of the Artifacts in the game, which made me feel quite accomplished since typically I'm not good at hunting down secret collectibles.

SteamWorld Dig 2 feels nice to play, as well. The controls are solid. Dorothy gets upgrades later on - a jetpack and a grappling hook - that made movement a lot of fun for me. I don't have a lot to say about that, but I figured I'd make a short paragraph praising this since "game feel" is a very important aspect of making a game enjoyable.

I will say, the story was not very gripping to me. It has a strange way of seeming like its trying to be more engaging than it actually is, there's some narrative but it didn't really hit for me. At the end, some cool plot-points were being built up and hinted at, but just ended up not being true for what only felt like it happened for the sake of a plot twist. One thing I like is that we learn that the Shiners (zombie people basically) from the last game are actually sentient and Dorothy befriends them. That was pretty cool, but I feel this should have been a little more developed considering Rusty was killing these guys in the last game. This is a big reason why the twist ending, where the leader of the Shiners that has been helping you was actually the villain using you for their master plan all along, falls flat for me. Why even pretend like they were good folk in the first place when the last game didn't do that? I did not see any signs that the Shiner leader was evil, though its possible I just missed some. Also, the game often hints that Rusty was the villain, since there's even an entire cult that worships him, yet Rusty isn't evil at all and he only shows up at the very end when its revealed he's just being used as a living battery for the real villain's big mech. I don't know, the plot twists just fell flat for me. That's not too big a deal since I don't expect some sweeping narrative from these games, but I do find it a little disappointing since this game tried to put more emphasis on story.

The visuals and soundtrack of SteamWorld Dig 2 are great. Although the music isn't something I would listen to outside of the game, in the game it works well to establish atmosphere. This game's art style looks REALLY nice, I don't know how to describe it. It sort of looks like watercolor paintings to me, if I had to compare it to anything. The visual flair of SteamWorld Dig 2 is a huge improvement over the first game in my opinion.

Overall, SteamWorld Dig 2 is a great game. It has flaws (what game doesn't?) but the positives far outweigh them. SteamWorld Dig 2 gets a solid 4 stars from me.