Reviews from

in the past

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl

Fuck the haters, this game SLAPS.

Princess Peach inverte os papeis entre Mario e a Princesa e traz uma ideia que tinha tudo pra dar certo, mas começa com o pé esquerdo explorando a figura da princesa de forma caricata atribuindo a ela comportamentos estereotipados de uma princesa, explorando seus sentimentos de raiva, choro, calma e euforia.

Mecanicamente não há problema algum, mas soa ofensivo retratar uma personagem dessa forma tão caricata. Não avancei muito no jogo, mas quem sabe eu continuo depois. Não senti muito incentivo pra prosseguir, entretanto.

This game was just so fun. I remember in elementary school, always being intimidated by video games because "it was for boys." This helped break down that wall and opened a lot of doors, portals, and pipes.
Plus it is so cute!

A fun little platformer. Not perfect, and having to collect all the toads to fight the final boss is dumb but I still a great time.

my girl deserves more than.... this

This game had an interesting gimmick. Emotions were cool, and the level design was good. Art style was cute, but other than that it wasn't really memorable.

Fully spin off master piece, exploration elements feels sustantial and the gimmicks are great, the boss battles is more interesting than some Mario 2D games

Muy bonito juego, de mis plataformeros favoritos, solo sus minijuegos con el tactil son olvidables, also el pixel art es precioso

Bruh, Peach finna slays here harder than in smash because she's even stronger even without float canceling and turnip z dropping. Also this game has a vibrator joke in a kids game.

It's a pretty basic 2D Nintendo platformer if you're still into that stuff.

Not much to say, just a fun 2D platformer with cool gimmicks. Well designed levels and bosses overall. Controlling Peach was so much fun.

How is this even a thing? Easily the most sexist game ever developed, plus the gameplay and level design are both incredibly mediocre.

When I played it ten years ago, in the early years of emulation, it was kind of cool, but I didn't finish it because the emulator crashed in a certain part. I like the ideas and the style behind this one, and I want it to have a sequel. Parry for life. It was too bland and generic in many parts though, it hurts its rating.

Super Princess Peach is slow. It's so slow. Peach crawls across the screen and there's nothing you can do about it, short of using occasional slides and extra energy for the crying vibe power to make it a little more bearable. 2D Mario games can do a lot wrong, but they typically make up for it by at least being smooth and snappy enough that the simple act of moving through levels is fun, and they fuck that up here. I like this game and I'm nostalgic for it, but playing through it to the ending as an adult, I can't say it's nearly as good as it is in my memories.

The vibes feel incredibly under-utilized and like they figured cool levels would flow out of them in a way that just never happened. You never feel creative or like you've solved a puzzle, you just stop and press the button on the touch screen that lets you get past the obstacle. It's really a shame, because with this game's slower and more deliberate pace along with more fleshed-out moves...what else are those for, if not new and creative kinds of encounters that require a little more thought? I'm likely going to write another short review if I get around to do the harder levels that unlock in the post-game, but I've seen no real indication that they had any fleshed-out ideas for what to do with Peach's (very cool!) unique abilities. Often it's as if the levels contain doors of four different colors and the player has the incredibly difficult task of tapping on the corresponding color on the second screen.

The feminist objections to Super Princess Peach are maybe what the game is most remembered for nowadays, and though the vibes don't bother me much, the criticism is plenty valid. It's a tone-deaf choice that makes it occupy a strange place in history. It sucks that this whole special game dedicated to Peach is based around extreme emotions. What bothers me more than that, though, is the insulting ease and spoodfeeding that go far beyond Mario norms, even beyond NSMB norms. Every single obstacle has a tutorial block telling the player exactly what to do over and over. These are optional, thank god, but they allow NO room for ambiguous goals or really thought of any kind. This includes bosses, where every single one is preceded by a message describing in-detail how to defeat them. I'm not sure if Nintendo is deliberately talking down to and expecting nothing of the young girls this game was meant for or if their level design was so bad at signalling what to do that they had to stick signs everywhere pointing you around. Either way, it sucks.

Why didn't you tell me I needed to collect every toad? I sped through thinking they were just another collectible but you need every single one, so I ended up having to go back through half the levels in the game just to finish. Painfully easy levels are one thing, but going through them again really soured me on this right at the end. It doesn't help that the bowser fight fucking sucks and doesn't require even the little bits of problem-solving that did exist in the rest of the game.

Obviously I'm frustrated as hell with Super Princess Peach and it's not as good as I remembered, but there still is a lot to like! It looks so cheery and Peach's animations are gorgeous and fluid. Bowser's bi! Peach is a badass, woo! It's a lot of fun seeing her still be a very traditionally feminine princess-type and also whipping everyone's asses with an umbrella. The floating feels good! The little dream sequences between worlds are adorable! This one is still solid, but it's far from the best Mario platformer. But it's another nostalgic childhood game beaten, and that always feels great.

i was really little when i played this, but i enjoyed it a whole lot!

The Vibe Scepter has strange and mysterious powers, that's for sure...So, how do YOU feel about this last adventure? One thing about that scepter! No one knows who created it or why, but...somewhere, someone might possibly be using it right now......What? Your dad got mad at you the other day, you say? Your mom's been laughing happily a lot? Maybe...just maybe...the Vibe Scepter is hidden away in your house somewhere...

This game is super strange. I played it as a kid and originally admired the pretty pixel art, which is still probably my favorite part of this game. The rest is... unfortunate.
The game is structured as a pretty simple 2D platformer featuring Peach with the main gimmick being four special abilities relating to emotions (because this game is sexist a little)
The abilities have one major problem: they are controlled by a meter that runs out when using them. You also fill a negligible amount from eating enemies the, but that's not enough to unlock Secrets. the only efficient way to refill them enough is to stand in place for around 10 seconds (which you are not told you can do) So either you have a ton of meter and can blast through the game, waiting whenever you need more, or you don't have any because you don't know you can refill the meter, so there abilities might as well not exist. How about a smaller meter that refills each time you enter a new room? That would fix most of these problems. Because of this, the game can never set up situations where it can use the abilities in unique ways because it has to account for the fact that you might not have the meter for them. As a result, the emotional abilities are reduced to simple secret accessing devices, where you use an ability and stand in place and a secret opens up (Secrets being toads, which are useless until the final level where you need all of them. You end up just ignoring them and then when you need them you just wanna quit)
So the game's main unique aspect is wasted due to a couple poor design choices. Is there still a half decent platformer in there?


The levels are surreal collections of blocks and basic platforming. The platforming rarely has any new mechanics that materially shake up the gamrplay or add variation to the platforming. They have very little thematic consistency. You'll go from disconnected room to disconnected room, confused out of your mind as to what all the things on screen are suppose to communicate. Not mention that one of the abilities allows you to skip all the platforming.
It isn't all bad. It controls ok, it looks really good and the music is pretty nice too. Giddy Sky and Fury Volcano are especially great. Overall, the game just feels like a waste of time, and so much of it makes so little sense.

No se muy bien que decir de este juego, la jugabalidad era aceptable supongo, lo de las emociones mecánicamente estaba bien, temáticamente, ya tal....

Finally got around to playing this for the first time and it seems unfortunately quite forgotten about these days

It's a fun little puzzle platformer where you can use one of four different vibes on the touch screen to give Peach an ability for a while and open up new paths on levels to find one of three Toads hidden in each level. It's very light and breezy which makes sense given this is made by Tose who did the Starfy series which is pretty similar to the Kirby series. But yeah light and breezy makes for a pretty fun adventure!

The level design isn't anything special (with World 8 dipping a little into oh this isn't too good) and the music is a little generic as well. There's also early DS game we must use the touch screen and microphone to meet the quota!!!! stuff too but I wouldn't say it's anything that ruins the game, more just little complaints.
Though needing to collect all the Toad to access the final boss is pretty annoying and unnecessary

What I will say is that has way more charm and imagination than anything the New Super Mario Bros series has chucked out. The sprite work is beautiful, with lots of cool enemies used from Mario World and Yoshi's Island. The bosses are all unique fights too, each requiring specific uses of Peach's vibes abilities. They used characters like Petey Piranha and King Boo for bosses too which still feels a million times more fresh than the Koopalings ever did!

It's a shame it's not more fondly remembered because I would have liked to have seen Peach get her own series like Luigi did with Luigi's Mansion

The main game is a little too easy but completion is a nice cozy time outside a few puzzles. The spritework is also really cute.

Cant believe i almost cried with the umbrella's backstory

Fun little platformer with some entertaining boss fights.

This review contains spoilers

Bowser getting slapped by Peach is the reason why you have to play this game.