Reviews from

in the past

This game was just so fun. I remember in elementary school, always being intimidated by video games because "it was for boys." This helped break down that wall and opened a lot of doors, portals, and pipes.
Plus it is so cute!

Dropped after I found out you had to get 100% on collectibles to access the final boss.

There's such a huge 'stigma' around this game and I kinda feel it's uncharitable and casually misogynistic. The whole "ew the peach game is about her being emotional" bit seems misplaced when the entire kingdom is affected by the vibe scepter and they never imply it's something innate or special about her. Like, it's still an uncharitable concept to go for in the first solo-Peach game, but, I don't know how someone could play this and still have that takeaway. Besides, the actual 'emotions' are really minor touchscreen powerups and mean little more than a gimmick. It's simply a 'feature' in a collectathon platformer.

The real problem is that as a game, SPP is another un-noteworthy Yoshi's Island clone, down to re-using certain art assets and mechanics. It does little to stick out from the larger deluge of Nintendo platformers and doesn't have the same stage variety or production value of the original Yoshi's Island. The vibe abilities are kinda slow to use and mostly amount to key-based abilities - cry to water plants or move waterwheels, get angry to burn things, get happy to sloooooooowly fly to an out-of-reach place, stuff like that. Bosses are the most obnoxious part of the game, maybe some of the worst fights in a mainline Mario game to date.

So yeah, this game ain't 'bad' and it doesn't deserve the reputation it has, but I'm not the kinda person with the stomach for Nintendo platformers as-is. Super Mario 3D World is already out there if you want a platformer where Peach gets to kick ass.

Miyamoto recently did that press bit where he obviously lied about wanting to make Peach strong and independent since the NES, and now that he's put that out there, he's got a target on his head if the next Mario game comes out and Peach is a damsel again. There's going to be a huge audience of kids and parents who 'knew' Mario before the movie but never 'owned' a Nintendo console prior to it. They're gonna be rightfully pissed if Odyssey 2 or whatever next Mario game retroactively disempowers her again. Make her playable Nintendo. Let her do cool things. Or, just make another Peach game.

This art of Peach doing hotline bling is funny tho

Playing the better Peach game made me realize how unlikely it was for us to get Super Princess Peach in the first place.

First things first: the game isn't plagued by gimmicky DS controls like half the early DS games, but it simply lets you control the princess' emotions, which play an important role in platforming: by getting angry, Peach can stomp; by crying, you can water plants and so on.

What's so special about this game though? Honestly, not much! The protagonist is cute and the idea is novel, but outside some outstanding levels (like the mansions), I don't really remember much about the game and the levels themselves. I'm sure it works and it controls well enough, controlling emotions is a cool idea and all but it simply cannot carry the game alone. It's an innocuous little game, with wonderful spriting might I add, about a role switch between savior and saved, but that's it.

I wish I had platform sections during my mood swings, but I digress.

Super Princess Peach is slow. It's so slow. Peach crawls across the screen and there's nothing you can do about it, short of using occasional slides and extra energy for the crying vibe power to make it a little more bearable. 2D Mario games can do a lot wrong, but they typically make up for it by at least being smooth and snappy enough that the simple act of moving through levels is fun, and they fuck that up here. I like this game and I'm nostalgic for it, but playing through it to the ending as an adult, I can't say it's nearly as good as it is in my memories.

The vibes feel incredibly under-utilized and like they figured cool levels would flow out of them in a way that just never happened. You never feel creative or like you've solved a puzzle, you just stop and press the button on the touch screen that lets you get past the obstacle. It's really a shame, because with this game's slower and more deliberate pace along with more fleshed-out moves...what else are those for, if not new and creative kinds of encounters that require a little more thought? I'm likely going to write another short review if I get around to do the harder levels that unlock in the post-game, but I've seen no real indication that they had any fleshed-out ideas for what to do with Peach's (very cool!) unique abilities. Often it's as if the levels contain doors of four different colors and the player has the incredibly difficult task of tapping on the corresponding color on the second screen.

The feminist objections to Super Princess Peach are maybe what the game is most remembered for nowadays, and though the vibes don't bother me much, the criticism is plenty valid. It's a tone-deaf choice that makes it occupy a strange place in history. It sucks that this whole special game dedicated to Peach is based around extreme emotions. What bothers me more than that, though, is the insulting ease and spoodfeeding that go far beyond Mario norms, even beyond NSMB norms. Every single obstacle has a tutorial block telling the player exactly what to do over and over. These are optional, thank god, but they allow NO room for ambiguous goals or really thought of any kind. This includes bosses, where every single one is preceded by a message describing in-detail how to defeat them. I'm not sure if Nintendo is deliberately talking down to and expecting nothing of the young girls this game was meant for or if their level design was so bad at signalling what to do that they had to stick signs everywhere pointing you around. Either way, it sucks.

Why didn't you tell me I needed to collect every toad? I sped through thinking they were just another collectible but you need every single one, so I ended up having to go back through half the levels in the game just to finish. Painfully easy levels are one thing, but going through them again really soured me on this right at the end. It doesn't help that the bowser fight fucking sucks and doesn't require even the little bits of problem-solving that did exist in the rest of the game.

Obviously I'm frustrated as hell with Super Princess Peach and it's not as good as I remembered, but there still is a lot to like! It looks so cheery and Peach's animations are gorgeous and fluid. Bowser's bi! Peach is a badass, woo! It's a lot of fun seeing her still be a very traditionally feminine princess-type and also whipping everyone's asses with an umbrella. The floating feels good! The little dream sequences between worlds are adorable! This one is still solid, but it's far from the best Mario platformer. But it's another nostalgic childhood game beaten, and that always feels great.

I think that Mario games could learn something from this. I think there are ideas in here that Modernise a Platformer. Like the shop. Having something to use your coins for, and not just that but also being able to buy upgrades with that. The Mario platformers just let coins tick up in the corner. Pointless.

My big issue is collecting all the Toads to unlock the final boss. I’m not doing it because I have better things to do with my time. There are so many toads, I’d be there hours. Making collectibles integral to the game defeats the purpose for me. They should be a side thing that will net you something worth while for your effort, not unlock the ending to a game.

Uplifting feminist action blockbuster that absolutely stomps on all the New Super Mario series

Would be a pretty good game if Peach wielded a big ass halberd instead of a talking umbrella

This feels like an official fan game sequel to Super Mario World and that's what I really like about it. I'd also say the umbrella is the most psychotic sidekick in a Mario game to date, I'm very impressed.

i relate to peach a lot because my tears are also the most powerful weapon in the world

I know a lot of people really despise this game, and honestly I can sorta see where they are coming from. but for the first game with the Princess as the main character.... it's not that bad.
It's a decent enough title created by the same creators of Starfy (aka THE GIGACHAD), and it's kinda surprising that it got released slightly before the resurgance of 2D Super Mario Bros games. But even without taking New SUper Mario Bros into consideration, Super Princess Peach does its own unique thing.

The Princess is fun to control as a 2D platform hero, and her unique mechanic that combines 4 distinct powers (actually 3, I dunno what's the logic about the green one) makes for some cool level gimmicks and interactions. Nothing is really well expanded and used at the strongest potential, but for what it is it's fine.

I know most people dislike the use of EMOTIONS to showcase the princess power, and I can see where these complains come from.... but also I kinda disagree with those statements since these powers are not just relegated to the princess: enemies of past titles are back afflicted by these emotions, and makes for some fun twist to all of them: you get Koopas that sings while walkings, goombas that cry and zooms into your face, and boos that are so pissed that they work the opposite as opposite boos...... also REX from mario world is an enemy, I love Rex. Overall all of thiese twists and recreations of past enemies and bosses brings for me a lot of charm to the title, thanks to the cozy vibes, great music and adorable artstyle and sprite works.

The addition of the differen forms for the parasols and a kinda decent collection of minigames (except the pre-boss ones) offer a bunch of variety that is always appreciated (even though the implementation of forced microphones to move around can result into some annoying phases).

The game overall is totally fine...... until you reach the final level and find out that "Yeah, remember those toad boxes that you imagined being optional to complete the story? NONO GO BACK, free ALL the toads only to get a chance against Bowser". That is one of the worst decisions you can do for a game, forcing an almost platinum completion only to have a chance against the final boss.
That alone drops the quality of the title immensely, since it forces you to replay over half of the pasts levels if you were not careful, dragging a small innocent title for way too long... not to mention that more unlockables shows up in each level after the credits, so you technically gotta come back a third time if you really wanna 100% it

Aside from that, this is not a horrible title: it works, it's fun and Peach I am sure had a good time.
Also this game teach me that if my mother laughs a lot, maybe a "magical sceptre" is hidden somewhere in my house..... thanks guys, I really needed that info when I was 10....

ok, esse jogo tem um grande charme na sua estilização com uma arte linda, tanto os personagens como os cenários e sprites em geral, suas mecânicas são bem únicas e dão uma pitada de "diferente"e protagonismo para a Princesa, mas é isso, morre ai

é um plataformer extremamente chato, repetitivo e pouco inspirado que não ousa ser criativo em nada, para mim isso foi um baita disperdício de potencial para o jogo que iria dar um palco maior para a Peach. Foi realmente cansativo jogar isso até o final, dentre todos jogos da Nintendo que joguei esse é o que eu menos sinto vontade de visitar novamente, não recomendo para nínguem ao não ser que você queira morrer de tédio e cansaço

como disse ele ainda tem seu charme (e até desafio em certos níveis), mas é algo totalmente raso e vazio

Forgot I played this a few years back. The game is fairly decent, with enjoyable levels, and varied powers for light puzzle solving. Shades of Super Mario Bros. 2. It's cheery, and its nice artstyle gives it a cute look. And it's cute up until the point where the game goes, "Hey, remember that optional thing you can find in all the levels? Yeahhhhhh... that wasn't optional so go get them."

To which I reply, "No."

So there we'll sit, forever. Locked in the eternal stalemate. With one stage left to go, forever abandoned, because Nintendo wouldn't just let me beat the final boss, and my emulator doesn't have a cheat to unlock the last level. Oh well!

March 22nd, 2024, marks the release day of Princess Peach Showtime, a game that I have been looking forward to since its reveal, and even more so after playing the demo recently and being absolutely enamored by its sense of creativity and whimsy. I figured, hey, if I'm looking forward to this Peach game so much, I should give the first one a try as well! I sincerely doubt they'll be at all related to each other, but its fun to get the full Princess Peach experience regardless. Except this one wasn't very fun, actually.

Super Princess Peach is, 90% of the time, a mindless walk through a quick level grabbing whatever collectibles you need or may come across. The other 10% is a frustrating mess of a labyrinth where you will be wandering the area multiple times over in hopes of finding the weird little happenstance you need to pull of to find a Toad, or having a good old trial & error fest in a room that is exclusively pipes that only exist to drag you back to the beginning of the room. One of them takes you to the end of the level, have fun guessing.

The game doesn't do much to make these levels feel special, either. Peach's entire gimmick is her four emotions (stellar concept really), or three, given that one of them does nothing but heal Peach, in a game where dying is not only extremely difficult, but goes practically unpunished on the off chance it does happen.
The three emotions that actually are utilized are never for any more than a couple purposes. Being happy makes her spin windmills or blow away large clouds, maybe float at a snail's pace if you don't feel like platforming; being sad makes her run faster and grow plants; being angry makes her burn bridges and light torches, up until the end of the game where they just do that for you anyway. Very rarely will a new opportunity arise for one of Peach's abilities, but chances are you won't be seeing it again after a couple more levels.
Making it to the end of each world will reward you with a boss fight that follows a quick and easy touch screen minigame. Every boss in the game has one weakness that you will be told about just before fighting them, and they will hardly change anything up the whole time. Pick their favorite feeling and hit them five times with it, win game. Hell, you don't actually need to use any of the emotions for the final boss of the game except for one very brief instance of Rage just before the final hit.

The story is nothing I'm crazy for, either. I didn't care for Perry, and I guess Nintendo didn't either. Bowser and the gang find a Vibe Scepter (good one) that makes everyone very emotional, giving them similar abilities to Peach herself. This doesn't matter, SPP is more focused on giving you quick glimpses into the talking parasol's past at the end of each world, something something evil magic something something old man. It's your job to help reunite them. Or don't. You won't.

I was content on giving this game maybe a low 6/10 if it weren't for that final world. Genuinely appalling decisions made there.
Oh well, I don't have to play it anymore. Still looking forward to my Game of the Year tomorrow. Stay tuned for that one.

I have severe schizophrenia and also I review Super Princzss Peach game boy afvance. Her name Peach and she must free the blowjob brothers! At this point in time, who knows what Nintendo was cooking? I'd say having her gimmick be getting emotional is not dodging the bullet, but we must respect wahmen even if they cry during an Avatar movie, so I'm not sure if there's any tree I can bark to. I don't know why they gave her a cool parasol with thoughts and then did the same with Mario's hat but she pioneer'd that shit! Also Mario doesn't count it was a ghost and also

A chairman is not a humanoid chair. Unlike that, Peach is a true firewoman she just fire and shit. Wanna do the 4 elements again? Because we have fire, water and air aaaand she can eepy but not on the ground. I can't in good conscience approve of labelling it the earth element. That healing ability, or "Emotion: Calm", is probably why I've yet to see what the game over screen looks like. Make no mistake though, it is over. As soon as they told me to get all the collectibles to get to the credits. Why they do this 🤣🤣🤬

It's a platformer and you can hover if you just wanna reach the finish line. But, huh, don't do dat!! I swear our game is interesting. There are crying goombas (they learned about the Smash community) and angry koopas (they learned about the Smash community). You're not asked to go the extra mile and do complex puzzles, what interactions there are between your emotions and the environment can be solved by their target audience. Which is apparently girls, but I cannot confirm at the present. Come on Miyamoto today's girls play Elden Ring, re-evaluate your judgment mf 😂

Le story is garbajio, it makes Showtime read like a masterpiece. Is that what Luigi was reading in bed before hitting the snooze frame 1 in that one gif? Did he learn there was a v-bucks shop where you could buy a proper moveset? I think the takeaway from this is that the levels have quite the meat on them but sometimes, I'm just vegan and that's ok. Or the other takeaway could be that Toadsworth is fake asf and has never given me a call because he drove the kingdom into severe bankruptcy. Oh, to be a princess again... ( I do miss that mf he seldom appears these days)

A game I decided to start playing alongside New Super Mario Bros. What I didn't expect is finishing this one first. While I was more invested, that's not to say that I think this game is better, per se, but sometimes you just need to change up your routine a bit.

In a franchise with such a repetitive premise that has been going strong for nearly 40 years, it's easy to experience burnout or outright boredom at times, even as a fan of platformers. Super Princess Peach isn't exactly a shining example of great level design, but its simple gameplay gimmicks and twist on the classic "save the princess" trope were enough to keep me entertained throughout.

Across the game's 8 worlds, you play as Princess Peach, rescuing Toads hidden inside of pink ! boxes, with the ultimate goal of saving Mario from Bowser. The game's main gimmick is that you can switch between 4 emotions to solve basic puzzles or defeat certain bosses. Just to make it slightly annoying, these emotions are tied to a depletable gauge. Sometimes I found myself running out and having to scavenge the area for enemies to "consume" to refill it. But that said, there's nothing all that deep about this mechanic, and there's a point well before the final boss where you've pretty much seen most, if not all of the gimmicks the game throws at you. But that's ok, because there's something kind of soothing about the game.

Mario games, even if most aren't known for being a huge challenge, still usually require focus to navigate tricky sections of platforming while avoiding enemies. SPP makes away with lives, and its slower pace of gameplay makes for a more relaxed experience. Definitely a pretty easy game overall, but I loved its charm. Boss battles were especially fun, as they actually required some level of strategy when compared to the usual Mario tradition of just jumping on them a few times.

My biggest complaint? Finding every Toad is mandatory if you wanna fight the final boss and beat the game, which for the most part isn't too bad, but some of the later stages can be tedious to navigate as you search for them. No shame in using a guide if you're missing a few.

Mete guarda chuvada em todo mundo sem pena

Gostei muito desse joguin da peach confesso que fui sem esperar nada e acabei me encantando com tudo nele, sua jogabilidade é gostosa seus gráficos são belos e seus cenários são construídos de forma semelhante aos jogos do Yoshi do SNES e até um pouco ao Super Mario World. No começo eu até ia dar 5 estrelas pra ele, só que teve algumas coisas que me fizeram tirar uns pontos dele e que me incomodaram bastante.

As fases de água são boas, mas passar por elas pode se tornar algo trabalhoso já que você tem que ficar assoprando o microfone do DS pra atacar ou quebrar blocos que estão no seu caminho. Isso até que é engraçado no início e você até da umas risadinha, mas quando vai passando o tempo vai ficando irritante e chato.

Super Princess Peach até tinha tudo pra da certo do início ao fim, só que decidiram colocar checkpoints injustos e te obrigam a coletar TODOS os toads (tipo.. todos mesmo) pra conseguir zerar o jogo. Falando assim até parece algo ok e pode ser legal de fazer pra alguns, mas pra mim isso deixou o jogo terrivelmente CHATO e me fez abandonar o jogo no final.

Então é isso, não cheguei a zerar por conta dessa palhaçada de coletar os Toads mas eu me diverti com o que deu pra jogar! Vale a pena jogar hoje em dia se você sentir interesse só fique atento nesse detalhe ai mesmo se tiver afim de finalizar o game.

In the days of my youth I was one of "those" kind of people. The ones who only bought games from the same few franchises. Despite my love for the Mario series dating since I ever started playing games, this along with two Wario games were games I just never got to own. I think if this game had come out like a decade later I would have been getting this day 1.

I've been actually wanting it for the longest time but I always hated how some retro stores sold it for like $30 like it should be like $10, wtf. Maybe I'm cheap. So I finally did the thing I've been wanting to do. Put DS games on my hacked 3DS. Granted the 3DS I have isn't very good like my back plate sounds weird when pressed on with like my hand, it makes me paranoid. I've been meaning to play more of the library for DS and 3DS as I barely got any cool games that were obscure and stuff. So next year you'll probably see more of that.

So about the game itself. It's rather weird. It was made by TOSE who started as a company making a lot of awful Famicom games that probably weren't their fault for the quality. Then they just got better decades later making stuff like the handheld ports of DQ games and the Densetsu no Stafy series. I gotta say that I honestly think they did a good job with this one.

This is a very simple platformer where you have to play with this weird emotions gimmick. The game doesn't really do anything revolutionary with the gimmick probably due to it's target audience. This game has a good flow though that I can I guess you can say, vibe with. haha... Yeah anyway it starts off pretty good in fact there's not really many issues with it.

Though that said the cracks do show as some of the forced DS gimmicks suck and get repetitive real fast. In fact if I had one gripe with the game, it can get too repetitive by the end. It almost feels like they were running out of ideas and had to shove rooms that just do the same thing.

The bosses are also quite easy, in fact the only time I died in this game was one level and even then I was acting like an idiot. The final boss though I have to say is really underwhelming. The first phase is decent but the second phase is new yoshi island tier of underwhelming.

Also if anyone is to do game design, please do not just give the answer very obviously when anything is shown, it's usually pretty obvious to tell what to do. It almost reminded me of Sonic Heroes with how bad it gets.

The game graphically looks pretty nice and the music was also pretty good. Also this is a very random compliment but whenever Peach went "Weeee!" that made me smile, Idk why I like that so much. I'm easy to please ok!

Super Princess Peach may be easy, it may be simple, and it has it's problems but that doesn't stop the game from being a joy to play. I wish this got a sequel but sadly that would mean Nintendo would have to make a cool 2D Mario game again. The NSMB games are probably mechanically better than this game but something about this one just hits the right places for me. If you're someone who sucks at platformers, you should give this game a try, it could be right up your alley. There's more content after the main game but there's other games for me to play so maybe in the future I'll go back.

Eu gostei de Super Princess Peach. tem um visual colorido (apesar dos Sprites zoados), trilha sonora agradável uma jogabilidade simples e divertida e um level-design competente. Alguns aspectos da jogabilidade precisavam ser polidos melhor, como algumas mecânicas desnecessárias, falta de checkpoints ETC, mas a minha experiência foi agradável.

Prós: Trilha sonora agradável, jogabilidade boa, mecânica de emoções, Level-Design competente.
Contras: Algumas mecânicas foram desnecessárias, falta de checkpoints, as transições às vezes são meio chatas.

Super charming art and the central emotion feature is really creative and is used in some very fun ways. Has more charm and creativity than the mainline Mario platformers this generation, bit of an underappreciated gem I think

A mediocre 2D platformer that's also somewhat unintentionally sexist? The premise is that emoitions are out of control in the Mushroom Kingdom, and Peach must use her emotions to do things like water plants with tears or burn things with anger. It's an unfortunate premise for the one game Peach has a starring role in, and even beyond that the game is a slow and boring slog with very little excitement or fun to be found. This one was a mistake!

Finally got around to playing this for the first time and it seems unfortunately quite forgotten about these days

It's a fun little puzzle platformer where you can use one of four different vibes on the touch screen to give Peach an ability for a while and open up new paths on levels to find one of three Toads hidden in each level. It's very light and breezy which makes sense given this is made by Tose who did the Starfy series which is pretty similar to the Kirby series. But yeah light and breezy makes for a pretty fun adventure!

The level design isn't anything special (with World 8 dipping a little into oh this isn't too good) and the music is a little generic as well. There's also early DS game we must use the touch screen and microphone to meet the quota!!!! stuff too but I wouldn't say it's anything that ruins the game, more just little complaints.
Though needing to collect all the Toad to access the final boss is pretty annoying and unnecessary

What I will say is that has way more charm and imagination than anything the New Super Mario Bros series has chucked out. The sprite work is beautiful, with lots of cool enemies used from Mario World and Yoshi's Island. The bosses are all unique fights too, each requiring specific uses of Peach's vibes abilities. They used characters like Petey Piranha and King Boo for bosses too which still feels a million times more fresh than the Koopalings ever did!

It's a shame it's not more fondly remembered because I would have liked to have seen Peach get her own series like Luigi did with Luigi's Mansion

The "collect all toads to fight the final boss" jumpscare was not appreciated.

So, why would I choose to play this game first over Super Mario World or Super Mario Bros 3?

I don't know, it just looked interesting and, basically no one ever talks about it, and, well.

I had a pretty fun time with it! It's a pretty enjoyable little game.

Peach controls really great, the variety of moves she has and the ones you unlock make her feel really capable and fun to control.

The levels are, very serviceable, if a bit forgettable, though in all honesty, 2D mario games don't really have very memorable levels in general, I mean, who can remember 3-2 from SMB 1 or, 5-3 from New Super Mario Bros U? It's basically the same case here.

The artstyle is, super cute! It feels like what an original Mario game would've looked like on the GBA and, I say that very much as a compliment, the animations on Perry the umbrella are also so expressive and adorable, I love how the game looks!

And the bosses are pretty fun actually, I enjoyed the bosses.

My main issue with the game is how overly-easy it is, it's closer to Kirby than Mario in difficult, finding all the collectibles doesn't make it any more difficult either so, yeah, I'd recommend you play this game on the side while tackling another, more difficult game, so you can come back to this one when you feel frustrated with the other game.

Overall, really fun and serviceable platformer, I really liked it!