Reviews from

in the past

Another solid Zelda title; way better than the DS outings. Didn't impress me though, mostly since its the same overworld, secrets, and enemies as 'A Link to the Past'. The wall-painting mechanic was neat, but I felt it was wasted on a world that I've already explored thoroughly. Dungeons were brain-dead easy, and I was only stumped ONCE on how to find an optional item in the Dark Palace. Story was alright; neat twist at the end. Overall, was just going through the motions playing this.

Umas das melhores experiências de Zelda com o modelo não linear, reaproveitando a Hyrule do A Link to the Past e trazendo seu próprio twist com a mecânica central do jogo.

Em muitos aspectos gosto muito mais da maneira que este Zelda encarou o open world, ao invés do BOTW.

A great Zelda experience. I 100% completed this game over winter break one year, and it was a genuine blast. The gameplay is smooth, the colors are vibrant, and the world is well laid out. None of the dungeons in this one were too bad, I really enjoyed most of them, my favorite being the Dark Palace. There's just the right amount of content in this one, there aren't too many maimai to collect, and since they upgrade your tools you have a reason to hunt for them. One of the better Zelda games.

After such a long absence, getting a phenomenal 2D Zelda like this is a dream come true. I couldn't really argue with anyone who declares this the best Zelda game. The dungeons are fantastic and the non-linearity is a breath of fresh air.

I'll admit though, I sorely wish that it didn't chain itself so tightly to A Link to the Past. It feels as much like a remake as it does a sequel, and it makes me long for The New.

Other than this, my only gripe is that renting all of the items from the start means that there are no real interesting rewards in the dungeons. It's unfortunate to lose the item progression that so defines the Zelda experience.

why doesn't anybody talk about this one

Un eterno pendiente desde que me lo pillé de salida, y como apetecía Zelda 2D por fin lo he acabado. Es un experimento muy curioso, se nota cómo llevó a BotW. Mazmorras muy guays y una historia sorprendentemente maja.

Adds a few interesting wrinkles to the Zelda formula that would show up again in BotW like getting items and taking on temples in any order. Also, Flat Link! Perhaps the easiest Zelda.

This is without a doubt the best top-down Zelda game.

some say the boring overworld is a link between boring dungeons, boring puzzles and boring bosses

A super fun game that's very easy to just pick up and play for hours, it has great pacing!

Refreshing return to this world and style of gameplay. Just the right length. Whenever the gameplay runs the risk of becoming stale, they introduce something interesting. Absolutely worth playing if you like the original.

The rental system felt fresh. It's one of my favorite mechanics that will probably never make a return.

A Link Between Worlds is the adventure game I didn't know I needed. Coming right off of A Link to the Past and thinking that that was solid but relatively generic, this game really blew me away. I collected every Mai Mai, almost all of the side content and obviously beat the story, all in about 5 days- I just could not put it down.

Um ótimo Zelda, com tudo que faz um Zelda 2D ser bom. Pena que a ideia de alugar os itens deixou algumas dungeons fáceis demais...

Probably my favorite 2D Zelda, idk why I like this one so much more

Easily one of the best Zelda games and a worthy successor to the original Link to the Past. I can’t think of a single issue with it (besides the Octoball minigame).

Każda Zelda do solidna pozycja. Z tą nie ma wyjątku. Przyjemny i satysfakcjonujący gameplay, lecz brakuje mu odrobiny świeżych pomysłów, czegoś oryginalnego.

not a bad remake in any regard, but a bit flat in comparison to its predecessor imo

The baseball game is the biggest flaw, and it can be ignored entirely.

This is such a lovely game I fw it so hard

I wish that the 3D zelda games would not abandon traditional dungeons, as this game shows how they can be updated and still have a nonlinear feel perfectly.

It's a good game for sure but there's just some level of unexplainable jank to it that refuses to let me rate it above a 7.

This game becomes reliant on grinding for rupees to buy new items, but that's my only complaint about it. I love the ability to explore any dungeon in the game (to a point) from the start and I think the characters of Ravio and Hilda are very charming and memorable. One of the best 2D Zelda games.

it's the best 2D zelda because you can turn 2D in it