Reviews from

in the past

I’m still in the middle of this, but I can confidently say the 3DS version kicks the shit out of the N64 one.

É incrível pensar que isso realmente é um remake de Zelda, porque a piora é muito grande do primeiro jogo. Quando chegou na parte dos Zoras e aparece a alteração na forma como a máscara funciona, não dá pra continuar.

I get it changed some stuff for the worse... but I really like this version

My favorite Zelda game, but tbh I don't really like Zelda games. I'm due for a replay, but I found myself getting disengaged a bunch. I'm just not really a fan of this genre tbh.

An interesting move to follow up an instant classic with a curveball like this, a Zelda game with a 3-day countdown and a major focus on time-travelling and sidequests. It mostly worked though, and this 3D remake feels like its probably the best way to play Majora's Mask right now.

Mejoraron muchas cosas y se a vuelto mas cómodo, por ejemplo ya puedo ir a cualquier hora exacta usando la canción del doble de tiempo en el momento o la hora especifica para hacer las misiones, y las batallas de los jefes las cambiaron algunas haciéndolas un poco difícil pero aun así divertidas usando las mascaras de transformación.

The best Zelda game in terms of quality, but not my favorite.

the moon is much more scary in the N64 version, who cares about the quality of the game aside from that

The best way to play majora idc what others Say it’sa great game and probably the second best Zelda game honestly

Majora's Mask is amazing, this remake is sadly not representative of how good a game it really is. Check out the MM3D Restoration patch for either emulator or a homebrewed 3DS for the absolute best MM experience. With that patch, it is an easy 4.5 or 5 stars.

Perfection, never want to play it again.

It took me a second playthrough to really appreciate this game, this was my first Zelda and it’s not a great game for newcomers. That all said provided you’re not an idiot like me and can get over some of the odd changes in the 3DS version you’ll see it for the Masterpiece it is. From the gloomy atmosphere to the dungeon design and the all the NPCs many with their own little stories big or small this game excels at so much of what is does.

Still remains as my favorite game in the series, eerie and strange, exploring deeper themes of humanity and coming to terms with death. I just love everything about the atmosphere, how Termina is this darker reflection of the Hyrule we're familiar with from OoT and the time mechanic just accentuates the feeling of impending doom.

a worse version of the original that doesn't trust the player to be able to figure things out. this changes all the bosses to play like more boring AAA-ified versions of their former selves, as well as some other specific sidequest changes. at least it allows you to jump to specific hours!

Only the most hardcore of Zelda devotees are going to notice or care about the changes made to the original in this remake. Unfortunately, I'm one of those, and so even though this has an objectively better Bomber's Notebook and the best visuals on the system, I prefer the original.

Great remake, got a lot right. I played this the night it came out and thoroughly enjoyed it. The soundtrack wasn't what I'd hoped it would be, but that doesn't bring the game down. I adore how this game looks, and it retains all of the charm it had on the Nintendo 64, but it looks good this time.

Takes as many steps forward as it does back. It breaks my heart that Aonuma is so ashamed of what I consider to be his best game. A little more confidence in the source material would have gone a long way.

I still didn't play through most of it because my 3DS is showing signs of age...

The original its better, though is not a bad option to play

Es mi Zelda 3D menos favorito. Lo que hace que sea un juego increíblemente sólido. El ambiente irreal y oscuro es interesante aunque no es precisamente mi favorito pero las mazmorras quizás por cuando lo jugué se me hicieron pesadas (es mucho mejor ACCEDER a ellas y ahí veo por qué hicieron BOTW) y no soy un fan de la mecánica del tiempo.

Aside from BotW? This is the best Zelda game.
Atmosphere, characters, worldbuilding... oh, this game has it all. It's closer to Link's Awakening in terms of its design than to Ocarina of Time, despite all the shared assets, and is honestly so much better off for it.

also, playing in 30fps is worth it

Imagine making Majora's Mask and looking back at it 20 years later and not liking it. Fuck you Aonuma give me back my good swimming.

I wish they hadn't changed the boss fights. That being said, it's still a solid remake.

this is like meeting an old high school buddy again and you play through halo 2 coop again with them just like old times but this time they reek of alcohol

Yeah yeah, some of the changes are bad, but c'mon, you guys are overstating how much that detracts from how good the rest of the game is. It's still a beautiful experience that isn't at all ruined.