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in the past

Great update of an already perfect game.

Honnêtement ce remake est plutôt excellent, avec pas mal d'ajouts agréables pour simplifier l'expérience de jeu de l'original. Evidemment en ce qui concerne Majora's Mask la mécanique de temps peu rebuter plus d'un et c'est totalement compréhensible, mais bon dieu ce qu'elle est bien utilisée, chaque petit événement du jeu est lié à une heure ou un jour précis, et c'est plutôt intéressant de voir que chaque habitant de Termina en particulier de Bourg-clocher a une vie en dehors d'être de simple pnj. Notamment savoir ce que fait pnj A à x heure permet potentiellement de déboucher sur une quête.
Aussi l'ambiance de ce jeu est plutôt réussie notamment à cause du timer qui va stresser le joueur en permanence mais aussi avec les musiques, le décor, les personnages ... etc, tout est fait pour angoisser le joueur

Majora's Mask does things to your brain, man. The despair of the three day timer, the elation of feeling like you're gaming the system with your advance knowledge, the bittersweetness of turning back the clock after you've done so much for an NPC who won't remember you.

I'd mark this down 1 whole star if it were just the 3DS version vanilla, but I'm generous enough to rate it based on Project Restoration's changes. The original game was a product of raw, unfiltered creativity and sometimes refinement erodes that good instinct. Certain mechanics and bosses were changed for the worse in the name of improving conveyance, while other things were vastly improved (bomber's notebook, hot damn). The aforementioned mod does away with all those cons while keeping the pros.

Also, the graphics are GORGEOUS. As a huge fan of the original, I very much approve the new environmental details. By far and away one of the best looking 3DS games. 2015 was only 8 years ago, yet the landscape was so different back then that we were allowed to have this gem. Yes I have a soft spot for handheld graphics.

When it came time to put a score on Majora's Mask I struggled a lot. Because I genuinely believe it’s a 5/5 game. But it’s not absolutely perfect game. I’d be lying if I said that absolutely everything in this game is perfect. But… This is one of my favorite Zelda games in the series. Not my absolute favorite, but man it’s up there. This is one of the Zelda games that truly stands in an aesthetic league of its own. I have a hard time talking about it as a whole because… It’s incredibly special to me. The thing that makes Majora’s mask unique is the time system. Which was easily the part I loved the most coming back to this one. I haven’t played this one in like 7 years? And when I played it back then I hated the time system. It stressed me out so badly that it made me sit in front of a walkthrough the whole time just so I wouldn’t panic. But this time around I found the time system super fun. What it accomplishes is using more with less. Less dungeons? That’s fine. Less time to do them. But that’s not to say that the game overall is less. Or even that the Dungeons are lesser than other Zelda dungeons. Because everything in Majora’s mask is so tightly packed. There’s a point to every room and a spot for everything. And all within the game is tied together via a giant moon that’s going to kill you! It’s a wonderful time. The reason this is a 5/5 is because I love this game’s execution. The vibe, the writing, the themes, the gameplay. It amounts to a great adventure and I believe it stands on its own. And stands as one of the best in the Zelda pantheon of games.

senti q faltou algo, ainda quero jogar a versão de N64

i love this game so much i love the new boss fights most changes sucked tho the masks and entire game is really cute and the controls are mostly better

Zelda Majora's tem uma das histórias que mais me marcaram na vida, uma experiência mais tensa e desconfortável, com um final lindo, você se sente recompensado por fazer todas as missões, os personagens são muito detalhados, é uma experiência maravilhosa, o maior problema é que o jogo é bem complicado, o sistema de hora que é ótimo deixa o jogo bem mais estratégico e difícil, ele sem saber inglês é MUUUITO complicado, precisei de muito detonado pra terminar, mas ainda assim é incrível.

This review contains spoilers

Antes de começar a review, devo dizer que eu joguei o jogo com o project Restoration por questões de QoL.

Antes da jogatina

Antes de começar Majora's mask, eu já tinha em mente que era um jogo extremamente focado em seu World Building, e eu havia lido o mangá graças a um amigo de escola que trouxe, então eu sabia sobre algumas coisas. Tendo tudo isso em mente, eu decidi que esse Zelda seria o Primeiro que eu faria 100%(O que eu havia tentado fazer com The Minish Cap por exemplo, mas acabei falhando por conta de uma troca de Kinstone).

E eu decidi fazer 100% às cegas, eu só precisei pesquisar algumas coisas que eu realmente não tava achando obvio, tipo QUE UM PEIXE TE DARIA UMA PIECE OF HEART SE TU DESSE MAIS PEIXES PRA ELE COMER.

Dawn Of The First Day
Quests Principais e primeiras impressões

No meu primeiro contato com o jogo, percebi varias melhorias em comparação ao Zelda Ocarina Of Time, o seu predecessor. O Z-Lock foi aprimorado, em momento algum tive um problema muito recorrente que aconteceu comigo no OOT, que era errar tiros de Flecha em inimigos voadores, quando eu errava, era culpa minha e não do Z-Lock, o que não me gerava falsa frustração. Outra melhoria foi ter uma música de teletransporte, FINALMENTE, Zelda OOT errou muito nisso, antes nós apenas haviamos músicas de teletransporte pra te levar pra dentro de uma dungeon, e não sair se locomovendo pelo mapa inteiro, então Majora's mask tendo isso facilitou demais a locomoção pelo mapa, ainda mais considerando que eu tinha que ficar fazendo Side quest num lugar pra depois ir pra puta que pariu fazer outra side quest e por ai vai.

Logo após o primeiro Ciclo, com o Link já humano, eu vi o quão cheio de vida era o mundo de Termina, tendo varias Side quests já disponíveis logo de começo. Eu acabei enrolando demais pra começar a primeira dungeon por estar ocupado demais fazendo as Side quests disponiveis, demorei um tempinho mas a Dungeon do pantano foi feita. Jogando essa dungeon, eu fiquei decepcionado com a historia envolvendo os Deku no pantano, no mangá criaram uma lore envolvendo a Máscara de Deku do Link, que foi apontada na Main Line do mangá, isso no in-game é um pouco diferente e eu acabei por não curtir tanto. Essa foi a Dungeon mais fraquinha, mas uma boa dungeon introdutoria.

Logo em seguida, era ir pra montanha. A dungeon da Montanha de Neve é boa, é a dungeon onde nós pegamos as Fire Arrows e jogar com o Link goron é legalzinho, nada muito fantastico mas super divertido rolar com ele.
A boss Fight da dungeon foi extremamente divertida de se jogar, porra maluco perseguir o boss em forma de bola e rolando em alta velocidade foi muito pica.
A lore dos gorons aqui é boa, e me fez ter empatia com o pessoal, sabendo que o Darmani havia morrido e que ele não voltaria, eu acabei sentindo um pouco de culpa por assumir o lugar dele e usar a máscara dele durante a dungeon.

Dai partimos pra Dungeon dos Zora.
Essa dungeon sinceramente foi um PORRE MALUCO, pelo menos a gameplay com o Link Zora é divertida. A lore dos Zora aqui nesse jogo PRA MIM, não foi grande coisa, não senti a mesma coisa que eu senti na lore dos Gorons, mas isso não significa que a lore daqui seja ruim. Enfim, a Dungeon em questão apresenta a mecanica das Ice arrows e usa essa mecanica muito bem. O Hook Shoot é um item que você tecnicamente pega fora da Dungeon então não vou considerar ele, mas a dungeon usa ele sim.

Essa dungeon em questão é a ultima, e faz com que você tenha que ficar girando a dungeon, ou seja, tu tem que fazer a primeira metade da dungeon de cabeça pra cima e depois inverter tudo. A Dungeon apresenta as Light Arrows, que é usada pra resolver puzzles e eliminar fantasmas. Puta dungeon do caralho, sem contar a batalha final que você tem que usar a Giant's Mask.

Dawn of the Second Day
Side Quests e mucho texto

Falando um pouco das side quests, essa é provavelmente a melhor parte do jogo, e eu só vou citar uma, até pq eu não quero ficar me estendendo demais.

Essa aqui é minha side quest favorita, que eu havia lido no mangá, a Side quest do Kafei. Kafei era um homem com a promessa de se casar com sua mulher, mas foi transformado em criança pelo Skull Kid, e sem querer ser visto em forma de criança pela sua mulher, Anju, ele se escondia e mandava cartas para ela. A side quest é você ajudando o Kafei a recuperar a Sun mask, máscara usada no ritual de casamento da cidade de Termina, com a máscara recuperada, tudo isso no ultimo dia de um ciclo, você vai para o quarto da Anju esperar pelo Kafei. Anju estava decidida, mesmo se a Lua colidisse com a Terra, ela iria esperar seu amado, e faltando apenas 1 hora para lua colidir com a Terra... Kafei aparece, e mesmo em forma de criança, ela reconhece ele, e eles completam o ritual de casamento, as duas mascaras, a Moon's Mask e a Sun's Mask se fundem, e assim, você ganha a Couple's Mask.

Dawn of the Final Day
24 Hour Remain

Com todas as máscaras e todas as Pieces of Heart disponiveis, era hora de enfrentar o Skull Kid. Eu entro na lua, entrego as Máscaras pras crianças naquela dimensão e pego as Pieces Of Hearts, e então... Era hora de enfrentar o Skull Kid, usando a máscara suprema, Fierce Deity. Essa é a ultima batalha. Quando você usa a Fierce Deity pra enfrentar a Majora's Mask, o negocio fica ridiculo, mas quando você usa o seu verdadeiro arsenal, sem usar a Fierce Deity, é realmente uma Luta desafiadora.

"Os seus amigos... eu me pergunto, que tipo de pessoa eles são? Eles realmente... te consideram um amigo?"

"Eu me pergunto... Do que você gosta? O que você gosta... deixa os outros felizes também?"

"Se você fizer o que é certo... Isso agradará aos outros também?"

"Eu me pergunto... Esse seu rosto por debaixo da máscara, é realmente o seu verdadeiro rosto?"

Essas questões foram levantadas antes de obter a Fierce Deity, e eu fiquei um tempo pensando sobre essas coisas depois de terminar o jogo. As reflexões que esse jogo trás são muito boas recomendo esse jogo a todos, se você não é fã de Zelda e nunca jogou um jogo da franquia, esse é uma opção boa pra se começar a franquia.

E não preciso falar o obvio sobre a OST ser peak né?

People hate the remake for the changes that were made, but if you're playing this one first you won't care at all.

Everything about this game just clicked so well for me; fantastically written characters reflecting upon their own morality, engaging side quests that often intersect with one another, well-crafted dungeons, and one of the most effective and unique gameplay mechanics i've ever experienced.

the feelings of dread that envelope termina during those final few hours are as haunting as they are melancholy.

grabbed every mask throughout my quest, with the payoff of fierce deity link being that final cherry on top.

The vibes this game gives off are mad spooky but I rock w/ them so much


Quem reclama desse remake é um baita pau no cu, ele não perde a essência medonha e bizarra que a versão de N64 tinha. Por mais que a gameplay da mascara do Deku e do Zora tenham tido sua gameplay afetada ele não se torna ruim por conta disso, ele continua fiel e muito bom igualmente. Portanto a versão de N64 acaba sendo melhor por esse probleminhas, mas ai que os fãs entram. Project Restauration, é um projeto lara restaurar a gameplay classica do Majora's Mask de N64, e eles fizeram e fizera MUITO BEM. Eu testei e joguei essa versão, toda a gameplay classica foi restaurada como prometido, os bosses tiveram upgrade na IA (Principalmente o 1 boss) e retiraram o Olho gigante nos bosses que era horroroso. Por isso caso decida jogar a versão de 3DS do MM, jogue com esse mod, os fãs merecem.

This version changes a lot of small elements of the original game that, on surface level feel unimportant, but really added to it’s dreadful atmosphere. So in my eyes this is a slight downgrade to the N64 version, only due to it’s slight changes in visuals, audio and mechanics that overall end up giving it less of an eerie feel.

Otherwise though, this is still an amazing way to play what is arguably one of the most surprising games of our time. It still boggles my mind that something like this that was pumped out in a year or less, with a plethora of shamelessly reused and repurposed assets managed to turn out this horrifically brilliant and original. It’s Zelda. You know it’s going to be good despite the flaws.

Excelente jogo, um dos primeiros a zerar no 3DS, apenas perdeu um pouco do clima desconfortável que o original passava, o que era parte importante da experiência.

One of the best Zelda games, unforgettable atmosphere paired with great puzzles and combat. I wish there was a few more dungeons, because I didn't want this game to end!

Probably the epitome of "A good game, but not for me"

I went into it hoping to enjoy it. I played it trying to enjoy it. I could tell it was a good game, but I just wasn't having fun.

The main 'gimmick' of the the game is the 3 day structure. You have 3 days (about an hour in real life) to save the world. Luckily, you can go back to the beginning, but you lose some of your items. This time limit wouldn't have been a problem for me, except for one thing: it doesn't pause in dungeons. Now, I like to take dungeons slow, exploring every corner for every item, and I certainly was not able to do that in an hour.

Aside from my grievances with the three day cycle, something about this just seems off. I'm looking at the back of the box as I type this, and it just looks weird. The Link art looks fanmade. The shadows are weird. But in game itself, it's also strange. The UI doesn't seem to fit the game. You have this dark and depressing world, with a fun-coloured lower screen where you put your items!

Would I recommend this game? Absolutely. I am glad other people are able to enjoy this game, and I hope that one day I will be able to enjoy it too.

compared to oot 3d i really dont like this remake. just changed a lot of stuff for the worse.

When I first played it, game said moon... will fall in 3 days. I was like oh shit, if I start this I have to focus on it fully to finish it!? And I put it off to shelf for a while. Then I said, fu#k you I am gonna beat you NOW! And it beat me... hard. Right in front of the boss room of the first dungeon... my time limit had ended and moon fell... AND I LIKED IT! PUNISH ME MORE! FORCE ME TO DEVELOP STRATEGIES AND NEW TACTICS! PUSH ME TO MY LIMITSSSS!!! HECK YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Joking aside, This is the only zelda game that I fully %100 completed it. It's fixed all of my complaints. It's pushes it's time and equipment mechanics to the limit with even more complex dungeons than the ocarina of time in my opinion, introduce experimental yet depthful new mechanics, sidequests become more deptful and sideactivities become more than glorified time challenges... mostly... and at the same time giving us a new world to explore. What can I want more from that?

Btw yeah I understand that some people may not like the time mechanic punishment in this, I certainly disliked at first with losing my progress. But this game uses time mechanic soo good that in my opinion forcing you engage with the systems unlike ocarina of time makes the progression 10 times more rewarding in my opinion

Note: Oh before I forgot, yeah I felt this even when playing this... nerfed gameplay in 3ds. But I want to try 64 version one day too hopefully.

people are a little harsh about the gameplay changes in 3D, but it’s still great. i couldn’t recommend it over the original but like it’s okay

Worth the hype once you come to grips with the clock system. Fierce Diety Mask is definitely worth the grind

Tem as melhores músicas da série.

This review is not coming from a pure experience of Majora’s Mask. The purest form being the N64 release. The version I played was the 3DS remaster/remake with an HD texture pack and the ‘Restoration Project’ applied. The respiration project does such things as: stopping magic from draining while swimming, adding mask shortcuts to buttons and improving the use of the ocarina to slow time etc. Playing on a modified version of Citra as well meant I could save scum. Without this ability I probably would have binned the game, I’m playing the game, I’m not letting the game play me. The HD texture pack makes the game look incredible and very modern, I love the art style of it. The AI upscaling of the textures though so result in deformed faces in the bomber’s notebook. Due to all of these I will only comment on the parts about the game that are still original after the mods and patches.

Anyway, onto the actual game. Like many other people, this game gave me severe anxiety. The whole time playing this game with the 3-day cycle looming over you, despite being able to slow down time meant I was unable to sit back, drink the world of Hyrule in and enjoy myself. Even when having conversations with NPCs, where the time is paused I still found myself rattling through their text as I was still feeling the pressure of time. The anxiety stretches to how easy it is to miss a precise timing of something, fuck it up and have to start the 3-day cycle all over again. Like with the Final Fantasy series I use a walkthrough for the Zelda games. I just want to enjoy the game, not miss anything and complete it in a timely manner. How anyone can collect all masks and heart pisces in this game without a walkthrough is beyond me. So many sections in this game are designed to punish you.

I like being able to see game completion progression over time, each time you complete a dungeon you heal the surrounding land but you then need to return to day 1 and it undos all the hard work you have done. If you miss something that can only be completed when the land is healed and you went back in time? Tough luck! You need to do it all over again. I tried to get as many of the collectables as I could but there were some tasks like the advanced target practice where I thought “fuck that” and just ignored it. I wasn’t going to give the game any more of my stress than it had got out me already.

Majora’s Mask must have scared so many children, the whole game is nightmare fuel. It probably would have scared me as much as the episode of Pingu when he has the nightmare about the giant walrus coming to attack him in his sleep. Even as an adult the nighttime sound of the howling wolf gives me the absolute fear. It’s such a creepy sound.

The game can feel very frustrating to control, especially the swimming sections I just downright hated every moment of the swimming sections. The item management is very frustrating as well having to swap masks and items multiple times in a single section ruins the flow of action or adventure.

Compared to the other Zelda games I found the bosses generally easy, especially the final boss, Majora’s Mask as I had obtained the Fierce Deity mask which lets you obliterate any opponent.

I was so glad to have finished this game, I deleted the custom Citra folder immediately as I know for damn sure I will not be returning to this game.

Cant get really into it because the Moon mechanic is a little bit too stressful for me but I see that its good and I wanna finish it one day.

This game is cool, my edgy side want's to say its amazing but realistically the gameplay here is arcane, and while it sucks to try and beat any of the zelda games from this era without a guide but doubly so for this one since it kinda feels like your playing a demo game.

A Masterpiece. My favourite Zelda.