Reviews from

in the past

Der erste gute Windows-Teil.
Erstmals wurde ab hier mehr mit den Spielmechaniken experimentiert, die sogar mehr oder weniger mit der Handlung zusammen hängt. Etwas, was sich in nahezu allen nachfolgenden Teilen durchzieht.
Die Spielmechaniken sind sehr simpel und bieten sowohl für Score-Runner als auch normale Leute, die das Spiel einfach nur durchspielen wollen.
Auch ist es nicht mehr ganz so extrem random wie die Teile zuvor und der dynamische Schwierigkeitsgrad wurde deutlich abgeschwächt.

Insgesamt einer der besten Teile, mit der Neulinge in Spiel einsteigen können.

"Planned chaos" at its best. A treat for the eyes and a feast for the ears.

Never thought a bullet hell game could be moving, but this game has great moments and probably my favorite touhou game.

thank you ZUN for creating yukari yakumo, the greatest 2hu

I've only played this one and Scarlet Devil, but this is my favourite one so far. One day, I might even manage to beat one without continues! Imagine that!

Sempre me lembro quando fiquei emocionado na fase 4, com aquele fundo e música linda (juntamente com as centenas de balas na tela). Nesse jogo acabei escolhendo a Marisa como principal, mesmo curtindo mais a Reimu

WOO finally beat a 2hu game. Granted I had to use 55 bombs and 2 continues on normal but hey whatever gets me there. Genuinely felt like I was going ultra instinct sometimes. Music's really good too.

Touhou 7 isn't a perfect sequel. It's a worthy successor and introduces many great things to the table; more complicated danmaku, being able to visually see your hitbox and the enemy at the bottom of the screen, Youmu, and the introduction of gimmicks into the 1st Windows Era. However, I think it lacks on the character department compared to 6 and the music, a pretty iconic part of the series isn't as good this time. However, overall 7 probably is better than 6 just because of the QoL it introduces, and also Youmu.

1cc normal 1cc hard
um dos mais fáceis se não o mais fácil
sakuya é linda e yukari é legal

Danmaku is mostly unfun, probably more interesting as a score game than a survival one. Huge step forward for the series in terms of aesthetics, though, and I can't hate the game that gave us Yukari.

I'm glad ZUN added a hit box when you focus, and started trying to have mechanics with his bullet hell franchise. Sakuya is now a playable character which I'm ecstatic about cause she's the goat. The cherry blossom mechanic is great, balancing whether you want the bonus with the supernatural border or take a hit with the effect up for invincibility.

This Touhou game is still the coolest to me with the final boss. Everything about this game is cool. I love you Youmu and Alice.

You remember that one part, shortly after beating Yuyuko's last spell card? As you sit there, reflecting on your journey, the horrors of Stage 4, Youmu's wild ride, and Yuyuko's tough as nails spellcards, some weird poem shows up:

"Remembering the melancholy of human existence
Even ghosts stray from the path of righteousness"

And then BAM, guess who's back, ready for more? Motherfucking Yuyuko, cutting through your reprieve with one last desperate stand: 66 seconds of WAVE after WAVE of beautiful danmaku. With no recourse, you hold on for dear life, dodging on pure adrenaline-fueled instinct, so as to justify the efforts and prayers of the last 30 minutes; all against the backdrop of the absolutely JAMMING remix of Border of Life.

Yeah, I fucking felt that.

My favourite cast out of the touhou games, even if it is a pretty easy game in comparison to others. Definitely one of my personal favourites

Music isn't as good as 6 but the patterns are prettier.

I've never panicked in a game more than having no continues and no lives, defeating the final boss and having it to come back for one last fucker round.

The second entry in the Windows Era of Touhou games. Offers a nice challenge, very interesting new mechanics, and a surprisingly underrated soundtrack (seriously it has one of the stronger ones in the series). The Cherry Blossom and Supernatural Border mechanics are nice new additions and are comfortable to get used to. (The game loses half a star for the Merlin fight, screw those curvy lasers. Playable Sakuya is pretty damn awesome though thanks ZUN.)

Continues where Embodiment of Scarlet Devil left off, except it adds some cheap shit (difficult-to-see homing lasers, bullets appearing behind you) and attempts to balance things with a new 'supernatural border' (shield) mechanic and a new (slightly OP) spread-shot character, Sakuya.

Overall, it's still really clean danmaku fun, but I like EOSD better.

One of two Touhou games I managed to 1CC on Lunatic. It's just incredibly fun and the addition of the visible hitbox on focus is very welcome. The Phantasm Stage as a hidden unlockable was fun too and I wish Touhou would bring back more things to unlock. Some shots are straight up better than others (Sakuya A) but that's always how it's been. The border mechanic isn't really a needed life support as it makes one of the easier Touhous even easier (comes up a ton in Phantasm Stage), I don't hate it so much I wish it was gone. Patterns are more complex than EoSD and the only gameplay flaw I'd say is Stage 4 goes on for way too long.

Music is Touhou music so you know it's damn good and incredibly memorable.

Great game. Easier than 6, but has a lot of QoL. Music's great, we love the characters. All this shit rules. It's 2hu baby.

What's really funny is that while this game starts developing a lot of the world and characters of the series, most of that happens in supplemental writing. Just playing this game, the plot is mostly goofy nonsense. The Queen of ghosts, Yuyuko, is stealing the spring in order to make a cherry tree bloom just for funsies and you beat her up to stop her so that winter ends. In the extra levels, you find out that she had the help of a powerful youkai that can manipulate borders, Yakari, and you beat her up to so that she'll fix it. She kind of doesn't. Gensokyo is a sealed-off region of Japan where all the supernatural things go, and Yukari isn't developed beyond the idea that she's maybe responsible for missing children getting sucked in periodically.

In reality, there's a whole bunch of backstory here. Yuyuko wanted to make the cherry tree bloom so that she could find out who was buried under it. This is just totally unresolved in the game, but it's actually her own body, buried there beneath the tree after her suicide to seal it away because it was a dangerous youkai that killed people. Did ZUN have any of that in mind when he made the game? I have no clue! There's enough to suggest that he might have, and just figured that a shmup wasn't a good medium to tell that story.

Yukari is like, one of the most powerful characters in the setting(This is also the game that introduces the idea that the combat in-game is more like a competition designed to allow humans to be able to win than actual combat) who helped create Gensokyo itself. She's usually depicted as being very invested in keeping things running and tends to be the one to figure out a plan that resolves a lot of the plots of future games. In this one she's a dipshit who sleeps all day, has a pet fox, and quite possibly tears holes in the barrier just for a laugh. Honestly, goals. I also want to sleep and hug a fox. I cannot imagine that ZUN had any idea what he was going to do with this character when he made this game.

It's interesting to look back on this and think about current Touhou writing and how its developed over the years. The games have always felt like a half-finished thought, and I mean that in a good way, but we hadn't really reached the "themes" level yet. Still, nothing really quite captures what I love about the series like the juxtoposition between Yuyuko's personality and motivations being 'whatever' and the haunting nobility of her theme song, Border of Life. Is grace a thing of high-minded purpose, or is an ageless, tragic existence in itself a thing of terrible beauty, no matter how few fucks you give?

Fun game with good music. I 1CC'd it but didn't do the Extra stages