Reviews from

in the past

Admirable in the aesthetic sense, a modern-day revival of the Newgroundspunk manifesto that aided and abetted the creation of illegal little serotonin dispensers built from the pixellated bones of beloved franchises. It's about time folks were allowed to charge a couple of quid for this sort of thing - lawyers be damned! A miracle that it can walk around in Castlevania's skin and replicate its movements without anyone narcing to Konami; this is the Steam equivalent of that scene from Spider-Man 2 where everyone carries the unmasked Peter Parker down the train carriage without giving him up to Doc Ock.

As far as gameplay goes, though, I think this is somewhat abject and miserable. It gets its gamefeel just right, but locks satisfaction behind rote roguelite tedium and digital dicerolling, forcing you to relive its early-game boredom again and again until you have the means to boost ahead to the good stuff. It feels like a progression model that games just can't move on from, a skinner box that aims to rack up Steam hours punctuated with the fleeting thrills the store page promised you. Another "podcast game" in the pejorative sense, something your friend will recommend to you while frowning or shrugging.

Have all achievements as of 2/13.

It's really hard to say anything negative about a $3 game like this that has so much going on. Such a simple and fun concept. Glad they keep adding more. Excited for what comes next!

Really needs a little something more. Just some some QoL stuff.

Numbers Go Up: A Gothic Horror Tale.

Much more of a Cookie Clicker-style idle game than the screenshots imply, Vampire Survivors boils down the current state of the roguelite genre to it's bare, naked essentials, to such a degree that I'm surprised it even bothered to roll with the 'Castlevania asset pack' look It's got going right now. If your idea of fun is to slowly but surely watch bars fill up and tick boxes to make that process more automated, hours passing by without the stimulus of an ongoing narrative or varying presentation, boy, do I got the game for you! It didn't really do much for me, unfortunately, but I can see why it's gotten so popular as a 'chillout podcast unwind' sort of thing, it's extremely evocative of the flash based things we'd play during a class in the computer lab years ago...

A truly dangerous type of game, especially if you haven't got much time to spare for entertainment!

An incredible title that is worth the couple bucks it costs on Steam. It isn't quite perfect, but it dispenses with a lot of shit that makes games unfun and leaves behind a phenomenal experience.

Stop reading this and go spend the two quid to murder a million bad guys

Castlevania: The slot machine: the videogame.

Number go up, brain get happy.

No entendía nada ni me parecía entretenido cuando veía a gente jugando a esto, pero de ver a tantísima gente poniéndolo por las nubes quise probarlo y resulta ser muy adictivo. La progresión está muy bien pensada y además el primer personaje se llama Antonio.

Imploring anyone who has some kind of moral issue with this game to play it for more than 10 seconds

Amazingly fun surprisingly. Super basic and almost a reverse bullet hell. The upgrades are constant and it just is so addictive. However, I quickly beat the major bosses and mastered it more or less, but I will return for future bosses.

Jogo simples, poucas horas de gameplay mas divertido mesmo assim enquanto durou.

The aesthetics and cookie-clicker upgrade system of a mid 2000's flash game, but with enough depth and metagame considerations for it to exist in this era.

This game is cheap, and looks the part too. What's underneath that veneer, though, is an incredibly engaging loop that blends auto-games like Cookie Clicker and autobattlers with the action-roguelike genre. From this recipe you get a game that technically sports sessions of 10 minutes, but will often have you playing "one more round" for hours.

The game is in early access, but already provides plenty of content for you to enjoy. Much of this added content reveals itself as surprises for completing special achievements, which further adds to the hooky nature of the game loop. Every time, you wonder if you get new toys to play with.

Will I remember this game at the end of this year? I don't know. Maybe. For now, though, I am definitely getting my money's worth.

Feels like a game you would accidentally find in your cool aunt's computer in the 90s.

An excellent distillation of what makes rogue-(likes/lites) fun. With the right additions, this could turn into something quite special.

I guess the question you ask, when you boot up and play vampire survivors, the one that screams at you at full volume, is "is this good?"
And is it? I don't know. Kind of? It's a chaotic ball of nonsense, particles and AoEs, tens to hundreds to thousands of enemies on screen, as if Cave really took the limiters off. It has a magical loop of levelling and upgrades that feels good.
But it's so obviously wonky, right. It's the first thing you see when you boot the game, on the title screen which scales badly to 16:9. Is this deliberate, or just unimportant, a detail that doesn't matter because it is extraneous to the meat of the game? Does it even really matter?
I think I like Vampire Survivors more in just one play session than I like most AAA games after multiple hours. It's rare to find a prestige game that isn't obsessed with presentation, whether it be RTX ON visuals, fancy Birdman camerawork in a Sony game that doesn't even make sense when you consider that you can fast travel, slick menuing, even the sweet and sexy style of a well-formed combo system. All of that is to some extent a veneer, right? That's not to say all of it is bad (I love that combo system flavour of softwood) but it is inherently refreshing to play a game that is so obviously uninterested in it. It knows what you're here for and gives you it. Go nuts.

It's basically just a dopamine IV but sometimes you really need one of those. Number go up, enemy go boom, brain release happy chemical.

Another good action rogue-like to keep playing. A mix of Castlevania & Dynasy Warriors, except you don't have to do anything, but move around the map

Very addictive despite its simplicity. Happy to have completed all the achievements so I can move on with my life and have my free time back

me entretuvo un par de horas

this 3$ game is better than most games ive played????

MGM DAY 9: Vampire Survivors
This shit is crack cocaine in video game form. Just a constant rush of dopamine and endorphins with no brakes. Fuck

This game transformed me into a hamster on a wheel for like 5 straight hours and I came out of it with a headache and I'm terrified of ever opening it again

Otro ejemplo de como los indies pueden mezclar géneros y acabar dando resultados realmente interesantes y divertidos. Roguelite + Bullethell adornado con toda la ambientación y guiños a Castlevania.

Crack 2 The game
Simples, divertido, barato e viciante