Reviews from

in the past

Jueguito suuuuuper divertido y que se va actualizando constantemente, por el precio que tiene recomendadisimo!

Incredible content for incredible value.

It's like 4$, just buy it today.

Its really cool that instead of sitting on a shitty flash website to play a game like this I get to support the developer with $3 and then get regular updates to an already really fun game

I appreciate its cobbled together look, but other than that, it's a fun fidget game. Nothing more, nothing less.

Noch stümpfer als Diablo, aber MEGA geil
Das perfekte nebenbeispiel:
- mit einer hand spielbar (und zwar beiden händen!)
- gamepadfokus bleibt erhalten, auch wenn kb+maus im chat bei twitch sind
- skalierbarer windowmode
- "eine runde geht immer"
- quasi unendlich viele kombinationsmöglichkeiten bieten viel replayability
- verschiedene challenges und modi

Vampire Survivors is a pretty fun game. You play as a character who is constantly shooting projectiles out at large hordes of enemies closing in on you. The specifics of the projectiles are based on the upgrades you get as you level up.

The game is very simple to play and most of the game's fun comes from putting together a build on the fly. The build variety is very good, and the upgrades you get are varied and fun. I'm also surprised at how well paced the enemy waves are. There are difficult waves that really push your build but there are also calmer waves in-between that allow you to feel how powerful you've become.

Unless you're trying to fulfill an extreme challenge, runs of the game are usually 30 minutes maximum. Later in the game you can unlock a permanent gamemode that halves it to 15 minutes. The regular pace of the game makes it easy to slot play sessions in my schedule.

Overall, the game is very enjoyable due to the satisfying nature of watching your build grow and is easy to pick up and put down. I've been playing it regularly over the course of two months and the developer(s?) have been regularly providing content updates (Almost every other week I think?). Would definitely recommend.

funny vampire game. enemy falls over. blue crystals. neuron activation. goty

Surprised by how little I hate this. On paper, it's pure gunk of a game, all about being a little seratonin plant that stimulates the brain with the fun chemicals by employing the most base level of visual power escalation. It's not just number go up, it's projectile go so Up you can barely see the field anymore. It's all pretty basic stuff, but that's the appeal - a game stripped down to bare essentials, the character arc of a fully-fledged Metroidvania condensed to maybe 30-minute intervals. A thin Roguelite affair with all the trappings that smacks of a Flash golden-era desktop toy. I'm happy to call this game shite, but it's like yelling at a cheap stress ball and I am well aware of the desperate things we do when we have to listen to a podcast. The veneer of Vampire Survivors is pretty hilarious, uses Castlevania's aesthetic right down to stealing monster designs and items and stuff, alongside this unashamed casino spin where you're pulling gatchas from chests and rolling for good pickups. The music and sound effects sound like a pub fruit machine constantly screaming for attention all the while I'm mowing down the devil's legions in gothic castles.

I see the appeal, I really do, but I'm one of those freaks that watches a movie without tearing my eyes off the screen to blink. Stripping down a game to the point where it is nothing but mechanical gratification isn't my thing, I just need the narrative thrust or linear hand-crafted oven-cooked pomp and care or else a game just loses me and I forget it the moment it exits my peripheral. If I was a kid that had to pretend to do work in IT class in the year of our lord 2022 this would probably be my go-to, but I was definitely better off doing the same with Warning Forever.

Fun and interesting little indie roguelite that i keep coming back to every few weeks and It has a ton of updates everytime! Great Devs working on a Great Game for a Great Price.

A bullet hell game where you are the bullet hell


this game is surprisingly really good and only getting better as updates roll out.

that being said, this game seems to be purely based on rng and positioning. it pulls it off well, but it really sucks when your run is just awful cuz you never get the item you wanted for an evolution early on, and your entire run is based on how good your first 10 minutes are.

surprisingly, most of the items in this game are usable in a build. santa water can be a lategame keepout powerhouse in conjunction with other keepout items. again though, santa water will not help you out nearly as much if its your first evolved item at 10 minutes.

this game takes the fundamentals of roguelites, strips them down, and makes it work excellently where other roguelites fail to captivate because of how painful other roguelites are when you lose. this game is fast, simple, easy to get into, addictive, and runs aren't nearly as long and tedious as other roguelites.

This game absolutely knows what it's about and is a fun time killer.

Oh boi. Now that hit hard didn't it. I haven't played the last couple patches but <3

Version 0.5.0

3 whole bucks for pure crack kokain, and somehow nobody sees the issue with that?

if "Avoid this horse ride SCAM in Karachi, Pakistan" was a videogame.

Very good as a quick time-waster, and extremely addicting. Not much staying power and pretty shallow in terms of strategy, but that's fine for what it is.

Really addictive formula and easy to play but with a nice depth on gameplay, the 30min clock seems like a good point to end a run too. The assets bordering plagiarism is a bit funny as it's from Castlevania games. It's probably a 8/10 with better (and more original) visuals and more content, we will see how it turns out when it leaves Early Access but I really interested to keep playing it.

This game hit steam like crack hit low income neighborhoods

É extremamente viciante nas primeiras 10 horas, depois disso acaba ficando um pouco enjoativo, espero que fique mais divertido quando lançado oficialmente (ainda em early acceess em maio de 2022)

I think my computer's about to explode!