Reviews from

in the past

Mobile games can be pretty good.

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Really addictive and creative little puzzler that mashes together genres across video games and other media. It keeps you moving from course to course as you never know what’s coming next.

I played it through Apple Arcade and would recommend it, especially if you can get your free trial!

With some small frustrating levels, What The Golf was overall a very enjoyable experience that kept you guessing as to what they'd do next while each new mechanic didn't overstay its welcome.

I usually can't stand phone games, but this was a silly blast.

Me prendeu bem mais do que pensei que iria. Sempre dão vantagem à piada acima de gameplay interessante, mas conseguiram manter a ideia fresca mesmo repetindo muitos dos conceitos - mesmo que nos mapas finais deu pra notar essa criatividade finalmente se esvaindo. As fases “extra” de cada mapinha várias vezes tinham o melhor conteúdo do jogo, tanto em humor quanto jogabilidade, mas outras vezes eram repetitivas demais, a estrutura rigorosa de 3 fases apenas deixando clara suas origens de jogo de celular.

A fun little game. Keeps things fresh throughout, but starts to drag towards the end.

An example of the power of great slapstick comedy. Had some of the hardest laughs I’ve ever had while playing a video game.

It's something to do. I beat it 100% in 48 hours, including the extra sports / winter missions. I could probably flick things around to accomplish goals for... ever.

I played this in a call with 3 other people and I haven't laughed harder since

A lot of fun. Consistently tries out some new things. The controls on Switch take some getting used to, and I swapped between button and touch frequently. There were a few challenges that got to be a bit ridiculous, but overall, I had a blast.

Edit: Finished DLC and it is equally funny and excellent. Glad to see free support for the game post launch

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a fun dumb game that, while simple, throws enough weird dumb gimmicks at you that it won't get old by the time its done

didn't think the game needed an 'eversion' gimmick but the uh factory/testing part of Lab 00 reminded me of this

Dieses Spiel ist vor allem witzig. Viele kreative Ideen, wie man Golf nicht spielt.

Als Singleplayer-Spiel würde ich vermutlich nur drei Sterne geben, aber da es auch einen okayen Versus-Modus und Online-Ranglisten mit Challenges und Co. gibt, lege ich noch einen oben drauf.

Ich werde mir die zusätzlichen kostenlosen Inhalte aus Neugier auf jeden Fall auch noch anschauen.

This was a really fun short experience that gave me a lot of joy, both from discovering references to other games, as well as seeing what it does next with its frenetic game design. The only issue I had was the placement of par challenges being placed as the second in the level. The par challenges have a tendency of being the most difficult levels of the game, and with them being second rather than third, I worry some people who don't care so much about completion may miss some of the most inventive challenges/funniest comedic timing the game has to offer due to frustration. On the note of comedic timing What the Golf? is also one of the games most successful with its pacing that I've played. A lot of these wacky physics style games really don't do it for me and feel very one note, but this one delves into everything it can and it's very refreshing.

Some of these courses are the most frustrated I’ve been at video games ever and I never want to see them again. The rest of them are more than welcome back into my home whenever they want.

Truly a golf game for non golf fans. Great references to other games like Portal, SUPERHOT, Guitar Hero, Metal Gear Solid, Super Meat Boy, My Katamari, and Peggle. Also, Vending Machines here are functional.

say what you will about the game, but one thing is for sure: golf is definitely present in it

As the cool kids would say: zany, random and poggers

Yo, this game is kinda good.
Yeah it's a mobile game, it's pretty good for one too. But in general it blows chunks.

It's funny and cute, but I feel like it's kinda like a flash game, that just takes too long

Pretty fun indie game, enjoyed it a lot with my family. Could have more characters, minigames, and modes.

Too simplistic to be a good sports game, and too scattershot to be a good comedy game. There's no target to What The Golf's humor, no purpose or ambition other than turning various things into golf for the absurdity of it. That did elicit some laughs from me because that's enough to sustain at least a handful of amusing ideas , but most of the time I was just bored and waiting for the next gag I couldn't find anything to appreciate about the one that was in front of me. Should probably just watch the trailer if you want a decent lark.

It is really cute, really fun, really wild and exceptionally funny. As a game for a few bucks and included in Apple Arcade, it was just a real joy to play. It is one of those “just purely for the fun (and lols)” kind of game. It’s wonderful.

How can you not have a big ol’ grin on your face while playing this game, it’s so silly and charming

Such a charming, although short, golf title.

A perfectly weird and creative game that manages to do humor better than almost any other game. Sure did learn a lot about golf.

There are a lot of ideas here and I think only a few worked. The game should be much much shorter.

Instead of being actually novel and silly, this game layers a bunch of recognizable video game stuff on top of an okay golf game. Really boring ultimately!