Reviews from

in the past

Toma todos los conceptos del estilo "Metroidvania" de manera muy simplificada con una ejecución básica, es entretenido sin más.

Full review on my website:

''Before going into Xeodrifter, you should realise that what you’re about to play is a budget Metroidvania. Describing it as a budget game does not necessarily mean it’s bad as it isn’t; it’s enjoyable to play and the main protagonist controls pretty well despite having a fixed jump height and a very weak gun at first that is unable to shoot in multiple directions. But the Metroidvania part of the game is lacklustre, always having forced progress instead of giving you multiple options where to go. It’s also a shame that you don’t unlock shortcuts with newly-obtained upgrades, meaning that you have to go through the same sections more often than not. This is further emphasised by the world not being connected, but separated into four different levels. Boss fights are constantly repeated as well and while they function well as a ”get to learn the boss’ patterns” boss, it just gets boring after the fourth or fifth encounter. Xeodrifter is a fine game for the amount of hours it lasts (which is not long), but don’t set your expectations too high; this game isn’t going to change your viewpoint on the Metroidvania genre. I give Xeodrifter 6 unoriginal bosses out of 10!''

Had some fun mechanics and a nice style, but the lack of variety, especially in enemy and boss designs really made it feel less memorable

Doesn't overstay its welcome. A fun metroid-like with an interesting twist. Wish I played it on a New 3DS.

Fairly bare-bones, but it seems like that was kinda the idea. It was fun to play, and short enough that it didn't overstay its welcome.

pretende que sera un juego completamente abierto dándonos la oportunidad de seleccionar libremente uno de los cuatro planetas a los que podemos acceder solo para darnos cuenta que no es así y hay un orden establecido para explorarlos e ineludible y nos veremos constantemente haciendo Backtracking en zonas con un mapeado casi lineal o poco interesante en donde no podamos experimentar libremente las distintas habilidades del personaje haciendo de la progresión algo reiterativo y mas aun cuando pocos son los caminos alternos haciendo de un escenario interconectado inexistente.

estos problemas también se ven reflejado en los enemigos recurrente de los planetas, siendo pocos los que ofrezcan un desafió debido a que la mayoría están o quieto o simplemente recorriendo de izquierda a derecha y posicionados en zonas donde son fácilmente eludibles por lo que evitarlos termina siendo mucho mas conveniente para que el recorrido sea mas ágil y por la nula recompensa que se tiene el derrotarlos y los que si ofrecen un desafió son muy escasos y se limitan a ser simples esponjas de daños con algún que otro movimiento errático.

pero los jefes son sin duda lo peor del titulo, es básicamente el mismo pero con un nuevo patrón que convenientemente se pueda esquivar con la mejora obtenida del jefe anterior, causando una sensación de poca originalidad o y haga que ningún enfrentamiento se sienta memorable o único porque simplemente te estas enfrentando al mismo bicho que OH SORPRESA! ahora puede lanzarte crías o cambiar de plano.... meh

solo lo jugué porque me salio a menos de un dolar en Steam, diría que es algo disfrutable y lo mejor que tiene es lo conceptual-mente aterrador que es la ruta final pero de resto es cualquier cosa.

Played via the UK PSN release on an OLED Vita.

This game does Its damndest to disuade you from playing right at the start - with an intense difficulty, linear progression and slow combat scenarios, it just doesn't feel immediately fun to play as a metroidvania. You'll soon unlock traversal upgrades and health/gun modifications but they don't serve to make the game much more interesting than in its base state and even revisiting a level is always slow and tedious due to the lack of any unlockable shortcuts.

The challenge from the game comes from limiting health pickups and checkpoints to right before a level's boss, placing effort on survival of long stretches of platforming sequences and enemies. It's difficult to say if I ever learned to enjoy the challenge myself since your starting health and gun make it feel woefully unfair at the beginning of the game whilst later game sequences can feel boring or frustrating. This is all prelude to a boss that is exactly the same as all the other bosses in the game too, plus or minus a new attack to adapt to.

The art and sound are fine for what they are, certainly nothing bad but not standing out particularly either. The only thing that sticks in my mind is how ridiculously adorable the 7-8 identical bosses were, I kinda felt bad killing them.

Overall Xeodrifter is fine - it has design issues surrounding its level layouts and upgrade progression, and while there is a highly competent game here to control, it just can't save a forgettable experience.

Perhaps the last boss fights of this game will be the first thing I see when I go to hell

Otherwise, it’s just a cheap metroidvania that more often tires and annoys than causes any other emotions.

Straight ass with zero shenanigans

Simple yet fun get on sale and it won't disappoint you

i'm glad i gave this one another chance because it turned out to be a very cute & short metroidvania with some unique mechanics. i'm also glad i played this on 3DS with the 3D on bc it gave the mechanic you enter the background of the game a special charm

clean usage of an innovative mechanics

I appreciate what it was trying to do. It was going for a very minimalist approach. No real story, not that many enemies, only 4 areas, and I'm all for that idea. My issue is that it took this minimalist philosophy much to far for my taste.

For instance, every boss battle in the game is the same boss over again, just with one added attack. Kindof a neat idea, but I would've preferred different bosses. This game also has next to no enemy variety, and none of the enemies in it are interesting to fight aside from the boss, which is far too easy. With one exception outside of the boss, every enemy in the game either moves back and forth in a static path like a Mario enemy, or sits in place and launches projectiles in a specific direction. That is all you'll be fighting for the entire game until you move through the final area, where giant bat enemies will actually chase you around (again, they're the only enemy that does so outside of the boss). And they are supremely annoying to fight because you can't shoot diagonally. You can shoot in 4 directions. Again, it's the whole minimalist approach being taken too far. Even the platforming suffers, as you can't even jump at different heights depending on how long you hold the button down. I was infuriated before I learned this because I kept jumping into enemies and projectiles.

So yeah I don't really like this game very much. Its strong suits are its length, which is just over 2 hours, its artwork which is very good, and a couple of its abilities being fun to use (the plane shift ability is the best thing about this game by far). Overall I'd say this is skippable.

The most C- attempt at a Metroidvania/Mega Man inspired indie that peaks at it's cool running mechanic. It understands the fundamentals well enough but has all the creative ambition of a first game that you'd make strictly for the sake of practicing programming.

I think this idea had some potential, it was fun digging for hidden nooks and crannies, spotting new avenues on a revisit that you'd only glossed over previously only to discover that your new found abilities work perfectly there. It's a compelling loop, building this into a larger game with different locations, enemy types, new bosses and a less dreadful checkpoint system is an exciting concept.

It's not presented interestingly enough for me to desperately want that though, the soundtrack alone puts it off just fine.

Simplillo pero muy apañao, es razonablmente difícil de un modo que te motiva bastante a buscar upgrades, que es algo que con frecuencia acaba siendo más una manía de coleccionista que otra cosa porque te puedes peinar buena parte de juegos sin ellas. La mecánica de los dos planos distintos de acción en una misma pantalla es bien chula aunque te dejes un poco los ojos con el plano del fondo.

Disappointing after Mutant Mudds. Not really a bad game per se, but it comes across as not-quite-finished when there's literally only one boss with extra attacks/abilities added on for each of its 7 iterations. It's most difficult right at the beginning. Checkpoint placement is not great. Its weapon charging system is pretty neat but it seemed to me that a couple of the options were nearly useless (but the others were all great to mix and match). Decent environments and pretty fun level design for as short as it is. If you enjoyed Mutant Mudds and wouldn't mind some challenge, give this a shot and it'll entertain you for a few hours. Otherwise, just go find some other Metroidvania to play.

This is my pick for the most forgettable video game I ever played. Not bad at all. Just exactly what you'd expect

Controls are too slippery and the checkpoints/saves are too far apart. Bad game.

+ Great colors
+ Good platforming
+ Very cheap

- Initially interesting world with multiple planets, but each one is tiny and can be fully explored in 20-30 minutes
- Combat and upgrades are mostly boring
- Even 100%'ing the game only lasts a few hours
- Not much replayability unless you're interested to speedrun
- Forgettable music

This game doesn’t set out to do much, but what it does end up doing id say it pulls it off pretty well. A streamlined Metroidvania without any of the fluff, and sometimes that’s all you need. No backtracking and shooting random walls in order to progress, and every new path that opens with a power up is pretty apparent because you were probably just there half an hour ago. The pixel art is delightful and manages a very sleek intriguing design with minimal detail, and the sound design along with the movement is very satisfying. Initially I was annoyed at the reskinned boss fight for each one, but eventually grew to love it. As I was growing so was this creature that I hated so much, just because I can find power ups as I explore doesn’t mean it can’t too.

mid flash game that, by some divine joke, was 13 bucks on the eshop

Breaking down the metroidvania genre to its simplest components. Short but sweet.

Un jeu de tir 2d qui se fini assez vite. Dommage que tous les boss aient le même skin mais avec juste un swap color.

Un petit metroidvania sympa, on manque d'ennemis variés et le fait de visiter plusieurs planètes avec notre vaisseau empêche d'avoir des zones interconnectées. Les pouvoirs qu'on débloque sont corrects et level design au sein des planètes est bon. Le gameplay est dynamique et minimaliste ce qui contribue au rythme rapide du jeu, pas besoin de temps pour maitriser les mécaniques et explorer les petites planètes avec fluidité. Un jeu court et sympa si vous êtes un fan de metroidvania à la recherche d'une expérience courte.

As far as super short metroidvanias go (I finished this in 2h38m), I prefer Gato Roboto, but this is still pretty cool. In the grand ranking of metroidvanias, I put this above Axiom Verge and Circle of the Moon for example. The Plane Shift is one of the coolest power-ups I've seen in the genre.

Am I overrating this because I'm a metroidvania whore? Most definitely.

Xeodrifter es un Metroidvania retro, con una estética espacial, muy corto y funcional.

Su referencia al género y su aporte se enfoca principalmente en su brevedad y simpatía. La música, sin destacar, ambienta muy bien los escenarios, y el gameplay más lo powerups están muy bien diseñados, para ser un juego de aproximadamente 2-3 horas. El mapeado de por si es inteligente, y los puzzles que debemos resolver resultan ingeniosos, más no tremendamente difíciles, por lo que son perfectos para un nuevo conocedor del género, o para un jugador casual.

La relación precio/calidad está muy bien establecida, incluso diría que, en oferta, está regaladísimo, por lo que recomiendo férreamente jugarlo. Obvio tiene sus falencias; la repetición de bosses y el mejoramiento del arma hace que el juego sea basante fácil, pero no por eso menos interesante ni entretenido.
Xeodrifter es un fiel referente del género, que hace homenaje sobre todo a Metroid mismo, pero con un corto tiempo de duración, a través de una simple premisa de perdernos en el espacio. ¿No les suena familiar?