Reviews from

in the past

idea innovadora para transmitir el mensaje, pero no se si la ejecución estuvo tan buena.

A very touching game.
A shame it breaks and doesn't work on switch.

The central relationship is strong, but the husband (your character) is a bit too naïve regarding the surrounding circumstances which ultimately limits the depth of the central relationship. These moments are meant to provide a basic level of education about the Syrian civil war and Europe's refusal to help migrants and refugees and, while I think they do succeed at that, it prevents more genuine, tender moments from happening.

There's also something lost with the game's translation onto Switch. On mobile devices, the time spent between conversations is real world time which really adds to the tenseness and anxiety inducing nature of the narrative. On Switch, these conversation gaps are just a black screen with the date and time of day quickly progressing. But even if the Switch is your only platform to check this out on, I'd still really recommend playing through it.

Got this for free, played through it for a few hours and got a few bad endings. The writing was really effective and tense and I would like to go back to get a proper ending eventually.

I ghosted her just like other people do ghost me on Tinder

Lovely game with multiple endings and believable dialogues (well, most of them).
Let all refugees in.

Nour: describing the most traumatic situation I have ever heard that she endured while in refugee camps and how authorities feel entitled to ignore fundamental human rights given the lack of humanitarian action taken by the United Nations

The dialogue options you are given to reply to her:
"😞" ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎"😬" ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎"🙄"

If you want to feel really, really good about yourself while sipping vanilla soy latte in an overpriced coffee shop, this is the game for you.

Yes, the idea is great, and the text messaging format is well used. Too bad the writing -- the central aspect of a game like this, after all -- is so corny, cliched and self-satisfied. If you can stomach the Netflix-tier snarky banter of the protagonists for longer than 30 minutes, you are stronger than me.

They are supposed to be a husband-and-wife couple from Syria, but sound more like siblings or BFFs from San Francisco that occasionally play in a band together. The spunky girlboss wife travels alone, while the husband stays at home -- you know, the classic refugee tale.

In a game that's so much about verisimilitude, and about such a serious subject matter, stuff like this is just hard to overlook. Which is a shame, as the concept had a lot of potential.

Una de las mejores formas de contar una historia, por ahora es el tope a nivel narrativo

Played this in the middle of the night and got a bad end with an accompanying terrible voice recording. Freaked me out

Aventura narrada mediante los chats de móvil en tiempo real a lo largo de varios días, muy original e interesante en su planteamiento.

It's a good game, but the Switch version is not the ideal way to play this. It crashed a lot and it also doesn't have the same effect. When you play this on a mobile device you have to wait real time for replies. On Switch the game just fast forwards when there's a passage of time.

Otherwise it was an engaging experience. Again, just get it on a different system, mobile if possible. It is better.

Impression d'être un peu passé à côté de la portée et du vrai intérêt de l'expérience en l'ayant fait sur Switch, compte tenu de certains aménagements a l’expérience. Ça reste un jeu à faire et je dirais même d’importance, brillamment écrit et très touchant surtout.

Wow. This game had me on edge. It's not particularly long, but man, I just couldn't play it in chunks out of concern. I got what I am pretty sure is a really good ending and shed a tear out of not having to worry any more. Really impactful.

A text based choose your own adventure game told through the messages of a Syrian refugee traveling to Europe on hopes of a new life with the help of her Husband (the player). It has multiple endings and is a casual game that you can play a little at a time. Some of the themes can be sensative as it is influenced by real world events, but the game is worth checking out at least once.

Bastante bueno, pero las opciones de respuesta un poco decepcionantes. Me toco un final malo, pero lo sentí bastante interesante.

Can be really heavy and is WAY better on mobile. Recommended

Um jogo que pode ser bem lento e entediante, mas que respeito pela coragem de ser lento e entediante. Se jogado da forma "certa", "Bury me, my Love" simula perfeitamente a comunicação assíncrona, às vezes enfurecedoramente vaga e quase sempre exasperante entre duas pessoas separadas por enormes distâncias e com apenas mensagens de texto como forma de contato. O jogo vai tão longe em seu intento que ele te obriga a esperar, às vezes por horas, até que a outra pesssoa responda suas mensagens - isso é, se é que ela lerá. Se você já mandou uma mensagem para um entequerido e ficou esperando ansiosamente para que ele lêsse e respondesse vai ter uma noção de como é jogar esse game. Certamente algo com o que todos nós podemos empatizar.

Algo com o que nem todos nós podemos empatizar (pelo menos no ocidente) é a ambientação de guerra civil e migrações forçadas em que se passa a história. A tensão que o jogo gera em você é bem grande. Cada mensagem que demora para ser respondida ou só ver a outra pessoa digitando sem parar já te faz pensar que o pior aconteceu ou está para acontecer. Dependendo da rota seguinda pela narrativa, realmente acontecerá. Tornando a situação ainda mais crítica, qualquer ação sua tem efeitos apenas indiretos. Você pode dar sugestões à pessoa do outro lado da linha, sua esposa Nour, sobre o que fazer ou não, mas ela pode ignorá-las, ou eventos exteriores fazê-la tomar outras decisões. A sensação de impotência é enorme, principalmente nos finais ruins.

Se não ficou claro, não é exatamente uma obra agradável de se experienciar. Com um tema tão sério como a Guerra Civil da Síria, nem deveria! Entretanto, ser desagradável não é a mesma coisa que não ser engajante... o que nem sempre "Bury me, my Love" consegue ser, pelo menos por muito tempo. Pelo o que li, são um total de 19 finais, mas só tive ânimo para ver dois. Não dá para escolher um ponto específico da narrativa por onde continuar em gameplays posteriores, então é repetir várias conversas e eventos só para tomar decisão A em vez de B num ponto específico e ver se faz alguma diferença. Imagine fazer isso pelo menos 19 vezes seguidas. Mesmo desativando a opção de conversas em tempo real, assim eliminando o tempo de espera pelas respostas, é algo que toma bastante tempo. E considerando que alguns finais são bem deprimentes, não dá par dizer que esse esforço é recompensador...

Dito isto, é um jogo interessantíssimo e que aborda seu tema com enorme sensibilidade e verossimilhança, para o bem e para o mal. Se fosse mais "divertido" ou tivesse "QoL features" não teria o mesmo impacto.

zzzzzzzzzz it was ok, got the bad ending that was sad

An enriching and often harrowing experience, cleverly designed around a texting game mechanic rather than something more game-y. A few too many instances of "what do you think I should do here?" but other than that the characterization is top notch. After a couple of hours I managed to get a happy ending and I was so relieved, a testament to the power of the game's writing.

The story of a Syrian woman attempting to seek asylum in certain parts of Europe and her husband still in their homeland texting back to her ideas and guidance, with paths and characters met based on accounts developers have heard from real refugees or on what was going on at the time in the locations you visit. The framing of the story showing both the journey and the loved ones left behind still in a war torn environment.

The interface uses a phone with text, pictures, emoji, as well as voice messages accompanying each of the 19 endings. The way it is sent up and with that feels like a real conversation. You can choose options that will lead your wife down different paths, to different countries, and to meeting different people but she also is treated as her own person and is very likable and will make her own decisions at times ignoring your advice or not telling you about more dangerous actions until they are over. Well written during the serious and grim moments of injured protesters, harassment, theft, scams, and less then welcoming locals but also in the more lighthearted times where humor or love between the couple is the focus or being used to help get through a tough situation, such as when an in joke develops between the two over their phone's overzealous auto-correct.

From what I've heard from other's playthroughs and saw on my own your path can make for a fairly easy trip, you might have to help your wife amputate the leg of a injured woman, your travels could lead to a protest at a closed border, walk over a former minefield, followed by a theft from a supposed friend and sneaking on top of an RV to make it into Italy, or could involve putting your trust in a cheap boat crossing run by mafia leading to more tragic results.

The only real negative is that it can make itself needlessly difficult or tedious to replay if you want to see the many alternate paths. You have no indication of what paths you took in the past nor do you have a way to quickly skip through slow conversations you'be already seen on subsequent playthrough. This can make the slower nature of the text and time skips that formerly worked very well to build tension or a feeling of realism now just take up a lot of time needlessly until you reach that new content. Remembering old paths and finding different routes could be made even more difficult by not even knowing what your message or sometimes possible emoji responses can lead to, with some not even looking like they might alter her path or knowing how she will react to it.

Emotional story and very immersive for something that is presented through only a smartphone screen. It's a shame there is no fast forward for story bits you've seen before, if you want to go for the other endings. Since there are quiet a few endings, replayability gets hurt.

La mejor experiencia está en smartphone, pues te obliga a esperar en tiempo real las respuestas de Nour.