Reviews from

in the past

An interesting experiment in how minimalist you can make a boomer shooter. The definition of a game that doesn't overstay its welcome, a nice hour-long romp with some fun weapons and great enemy variety.

Short and Sweet... maybe too short, but sweet nevertheless.

Cute, dumb fun. David is very good at making games that look ugly as hell in such authentic ways and they always feel good to play. I'm ride or die with this dude's creative output.

A fun little adventure by the creator of DUSK. I was really excited to play DUSK and this game has a base price of $1.99 so I thought I would spin it up first. The Quake aesthetic is awesome and the goblin enemies are dripping with personality. I really liked how the levels looped on themselves a lot without being overly confusing; it definitely feels like the work of a seasoned level designer. Some of the themes were really unique--I especially liked the Greece level, set during the daytime in a seaside Greek temple for no reason. The final level is clearly Star Wars themed, again for no reason, but you can tell Szymanski was just having fun making this game. It's a game for fans of the genre by somebody who isn't disillusioned by the success of their big hit game. I really respect that.

Very cute, but for some reason it ran at only 30 fps for me (no biggie btw, I played 300 hours of fallout new vegas on a laptop that ran it at like 24 fps)

Hey. Szymanski. Now, I know you and Mr. Plier are making the Iron Lung movie. But. And hear me out on this... A Chop Goblins Animated TV Series. Think about it, the kids would love that! You could make toys of each of the goblins and they would fly off the shelves, the comedic and marketing potential of these chopping bastards is limitless! This is where true gold-mine is at! Artistic integrity? That's secondary to funny little gremlins!

Chop Goblins gives off the same feel of a Saturday morning cartoon without having anything to do with one visually nor structurally, but the simple comedic stroke of genius that is the enemies being a bunch of world-ending goobers that only want cheese and the short but fast-paced run-time of the game give the same sensation of sitting in the couch watching a funny cartoon episode.

In the span of one hour you go through a museum, watch the goblins chop cars and buildings, travel through space and time, and also fight Dracula which I don't know why but it seems fitting 'cause sure why not. All the levels are pretty small but very concise and creative spaces that explore different visual styles, being both linear and maze-like at the same time, something I didn't even know was even possible but they pull it off so who am I to complain?

All weapons serve different niches, like the starting pistol being slow as hell but a one shot tool for lesser enemies, and the wand being a ''fuck you'' tool to get out of difficult situations, and then there's the dagger. You can hit axes thrown at you and instakill the enemies with it. The dagger is funny. Everyone loves the dagger and dagger loves us too.

It's not the fastest paced shooter out there by any stretch of the imagination but the lay-out of the rooms and the way each goblin behaves are a puzzle on their own that forces you to think fast and react faster, taking cover and considering what weapon to use or if blowing up the car that's 1 meter away from you is a good decision or not (it usually isn't but I do it anyway), and yeah, it's fun!

Chop Goblins is a short and funny little game and that's pretty much it; after beating it you can try the Goblin difficulty and the Remix levels, but that's pretty much it, and it's fun! I wish there was any way to access the options in the pause menu and that it attempted more interesting set pieces like the ones in the second level, but you know, the game wants to be simple, and I’m not gonna knock that against it, go wild you lovable little bunch of gremlins!

For real tho it’s hilarious this came out just after Iron Lung and was even teased on it, I couldn’t think of games more opposite of each other, and I’m just saying, Iron Lung doesn’t have any goblins, it’s clear who’s the one deserving of an adaptation…

a fine shooter but the dracula fight may just be the best moment in any video game

bite sized shooter that you can beat in one sitting. very fun.


there are goblins, and you chop them. the goblins try to chop you, but you are better at chopping goblins than the chop goblins are at chopping you.

What really sells Chop Goblins is how much game-y it is. Pretty weird thing to say about something that doesn't try to experiment or present some unique with its gameplay at all. The only thing that could be said is that Chop Goblins features lack of jump button just like in first comers of the FPS-genre like original Wolfenstein and first Doom. In that sense, it's definitely retro besides the graphics.
This limitation for the player resulted in more grounded look towards the design of Chop Goblins. While the arenas themselves can't present a challenge for similar game with the ability to jump, here (it seems) player will have to think twice before moving forward. Carelesness is something that most modern shooters try to aboid by giving more options to escape, but this game goes the other direction and asks to just consider your movement.
Strictly speaking, shooters are always about navigation more than anything else. Even the act of shooting a target can't be done without putting your cursor on it. While movement shooters present an additional challenge with more options to navigate, it can be argued that they're temporarily break the 'shooter' gameplay for one moment and become only about 'movement'. Getting rid of options to move helps focus on combat more closely.
Obviously I'm not saying that movement shooters are bad in any way, I just wanted to point that out.

I care for this little silly game too much to admit. It's short and won't waste any of your time.

An ultra-short fun little romp that will spice up your evening while waiting for your friends to finish dinner. Fun gameplay, and fun secrets, I wanted a jump button and crouching, but yeah- I had fun.

Nice and funny little game. Varied levels considering its sub-hour length, and it has the Painkiller stake gun. No mid-game settings menu is weird, though. You have to exit to the main menu to change FOV and whatnot.


Es muy divertido ver a un desarrollador hacer un juego de una hora simplemente porque le apetece. Historia simple (¡¡unos goblins malvados han aparecido, mátalos!!), jugabilidad muy disfrutable, gráficos con encanto y goblins gritando todo el rato que quieren queso. Y todo en cinco niveles no muy largos en lo que si mueres empiezas desde el principio. Iba a darle un 6, pero volviendo a pensar en él ahora creo que se merece un poco más.

From the creator of DUSK comes this delightfully twisted game, Chop Goblins. It's short, charming, and will only set you back a little to nothing. While it may not reach the heights of DUSK, the game's short duration doesn't diminish its entertainment value, making it a perfect choice for a fun and light-hearted afternoon of gaming.

A wonderfully fun and short experience--even to 100% complete!--from one of my favorite indie developers.

If you have $5 lying around and want to shoot goblins in a power fantasy for a few hours, you can't go wrong with Chop Goblins.

Nice fun little shooter by David and has good replayability if you are into getting high scores. Excited for Chop Goblins 2.

i chop all the goblins into lil bits

genuinely really fun, short and sweet


This should be like the poster child for what is actually meant by I want shorter games with worse graphics because this incredibly silly goofy little 40 minute shooter is so cozy and charming and yet still shows the hallmarks of what made Dusk's level design and gun play so satisfying and special, just in a smaller funnier package for 5 bucks

That soundtrack fucking slaps too

damn those goblins really do be going chop

Short (like a goblin) to the point (like the knives the goblins have) and all around great fun (goblins enjoy the concept also)

Varied levels, varied enemies, great soundtrack. It's been a while since a joke game has been this good

look man someone's gotta blow these goblin's brains out

Simple sweet and short FPS from the maker of Dusk. Packs a lot into a short game and while not super deep the levels and enemies are full of charm. The short length will make it an easy game to come back to whenever I have 30 minutes to spare and the urge to shoot funny goblins

Torn between giving this a 7 or an 8.
Charming game from David. Planning on playing his entire game library in 2024 so we'll see where this stacks at in the end. Love the aesthetic too. Only major things are really just that the Dracula boss is kinda too OP for me and that I wish there was a final boss in the final level (although the final room is STRESSFUL, don't get me wrong). For what it's worth, very good game.