Reviews from

in the past

Improved on everything Mega Man Legends attempted to do. Good side content and improved dungeons and the cast of the two previous games all together means there is never a dull moment. Trust me do the side content and buy the armor chips. Can't believe how hard the final boss is for this goofy game.

An absolute improvement over the first one in basically every aspect. They improved the controls and have analog support, the story is more coherent, cohesive, and provides substantial world lore, the ost and world overall feels more alive and varied.
Of course, there's still occasional jank that stems from it being a PS1 3D platformer, and the water dungeon wasn't exactly fun.
Fun overall, definitely worth playing.

Also get him off the moon.


Takes everything the first game did and turns it up a couple of notches. In my opinion a direct upgrade from the first game besides not having the coziness the first game had.

Ow mó bom céloko
Só bocado mais difícil que o primeiro

A really disappointing sequel to me. Takes a lot of improvements with its visuals, audio, full analog movement, and expanded areas to run around and throws everything else to the side.

The lack of auto-aim hurt the combat a lot, making simple encounters more of a hassle. That said, the enemy variety is a huge improvement and the bosses are bigger, faster, and far more difficult.

The biggest hit is the world design where the actual towns and overworld areas feel fleshed out, but the dungeons take a huge hit in design. Gone are a lot of varied hills and connectivity and instead are more flatlands and hallways that tend to drag on with an occasional set piece to break it up. It's a change I personally do not enjoy, but the set pieces are cool at times.

Audio is one of the few things I think this game matches the original on. Great score, voice acting sounds more refined, ambience is solid for what there is.

Visuals also got an upgrade with better shading on textures, more cluttered environments in towns/houses to make it feel more lived in. Bosses especially look great in this.

I wish I cared more for this as the story is good, but the gameplay and design as a whole feels like it just takes a big ol' hit in exchange for spectacle. Frustrating but still comes recommended.

one of the most memorable games ive played in a while i think. a definite improvement over the first in all but a few areas that left me rather sad the series had to end this way. someday we can see an ending maybe....

an improvement over the first game, hard not to love it, charming and full of personality, and it has an unique art style that even to this day looks good.

i really hope we can see Legends 3 some day...

Um dos melhores spin offs de megaman pra mim, espero muito um port prós consoles atuais

eu odeio esse jogo.
eu fui na banquinha do camelô pq eu tinha acabado de jogar mega man x4 e o filha duma puta me vendeu esse.
caraaaalho que filho duma puta voce rogerinho corno manso do caralho cuzao desgraçado ÉGUA

God this box art is awful.

Wow I finally get it now. This was incredible from the opening scene that gripped me instantly to the ending. Especially after that, I'm annoyed this is yet another MM to cancel their next game with no chance of Capcom intervening.

The first town you're set loose in is during a cozy snowstorm! There is even a way to set your difficulty inside the game! I went for the highest one, which I didn't know at the time but gave me a lot of extra zenny drops. This made getting lots of upgrades and just flavour stuff in the game very manageable. You get to explore more diverse areas than the 1st game, actually use your ship more than once, and a lot of dungeons. 🐵

The only negatives I can think of are targeting has become a bit worse and I wish there was a button to swap between your special weapon/throw. I'm going to take a small break from my rest of the series binge after this one but what a way to end it.

This game (and its predecessor) feels like a real adventure from start to finish. Exploring deep, forgotten underground ruins, fighting pirates, flying trough the skies on your ship, helping and defending the townspeople, scavenging and equipping weapons that really feels like you have them equipped on your body, changing your gameplay a lot. Great presentation and pretty good graphics. A fantastic game overall.

A true hidden masterpiece. Everything from the graphics to the story to the gameplay is PS1 gaming perfection, the only knock I have against the game is I sadly don't think there will be anything like it again, but my faith in Legends 3 still holds strong

Every bit as charming and compelling as the first, but with tighter controls and better gameplay. Absolutely wonderful.

Maior e mais bonito que seu antecessor, mas não melhor. Me diverti bem mais em Legends 1.

A sequência tem mais ilhas, e cada uma com seu próprio clima e estilo visual. Mas nenhuma delas se compara em tamanho, charme e coesão com Kattelox Island do primeiro game. Similarmente, os templos são maiores e cada um tem seu gimmick, mas esses gimmicks ficam numa tênue linha entre "interessante" e "irritante" e acabam consistentemente caindo em "irritante" — temos até direito a um templo da água, e incrivelmente ele não é o mais irritante.

O combate é menos "janky", mas os inimigos batem muito mais forte, são difíceis de acertar e têm a enfurecedora propensão de explodir ao morrer, te causando dano se estiver por perto. Os chefes são nojentos. O jogo anterior podia ter controles que não eram imediatamente intuitivos e um combate simples, mas pelo menos depois de pouco tempo você sentia que "entendeu" como funcionava. Aqui, mesmo ao final do jogo, senti várias vezes que estava lutando contra os controles.

Apesar de até agora só ter falado coisas negativas, MML2 é bacana. Ele dobra a aposta na estética e vibes do antecessor com muito sucesso. Parece até um anime nostálgico dos anos 90. E quando ele não te irrita com os chefes e gimmicks do mal, é bem divertido.

Probably the best megaman game out there excluding the network series. Just improves everything from the first game and it had a solid ending as well. Feels bad we never got legends 3, but we did get EX-Troopers out of it though.

All i remember is putting out the fire.

It took me 5 years, but starting with the classic series, then playing X, then Zero, ZX, and now Legends... I am finally done... every single mainline Mega Man game!!!!

This game was a blast. Starting this up with the improved controls was orgasmic, and the graphics actually have improved somewhat.

I feel like with this game there a lot of things that balance each other out. I don't think it was quite as charming as the first game, but I enjoy how we move from one island to another. The dungeon layouts and designs were MASSIVELY improved upon, but non-dungeon story missions were fucking INFURIATING. Chicken level fucking SUCKED, Nino Ruins water SLOW AS FUCK, and the gravity section was kind of annoying too.

The story was interesting, too, but am I alone in thinking it was a little hard to follow? It's cool for what it is, but I want more!! It is a shame MML3 will (probably?) never come out. Who knows... I'd play that shit!!!

A great followup that expands on everything in Mega Man Legends 1 in the best ways. It is better than the OG game. The story is fantastic.
Too bad we never got a third game.

Remember being hooked on this game. We picked it up at Toys R Us for Christmas. Good times.

The game that I wanted Legends 1 to be! There are some VERY unfair zenny grinds that are unfortunately necessary to not be miserable in dungeons. I can absolutely forgive it. The opening scene alone is worth every penny!

Good game in a very medium score. The gameplay works a lot with horizontal movement, works well with inground enemies, terrible with airbone attacks. The campaing is short and the story is ok, but is very dependent on knowledge of the predecessor. The character and robot designs are amazing (as usual in the megaman series). And the theme song is beautiful and holds a special place in my memory.

oh so thats why everyone wants a mega man legends 3

Vivid images of a Legends 3 with Vanquish (2010)'s Gameplay flash into my head, leaving me blind to life's reality, as I wander into the street and get run over by a car.

it has a 4.0 on backloggd rn so dont even say its bad

This review contains spoilers


i've gotta say as much as the legends series has a beloved spot in my heart, i think most of that spot is taken up by the 1st game! mml1 felt super cozy since it took place on one single island (though it was definitely because the team was testing the waters and didn't want to risk making the game too big). i always remember apple market's and uptown's themes because they were such a pleasing tonal difference from the janky tracks in the rest of the game, and the sprites had a nice charm to them.

that being said, i may be looking into it a little too much but i think legends (or maybe just mml2 in particular) draws quite a bit of influence from the tale of kaguya. i would argue that an underlying, unspoken theme of this series is that when there is joy, there is suffering, and vice versa. that suffering and loss is inevitable for humans, but that there is still joy in living. the master is a direct parallel to kaguya, as he felt miserable despite having no hardships on elysium and felt compassion for the carbons and finding joy amidst their hardships. i think volnutt himself is a more vague parallel to kaguya, seeing as he felt the same way as the master and worked hard to destroy the master system. he also gets trapped on elysium, so! actually when you think about it, legends 2 might be a subtly buddhist game. but then again, considering a church is in there for no reason, maybe i shouldn't be looking so deep into a megaman game, haha.

Pretty good and a obvious improvement compared to the last one. Although I think some of the RPG elements really ruins a bit of the experience, the grinding can be really frustrating for example. I liked all the dungeons though, expect for the underwater one that was really boring. The game is beautiful, with lot of charm, sadly we will never see a third one