Reviews from

in the past

Una experiencia interesante pero que se queda corta en su propuesta.

An enjoyable time, although short and simple.

Esse jogo definitivamente não foi oq eu esperava que seria, real me senti manipulado, bom jogo

Jogo muito legal, muito bonitinho, e especialmente MUTCHO LINDO. Gostei.

Cool story, underrated game for sure

I really liked this game it feels kind of like a good horror game because it relies on actual storytelling to scare you rather than cheap jumpscares

I don't play a lot of games on my PC, and the problems I had with this show why with it slowing down a lot and some difficulty with adjusting to using a mouse for looking around. That's not the games fault, but did leave an imprint.

I've played a lot of story games in the mold of visual novels and this is my first proper walking simulator, which was fine gameplay-wise or lack thereof. The story was nice and Henry and Delilah worked well with each other, but something felt missing there and when the game got into being a thriller, it felt destined for anticlimax which it was. I'm not sure what it is compared to other story games, even ones with a realistic, mundane tone, but this didn't pull me in like those.

this and night in the woods will always be my favourite games- which tells you a lot about my game preferences I guess haha. If you didn't like the ending- you need to look at this game for what it is- a smart narrative that makes the player evaluate their own desire to escape via video games. Genius level writing. Meta ass writing. This will be studied in university classes one day when games are finally given the same academic respect as novels and films. It is great- the choice to isolate Henry and have the radio mechanic as your main connection sells the game. couldn't turn away and cant wait to play the developer commentary version.

Yine bağımsız bir yapım yine bir yürüme simülasyonu ama! Bu yürüme simülasyonu harbiden iyi. Firewatch henüz ormana attığım ilk adımdan beni kendine çekmeyi başardı. Karşımızda sanat dizaynı bakımından müthiş bir oyun duruyor. Ormanın ve kurak kanyonların arasında gezmek insana gerçekten huzur veriyor. Bu huzurlu ormanların arasında gezerken arkada dönene oyunun hikayesini takip etmek zevkli. Doğruya doğru atmosfer ne kadar müthiş olsa da oynanış zayıf ancak oyunun kuvvetli olduğu yanı bu değil zaten. Hikaye! Ana karaktarimizin eşinin Alzheimer hastalığına yakanlanması sonucunda tedavi için ailesine, memleketine, dönmesi ile birlikte başlıyor. Adamımız Henry mutsuz hayatında kasabadan uzaklaşmak için Yangın Gözlemcisi olarak ormanda işe başlar ve hikaye buradan itibaren dallanıp budaklanıyor. Hikayenin içinde barındırdığı gizemler ve ormanın içinde hedefe gitmeye çalışırken yakalandığımız belirsizlikler ve çeşitli durumlar oyuncuyu hikayeye ve oyuna bağlı tutuyor. Kısa da bir oyun olduğundan dolayı oyun oynayan herkese tavsiye edebilirim. 7/10

I hated this game, wanted more

Amazing story but its too short and had a couple bugs

It was..... such an expirience.

• Nossa, sou completamente apaixonado pela atmosfera desse jogo. Me lembra um pouco a de Gone Home, uma sensação um pouco estranha de solidão combinada com algo um pouco sombrio e melancólico.

• Apesar de a trilha sonora ser quase inexistente, quando toca alguma coisa sempre é MUITO marcante. Além disso, as músicas são maravilhosas e encaixam como uma luva pras cenas em que aparecem. Andar no modo Free Roam escutando a fita cassete com elas é uma sensação maravilhosa.

• Acho a história impecável! O Henry e a Delilah são personagens muito humanos, e ver os dois interagindo é muito cativante. Além disso, acompanhar o desenrolar da história junto com eles é muito envolvente, principalmente na reta final quando as coisas começam a piorar.

• Há quem ache o final tenebroso, mas sinto que não poderia ser outro. Firewatch é um jogo sobre evitar seus problemas. Henry evita lidar com os problemas que tem com a Julia, Ned evita lidar com a morte do Brian (a cena da caverna é muito emocionante) e, ao meu ver, Delilah usa seu emprego e álcool como maneiras de evitar lidar com problemas gerais na sua vida. Então, acho super coerente o jogo terminar como termina. O jogador se sente tão desapontado quanto Henry. O que eles tinham ali acabou, e finalmente chegou a hora de lidar com a vida real.


• Considerações finais: Um jogo que, mesmo sendo curto, conta uma história incrível e muito marcante, fazendo com que você pense bastante em seus personagens, tópicos etc. Recomendo MUITOOOO o viado arrasa demais é isso! 💛

Truly sad, narratively compelling, and beautiful. All tend to be difficult for a video game, but Firewatch pulls it off.

Uma das histórias mais legais e ambientações mais envolventes que ja joguei.

Stellar indie experience. Setting and characters had me dialed in through and through

Liked this walking simulator. Great way to unfold a story.

One of the simplest and shortest games with the most compelling sights, story and dialogue. Go in blind, have a quick trip

A história me surpreendeu muito positivamente, jogo excelente. Só não dou nota máxima porque acho que a história poderia ter mais ramificações dependendo das respostas.

Firewatch is a beautiful game that encapsulated that feeling of escaping from your normal life for one summer and one summer only.

The game is emotionally striking right from the offset by setting up Henry's life with Julia to give context for him escaping to nature for the summer to work in a firewatch tower. The colours, tone and music are all perfect at creating an almost therapeutic feeling while playing.

The voice acting from Henry and Delilah are great and their back and forth is fun to listen to as they start off as strangers and become something more over the summer, only for Delilah to reaffirm at the end that her and Henry must both return to their normal lives and responsibilities. Its a sort of melancholy ending, like a summer fling that you had an amazing adventure with, has come to an end.

There are moments throughout the game where you'll just be hiking to a location on the map and the nice, relaxing music kicks in and its good to just be in the moment and enjoy the scenery.

The story takes a turn about half way through and becomes quite eerie, making wandering through nature, which used to be a nice relaxing experience, a bit more strenuous as it feels like you're always being watched. Of course it turns out that it wasn't how it seemed, which leads to a melancholy, satisfying ending.

Firewatch really felt like going on a one time experience over the summer that just cant be recreated.

Esse jogo me passa a sensação fidedigna de estar trabalhando em um local remoto para esquecer os problemas kkkkkkk
Que atmosfera sensacional, simplesmente animal.
Um grande destaque para a dublagem do jogo, que me conquistou severamente.

Well written, engaging, lovely to spend time in. Leaves a bit to be desired narratively but then again thats kinda the point.

t’s a very sad story and it’s not even about the fire, although you’d rather expect this plot. I especially don’t like such games because I worry enough about the characters inside the game, but this game ended quite on time and put an end to any understatement.

Очень грустная история и дело даже не в пожаре, хотя скорее ожидаешь этот сюжет. Особо не люблю такие игры т.к достаточно переживаю за персонажей внутри игры, но эта игра достаточно вовремя закончилась и поставила точку в какой либо недосказанности.

Yürüme kısımları olmasa 1-1.5 saatte bitebilecek bir hikayesi var. Ama gayet güzel. Oyunun sonunda geliştiricileri dinleyerek oynayabileceğiniz bir mod var. Göz atmanızı öneririm.

It has a story that could end in 1-1.5 hours if not for the walking parts. But it's pretty good. At the end of the game, there is a mode you can play by listening to the developers. I suggest you take a look.

How can a game have a higher walking to actual gameplay ratio than Death Stranding

The best walking simulator you'll ever play, it'll make you cry, laugh and smile.

Its atmosphere, its colorful landscapes of sunrise and sunset, its minimalist soundtrack, its rather credible art environment and its captivating dialogues largely thanks to the dubbing and the credibility of the characters
For all these points I loved the game