Reviews from

in the past

Coffee Talk is the kind of game I needed to take a break from my normal video game routine and also try to alleviate some of my gaming fatigue. Sometimes, I just need a relaxing game to get me through the night after a stressful day. During my playthrough, I felt like I was curling up with a good book under a blanket, sipping a warm beverage, zen mode activated. It's been a while since I've felt so at ease while playing a game, so I really appreciated my time with it!

Slice of life stories & chill.

Coffee Talk apesar de ser um jogo bem curtinho, é uma experiência que com certeza vai ficar marcada em você. O jogo é simples e seu único objetivo é contar uma boa história, ele é um daqueles jogos para se jogar no final de um dia estressante, ou em um final de semana, e sinceramente esse é o charme dele para mim.

Sendo uma visual-novel, o ponto de destaque em Coffee Talk é sem dúvidas sua história. Ela é contada através da conversa que temos com os diversos personagens que encontramos durante o jogo, e cada um deles tem seus problemas e complicações diferentes, e apesar de não ser a mais complexa que já vi em um jogo, ela é bastante interessante de se acompanhar, e me deixou com um gostinho de quero mais após sua conclusão. Felizmente, as pontos soltas que o jogo deixa durante sua narrativa são explicadas e resolvidas durante sua sequência, que é uma continuação direta desse.

Coffee Talk não é um jogo que apresenta mecânicas complexas ou desafios complicados (pelo menos não na sua campanha principal), e a ambientação suave e relaxante do jogo ajuda bastante a ser uma experiência bem tranquila e divertida de se acompanhar. As músicas do jogo também influenciam bastante nesse aspecto, elas são do gênero Lo-Fi e com certeza combinam demais com esse jogo.

O jogo me custou apenas 5 horas para completá-lo 100%, e com certeza foi um joguinho que eu queria que durasse mais, tanto por seus personagens interessantes e únicos, tanto pela sua gameplay simples e divertida.

Eu simplesmente me apaixonei por esse jogo. Sem me programar, acabei jogando ele numa tarde fria de chuva enquanto eu mesmo tomava um café com bolacha e parece que isso contribuiu ainda mais pra história.

Queria deixar um parágrafo pra destacar a aula de trilha sonora que esse game dá, mano. Desde que joguei ele, me pego escutando ela do início ao fim quando tô deitado ou só viajando pela internet. Descobri ainda que ela foi lançada em vinil e é uma coisa que futuramente vou ter que adquirir só pra ter a experiência de passar um café num dia de chuva com essa trilha sonora de música ambiente.

Tudo nesse jogo me encanta: os personagens, os arcos deles, os dilemas com os quais tu pode se identificar, a representatividade, os gráficos. Esse game parece um abraço quentinho e jogar ele em uma semana complicada me fez muito bem. Eu poderia ficar horas fazendo cafés mirabolantes e ouvindo histórias de elfos, súcubos e lobisomens.

É claro que eu amo games com histórias épicas, epopéias de fantasia ou um sci-fi frenético. Mas de uns tempos pra cá, esses joguinhos mais simples e casuais tem ganhado completamente o meu coração, principalmente em dias que eu quero só relaxar e esvaziar a mente.

me deu uma vontade imensa de abrir uma cafeteria. mas, como eu não tenho dinheiro e nem talento pra isso, vou investir na sequência desse jogo mesmo.

Quero trabalhar numa cafeteria agora!!!

Esse jogo é tão calminho... dá vontade de ir numa cafeteria... pixel art lindinha... musica muito boa... pqp...

Eventualmente eu fiquei puto pela falta de agência, esse jogo é basicamente um livro, você não JOGA ele, só lê os textos, unica mecânica que existe é fazer café, o cliente pede algo e tu tem que acertar, mas até isso é irrelevante pq se tu acerta, o cliente fala "hmm gostoso esse café enfim sobre oq eu tava falando antes..." e se tu errar é tipo "porra nao foi oq eu pedi errasse meu café krl... enfim sobre oq eu tava falando antes..."
Com certeza isso é exatamente o que o jogo pretendia ser, e tudo bem, só deu uma entediada, eventualmente

Ironicamente, a falta de agência também pode ajudar, na minha experiência até fez o jogo ser mais relaxante de vez em quando, de certo modo... achar e começar a jogar esse aqui durante a época de ENEM fez maravilhas pros meus nervos

Poucos jogos me surpreenderam tanto quanto este, me levando a um ambiente totalmente aconchegante, ouvindo histórias engraçadas, um pouco emocionantes e conversas extremamente profundas que valem a pena levar para a vida.

Eu nunca fui fã de Visual Novel mas esse me deixou na cadeira por umas 4 horas direto por causa dos diálogos divertidos, profundos e cativantes, com personagens carismáticos que genuinamente te fazem feliz por alcançarem seus objetivos desejados e uma ambientação simples porém adequada para o jogo.

This game is probably supposed to be relaxing but it stressed me the fuck out cause they are too nice or im ass at making coffee

Coffee talk was een perfect spel om mee bij te komen na de hectische verhaallijn en gamplay van de games die ik hiervoor gespeeld heb. Vergis je echter niet in de simpelheid van het concept! Coffee talk is nog steeds in staat om, met behulp van interessante karakters en simpele maar fijne gameplay, grijpende verhaallijnen neer te zetten.


Verhaal ⭐⭐⭐⭐:
Kijk, je gaat dit spel natuurlijk niet spelen voor de gameplay, het meerendeel van wat dit spel te bieden heeft bevindt zich in de verhaallijn en de verschillende karakters die je koffietent bezoeken. Dit aspect van de game is dan ook wel het deel dat het beste uitgewerkt is, het enige negatieve wat ik kan zeggen is dat de game eigenlijk langer had moeten zijn zodat we een sterkere band konden vormen met de leuke karakters die dit spel te bieden heeft.

Gameplay ⭐⭐:
Hier gaan wel wat sterren vallen helaas, de weinige gameplay die dit spel heeft is gewoon niet pakkend genoeg om langer dan een uur aan te besteden (en dat is nog best gul). De game biedt je naast het hoofdverhaal ook de mogelijkheid om koffie te maken in een endless mode en dit was eigenlijk alleen handig om achievements te halen.

Visuals/Stijl ⭐⭐⭐⭐:
1 ding dat je over mij moet weten is dat ik een kechie ben voor pixelart, dus dit gaat gewoon hoog krijgen, hoger dan zou moeten ook waarschijnlijk maar ik ben zo vatbaar voor dit stijltje joh, live, laugh, lovin it. De looks van de karakters zijn trouwens ook heel leuk gedaan en geven ze voldoende personaliteit.

Muziek/Geluidseffecten ⭐⭐⭐:
Muziek is niet goed en niet slecht eigenlijk, liet geen indruk achter. Geluidseffecten zijn eigenlijk hetzelfde verhaal. Gewoon een voldoende.

(Side) activiteiten ⭐⭐:
De enige activiteiten die te doen zijn naast de main story zijn een endless mode, waarin je nieuwe drankjes kan proberen te maken en een challenge mode, waarbij de verschillende karakters je steeds cryptischer vragen om specifieke drankjes te maken. Dit was in het begin wel leuk, maar was ook snel z'n charme kwijt.

Tegen de tijd dat je het hoofdverhaal uitgespeeld heeft, heb je bijna alle achievements al te pakken. Hierna hoef je eigenlijk alleen nog maar de endless mode te spelen en wat drankjes te mixen die je eerder gemist hebt. De endless mode was wel echt gedoe mama mia, maar je kan er zeker binnen een uurtje klaar mee zijn.

Al met al was het een leuke, korte game die me tijdens de korte duur heel erg heeft vermaakt. De gameplay laat aan te wensen over, maar met die kennis ging ik de game in en dit was daarom ook geen groot probleem. Ik raad de game zeker aan als je op zoek bent naar een chille vibe en hiernaast heeft de game ook een makkelijke platinum achievement dus dat is ook zeker een pro.

Coffee Talk is a definite recommend. I really enjoyed the characters and their stories. The game made me want to be a barista lol. It's a cozy, chill game worth checking out in my opinion.

Que delícia de visual novel.

Em Coffee Talk você trabalha como barista em seu próprio negócio e todo dia algo diferente acontece. A narrativa vai se construindo através dos clientes habituais que falam sobre coisas que acontecem em seu cotidiano incluindo diversos temas como relações interpessoais e intrapessoais, vida profissional e amorosa, problemas sociais, etc.

A gameplay (que é uma pequena parte do jogo) gira em torno de fazer as bebidas que as pessoas pedem, mas o desafio surge quando elas não dão muitos detalhes sobre o pedido fazendo com que você tenha cinco tentativas por dia in-game pra tentar acertar os ingredientes e sua ordem. Os finais do jogo dependem de seus acertos e erros.

É muito fácil se envolver com as personagens pois são muito bem escritas e você acaba criando uma certa intimidade com algumas. É possível acompanhar o quão próximo você é de algum cliente pela rede social do universo do jogo.

Creio que nada dessa experiência seria tão boa sem a trilha sonora lofi de Andrew Jeremy tocando ao fundo, dando uma pegada muito confortante e ao mesmo tempo moderna na atmosfera. Recomendo também aumentar um pouco o barulho ambiente nas configurações de áudio pra dar um clima mais aconchegante.

Mal espero pra jogar sua sequência, recomendo fortemente para amantes do gênero.

Played from – to: (2023-09-28 – 2023-10-01) – PC keyboard.
‣ 7/10 – The perfect game for fall.
‣ Thoughts: Gameplay wise Coffee Talk doesn’t offer much, because it’s basically a visual novel and that is totally fine. Here the cozy vibes are immaculate, and it was the perfect game to play half-way through the fall. This is exactly the type of game you should play if you feel burned out or want to completely move away from the constant genres of games you play. I recently played Lies of P, and this was the perfect pit stop to recharge my gaming battery. All you do is sit down and listen to characters talk and occasionally make them their preferred coffee brews. It’s essentially perfect. With that said, I found the story and characters rather stereotypical. Most of their life stories were something I’ve heard multiple times, but I will admit it was still intriguing. I’ve also noticed there’s a sequel so perhaps this games cut off is intentional and I’m going to find out soon enough. Overall, Coffee Talk is a great game to reset your brain from any types of gaming fatigues you might feel.

Relaxing and deep narrative that sheds light on political issues using fable characters. Perfect for those cold, late nights.

somebody insulted my latte art, I only wish I could’ve spit in his drink

Jogo interessante, mas é muito Malhação. Você faz os cafés e ninguém paga haha. Eu não entendi muito da história, mas não tenho paciência pra passar 500 diálogos e concertar os pedidos que fiz errado, porque aqui muitas vezes você precisa adivinhar o que o cliente inventou (e na grande maioria é bebida sem pé nem cabeça).

this game is very chill, and pretty cute! the characters are sweet, and there's some intersecting storylines that satisfied me reasonably with their resolutions. there's some pretty good worldbuilding from the dialogue of the customers and the newspaper at the start of each day that help fill out information about the world. yeah, you can know "vampires drink blood" from experiences with other media, but for different specifics about how werewolves work in this world and the interracial politics, it's a nice touch and i thought it was done well. it's a pretty relaxing experience overall, but it does get into some more 'gritty(?)' topics such as fantasy racism and minorly sexual discussions. the characters are expressive and the art looks decently nice, but the music is pretty lackluster and sometimes distracting. it's just a shuffle playlist of a bunch of chill tunes, so the vibes will sometimes be a little disjointed, such as when characters are having an argument. it's a little silly to have characters effectively yelling at each other while the music is going: mmmm yeahh im so chill im a chill non-memorable instrumental track,,

the drink making is nothing special at all. the drinks that you make based on requests do actually end up affecting the story (mostly just near the end of the game), but i felt like there were some times when there was no way i could reasonably figure out what drink someone wanted me to make. most of the time someone will flat out tell you the three ingredients involved, but there are also some times where someone will ask for a specific drink by name, and if you don't know how to make that, then you're basically shit outta luck. in some cases, not figuring out the correct drink will completely fuck over the storyline for that character, which i can totally get, but it also just feels kinda bad. there's also an endless mode where you just make drinks to people's specifications, but i played about two minutes of it before saying "nope, this is really boring and pointless" and stopping.

i did two playthroughs. for the first, i was just going along blind and trying to figure out all the drinks. for the second, i followed a guide to make sure i got everything right, and ended up with some better results plot-wise for some characters. although i have yet to play it (someday soon, i hope), i would feel remiss to not mention VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action (2016). i have no idea how the two compare, and i recognize that this game probably took a lot of inspiration from the former. i personally liked this game, but i can't say whether or not this game holds a candle to VA-11 Hall-A.

A cozy feeling

I have always eyed this VN as I am a fan of coffee….. And cafes so this is very much my ally. As time went on however I just forgot about the game but seeing its sequel make its way to gamepass made me remember. Finally with my memory I could buy the first game on sale and sit down and read this wonderful story.

Short and simple

I will be keeping this review short and simple as there really isn’t a lot to talk about gameplay wise since this is a visual novel. Coffee talk is a Visual Novel that sees you play as a barista who runs a cafe that is only open during the night. The game revolves around the many characters that show up and the stories that follow them. The only gameplay element attached to this game is that you prepare drinks for the customers by combining ingredients to make Coffees , Tea, Green tea, chocolate and milk based drinks. Right off the bat the OST and graphics really put you at ease as the setting is just so peaceful to look at. Combine this with a great cast of characters and very well throughout and thoughtful stories this game is a very good time. I was taken back by some of the dialogue as some of the characters' issues presented are VERY real and the way they go about them are honestly good enough to the point that you can apply what these characters say to real life situations. I really appreciate how deep they get with specific topics that made me nod my head many times in agreement to what characters would say. Weirdly enough however, the only character I wasn’t really fond of is the main recurring character Freya. To explain , I found her dialogue sometimes to be annoying and honestly just found her character to be overall annoying multiple times during certain areas. Maybe her character will grow on me with the sequel so we shall see.

In the end

If you are a Visual novel fan and want to read a well written, thoughtful story with a great OST and great setting AND great characters then I highly recommend this game!. I am looking forward to reading the sequel !!!

Que experiência aconchegante e maravilhosa, jogo extremamente simples mas perfeito pra passar o tempo, fazer os cafés ouvir as fofocas, ser envolver na história dos personagens e nos seus dramas e incrível, recomendo todo mundo jogar pra uma experiência diferente mas muito boa


Sente, tome um cafézinho, relaxe ao som de um jazzy lo-fi gostosinho enquanto bate papo com uma galerinha gente boa

Altas fofocas sheshh

Coffee Talk foi pra mim um descanso, sair de um monte de jogos grandes AAA e vir pra um indie com uma ideia simples mas que é satisfatório, só fazer bebidas numa cafeteria e conversar com os clientes e ver seu dia-a-dia, vários personagens bacanas, bom visual e trilha, é uma experiência boa pra quando não tiver com tanta vontade de jogar algo mais tradicional, foi um grata surpresa.

A concise, smart, and pretty visual novel with a selection of characters worth getting to know. The small amount of gameplay preparing drinks breaks up the flow, though a bit more variety in this regard would be a welcome addition in future titles. The excellent soundtrack further motivated me to stay in this world.

What a fun time.

This is one of the first games of the style that I've played. Super Lo-fi inspired and relaxed. It delivers awesome writing across the board. All the characters feel fresh and engaging. There's also just enough mechanics to keep you engaged and pushing buttons as stuff moves forward.

It does feel a tad shallow though with the coffee mechanics being extra simplistic. The constant stream of dialogue also makes it a bit numbing after a while (maybe it's just me not liking to read on screens for long).

Anyhow, this is still a very good time and a story worth going through.

It’s so cringe when the creators of games like this think it’s hilarious every time they reference sex or bdsm. I am absolutely certain the creator of this game and the creator of Vall-Halla are around the age of 14.

I guess I didn't quite understand the nature of the game from the store description. You do make and serve coffee shop drinks, and you do listen to them talk, but you don't get to pick any responses of your own. The art is good, and the music is nice. I like the sound effects of the cars passing outside the shop, but I hate the "text appearing" sound effect in every game that has it. The writing... well... I mean, this is the problem. Unfortunately the writing is kinda dull. It's in that middle range of writing where it would probably work out fine if it was being performed by actors, but as text-only I just don't think its very interesting.

Freya is pretty cute though. Game has that going for it.

Nice little indie game where you prepare coffee and tea while listening to the guests' conversations. It was very relaxing and well written. I grew fond of the characters and they were likeable. The lofi music was also super harmonious. The game knows what it wants to be and is exactly that - a relaxing, chilled-out story game with coffee :D

Short and sweet feel-good story. I like the vibes and the sense of community they're trying to evoke here, and the attention given to the ritual of coffeemaking is very cool. The pixel art is gorgeous and really brings the character designs to life. The writing is ok, sometimes pretty sweet and sometimes too transparent or too pat. Overall pleasant but not standout - will definitely look at the sequel.

Buena historia, pobres mecánicas

Joguinho divertido demais e perfeito para distrair a cabeça, tem uma arte linda e personagens muito cativantes, os diálogos são bons e toda a questão de um mundo cheio de seres de diferentes raças que acaba se assemelhando ao nosso em várias questões é muito interessante, obrigado gamepass por me proporcionar esse diamante no mundo dos vídeo jogos

One of my favorite games to pull out when I need to sit and chill. It has an incredibly immersive atmosphere that made me feel like I was actually in a coffee shop. I loved hearing how the characters developed and the plot took a turn I wasn't expecting. Can't wait to play part 2!

é um jogo relaxante, não é aquela coisa muito interessante de gameplay já que está mais perto de uma visual novel, mas traz um plot obviamente análogo ao racismo que é interessante da forma que foi abordado; fora isso, não é incrível, apenas gostosinho.