Reviews from

in the past

never got past the tutorial but I jacked off to art of the guys a lot

I could write a thesis about all the things that are wrong with this game, the monetization, grindfest and gambling involved just to name a few, make this one of the most vile games i've ever played. Avoid all gachas.

It has some amazing ambience, soundtrack, interesting story, but It sucks to play it after an amount of time cause: gacha and you login everyday just to spend your resin and not actually play the game.

I grind for the character I want -> I get the character -> I play something better

This game is boring as hell I don't understand how people these days play games like this and think that their good. Starting off with what's good with this game, its story is alright nothing special but for sure not bad, the element system is pretty neat, and the graphics for this game is outstanding but that's where all the good stuff for this game ends. My first major issue with this game is that it is a gacha game, now don't get me wrong gacha games are fine when done right but because this game is an adventure game similar to BOTW having gacha elements does not work here. My second issue is that recruiting new characters is a pain in the ass. Firstly grinding the currency to recruit characters is just so slow and it gives you so little of it, like I get it you want me to play the game but damn can you at least make it so that way I can look forward to getting a reward instead of just giving me the bear scraps. Secondly when you do manage to get enough to do a 10 pull the odds for you getting a 5 star character is so abysmally low that its no wonder why the devs had to add in a pity system which at least is something to look forward to but you have to do 90 pulls in order to get a 5 star character, and let's say you got lucky and you pulled a 5 star half of the time it might not even be a character it might be a weapon which might suck for some people, luckily the pity system only rewards 5 star characters. My last issue for this game is that traveling is so slow and some of the quest locations feel so out of place that when you warp as close as you can to the quest location you still have to travel quite a bit to get to where you need to go. Overall this game sucks ass and I bet star rail sucks just as much as this but I am not gonna torture myself to play that, and if you want to try this game out play it with Japanese voice acting cause the English voice acting sucks ass.

if racism and pedophilia was embodied into the video game format

I gave this game an honest chance but it was kind of really fucking boring sorry

Huge lore and beautiful visuals and a wonderful soundtrack but i can see how it may become a bit repetive with the grinding system

pas pour moi car je ne suis pas pedophile

jogo ruim vc tem que ficar farmando infinitamente pra upar e conseguir fazer missão
tudo tem que pagar e o jogo ficou um lixo
tinha uma história mto maneira msm copiando o zelda de cabo a rabo na cara dura
jogar isso sozinho da depressão

Gacha= 0/10
To be fair, I have to admit, the character designs and general Art style is really cool. The combat system is ok.
The whole game itself is just a Zelda rip off with gambling. With the open world being a checklist and the whole game just a grinding hell with as many addicting making bullshit mechanics as possible like daily quests.... or limited shops for the extra bit of FOMO.

I really can imagine having fun with a miHoYo game, but as long as they are "Free" Gacha games, I won't play them.
Just play Zelda and have real fun!

Deleted this and suddenly the sun shone again

b0mbardeen a los jugadores de genshin

Don't get me wrong I love this game. The writing may be here and there for the first few regions and the gacha can be a little bad at times and that is one of the problems but its not the main one. This game could be so much better if it wasn't being held back by mihoyo. They are basically blind to fan feedback and its a real problem, time after time suggestions for Genshin are added into star rail and time after time Genshin players are left with nothing. I love this game but its just hard for me to recommend for people to play unless they are willing to tolerate the problems. (Also the community is very iffy on places like twitter and reddit but thats a different can of worms)

yeah it's dogshit no I've never played it

Ah yes, a new addiction! xD I love games where I can just ignore everything and run around in a huge overworld xD

it's a good game but i [will] not enough recommend to anyone ever, especially with the ridiculous 'time/money investment' to 'entertainment' ratio.

like many gacha games, the game is not the full experience: being in the community is essential to enjoy it - you get to discuss new content with people, etc. this applies to most games, but even more so with genshin.

in other words, genshin isn't just a game, it's also a full blown hobby. which is why many never got into it, and why most people will drop the game after a while before coming back months later.

Hidden behind a pretty expensive gatcha system lies an amazing story and a really fun game, if you can see past the fact that to get any really good characters in the game you've got to swipe your card I couldn't recommend it enough. Very good game for completionist due to the collectiveness of chests, oculi, puzzles and etc.

Wow, that 40 hour exploration game sure was fun! It sure did feel like there was more that could have been done with it, but I'm glad it said its piece and left before it started overstaying its welcome and becoming oversaturated with mindless gacha game mechanics and unskippable cutscenes filled with brain-numbingly circular writing. It'd be a shame if that happened.

The exploration and the things to actually do in this game are actually a lot of fun though but the bland combat and despicable monetization ruins it.

the only person I can see playing this would be Drake and Drake is weird

god in heaven please set me free from this prison.

I played for 2 minutes, saw kids, and pressed ALT+F4.

ce jeu est tout simplement genial mihoyo n'envoyez pas ma famille dans les camps de ouïghours

This game is the worst thing to happen to humanity since the creation of One Piece

good at rhe start n then turned to ASS

Genshin sadly gets dragged through the mud both by people who don't play the game (who don't look past the gacha mechanics and anime aesthetic) and people who do (who feel entitled to get more free stuff than they already do). It's not without its flaws; I do think it is pretty long-winded, grindy, and boring at times. But there are so many wonderful characters, beautiful landscapes, sublime music tracks, amazing voice performances, and epic cutscenes - and the story writing at its best can be funny, poignant, uplifting, or downright sad. The creators hold such a high bar of quality for both stability and pouring love into every detail of their creations, which are often a celebration of various real-life cultures. I'm happy with the time I've put into this game and I think it'll always stand as one of my favorites.

Kawaii cocaine for girls with father issues