Reviews from

in the past

Amazingly fun and clever shooter. I love how they modernized the gameplay while keeping the goofy characters and dialogue. As a life long fan of the series, this one was a blast to play through.

It's action, it's adventure, it's gorgeous and it feel so good to have a following of such a cult series who is as good as the memories I have of the original game!

The game is also short but in a good way for me. It's manageable, the collectible feel are not everywhere like in other game, so the hunt to get them all never get tedious. And revisiting previous level is still fun !

Finally, the weapons are REALLY fun. With a good skill tree for each, it's really cool to try them all. In my opinion, we might have too much, making it sometimes hard to switch between them, but the game encourage to just take your favorite one and play with them.

A super cool game in fine!

Charming game that doesn't try to do anything too crazy in its gameplay or storytelling. The rift gameplay is neat, but doesn't do much for me. Set pieces were impressively cinematic.

Fun and entertaining at first but it quickly becomes boring because its basically the same couple levels being repeated over and over again. Worth a play for the experience but this is definitely one of the "turn your brain off and play for a couple hours" kind of games. The combat is fun and the story and characters are just okay, the arena was my favorite part of the game. The animations and graphics are pretty awesome, definitely a very colorful, snappy game but lacks diversity in combat and levels.

As a kid this game would have been GOATed for me. It's still a technical marvel and a great showcase for the PS5 hardware. But the gameplay is dead simple and pretty bland despite all the flashy aesthetics.

Um jogo bom para a franquia, apresenta personagens que definitivamente poderão retornar no futuro, mas não ousa muito no geral.
O port pra PC está bem mal otimizado, como todos os lançamentos da Sony no PC ultimamente.

first time playing a ratchet and clank game, and it was a lot of fun! not sure if the other games are like this, but I really loved the way weapon upgrades worked. I am a big fan of when games reward you for using specific items/weapons/abilities.

A classic Ratchet and Clank game in structure, story, and combat with incredible movement mechanics about half way through. Looks shockingly good as well.

Worth playing the New Game + as well!

Not too big of a ratchet fan and I imagine the game is a lot more enjoyable with the lore drops for longtime fans.

Having this being my first Ratchet and Clank to be finished completely, I'm kind of mixed. On one hand, I like this style of games but on the other, I don't like it here. I like some of the set pieces and what they did with the controller with some of the weapons but overall it was a mixed bag for me. Tho I can't say it's mid, I can definitely tell that it's a good game that I didn't enjoy.

Very charming title with a good implementation of graphics and loading techniques. While i do not have any attachment to the franchise as this is my second game, I can see how some fans did not like it since it's more of a Rivet game.

Short and sweet with an easy platinum while maintaining a combat experience fun of diverse weapons as always, even when the enemy variety falls a little bit.

Having never played a Ratchet & Clank game before, I didn't expect much of it, presuming it to be a fun but childish action game. And there is some truth to that sentiment, but what I got wrong was how incredibly fun it would really be and how likeable I would find the characters.

Ratchet himself I had for some reason presumed to be a manic snappy video game protagonist so I was much more interested in the considerably cooler looking Rivet (Ratchet's hat truly is silly), and she didn't fail to endear with her gung-ho attitude and pure coolness, but Ratchet (and Clank as well) surprised me with their depth of emotion and kindness. It was really when Ratchet met Kit and I could see what kind of a person he truly is that I fell in love with him and his cheery compassion. After that it didn’t matter anymore who I was playing, I was in it for the whole nine yards.

The story itself might be a bit silly still (especially the cartoony villain whose name I even feel silly writing), but it’s fun enough to keep one entertained and there’s enough depth to the relationships between the characters and their regrets and doubts that it manages to occasionally resonate. I won’t be singing praises for its story, but I’d love to spend more time with these characters. I might even go back to play some older Ratchet and Clank games, just to see how the guys hold up.

As for the gameplay, what starts a bit chaotic, stays chaotic, but in the best way where you’re not just button-mashing but using your various weapons to control the chaos. There were times when the screen was so filled with effects that if I had not been playing it myself, I wouldn't have understood what was going on. The weapons are all fun to use and even the most generic of them are drawn in a new fashion that adds novelty to them. The feeling of shooting a gun has been optimised to such an extent that there wasn’t any of the big selection that I didn’t like, only those I preferred over others.

I love it when a game surprises me like this. What started as trying out an acclaimed game that I expected to consider fine, turned into one of my all-time favourite games and a series I’m now looking forward to. So nice :)

really enjoyable time it caught me off guard that it came to pc lol
it's funny that a game that has so many top of the line and on the edge technology but feels so much like a ps3 game I say that in the most endearing way possible

Really fun game as always when it comes to Insomniac but why is that mini boss robot recyled SO many times god damn. It doesn’t ruin the game for me or anything but it’s just really silly

This is my first entry to the series, I immediately felt the insomniac games style, which came from the spider man games, and it's good. Cinematics, the story, the gameplay is fulfilling, but it's just a bit off my liking. was impressed but wasn't hooked to it. that's the reason it's 4/5. The more I play different games I start to realize that galaxy/dimensions game types are maybe just not for me. And the more I play of these I get more and more critical over them which could be the reason my ratings for games drop quite a bit.

I've only played the two most recent Ratchet and Wank games so maybe the characters are different in the older ones, but I fucking despise both Ratchet and Clank (but especially Clank) as characters and think they are easily the worst part of these games.

These two characters being together is treated like it has some sort of godlike cosmic power, and that a universe in which they never meet becomes a literal miserable distopia. AND YET, there are sections where you play as Ratchet without Clank, AND THE GAME PLAYS THE EXACT SAME! The plot acts like it's the two of them working together that is the magical key for all happiness and joy in the world and yet in the gameplay Clank is completely fucking pointless and his only skill he adds (hovering) is done easily by a pair of shoes without any kind of explanation.

Ratchet is such a boring character in these games, he has no interesting character traits at all. Now this wouldn't necessarily be a problem, Crash Bandicoot isn't exactly a deep complex character, but he works fine for his games. The main difference being that Crash Bandicoot doesn't have HOURS OF CUTSCENES AND CONSTANT ANNOYING QUIPPY DIALOGUE. Ratchet really needs to shut the fuck up sometimes.

I haven't mentioned girl Ratchet and girl Clank in this review, mainly because they are the exact same as the main characters, only slightly less annoying because they have a bit more of a personality, and less grating voices.

Now onto the worst character, and unironically one of my least favourite fictional characters of all time, Clank. Clank is a pathetic loser who might as well not have any free will because he only exists to help other dipshits around him and seems to have no goals or ambitions of his own.

Now a character only existing to help the protagonist isn't automatically a bad thing. This may seem like a bit of an odd comparison but look at Wallace and Gromit. Gromit mostly helps out whatever Wallace is doing throughout most of his screentime. But he has disagremeents with Wallace, such as when Wallace links up with that bread hoe and Gromit has to sleep outside. And most importantly Gromit is actually essential to Wallace's success.

Clank is such a loser. He just sits on Ratchet or girl Ratchet's back and makes crappy sentimental statements while constantly saying 'oh dear' and doing his horrible creepy laugh. Piss off you weirdo.

I can only assume that these characters (and the game's writing in general) are written this way in order to appeal to children. Most of the conversations in this game come across as being written by a child psycologist trying to teach kids how to properly communicate in the most obvious least entertaining way possible. But do kids have any intrest in a Ratchet and Clank game? not only that, do kids even have any intrest in the PS5?

I have quite a few younger cousins, aged around 6-11, and all of them play videogames. The perfect audience for this game. And yet, not only have they not shown any intrest for this game, but for any game currently on the PS5. They want to play Roblox, Fortnite, Mario and for some reason this weird game involving different coloured gorillas. They want games on the Iphone, the PC and the Nintendo Switch. Not the vastly more expensive and non portable PS5. While i'm sure many children would have a great time playing this game, I'm certain they would quickly get bored of the cutscenes, get sick of the gameplay and probably never even finish the game.

A perfect game, did not hate a single portion playing. They don't make action platformers like this anymore and the multi-dimensional aspects were a cool concept. Maybe a little too easy, but had a blast playing. Only downside was the length being only 10 hours.

Finally, a true next-generation videogame experience.
After that disappointing "Remake" of 2016 I was honestly worried about the future of the series, I mean, I was excited for this game but I couldn't help but be sceptical about it.

Having played the game now I'm actually happy with how it turned out to be, the humor is decent, some jokes do land well even thought there are still many of them that are... childish, the gameplay is actually very enjoyable, the movement is improved from the previous games with some cool additional mechanics that make it very smooth and fun to play, and the characters are actually likeable!

There's way more exploration this time around, every planet has some secrets to find, and even pieces of gear to unlock which you can wear to change the way the character looks. There are also minigames as well which I tried out but they're just okay, nothing special.

Although the main story is not really memorable, it's just another adventure where you have to save the world, I did like how the rifts played a role in it, and the mechanic of how you can traverse the rifts is impressive, the way all various worlds load instantly and they also look gorgeous really shows the high quality of the game, and the effort that was put into making it.

The puzzles are alright but damn they really slow down the pacing, and there are actually many of them, not too many but more than enough.

And even with all the improvements on the movement, the additional quality of life mechanics and the brand new protagonist, at the end of the day it's still a Ratchet & Clank game and it plays very similarly to the previous games, the shooting doesn't feel fresh, and I honestly think this could've been fixed if Rivet had different weapons and play-style, it would make the game less repetitive and more rewarding.

This game is honestly a blast, it's not anything new but it does feel like a next-generation game in many ways, the haptic feedback and adaptive triggers enhance the gameplay, and the instant teleportation helps with the fast paced action and beautiful cinematic set-pieces.

It might be quite short but it's still very much worth trying out, it's just a fun little adventure, and most importantly, as of right now it's one of the very few games that actually showcases the technology of the PlayStation 5.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

Esto no es una reseña, pero dire que la franquicia merece la pena, eso si este juego no es el mejor de la misma.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart pra mim é uma das experiências mais controversas que eu já tive com um videogame, por um lado, um hype por ter me surpreendido com o jogo de 2016 e pela promessa do jogo, carregamento de portais e o SSD do PS5, ansioso fiquei pelo port pra PC quando anunciado, então, joguei no day one, por outro, uma experiência boa, porém não correspondendo meu hype.

Baixei o jogo no meu SSD M2, ou seja, tive uma bela velocidade de carregamento dos portais e com um belo desempenho.
Entretanto, poucas partes aonde os portais são realmente afetados pelo SSD e só possui um apelo estético, os portais focados pelo level design são poucos que consigo contar na mão as vezes que eu tive que usá-los em combates e sinceramente, são pouco impactantes.

Em questões gráficas o jogo não deixa a desejar nenhum pouco. Mesmo jogando em uma placa de vídeo abaixo do recomendado pela steam, os gráficos eram surpreendentemente bonitos, a pelagem é super bem detalhada e mesmo jogando no baixo em nenhum momento achei o jogo feio, mal polido ou com texturas de baixa qualidade

A variedade de armas e gameplay são bem interessantes como eu me recordava do de 2016, uma gama de possibilidades e combos com todas as armas e um sistema de aprimoramentos que não é ridículo ao ponto de ter todas as armas no nível máximo e com um preço aceitável visto a quantidade de engrenagens que você obtém em cada área do game

Os colecionáveis são bem distribuídos, são feitos estágios bônus, desafios de arena no bar, locais escondidos no mapa dos planetas que você visita durante a jornada.
Uma boa parte são apenas pra disponibilizar customizáveis ou para dar uma profundidade para a história. As únicas que realmente afetam a gameplay são as armaduras que te dão bônus de acordo com a quantidade do mesmo set que você coletou.
Apenas coletei os que estavam no meu caminho enquanto explorava e fazia a história principal. De customizáveis só lembro de ter pego a de poder trocar a cor da minha chave de fenda e a textura das engrenagens

Num geral, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart é um jogo mediano assim como seu antecessor, não faz jus a expectativa que eu criei dos portais, não trás nada de inovador. Diria que Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart é a definição de um jogo meia bomba que poderia ter sido muito maior

One of the prettiest games on the console, but after grabbing 100% completion on the previous game. I think this was a reminder that, I'm actually not really into these games and I was playing them for the simple trophies.

This was a rad as hell entry in the Ratchet & Clank franchise. Though, it's definitely not perfect? But I'm honestly never looking for perfection with these games.

My favorite part about this game is honestly its character design and animation, which are similar to my biggest praises about Pizza Tower. But where this game falters is it's story. It.. takes itself too seriously and it's honestly so formulaic. Carried by really good voice acting performances and jokes in the classic Ratchet & Clank style, without the edginess of those older games... which I miss. Pizza Tower did NOT take itself seriously, and yet, the cartoon world it made for itself was simplistic enough that it felt nicely thought out despite its clear absurdity. Rift Apart feels like it bites off more than it can chew with the story. Too many attempts at heartfelt moments that are just.. whatever, and the explanation of universal travel stuff is just lame. Still! This game is visually GORGEOUS and the weapon selection is once again fun as hell, if not a little overkill with the amount of weapons, and ones that are just too similar.

Really cool gameplay stuff added like the rift grapple, rocket boots, etc. Combat is fun once you find a groove, but is definitely on the shallow side. Good for younger audiences I think. Really glad I played this one for many reasons, I love Ratchet & Clank, I love insomniac, I love how this game looks, I love the world, voice acting, characters (for the most part), and the artstyle. Super original as always, something I will forever praise. Despite everything I said, its a must play PS5 game in my book.

It's an alright game overall, though I will admit it's a bit of a guilty pleasure. Ratchet and Clank meant a lot to me as a kid, and Rift Apart scratched a certain itch I've had for the series after all these years. It plays and looks fantastic, with great performance and wicked fast loading times. They took advantage of the PS5's specs well, and the extra controller vibrations and features enhanced the experience for me a good deal. The guns and wall-running were especially satisfying.

Though the game unsurprisingly fumbles the writing pretty badly. These are the blandest hero characters I've played in a game in quite a while, with no real chemistry with each other, other than thanking and praising each other constantly. These are not remotely the same characters from the older games, which isn't inherently a huge issue, but this is just sad. The story is technically competent enough, but it's just chasing macguffin's around until Nefarious is beaten. Yawn.

There's also a problem with variety. There's only a small handful of planets, the same robot enemies show up constantly, each weapon can be used in every situation so there's no strategic depth, and so on. The hacking and dimension sections do help to break the repetition up, but the hacking is just another shooting section with a character we get no context for, so it doesn't go very far.

None of this surprises me, though. Rift Apart reeks of modern AAA game development ethos, and that tends to have some mixed results for me. Great production value, cinematic presentation and ease of play overtake any real serious artistic vision beyond creating a safe, inoffensive product to sell to your target audience (kids and teens in this case, I suppose). However, I think they've forgotten that the original games were also made for kids and teenagers, and they didn't feel like they were written for literal pre-schoolers.

BUT. That being said, it's still a fun game if you can get past all that. R&C 2016 was the last R&C game I played, and it was worse in most of these aspects. So it's at least a big improvement from where the series was a while ago.

A very solid game all around. It's got all the usual strengths of Ratchet and Clank, with great weapons, combat, and some occasional platforming. It's distinctly lacking in cynicism like the older games had, with plot and writing that feels right out of a stock kid's movie. The rift gimmick is neat, but doesn't change much in the moment-to-moment combat. It is used very well for environmental design though, really letting the devs get creative with their area concepts. My favorite use of the gimmick is exploring a mining facility both before and after destruction, and needing to regularly bounce between the two. Overall, it lacks an X-factor. After a lot of these games, they start to blur together and Rift Apart doesn't do a whole lot to differentiate itself from the rest of the series. It's still pretty fun though.

Oyun değerlendirmenin gittikçe daha da zorlaştığı zamanlardayız. Eskisi gibi oyunu değerlendirmek yetmiyor, verdiğin zamana değer mi sorusunun üzerine verdiğin paraya değer mi sorusu da eklendi. Rift apart ps5 özel oyunu ps4 de yok next gen dediğimiz oyunlardan birisi ne kadar next değil diye sorarsanız ? ''Hiçbir fikrim yok derim.'' Artık ps3 veya ps4 döneminde değiliz. Ps2 den ps3 e geçerken neler oldu diye sorarsanız artan grafikler, bölüm dizaynları mekanikler sunum kalitesi diyebilirim. Ps3 ile fotorealistik oyunlarda artış yaşandı teknolojinin atladığı hissediliyordu. Ps4 ile açık dünya belli bir standart haline geldi ps3 deki rdr gibi açık dünya oyunları prototip diyebileceğimiz oyunlar yapılmaya başlandı. Hem ps3 hem ps4 deki gerçekleşen değişimler oyunlarda teknoloji değişti demenize neden oluyordu. Ps5 de veya bu oyunla ise başta parçaçık effektleri gelişti artık oyunlarda sürekli yıkılan parçalanan bol aksiyonlu yerler mi göreceğiz diye düşünsem oyunun genelinde böyle bir durum söz konusu değildi. Next gen saçmalığını bir kenara bırakırsak, oyun olarak ratchet eğlenceli çerezlik bir oyun. Çok çeşitli silahlar var onları kullanmak zevkli mekanikler zevkli parçalanmalar zevkli (pc optimizasyonu kötü) hikaye meh kötü değil iyi de değil merak ettirmiyor ama rahatsız da etmiyor. Oyunu oynarken pixar kalitesindeki çizimleri ile hikayeyi işletiyor. Kısaca oyun olarak güzel bir oyun ben baya geze toza 15 saatte bitirdim yani çerezlik bir yapım. Peki kaç para verilir. Steam'in 20 kasım ile dolara geçmesi yüzünden yaşanacak dolarla 60 dolar olayından dolayı 60 dolar verilir mi? 15 saatlik bir oyun günümüz için yeterli mi ? Normalde incelemelerde bu konulara girmem ama girilmesi gerekiyor mu ?
Oyuna geri dönersek silahın kullandıkça seviye atlaması mermi sınırlamasının olması sizi başka silah kullandırmaya itmesi cidden hoş. Genel olarak oynanış çok iyi ve tekrara düşmüyor. Ratchet oyun oynamak istediğiniz zaman oynayabileceğiniz 5 günde bitirebileceğiniz rahat bir oyun bir göz gezdirebilirsiniz.