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Resident Evil: Revelations 2: Irredeemable garbage that should bring deep shame to every single person in the credits. I will live a worse life having experienced and beaten this. It shouldn't be for sale. Anyone giving this a thumbs up in the Steam reviews needs to be banned from the platform before seeking mental help.

The first Revelations game felt like the IP of Resident Evil farted onto a disc: it burned your nostrils but despite being faint, the spirit of the series still lingered there.
Honestly, the Resident Evil franchise really knows how to make you go back and think that last game you did not like wasn't that bad after all. I was lukewarm on Resident Evil 5. After 6, I thought 5 was a masterpiece, comparatively. After Revelations I thought “At least 6 could be fun in a co-op Michael-Bay-movies-while-hammered kind of way?” and after Revelations 2, I wish I played the Raid mode of Revelations more instead.
Are there more bad Resident Evils than good at this point?

What's good, here? Moira's voice actress is good. Her lines are shit, but she still gives it her all and sometimes it bleeds through the awful writing. She said “Fucking statue!” at one point and I actually thought “Damn, girl, what's your name?”
The main menu has a startling jumpscare that I like. It's not great, but I like the look of it.
One time I said out loud “Turn on your fucking flashlight, Barry,” and he did. That made me laugh.
It looks better than the first game (mind you: that was a 3DS port).
The only reason I gave it 1 star instead of 0.5: the dedicated dodge button was a good choice considering the speed of everything.
That's it.

Quite simply, this is not a Resident Evil game outside of a couple names that don't have any impact on you. They can say “Claire Redfield” all they want – I don't care, it's not her. The “zombies” are more like tweakers than living dead, except for the ones who are way too dead as they look like skeletons in clothes and are no challenge to kill.
This feels like cheap junk that you'd find in your Steam library on accident, not realizing it was part of a Humble Bundle you bought several years ago. Why was this made?
It follows the duo style of play except you control both partners. Each duo has an “Eye” and a “Muscle”: Moira and Claire, Natalia and Barry, respectively. The Eye's duty is to find secret gems, ammo, and hidden enemies. The Muscle shoots anything moving that isn't their Eye. It's not too exciting: you will play mainly as the Eye, looking around in corners for shiny points that you then focus on to make an item materialize or perhaps for the hidden symbols that earn you point multipliers at the end of levels. When baddies emerge, you press Tab and swap over to the person who has guns and kill them all. That's it, over and over again. It's a boring loop.
There are puzzles that Homer Simpson wouldn't even need to think about to solve.

The plot is half-assed gibberish. You're on an island, you want off, figure it out. There's a second Wesker named Alex and she's orchestrating some evil nonsense. I don't think you even figure out what, exactly, just that's she's wiping people out to make a virus... probably. She's trying to turn into a bug because she read some Kafka, maybe? I don't know, but don't worry: she's dead, now.
I got the bad ending because I was too quick at pressing the F key during a certain segment. I was supposed to just push Tab, but I didn't even see it because I'm simply too good at video games. What's weird is apparently the whole journey was so Moira could overcome her fear of guns. She shot her sister when she was young and, understandably, doesn't want to touch another one. I would have thought making her use a gun would be the bad ending, then, but apparently I'm an asshole for thinking so; guns are always good and everyone should want to use them all the time to solve every problem, and they're mindbroken and in need of forced-fixing if they think otherwise. Alright, Capcom.

I was going to play the DLCs but I raged out of The Struggle (feels appropriate) and didn't even try the other one or Raid mode. The game is off my computer and back in the nether where it belongs. This piece of shit crashed on me twice when I alt-tabbed, too, very frustrating.
The episodic content was a shitty idea and apparently Capcom added DRM to this thing recently, several years after it came out (as they did the first Revelations). Why? I wouldn't even recommend torrenting this game, it's THAT bad.

Like the first game, I do not recommend Resident Evil: Revelations 2, except I strongly recommend you avoid this one. Some games are just bad for you.

The most underrated Resident Evil game, Barry is the GOAT

Revelations 2 was fun! It was great to be Claire Redfield again. The overarching story between the two stories for each episode was rather interesting and had some fun campy stuff in it! The lore was a fun addition which is always nice. I think the environments don't have the variety that Revelations 1 has. You're in a prison, with areas being different, but the color palette can be the same: dark grays, rustic green, and lots of beige. Some of the later areas were great in bringing that change up, but it still is an issue in the beginning stages of the game.

Barry Burton's campaign section was fun to play as him after his absence around this game's time. His last appearance was in RE5, but before that it was RE1. So very glad he was back here.

The weapon management is definitely an improvement over Revelations! While also the enemy variety is better in my memory than Revelations!

Overall, Revelations 2 improves on Revelations 1 in some ways, but also degrades in some ways. But it is a fun game overall and I enjoyed myself killing zombies and learning about crazy bioweapons again!

O jogo tem uma história boa, a gameplay e simples mas funcional, a trilha sonora e bem qualquer coisa.
Dito isso esse jogo tem as piores boss fight da franquia tá loco.
Alias esse jogo envelheceu mal graficamente.

Still the same kind, sympathetic, caring and sweet Claire in a new scrape, in a new style and in a new quality, many years after the events in Raccoon and on Rockfort Island. And the iconic return of Barry and his daughter. And for the costumes, especially for the RE2 costume for Claire. I recommend buying the full bundle. Believe me - it's worth it!!! 10 out of 10 possible points

This review contains spoilers

Não sei mt oq dize.......

Resident Evil Revelations 2 (2015): Como siempre en estos casos, se salva porque en coop. casi cualquier juego es divertido. Diseño de niveles atroz, un último capítulo digno de denuncia, la historia floja y los enemigos muy mejorables. No me quiero imaginar jugándolo sólo (4,65)


This is the most fun I've had with the gameplay in an RE game since the original trilogy. It's sorta like the remedy to all my complaints with RE4. Ammo does not drop from enemies and you are incentivized to search the environment for resources, and the control scheme is really great. Dodging enemy attacks through the i-frames of an evade is dope and it's nice to not have some weird QTE mechanic for dodging. This game also has my favorite partner system yet, no longer will you switch to playing as Chris with absolutely no items and effectively soft lock yourself, no longer will you have a partner that consumes ammo and can die at any moment, no longer will you have a partner that is invincible and serves no purpose but to make you wait at every single door you try to open. Revelations 2 solves every previous issue with partners, they don't consume ammo or herbs because they don't use firearms and they regen health when taking damage. But you still need to be aware of them and protect them, and you also don't need to wait at every door for them to waltz on over THANK GOD. The mechanic of switching to a character who is defenseless but can find resources or give you info about an enemies weakspot adds such a fun dynamic to the moment to moment gameplay as well.
Unfortunately it seems almost tradition at this point for every RE game to absolutely nail some things but to fall flat on many other vital parts of like... a good game. I really, really, disliked the environments in this game. It's just brown and brown and grey forests and generic rusty scary abandoned buildings, it feels so incredibly uninspired for a series that usually goes to a lot of unique places. It also isn't scary at all when it feels like it's trying so incredibly hard to scare you in the first place.
The writing and story here is also pretty terrible, there are so so many plotholes and the characters are so insufferable. Claires campaign is nearly nonstop swearing and random interjections from your companion making jokes and her entire character is essentially I HATE MY DAD!!!!! and her character arc after being off screen for an hour is I LOVE MY DAD!!!!
The level design is also varied in quality, some sections were super fun to play through and some sections were absolute slogs. I really hated carrying a crate while walking at a snails pace through a grey ass mining facility but sometimes the game will lock you in an area and have you backtrack and search for items and do some basic puzzles which was always fun and a nice way to change pace. They were so close to making the game RE6 was trying to be, where it can retain a lot of what makes the original trilogy so great while also embracing the action of RE4.

The atmosphere was great. Everyone says thank you capcom for mother Claire.

nao tem o chris
mas tem a claire

Só joguei pelo raide mode e pqp que modo foda

I liked this a lot more than Rev 1. This is more of what I was looking for from the last game.

The story is a bit better to start, but only really because of Barry and Natalia (I think that's her name, it's been a few years.) Claire is also decent even with the new voice actor. Moira is annoying, but she at least contributes and helps out so she's not like Ashley.

Gameplay wise it's more Akin to Last of Us. Stealth, crafting tables to upgrade weapons, picking up junk and making them into items. It works for this franchise. The game is campaign, but co-op is local only which is a shame.

Visually it's a bit below average considering the year it came out. It could look better. On switch it's serviceable.

The game has a good pace to it between the two narratives. Raid mode is also fun. The controls feel snappy. Not as fun as RE6, but close enough. It's a solid amount of content and value since it goes on sale for about 7-8 bucks.

The story gets really stupid at the end, and the enemy variety isn't great. Not a fan of the designs.

That said, I thought it was pretty great despite its flaws. The core gameplay loop was more interesting to me than Rev 1. But I understand why someone would like the first game more.

Solid RE game overall. It's a good mix of action and horror, like a combination of what makes the modern and old games fun.

I'm never playing this dogshit ass game ever again what a drop in quality from Rev 1. The dialogue made me want to shut the game off every time someone made a distasteful pun or some line akin to "you go girl". I couldn't even bring myself to play through the extra Moira segment, who by the way was the character I hated the most. fuck off

Scared me alot as a teenager, alot less so now. I still love Moira though

2 coisa muito boa + 1 coisa muito ruim: um jogo exótico e curiosamente necessário

Revelations 2 surgiu em um período onde a franquia andava as traças após o megalomaníaco Resident Evil 6 e sua lore de novela mexicana do SBT, dirigida pela insanidade de explosões dos piores filmes do Michael Bay.

Eu confesso que na primeira vez que joguei eu fiquei com o pé atrás, pois não tinha nenhuma expectativa positiva, mas acabei sendo surpreendido por um sentimento agridoce, que senti em todas as minhas zeradas, inclusive nessa agora para relembrar e escrever essa review.

O game é um misto de coisas ótimas com sequências que me frustraram e ainda frustram. Eu nem menciono o fator episódico pois isso nunca foi um problema pra mim (joguei em uma época que já tinha sido lançado tudo) ou o co-op (sempre joguei sozinho) que pode se tornar chato para um dos players pelo formato como são os personagens.

Começando pelo bom, a história muito bem contada, interconectada que se torna o grande trunfo do título.

Tomando altas inspirações e pegando inúmeras referências do escritor Franz Kafka, o jogo se apropria das temáticas das suas principais obras para adaptar a lore do jogo e, para quem como eu já leu os livros, provavelmente vai achar isso maravilhoso. Na real, até para quem não leu, a história é bem boa e os files, ao longo do game, contam com partes retiradas dos livros que fazem você entender as referências gerais. Para isso eu tiro o meu chapéu pois Revelations 2 em questão de lore faz muito bem e cria, quem sabe a melhor história de um título na franquia.

Agora, se tudo isso é bom, vou para a parte onde o jogo, para mim, deixa muito a desejar que é sobre todo o design de cenários e inimigos. Bom, é de conhecimento de muita gente que os spin-offs da franquia possuem um orçamento muito menor que os títulos principais, mas eu não consigo aceitar determinadas coisas. São muitos os momentos que algumas partes dos cenários são feios e cansativos. Exemplo: a parte da mina na campanha do Barry, a parte da fábrica com a Claire e a parte dos esgotos com ambos os personagens são as que eu mais detesto, mas muitas outras menores me pegam também.

Além dos cenários, o layout dos inimigos é MUITO fraco, mas muito mesmo. Eu sempre os achei (tirando a Garratéia) de uma criatividade muito baixa. Sem dúvida melhores que os do primeiro Revelations, mas ainda sim bem ruins. Os sons que eles fazem, junto da movimentação, sei lá, eles nunca tiveram o meu apreço. Inclusive a Garratéia que eu mencionei com destaque, é um inimigo invisível kkkk então...

Tirando esses dois grandes fatores que fazem com que a balança do game sempre fique bem louca pesando hora para um lado bom, hora para o lado ruim, o contexto geral dele com as outras coisas o compõem como um game com uma exploração legal (por mais que se torne chata para mim por conta do level design), uma jogabilidade bem acertada, o crafting de itens, melhoria de equipamentos, trilha sonora e um extra maravilhoso que é o modo raide, fazem esse ser um jogo marcante para a franquia.

Os modos extras que "complementam a história" são dispensáveis demais e muito chatos. Colocam elementos que fazem com que vc precise repetir partes caso falhe e você vai repetir pelos mesmos cenários que passou pela campanha principal então: não.

Mas o modo raide sim, esse é delicia demais. Para mim, sem dúvida alguma, o modo extra mais gostoso de toda a franquia e quilômetros mais legal que o Mercenaries. Mais de 100 níveis com muitas dinâmicas, possibilidades e variedade de cenários, inúmeros personagens com equipamentos e habilidades únicas para desbloquear, armamentos únicos para upar. São muitos desafios que fazem com que você tenha um fator replay excelente,

Resumindo, um jogo único dentro da franquia que tomou ótimas e, infelizmente, péssimas decisões, mas que acima de tudo deve ser experimentado, ainda mais por conta de seu excelente modo extra que garante diversão e um fator replay altíssimo.

Sharp refinement of the first revelations. Really dig the outdoors environments and overall level pacing. Some of the episode parts felt a little overlong at first but going back through them for the good ending they're much quicker when you know what to expect. Appreciate the well placed autosaves too. Character moments mostly hit their mark. Back and forth gameplay between partners in single player mode isnt too clunky and I like the basic dynamic between Barry/natalia with the latter giving enemy position awareness for Barry's stealth kills. And Moira and Claire are just a fun duo. I feel like I never really need to play the first revelations again but I could see myself actually going back to this occasionally.

Joguei apenas o primeiro episódio e um pouco do online, o jogo é bem legal e tem uma jogabilidade bem fácil mas n posso falar de mt coisa.

>> Prós
• JOGABILIDADE : Tem controles fáceis de controlar.
• GRÁFICOS : Os gráficos são bons para a época.
• PERSONAGENS : Cada personagem anda em dupla e cada suporte possui uma habilidade especial para determinadas situações.
• ONLINE : Joguei mt mais o online q a parte da história já q ele possui várias coisas legais e divertidas.

>> Contras
• EPISÓDIOS : Um Resident Evil com episódios é bem estranho, acho q é o único ponto negativo.

>> Perso Favorito = Claire Redfield.

I enjoyed elements of this game but as a whole it overly medicore.

I was a bit bummed that I got the bad ending but in all honesty the choice that decides it is stupid. What I will praise this game for is that Barry is great, and the atmosphere and design of the enemies and environments are briilantly disturbing which is exactly what Resident Evil should be.

What I don't like about this game mainly is the gameplay. I found the partner mechanic to be tedious and dull. This wasn't helped by how much this game drags. It is way longer than it needs to be and the story isn't interesting enough for it to drag out like it does.

This is a fairly negative review and don't get me wrong, I did enjoy this game at times hence the decent rating. It is just the things I didn't like really frustrated me hence why I mainly talk about them. I see this as a very low 3 as I feel 2.5 would be too harsh. I have the DLC but have no real interest in playing it.

Mixed feelings and wasted potential is really the name of the game for these mainline releases post RE4 for me. Has episodic structure like Revelations 1 but does this in a way that doesn’t break the flow of the story with constant and unexpected character switching. The two different narratives and playable characters actually make the story more engaging, which I don’t want to explain further lest I spoil the game.

Gameplay is some of the most fluid feeling of any of the 3rd person action RE games. Game can be surprisingly challenging at times both due to enemy balancing and lack of resources, which is certainly welcome. Controls and movement are good enough that you always feel capable of tackling these challenges.

Joint narratives are also nice with Barry’s characterization as a gruff but loving father being a standout despite being a bit cliched. Claire Redfield felt underutilized from a character perspective and also didn’t feel like she had even close to the same personality as she does in the other games.

Biggest problem with this game is that it seems to severely lack any identity. This makes it hard for me to have any affection for this game despite thinking that it’s pretty solid experience. It borrows heavily from The Last of Us with the abandoned and overgrown soviet factory town you’re exploring, the stealth mechanics, the crafting mechanics, and Barry’s storyline where he has to take care of a surrogate daughter figure. Revelations makes a pretty decent game out of these borrowed ideas but one that doesn’t feel particularly memorable or impressive despite being a quality experience. Definitely easy to like but hard to love. I can imagine almost any Resident Evil game - even 6 and Rev 1 - being someone’s favorite in the series since they all bring something unique to the table. Most people dislike RE6 but it’s indisputably a very unique game with a lot of personality and ambition behind it. For anything that distinctive there’s always going to be people who love it. I have a very hard time imagining anyone loving this game.

Fiz meia hora de gameplay e o jogo continuava bem chatinho, dropei logo.

this spin off sequel gets less acknowledgement for what was their first 8th Generation console Resident Evil title. graphically the game is nicely polished (not including the PS3/360 & Vita release), it is really satisfying to see the game not have last gen texture compression especially given that the first game was originally a 3DS release. kind of a shame the game doesn't feature combat mechanics from 6, I understand not including them to make fighting enemies more intimidating but I feel the result is way less satisfying gameplay. the replacement of the scanner with the finger point/flashlight is very appreciated as I felt the scanning took way too much time out of actual progression. from a story perspective the premise is a cool concept and the actual dialogue between characters is pretty standard and cliché to what the mainline games have had before. only real issue the story has is that it never really feels like it becomes something truly interesting worth playing through. one thing I will give this game is that it's probably the only time the crafting system has come back fully for something other than herbs AND that the raid mode seen here is the clear inspiration for the mercenaries mode we've seen in 8.

Such a fun game, I can't believe that i have never actually heard of it... Even by the start it caught my attention and made me interested enough to stay up a whole night only to just play it.
I love the mechanics of this game, even though at times it's predictable and even repetetive, it's still made me feel intrigued enough to make me want to see the faith of the characters.
I liked every character in this, Moira, Barry, Natalie, Claire, GOD, ESPECIALLY CLAIRE AND BARRY, they were so so badass, it just made everything so much better.

I love the cinematic experience in this game, it's so beautifuly made, the cutscenes were awesome, the designs of the monsters were AWESOME, especially the last one.
This game for sure is really underrated, but, i don't mind, honestly, i can just appreciate it ''in the dark'' :D

Also this game made me learn something- always look at every corner for ammo, or whatever... Now after this game i'll never forget to do it.

Combina bem o survival horror com a liberdade de movimento que eu gostava no RE 6.

A game I only touched again because a friend wanted to see how bad it was - and somehow this got worse with co-op. I don't know if there's a more damning indictment of this game, considering just how often the co-op mechanics/puzzles function poorly or are just painfully bad.

Even RE6 was at bare minimum stupidly entertaining, having one player not even get to play the game and the absolutely horrid story even for RE standards is just frustrating. 6 really left people fighting for scraps.

"Resident Evil: Revelations 2" is a somewhat interesting title. I can say, pretty definitely, that it is better than most other "Resident Evil" games from this era. (Those specifically being 5, 6, and Revelations 1). However, its filled with so many small annoying issues, frustrating decisions, and a frankly laughable plot that I can't feel anything towards it other than annoyance and bewilderment.

Of the four episodes, the first is easily the best. It does a fantastic job of showing off the game's strengths and helps make the world of this game seem really interesting and inviting. I was really into the idea of playing as two different characters from two different points in time exploring the same area. It was really engaging to see it done so well in the first episode that I was excited to see what else the game had in store.

Unfortunately, no other episode comes close to the first one.

Every episode afterwards feels way too linear. Sometimes it breaks it up with some areas you can explore, but for the most part, the majority of the later episodes consist of running in a straight line and shooting a bunch of zombies. And because of this, I ended up growing increasingly bored of switching between Claire and Barry. Running through the sewers in a straight line twice just isn't all that fun to me personally.

But even though the game is so linear, it still doesn't do a good job of directing the player to where they're supposed to go. I got lost several times just trying to figure out what I was supposed to do next. And this isn't one of the RE games where that's part of the point.
When it actually does throw a puzzle at you, it's either painfully easy, or so poorly conveyed that you'll just stare at it for a bit, trying to understand what it even wants you to do.

The game does try to take advantage of that cool aspect of having two separate stories being told, but it unfortunately seems to have no idea what to do with it, other than using it as a framing device. There are moments where Claire can open something and that will allow Barry to access a new weapon or item later on, but it never seems to make sense. For instance, there's on area in the sewer where you can open a door as Claire, and that will allow Barry to get the AK-47. But Claire just gets nothing. Sow why even open it as her if you don't know Barry will get that weapon? I was left feeling confused for a while, wondering if I had broken the game somehow. I ended up figuring it out later on, but in the moment, I was left feeling baffled.

On top of that, the game just seem to really run out of steam as it goes on. By the time I got to the third episode, it felt like the game was introducing mechanics and enemies just to waste my time. I particularly despised the Barry sections where you had to haul a generator around and where you had to run through poison gas. I found myself nearly dying of boredom in these sections, which is why I ended up with a less than positive view of the game.

It's important to note that I played this solo. I'm sure that playing this with a friend might have enhanced the experience, which is the case for every co-op RE game. But I couldn't imagine being player two in this game. Not being able to shoot and only providing support sounds like hell to me. I'm kinda glad I just played this one by myself.

The story is also just...dumb. I can't be too hard on it, since silly storytelling is part of what makes this series fun. But the sheer concept of this one is just so funny that when I explained the plot of it to my friends we all ended up laughing at it. It also does a huge asspull towards the end of the game that I found so irritating. (And the logistics of said asspull are only explained in an annoying DLC mission that completely annihilated my interest halfway through it). Still, it could have been a worse narrative, but it could have been way better too. (Though the line: "We're Terra Save because Terra doesn't always have to end in rist" is just so hilariously awful that I had trouble taking the game seriously from the start).

I also encountered a fair number of bugs throughout my playthrough. Like when my AI partner would just refuse to follow me for no reason, or when the game would freeze and stutter if I reloaded a checkpoint. The worst of which though was this one bug I encountered during the crane puzzle in episode 4. For whatever reason, the game just wouldn't let me fully climb down ladders sometimes. Like I would start climbing down, but then Barry or Natalia would get stuck halfway through and just refuse to go down any further. It would work after a bit, but it infuriated me whenever it happened, and it never happened outside of this puzzle. Very weird.

Outside of the campaign there's also a little raid mode, like what the original "Revelations" had. It's basically the same thing, except with daily challenges and a more focus on online play. I did one mission and decided to never bother with it again.

Overall, despite all my negative remarks and what I can honestly only describe as complaining, I don't think "Resident Evil: Revelations 2" is honestly that bad. I wouldn't call it that good either, but its at least more serviceable than some other RE titles. If the level designs were more interesting, and the enemies were more diverse and less annoying, this could have been way better. But as it is, its just sort of...whatever. Can't really recommend it, but I can't really hate it either. I really wish the parts I liked about it stood out more though.

I got swarmed by zombies while one of the character was trying to crowbar the door down, then my game dropped to 7 fps.

Revelations 2 foi uma boa surpresa, depois de sentir um gosto ruim com RE6, achei que R2 seria uma experiência ainda fraca mas levemente melhor e na verdade foi quase um remédio pra superar a tristeza anterior.
A narrativa é bem legal, tem personagens bacanas (tirando o vilão que achei bem merda) as CGs são bem feitas e acontecem regularmente, a duração é boa, são 4 episódios que soma 8h e pouco, tem puzzles, exploração, combate, backtracking, é um RE em seu núcleo mas com algumas diferenças.
A maior diferença é a história se dividir em 2 partes com 2 duplas, isso é interessante mas acabou deixando a parte do Barry cansativa por repetir quase todo trajeto da Claire que você acabou de fazer. Outra coisa chata é que você controla as duplas juntas e faz puzzles assim, mas como o outro personagem não usa armas e sim outras habilidades não tão boas pra combate comparado aos principais, fica bem chatinho jogar com eles.
O level design é bom, tem momentos que achei meio chatinho mas principalmente depois do 2° capítulo eu curtia bem sem pressa.
Graficamente é bem bacana, principalmente pra um game de final de PS3, ainda está agradável.
Testei só um pouco do modo raide mas do que joguei achei bem legal.
É um boa experiência, entendo muita gente não gostar mas pra mim foi uma surpresa, não é o pináculo da franquia mas bem injustiçado, em promoção vale bem a pena, pessoalmente curti mais que R1, RE5, RE3R e principalmente o RE6.

This game is boring at the beginning but, it ended up being way funnier than I expected

This is the first Resident Evil game I ever played. I don't know much about Resident Evil other than Leon is hot.

Game was fun I guess. I played it with my best friend, so we enjoyed playing as two helpless women trying to escape a creepy murder island or whatever.

...Is that ok to say? Can I get cancelled for saying that?