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Nintendo tributes Super Mario Bros. 3, one of the most inventive, joyously meaningful leaps they've ever taken, by taking a bunch of iconography from it for their kinda lame advertisement for a side gimmick most people turned off anyway.

Ok it's not as bad as that makes it sound, but we're scraping the barrel of Nintendo's game design here. Literally one of the first ? blocks has the raccoon suit in it for you to fuck around with. The easy criticism is that they want you to remember old thing to feel good, but the real problem is that this game has a lack of progression. You don't get the cape in Super Mario World until the second area for a reason; that game had design principles and ideas to introduce and wanted you to get to grips with the basic movement before unleashing you with the cool shit. This is so important to the game that when I watched people play that lovely SMW ROM hack where it was remade from memory, one of the first big things that jumped out to people was that they gave you a cape in the first area. And yeah that's because we've all played it 1000 times, but also because it fucks with the progression in a clear way. I shouldn't have this. In 3D Land you get that item within 10 steps because there's nothing they want or need to teach you. We're all on autopilot and everyone knows all you need to do is run and jump.

There's no concept of how the disparate levels fit together through theming or design, just some vague idea of gradually increasing difficulty and making sure there aren't like two Ghonst Houses in a row. It's a linear sequence of level ideas Shigru Miyamo had inbetween giving bad instructions to the Paper Mario guys for fun. The thing is, a lot of those levels are pretty fun, even though Mario's moveset is by far the lamest it's ever been. It turns out the minimum viable product baseline Nintendo platformer is still enjoyable because they know basic movement, momentum, and how to direct you through a level. They know too much to fuck it up but weren't ambitious enough to make it good.

In conclusion: play 3D World instead. I really like that game despite a fair number of these criticisms also applying to that. Does that mean I'm full of shit? Probably. But presentation means a lot. Plus it has more everything AND that more is higher quality. It brings my brain electricity to higher than 0, which is what I want in life and love.

I don’t know if it’s the save states talking, but this isn’t so bad.

One thing’s for sure, I’m not messing around with those three gold coins anymore. Got only two coins at the end of the level? Oh fuckin well, guess you’ll just have to fight bowser and save the princess with slightly lighter pockets. I know what happens when you compulsively collect the three coins in a Mario game. Never again.

For a handheld 3D Mario, it does everything it sets out to do very well. I just wish it set out to do a bit more. Luckily Super Mario 3D World is exactly that.

One of my favorite Mario games and definitely my favorite handheld Mario game. The levels are bit sized but are very fun to run through, and the levels are eye candy for me. The music is fantastic as well!
The Bowser fights are also very memorable here, especially at the end. Also Tanooki Mario is back babay!

A great 3d mario game. the level design is very fun and compact, its not quite as good as the galaxy games but its still fun. its also one of the few 3ds games to properly use 3d

Everyone's Tanooki! Great levels even for the 3DS hardware limitations, gotta try the special levels now. It's a very solid game you won't regret to try it out.

Super Mario 3D Land is, in my opinion, easily the most underrated and underappreciated 3D mario game. People have recently been praising Super Mario 3D World, but many of its creative ideas came from this game. This game is just so cozy, I can’t describe it. The gross plastic aesthetic from 3D World is completely absent. Most of the soundtrack was once again stolen later from 3D World. The game is generally easy, but that is okay with me. The level environments in mario games are typically grouped into worlds. This can easily make the player feel tired of them. However, in Super Mario 3D Land, the level environments are randomized with each level being different from the last. Unless a game is trying to make a full, complete world, I much prefer this way. The gameplay while being in 3D takes more from 2D mario than 3D by featuring distinct linear levels. The tunici leaf from Super Mario Bros. 3 returns, but you can’t fly this time. This makes sense as it would break the game, yet it’s still disappointing. Even though I like different environments from each level, the environments themselves aren’t interesting at all. They are just generic mario themes for the most part, but the clock level was fun. Another complaint I have is that the movement is very mid. The sideflip, crouch jump, and long jump all feel underpowered, like they just don’t quite provide enough of a boost to use. And sometimes the run button doesn't work for me. In general, this is a cozy must play on the 3DS that I hope gets a Switch port soon (side note, how did Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon get a Switch port before this game, Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Kid Icarus Uprising? It is a little frustrating).

Um jogo 3D do Mario mais simples pra mostrar a tecnologia da tela 3D do 3DS porém o level design de cada fase é tão único que faz a experiência ser realmente muito divertida.

portable mario? check. lotsa levels? check. fun powerups? check. the best 3DS game? probably.

Wow. I thought it'd be a safe little game to play and surely enough it was but also it was a little bit more than that. It's got a lot of charm and a huge amount of variety. The levels are extremely bite sized. Like 1-2 minutes each which is incredibly perfect for handheld and also for binge. Like I played most of this game in the car and trips and it flew by. The whole I'll play a few turned in to a lot more. It was great using the 3d effect, both for the cute novelty and immersive experience of it but also the depth perception for Jumps really helped any enemy placements as well. The 3d took a little adjustment but I never wanted to turn it off. This games bosses are a little lame but challenging still and I'd say the final Bowser stretch was a great finale one of the best. There's special worlds as post game to beat to save Luigi that I may revisit for but this really was a good light fun trip to the 3ds. My first 3ds game I've beaten

One of my favorite 3DS games. Not a masterpiece by any means, but a mediocre Mario game is still a great game. This title is one of the few games that actually utilized the 3D effect of the 3DS in a clever way.

On a side: at least they tried something that wasn't another New Super Mario Bros (even if eventually then they still did NSMB 2), so this was something fresh. And while the presentation is colorful and plays relaly nicely by all means, I feared this could have been another NSMB syndrome. Boy if I was wrong: 3D World blew my mind on how awesome it was.

peguei esse jogo pra jogar no 3ds durante minhas viagens de ônibus como algo mindless fun em que eu n precisasse me preocupar com a história. já tinha jogado ele quando era menor mas nunca tinha zerado então quis dar essa chance. no geral, é um jogo bem básico do mario mas é de fato bem divertido e criativo (não tanto quanto o 3d world, mas dá pro gasto)

this game is like the absolute peak of 'oh thats just mario', not in terms of how good it it but in terms of being as basic as possible, the big gimmick in this game is that they brought back one old power up, thats the thing meant to set this game apart, they werent very ambitious with this one

Super Mario 3D Land is the perfect game for short, bite-sized platforming fun. It plays almost more like a traditional 2D Mario game, but the levels have a structure and obstacles that just couldn't work in 2D.
A lot of the game seems to be designed around the 3D effect of the console, considering the camera's perspective is almost always in just the right spot, enemies love to jump out at you and there's little areas with optical illusions that are difficult to navigate without the effect. It also makes platforming a bit more accurate because it's easier to tell where Mario is and where he's going to land.
While the levels may be short, there are 8 additional special worlds on top of the 8 main worlds where you'll find more challenging levels and remixes of levels you've already played. In the end I felt like I'd seen the same bosses and levels one too many times, but moments like the final Bowser fight more than made up for it.
Not the most memorable of Mario experiences, but one that definitely should be talked about more and will be fun for almost anyone.

3D Land é o puro suco de Mario destilado para caber numa tela portátil. Dá para pegar ele em qualquer momento, qualquer nível, e ter uma sensação de diversão e se sentir satisfeito em coisas de minutos. É como um gerador de gratificação instantânea na palma de suas mãos.

3D Land é também, ao mesmo tempo, originalíssimo e um resgatador de legados. Ele é um novo jeito de se fazer Mario, diferente do visto tanto nos side-scrollers quanto nos 3Ds. Mas ele cria esse novo jeito pegando inspirações fortes dos Marios de NES e GB. Ele é o "verdadeiro" New Super Mario Bros. que New Super Mario Bros. jamais foi.

E, acima de tudo, 3D Land é um jogo bom. Consistentemente bom, do início ao fim. Bom, bom, bom.

Mas não excelente.

Não sei muito bem explicar essa sensação. Me diverti rejogando 3D Land do início ao fim, sem nenhum momento sequer de tédio. Até me espantei com o quão rápido zerei ele - fiz tudo em apenas umas 3 sessões de jogatina, completando de 2 a 3 mundos inteiros de uma vez só. Esse é um jogo muito fácil de pegar e só jogar, jogar, jogar.

Entretanto, se jogar 3D Land foi uma experiência sem vales, também foi sem nenhum pico memorável. E se tem uma coisa que eu sei que essa série é capaz de fazer é criar momentos marcantes de quase êxtase.

Bom em tudo, excelente em nada. Acho que essa é o elogio mais cruel que posso dar a Super Mario 3D Land.

Somehow feels blander than all the new soup games. Zero desire to stick a theme outside of “hey remember Mario 3?” Movement sucks, and this is where Mario games became extremely annoying to 100% and unlock the final level

My first 3d experience with 3ds is this game and it's quite fun.

Esse jogo é incrivel, sério, Super Mario 3D Land é um jogo extremamente fácil de ser elogiado principalmente se for jogado através do proprio console que foi o meu caso, pois em momentos chaves é extremamente util e até mesmo muito bonito e impressionante de se usar o 3D do console.

Jogar esse jogo é uma experiência bem única, apesar de ser o mesmo e bom jogo do mario 3d de sempre, ele faz com maestria diversas coisas, tais elas como; Level design das fases, a construção dos cenários, o retorno de diversos inimigos clássicos com um design mais polido e moderno sem estragar a essência dos antigos, os power-ups, entre diversas outras coisas que tornam esse jogo fantástico

Em resumo, é mais um jogo do mario, mas é mais um jogo do mario com todos os pontos positivos que fazem ser um jogo excelente da franquia, é uma experiencia extremamente agradável, leve, curta e que é quase obrigatória pra quem tem o console.

this game keeps reminding you to take a break whilst playing so just to spite them i beat it in a single sitting.

there is no bad level in this game. such consistently phenomenal platforming. there aren't that many levels in this game, but when there are single levels in 3d land with more ideas that entire other games, how can you complain?

my biggest gripe (which is pretty small all things considered) with this is the difficulty, there was no level that took more than like 15 tries. would've preferred if it demanded a bit more out of me. also it's 30fps, a very stable 30fps, but a game like this should really be 60.

god how is every 3d mario game so fucking phenomenal. he is the king of games and i am his loyal servant boy.

Um jogo que de fato, eu joguei de forme bem casual, até por que, essa era a proposta do jogo. Inclusive é o meu segundo jogo do mario que estou completando eu acho. E como eu disse, por ser casual essa review não será tão abrangente, pelo fato de que, eu estava jogando meio que por jogar, sem pensar muito. Portanto, vamos para a reviewzinha curta de Super Mario 3d Land.

Jogabilidade[5/5]: Eu curto muito plataformas 3d, e esse jogo é bem responsivo para alguem como eu(que sou pessímo em plataformers, apesar de amar crash). O jogo faz muito bem o que propõe e talvez seja os melhores plataformers que joguei esse ano acredito eu.

Dificuldade[3/5]: Decente, o jogo não é para ser difícil. Ele até ajuda bastante para quem está passando dificuldade com o jogo. A unica parte que sofri um pouco foi na ultima fase, morri algumas vezes, mas tirando isso o resto foi bem de boa.

Direção de arte[5/5]: Um jogo muito bonito, até para os padrões do 3DS. E vale ressaltar, é a Nintendo, que sempre faz jogos com designes maravilhosos.

História[2/5]: Inexiste. É jogo do mario, então meio que faz sentido.

Trilha sonora[5/5]: As vezes to lavando a vasilha aqui de casa e começo a cantarolar as musiquinhas desse jogo. Perfeição! Atingiram muito bem a característica desse jogo.

Gameplay[5/5]: Conseguiu cumprir muito bem com sua proposta. É um jogo divertido, diria que não é absurdamente incrível o quanto falavam, mas é bom sim. Recomendo como um ótimo jogo do mario. As fases são bem criativas dentro do contexto 3D.

Conclusão[4,1667/5]: Me diverti muito durante os vários meses que passei jogando esse jogo. Normalmente jogava uns 10 minutos apenas antes de dormir, ou no tempo livre que tinha, não cheguei a jogar muito em casa assim. Mas acho que é um bom passatempo que dura ali por cerca de 6 horas. É isso um bom jogo do mario, não tem muito o que falar.

Que jogo fantástico. Um dos meus jogos favoritos do super mario!

Has anyone ever poured milk on their 3Ds and slammed it against the wall

You know what? Fuck it, this game is great. I've played it numerous times now, and while it doesn't do anything nearly as interesting as stuff like Mario 64 or Odyssey, it's just as addicting and fun as any other 3D Mario game.

Use to think that the people who preferred this over 3D World were crazy, but the more I replay both games, the more I begin to understand where they're coming from. They're still wrong, but I get it.

Not gonna lie when I played this as a kid, I liked it a lot. But looking back, I just don't ever see myself playing this game again. It's one of the most generic mario games out there. That's all I can really say about it.

whatever. the bowser fights being extended platforming challenges is honestly a lot more interesting than any bosses the series had done before but the rest of the game is sloppy seconds from the galaxy games wearing the aesthetics of better games from the 80s. also since it's a near-launch title it has to bear the burden of justifying the system's gimmick, which means it frequently intentionally picks bad camera angles to goad the player into turning up the 3DS's trademark headache and motion sickness slider. gross.

Super Mario 3D Land is just wonderful. I really want to rate it higher but the only reason I don't is because I know that just about every other 3D Mario game is better than this one. However, that does not at all speak of a lack of quality; Instead, it shows just how great all the 3D Mario games are for a game this solid to be one of the "worst". The game is packed full of content, having 16 worlds total, and the level design is fantastic. After achieving 100% completion, there's not a single level I can think of that I didn't like. The game is much more linear in design than most other 3D Mario games, but that works to its advantage making it feel very cozy and relaxing: perfect for a handheld game. Furthermore, Mario 3D Land saw a return of the tanuki suit from Mario Bros 3 and it feels great. It's implemented so well that it has become one of my all-time favorite Mario power-ups. This is also one of the few games that is actually complimented by the 3D gimmick of the 3DS, as having that extra sense of depth can help with platforming a lot. I really have no complaints about this game. I think it's as perfect as it can be for the hardware it's on. Again, the only reason I don't rate this game higher is that nearly all the 3D Mario games exceed this one in quality, but if I were to ignore all of those and rank this game strictly among all the other 3DS games, then it would definitely be 5 stars.

Amazing level design with an absurdly awful camera that makes precision platforming much harder and imprecise than it should’ve been, especially while Mario is in the air. There is no depth perception whatsoever, so if you even think about trying to move mid jump, be prepared to get mad. This huge problem is exacerbated in some of the more difficult challenges, and if you add a shit point of view and a small screen, like the world 6 boss, it is a shit show.

Not many bells and whistles, this is pretty much just Mario going through a bunch of levels. Thankfully "just Mario going through a bunch of levels" bangs so this was a borderline must-have on the platform.

I do hope this finds a way to modern systems someday, it's way too good to keep locked on the 3DS