Reviews from

in the past

You feel insignificant due to the scale of the world, but not only that, the game feel has the same effect. It's hard to explain how, but it's cryptic in its puzzles and in its environment, and not knowing where you are on a map for example adds to that. Bro's loaded to the brim with all kinds of gadgets. That kid up there looking at me constantly... I must be his favorite, thanks for giving me allat stuff.

You have to wonder though, what's the point of a giant RvB if big child picks a side from the get-go? The presence of story is very limited, so it's up to us to ask those questions and find these answers. A dilemma akin to what leads someone to make a fanfic. The game is somebody's playground, yet can I find fun in it as much as that somebody is?

It's great that you can mash the sword button like an idiot. This kind of thoughtless activity is adequately representative of the lack of thought directed at how to handle the combat. It's coming to me now, the developer added mashing buttons to destroys rocks and planks, then something clicked and he realized he could add some padding with a few simple attack patterns. We already go back and forth enough as is! Kept us busy with the intricate puzzles, he did. They feel really rewarding but idk I'm not the type that likes to spend 30 minutes for every puzzle area like it's my homework, they're cryptic as I said and I could use a few pointers. Pwetty pwease.

Great puzzle-platformer with enough rough edges to not be great but too many ideas to be severly condemned for that. At moments is a brilliant game with stellar puzzles, but It takes too much until you get the best tools and some of the design is too closed to experimentation to be surprising and not frustrating on a few situations.
A clear example of a hidden gem that could truly shine with a sequel.

An extremely impressive effort for a solo developer, mashing up first-person puzzlers, Metroidvanias, and a dash of Zelda and collectathon platformers. Lots of clever environmental puzzles that are well-integrated into the exploration, and lots of rewards for carefully exploring nooks and crannies. that said, it does start to overstay its welcome before the end, and it very much suffers from a lack of design polish: the map is an optional collectible you don't get until quite far into the game and is the top-down 2D kind, which is definitely not adequate for finding your way around this kind of dense, interconnected, and heavily vertical world; while many of the puzzles are very satisfying to solve, others lack sufficient visual or auditory feedback about what a given switch does or what exactly your objective is; and the combat is generally awful and mainly serves to get in the way of the exploration and puzzle-solving (most action-adventure games have the sense to maintain a decent degree of separation between combat and puzzle areas so that enemies don't interrupt you while you're trying to solve a puzzle, but sadly not this one). Will give Six Inches Under a try at some point now that it's on Game Pass; hopefully, it sands down some of the original's rough edges a bit.

I really wanted to give it 4 stars. The player is given a wide variety of tools that are both unique and fun to mess around with. The puzzles are quite clever, with many of the best ones teaching players new ways to interact with the environment. These revelations assist players in discovering more secrets when exploring the hub, and it all works together well. Even though the combat is a bit dull and some mechanics are a bit clunky, I was ready to highly recommend the game.

However, as I booted up the game to explore further, my story progress was wiped. My 76% completion rating was reduced to 1%, and I lost all stat increases. The strange part is that I still had all unlockable abilities, including ones in the late game, meaning I could progress out of the intended order. I tried to make sure I hadn't accidentally deleted my own save, or accessed a New Game + mode by mistake, but it seems like my save file was corrupted.

It is fortunate that I had reached the credits before this error occurred, so I was able to enjoy the intended experience. That said, I'm still dejected about losing hours of progress and my shot at a platinum trophy. Even if this error is unlikely, it seems plausible that this can happen to anyone at any point in the game, so I can't rate it any higher than a 6 while this is still possible.

I really loved Supraland. Peaceful exploration, running around collecting upgrades and new equipment, and really unique puzzles that I was able to solve creatively and on my own. I wish there were more games like this, that gave me the same relaxing satisfaction as Supraland. I know there is a sequel to this game, so I'll hapily pick it up when the time comes.

Supraland is the best game I've played in a while. The puzzles, the exploration, even hunting down chests after completing the campaign; it's all just an absolute blast. I could not set this game down once I started it. Check out the demo for a small taste of what this game has to offer; with no walkthroughs, it'll take about an hour to complete. The full game, however? 20 hours to get all achievements and collect every single thing in the game. Supraland is one of few games I believe to be absolutely fantastic. I am pumped to purchase and play both DLCs (coming soon!) and the sequel (already done crowdfunding!) when they release.

Please add achievements for both DLCs too! I can't get enough of this game!

Nice first person puzzle exploration game with a mix of combat. It was fun until it was not. By the time I got to the lava levels, I was just so puzzled out (tried not to look it up as much as I can, think I only did so twice). Maybe I'll try again next time.

Played through a 5 hours in one sitting and was into it but never came back. Kind of like a weird 1st person metroid prime knockoff? In the sense of building powers to help solve puzzles but the aesthetic is like a kid imagining/playing in their backyard in this universe they created. It's interesting

Rare 3D indie Metroidvania with some solid puzzles and exploration combined with some pretty awful writing.

muito bom, so que os puzzles são muito dificeis akakakak, recomendo, mas eu não tankei na epoca, quero rejogar

Very fun game, combat is kind of boring, interesting puzzles make up for it.

Completion: 100% except Crash DLC

It's nice, but i got bored after a while.

Ein 3D Metroidvania mit starkem Fokus auf Rätsel. Die Welt und die Story sind witzig. Die Kämpfe haben sich nicht wirklich gut angefühlt. Bekannt Fähigkeiten in einem 3D Setting anzuwenden, sind schon eine Herausforderung für sich. Jedoch gab es keinen Zeitpunkt, an dem es sich schwammig angefühlt hat. Die Präzision der Steuerung hat mich sehr überrascht. Ein weiteres Manko neben den Kämpfen ist das Upgrade System. Viele Upgrades sind nur durch Kaufen erhältlich. Dadurch muss man für die Upgrade unweigerlich etwas grinden. Eigentlich mag ich ja Maps, die nicht vorgeben, wo Gegenstände versteckt sind. In dem Spiel hat mir es dennoch gefehlt. Im Gegensatz zu 2D Metroidvanias ist man nicht gezwungen, das Gebiet weiträumig für ein verstecktes Item abzusuchen. Allerdings ist diese Feature eher für Perfektionisten relevant. Für mich war es nach der Story zu Ende. Auch wenn ich in den ersten Stunden überraschend viel Spaß hatte, war ungefähr das letzte Drittel eher nervig als spaßig. Zu viele Gegner, später mehr von den stärkeren Gegnern, Rätsel werden komplexer und undurchschaubarer und einige der Rätsel ähneln sich stark. Alles in allem hatte ich eine gute Zeit mit dem Spiel und werde mir den Nachfolger auch anschauen.

This game is something special albeit flawed

It has an interesting level design and some clever puzzles, but also some frustrations

It’s a Metroidvania, as in, it has intertwined paths with some areas only accessible after acquiring some ability, but it’s a 3D first person one, and it has some focus on physics-based puzzles on top of that

Some upgrades are more interesting than others, as some areas just need some basic stuff like improved jumping or having a weapon, but there’s some later equipments that are clever and unique

Its setting seems to be on an improvised toy world, with a giant human boy sometimes visible observing from afar, and with giant objects like tools and erasers spread around. The story is about a red kingdom and a blue kingdom, and you play as one of the red people that needs to solve the lack of water in the village, seemingly caused by foul play from the blue people

Puzzles involve buttons, paint, electricity, gravity

There’s secret areas with collectibles to discover

Some upgrades need to be bought with coins you find along the way, some others are items you need to collect

You can also improve health, attack, recharge rate, regeneration

NPCs sometimes give hints, sometimes give comic relief

Now about its flaws. It took a while before the more interesting equipments showed up; the physics feel kinda floaty and unreliable, and sometimes I was unsure if I haven’t found the solution or if I just needed to try do to something again; Imo enemies are unremarkable and lack variety; It has no fast-travel, it kind of replaces them with launch pads around the way, but it made me a bit disoriented sometimes

Its level and puzzle design were interesting enough to compensate for the flaws imo, so it loses only one star

It's not as funny as it thinks it is and it has a lot of mechanical problems. Despite that I found it really fun to actually play. I grew to like the platforming/puzzling metroidvania style it established enough to play the rest of the series despite my issues with it. You can tell that the people working on it care a lot about what they do, and a certain charm shines through because of that. The sequel is a big improvement over this one.

Well designed 3D-metroidvania with good puzzles and nice exploration that is a bit unpolished and not exactly visually appealing.

I was surprised at this one! I only really started it because my friend who hated it said I should play it as a joke before the new steam share policies come into effect and we can't steam share anymore. I can see why he stopped, the first impression isn't great. Some lame "It's dangerous to go alone, take this!" gamer type references/humor that aren't great and graphically I don't love how it looks. It didn't end up bothering me as much by the end, although some of the lighting especially in regards to the gems was very overwhelming and hard to look at. Once you start getting upgrades and into the puzzles this game really starts to make sense and is very fun! It's full of pretty interesting and unique mechanics with tons of satisfying and fun puzzles! Exploration is pretty fun, although I felt like some areas were a bit too big and open. The secrets and such felt fun to get to but the rewards are a bit underwhelming. It's obviously helpful in the grand scheme of the game but it's so many little number growths like 5% critical damage chance increase things that in the moment don't feel that great to get to me. I don't super mind because the puzzle/exploration to get there is usually worth it but I just kinda started barely even reading my rewards. Combat was kinda nothing, I don't think the game would have lost anything by dropping it. It almost feels like it was added so the secret rewards would have a purpose but because combat is so uninteresting it also contributes to that feeling I just mentioned where the rewards for secrets and exploration didn't feel all that exciting. The final boss not being combat and just being a big puzzle was a nice surprising, and it was pretty cool!

I don't feel much of an urge to go back and work towards 100% or play the other Supraland games (maybe way down the line or something) but I was pleasantly surprised with this one! Unique and fun puzzle game!

In a time where many games implement meaningless upgrade system that never feel like they affect much of anything, Supraland goes to the heart of what makes metroidvanias interesting. Every upgrade gives you interesting new ways to interact with the world (with the exception of a several of the optional combat upgrades that after the first half of the game, will only slightly improve of much damage you deal).

In that regard, it feels like the game was made for completionists. All those optional upgrades really helps you up along the way, and scouring the land for those last few chests was a relaxing experience. Which does make it kind of a shame that the game doesn't acknowledge you for reaching the 100%. Exploring the far reaches of the game can also be a bit exhausting, with (close to) full upgrades, you can access area that can be really unpolished, and filled with invisible walls.

The story on the other hand isn't that interesting, and the many references that are all around the game can be a bit cringe. The aesthetic is also at time a bit lackluster. But neither really ran counter to my enjoyment of the game either.

An overall nice game.

Almost okay.

Supraland is an attempt at making a bigger and more puzzle focused first person prime-like game. But by not being nearly as intuitive and lacking so many basic quality of life features (LIKE A MAP), it falls short. Supraland throws so many new mechanics (many of which are cool) but expects the player to use them in the least obvious ways imaginable. So many times, I'd look up a solution and go "OH I never would have gotten that on my own".

I feel like I'm being a bit harsh because I really wanted to like this more than I did. There's a good, great even, game somewhere in here.

obtained Platinum Trophy

solo dev really fun puzzle/collection game that i cannot lie, i enjoyed my ass off

A charming 1st person puzzle-platformer that tries to impose a half-baked combat system far too frequently.

Movement and puzzle mechanics are solid, so the experience was mostly fun. Earning coins to unlock abilities that make more complex puzzles possible was surprisingly satisfying. And thankfully you'll get more than enough coins just from exploring/solving puzzles instead of farming enemies.

This is more personal preference, but I don't like the heavy bloom effects that a lot of Unreal Engine games have. This game has a lot of it.

Supraland (2018): Intenta abarcar más de lo que es capaz. No para de arrojarte mecánicas nuevas e interesantes, pero el diseño de niveles es confuso,y algunos puzzles obtusos y contraintuitivos, dónde se te pide una precisión que los controles no te dan, y acaba frustrando (2,40)

A very "intelligently" designed game, for better and for worse!

It's interesting because at first glance you'd think that the game would be like a sandbox (it literally takes place in one) where you can use the many tools at your disposal to come up with all kinds of solutions to the puzzles, but in actuality pretty much every puzzle has such a tight design that deviating even slightly from the intended solution will result in failure. BUT the solutions themselves are very clever in how they use the mechanics/environments and it's impressive how much mileage the game gets out of relatively simple physics. Almost too clever at times actually- there is 0% chance I would have come up with some of the things the game was expecting me to do without a guide- but I felt very smart whenever I did manage to figure something out for myself!

Was surprised by how nothing the story was though... like I wasn't expecting it to be life changing or anything like that but it somehow managed to fumble the little that was there. Also the humor was VERY dated, like, some of these references were deep cuts. But the game was way more about the mechanics than anything else though, so, whatever! It handled well and that was the important thing.

Feels like an xbox one tech demo that has no content

Um ótimo jogo de puzzle para quem gosta de se aventurar e descobrir segredos, ele também é lotado de referências

it's alright if you're hungry for a puzzle game that is kind of like a collectathon, but don't expect anything too crazy or with a good story or charming characters. It's a game to pass the time.

The mechanics used in gameplay are quite creative and the puzzles aswell, but the world is just unreal engine default textures and assets for the most part.

Jump, stomp and shoot your way into a semi palatable puzzle simulator.


Supraland, bağımsız oyun stüdyosu Supra Games tarafından geliştirilen ve yayınlanan birinci şahıs bir aksiyon-macera oyunudur. Oyun, 2019 yılında çıkış yapmış olup, oynanış ve tasarımı ile oyuncuların dikkatini çekmeyi başarmıştır. Kendine has tarzı, yaratıcı bulmacaları ve etkileyici dünyası ile Supraland, taze bir soluk sunuyor.

Dünya ve Hikaye

Supraland, oyuncuları minyatür bir dünyanın içine çeken büyülü bir dünya sunuyor. Oyuncular, bir kum havuzu çevresinde oluşturulmuş bu küçük evreni keşfederken, çocuksu hayal gücü ve gerçek dünya arasındaki etkileşimleri keşfedecekler. Oyuncular, bu küçük boyutlu dünyada oyuncak askerlerin yaşadığı bir krallık olan Kızıl Krallık'ı yöneten Kırmızı Kral'ın yönetimindeki mavi askerlerle karşılaşır.

Oyuncular, oyuna çeşitli görevlerle ve bulmacalarla dolu bir şekilde giriş yapar. Yapılan görevlerin ve çözülen bulmacaların çoğu, oyuncunun yeteneklerini geliştirmesini ve yeni alanlara erişim sağlamasını gerektiren metroidvania tarzında tasarlanmıştır. Oyuncular ayrıca, Kırmızı Krallık'ı tehdit eden gizemli düşmanlarla mücadele ederken, dünyanın sırlarını keşfetmeye çalışacaklardır.

Oynanış ve Bulmacalar

Supraland, eğlenceli ve zorlu bulmacaları ile ön plana çıkan bir oyun olarak öne çıkıyor. Bulmacalar, oyuncuların mantık yürütme, fiziksel beceriler ve dikkatini kullanmasını gerektiren çeşitli zorluklar sunuyor. Karakteriniz, sürekli olarak gelişen yeteneklere sahip olacak ve yeni beceriler öğrenerek oyun ilerledikçe daha da güçlenecektir. Bu, keşfetme arzusu ve merak duygusunu sürekli canlı tutarak oyuncuları oyunun içine çeken önemli bir özelliktir.

Oyuncular ayrıca, oyuna benzersiz bir kişisel dokunuş katan eşya toplama ve yapım sistemiyle etkileşime geçerler. Farklı materyalleri birleştirerek daha güçlü eşyalar yapmak için atölyeler kurabilir ve oyun dünyasının dört bir yanında gizli alanları araştırabilirler.

Görsel ve Ses Tasarımı

Supraland, görsel açıdan renkli ve etkileyici bir dünyaya sahip. Minyatür evrenin detaylı düzenlemeleri ve yaratıcı tasarımları, oyuncuları başka bir boyuta taşıyor. Her bir alan, çevre tasarımının zenginliği ve dikkatle oluşturulmuş mimari detayları ile karakterize edilmiştir.

Oyundaki müzikler ve ses efektleri, oyunun atmosferine mükemmel bir şekilde uyarlanmıştır. Hafif ve eğlenceli müzikler, oyuncuların maceranın içine daha da derinlemesine dalmalarına yardımcı oluyor.


Supraland, kendi başına ayakta durabilen ve orijinal bir başyapıttır. Oyunda benzersiz bulmacalar, keşfedilecek zengin bir dünya ve bağımlılık yapıcı bir oynanış sunuyor. Çocuksu hayal gücüyle yetişkin temalarını ustaca harmanlayarak oyuncuları bir araya getiren Supraland, aksiyon-macera türünü seven herkes için muhteşem bir deneyim sunuyor.

Oyunun keşfetmeye açık dünyası, sürekli olarak gelişen karakter yetenekleri ve yaratıcı bulmacaları sayesinde, Supraland uzun süre hafızalarımızda kalacak bir oyun olarak öne çıkıyor. Bu küçük boyutlu devasa deneyimi yaşamak için, oyuncuların Supraland'a bir şans vermesini kesinlikle öneririm.