Reviews from

in the past

Hot people, delicious horror and lots of good choices that lead to incredible consequences. The best game of this genre, easily. Amazing.

Gente gostosa, terror delicioso e muitas escolhas boas que levam a consequências fantásticfas. O melhor jogo desse gênero, facilmente. Incrível.

1 star? That's a bit harsh you might think. Well let me lay it out for why I honestly think this is a genuinely terrible game, and why I'm officially fucking done with Supermassive games.

So, backstory: loved Until Dawn. Had such a fucking blast with that game. And so I've played every Supermassive game since, chasing the high of that experience. At the time it felt fresh, new and fun, a cool interactive choose your own adventure horror flick. And then with each Supermassive release since then, I've been constantly disappointed, none of them have been that horrible, yet none have been great either. And they've cranked them out at a ridiculous rate, releasing a new game every year since 2015. All having the same tired mechanics, all having the same middling horror stories. Well, after playing through The Quarry, I'm fucking done man.

Firstly, the dialogue, sweet jesus the fucking dialogue. The dialogue is diabolically awful. Every line of dialogue makes me want to thrust knitting needles through my ears. And look, the voice acting is good, they actually hire good actors to say this shit. But it sounds like dialogue written by a particularly crude AI scripting program. Its so clunky, tin eared and un-natural, it instantly makes you hate EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER, because all of them sound the same, spouting the same unbearably cringe, trying way too hard dialogue.

And just to rub a big pile of salt into the wound, you cant fast forward or skip dialogue, and you cant skip any cut scene EVER. Even when you have beaten the game, they refuse to give you the option. So if you want to Plat this thing, oh boy are you in for a a god awful time, because you will have to sit through 3 FULL playthroughs, and a few partial playthroughs. Each playthrough is about 7-8 hours. Imagine sitting through a terribly written 8 hour fucking movie which cannot be sped up in any way, not once not twice, but 3 full times, and then having to do the equivalent of another full playthrough backtracking to various chapters and hoping you don't fuck up that one particular QTE, because if you do, oh shit son! You gotta quit out, reload the chapter FROM THE FUCKING START, and do it all again and hope you don't fuck up again. Some chapters are over an hour long. FUCK THIS GAME.

The characters are all annoying AI dialogue robots who you want to die ASAP. The story is a fucking lazy mess, some shit about an evil hillbilly family battling some werewolves, and these camp counsellors are stuck in the middle. This weird fucking woman who you meet after every single chapter, she spouts absolute drivel that never has any significance and is always just boring nonsense, and then she asks if you want to see some 2 second scene that is supposed to give you a hint of what not to do, but is never really helpful in any way. Her whole character doesn't make sense; is she talking to you the player, who exists in the real world? Because she is also a character in the fucking game too, so HUH? This makes no fucking sense! Its all just absolutely maddening nonsense, and some of the worse writing I've ever experienced in a video game, or any medium for that matter.

Phew, what else....ok the graphics. So the mo-cap they used has an unfortunate side effect of looking really good at one second, before looking horribly, ugly bad the next. And so we are constantly in the uncanny valley, characters facial animation and body movements constantly fluctuating between natural and disturbingly un-natural. Its REALLY off-putting, and very distracting.

Gameplay is as stale as a loaf of 8 year old bread. Since 2015's Until Dawn, there has been absolutely no innovation or attempt to mix up the basic gameplay. We get loooong ass cutscenes, then you get to control a character, you walk (no you cant run, but you can hold L1 which makes you walk only slightly what's the fucking point??!! just make us walk faster or give us a run button!!!! FUCK!!! but of course they just want to pad out the game to make it seem longer) around, finding clues, occasionally you will get n action scene where you either button mash or do a series of QTE's. just think about that. button mashing and QTE's.....this shit has been around for 20 years now and is just the laziest bullshit, most games have discarded it because its lazy ass trash.

And that's it. Exactly the same fucking gameplay, story, writing, game design, graphics, characters as very game since Until Dawn. The same boring fucking formula that they crank out year after year. And well done Supermassive, you kept me hooked on your line until now, playing every new game to see if they changed or tried to improve it in any way. And every time Im disappointed and depressed. But nah, after The Quarry, Im fucking DONE man.

Oh yeah, and the end credits are un-skippable, and cant be sped up in any way, and they go for 15 fucking minutes. Seriously dude? FUCK. THIS. GAME.

All the clichés and character archetypes you would expect but delivered in a self aware and loving way. Lots of fun and one I'll definitely be going for seconds with at some point.

Que DELÍCIA de história de terror interativa. Eu adorei demais. Tudo me conquistou, o tema, o clima, os personagens, os diálogos. Fiquei triste quando acabou.

A única coisa que me deu uma raiva tremenda foi um dos meus personagens favoritos ter morrido por causa da porra de um item aleatório que eu não peguei quando estava controlando outra pessoa. Sério, isso foi muito injusto.

De resto, me diverti horrores (hehe)

The Quarry is fun, it rightly feels more "epic" than Supermassive's Dark Picture Anthology, but I don't feel it reaches their first outing with Until Dawn. I haven't played it tbh, but it felt way cooler with the monster choice as opposed to this one. I liked all the characters, super well acted; they were all very quirky which I only see as a plus. Maybe it was due to the ending I got, it really didn't feel like there was any resolution to most of the characters. It feels partly due to the characters don't really connect to each other besides like 3 or 4 of them.

This game kind of feels "oddly cheap" I think? Like it obviously isn't cheap on a technical standpoint, but like it feels kind of mechanically lacking, doesn't really add anything new to their formula I feel like. Not necessarily bad, but playing it safe.

However, this game does have a "Movie" mode where you can choose what type you want (Good Ending, Bad Ending, Director's Chair, Gore Ending). You can then play the game through again, but all the quick time events/choices are done with the parameters set in the choice. Good ending makes sure everyone lives, bad dies, gore lets you see the goriest deaths. Director's Chair lets you set like character parameters like courage and shit and that honestly is fucking cool. So this addition is very smart for Supermassive.

The narrator for this game felt like they had to and not like they wanted to mainly because they feel so low impact. They are there to perform their functions of saying something that kind of relates to what you are doing, and showing you possible outcomes, and then they dip. They do not have the great impact of Peter Stormare, or even the acceptable impact of the Dark Pictures guy, she is completely absent.

This game also felt like it was filled with so many fucking contrivances that make the characters look insanely dumb. Like its fine for like slasher movies to do this, they are short and well paced for that, I can ignore it. This game, however, has too many contrivances to get the plot where they want over too long a time. Sorry if I feel a little Cinema Sin-y, but this shit seriously felt so blatant to me.

ALSO the fucking credits is to fuckers doing a podcast and it's so goddamn annoying. I don't really listen to podcasts and I assume this is what a normal podcast sounds and fuck man, its like shut the hell up you are filling time with inane drivel. They go over the evidence you collect and could be a good time to like explain some aftermath, but NO. It is all jpegs of the stuff you got and them talking bullshit. I honestly don't know if I should commend them for like capturing "True Crime" podcast annoying, like damn you actually made it annoying, good for you, but don't do it again please.

Kind of harsh on shit, but I do think its one of their good games so if you like them, play it.

i kill girl who draw because she remind me of someone . i also kill them .

Com certeza um dos jogos já feitos. Os anos se passam e Until Dawn continua sendo o único jogo bom da Supermassive.

I played through Supermassive Games's cinematic horror game The Quarry with my wife. We picked our characters at the start and passed the controller back and forth throughout. It was a pretty fun experience. The game is primarily "cinematic" gameplay like QTE sequences, and long cut scenes where you may make a choice or two for dialogue or the action your character takes. To break these up, there's also exploration sequences, where you can guide your character around surprisingly large spaces, though often these spaces are pretty empty. The last mode of gameplay is brief third-person shooting segments. My wife isn't a non-gamer, but she's not used to third person shooting, and she ended up fumbling at a crucial moment that led to a character's death—it was one of those rare moments of failure driven ludonarrative consonance. It really made me laugh.

Definitely a good time for a few people who like shitty teen horror movies. I do wish the option to rewind was available from the start. I'm not really interested in replaying whole sections, especially after finding out the epilogue sequence just lists who lived and who died.

Eu esperava um filme slasher padrão com uns adolescentes burros. Infelizmente é um pouco mais paranormal que isso mas tudo bem. Os adolescentes ainda são burros, ainda tem as intrigas bestas que você espera do gênero e do tipo de casting. Apesar de umas animações faciais meio uncanny e robóticas, o jogo todo é bem bonito e da pra ver bem a performance dos atores reais por trás. Alguns famosinhos até. Aqui o saldo bem positivo. E eu meio que gosto dos personagens, rasos mas interessantesinhos o suficiente.

O que fode esse jogo pra mim é a expectativa deles de que eu vou jogar 10h pra uma decisão ou QTE minúsculo decidir toda a experiência e você não poder fazer nada a respeito. Tudo vai pro caralho do nada e eles realmente querem que você só rejogue 10h onde a jogabilidade é simplesmente tenebrosa. Metade é QTE idiota, a outra é andar por 10min lentamente fuçando em tudo pra achar uns papéis que você nem pode ler.

Créditos por ter um monte de opções de acessibilidade que permite até mesmo desligar tudo isso mas como eu e minha noiva queríamos algo mais interativo cometemos o erro de não ativar. Eu diria pro meu eu do passado só tomar as decisões mesmo porque ficar meia hora segurando botão ou apertando esquiva que aparece do nada é só o lixo que se espera de qualquer QTE.

Entrando um pouco no mérito da história geral, eu achei tão ruim. Desnecessariamente complicada, com um monte de pequenos twists que a gente não tem motivo algum pra se importar, revelações toscas que você só... tá? E daí? Ruinzinha demais mas se não fossem os outros problemas eu acho que poderia relevar porque a última coisa que eu esperava da premissa era uma história boa de verdade.

Eu tinha bastante expectativa da experiência social de jogar mesmo sendo um filme ruim, mas mal tem jogo aqui e o que tem é bem mal feito. Deprimente.

best part of this game is the bears

Way better than all Dark Pictures games combined

Mark my words I will NEVER attend a summer camp

You can really feel the difference between 2015 Until Dawn and 2022 The Quarry. Until Dawn has that blue tint of Serious Movies, even if the game is just broadly speaking fun. The Quarry is definitely more focused on being intentionally funny rather than accidentally. Ironic cheery music playing over gruesome scenes, quips and jokes between characters. The setting feels less oppressive when its set in a summer vacation rather than a winter cabin. The game carries a much lighter tone than Until Dawn, in ways that feel way both purposeful and mistaken.

But because characters are intentionally telling jokes, it shockingly makes it harder for them to fall into the easy archetypes of Until Dawn. The UD cast didn't really seem like friends, despite having such a long history together. By comparison, The Quarry squad is a lot harder to pin down. This is a positive. Because they're less easily recognizable, the game has to work harder to identify their personalities. You get a better feeling for who they are in their off-hours. How they have or haven't built relationships with each other before the game starts and how that dynamic plays into their actions when things get frantic. You have to put in work to understand the cast of the Quarry, but its rewarding.

People aren't big on the Until Dawn twist for a variety of reasons, but I really do adore how messy and complicated the story becomes when the cast has to explain their experiences to the police. Until Dawn feels like you're spending time with eight different monster factions when you're really dealing with two. The Quarry actually does have a lot of factions, many of them difficult to decipher the motives of until the final hours. But those motivations are also devastatingly simple in such understandable ways, hampered only by their inability to sympathize with others. Its a really solid tragedy.

The game also really leans into the police aftermath with the new Evidence mechanic. Collecting items throughout the game allows the cast to figure out how to explain All This Shit. While Until Dawn left fates vague, the game is pretty clear that these teens are getting arrested if the cast ain't careful.

I like Supermassive games so far. Its just stupid fun.

ever since until dawn back in 2015, i’ve been waiting for a new full game by supermassive. the dark pictures anthology (i only played the first 2), is so far meh, it just doesn’t hit the same spot as until dawn. i was sooooo excited for the quarry because i thought it’s THE game i’ve been waiting from them. i bought the game months ago and i’ve been waiting for spooky season to play it - popcorn, blanket, the full preparation XD

but… this wasn’t it. it came so close but no. the dialogue options are so limited, the game forces you to play a certain way. you want to be friendly towards a person? you can either be rude or a bit less rude. i mean it scratched the itch i had for a choose your own adventure horror game but it wasn’t sadly THE game i’ve been waiting from supermassive :(

Loses half a star because it corrupted my save and made me sit through three hours worth of nonsense again.

Não gosto tanto desse tipo de jogo, por isso não tenho tantas experiências com jogos da Supermassive, só joguei Until Dawn que é minha base principal de comparação. The Quarry é um Until Dawn piorado. Sim, o jogo é mais bonito e mecanicamente a frente, oferecendo alguns momentos legais de exploração. Mas é inferior em construção de personagens, ambientação, diálogos, mistério por trás do monstro, escolhas impactantes, ramificações da história, que pra mim nesse tipo de jogo são os aspectos mais importantes e os fundamentais pra me deixar preso. Ainda sim é um filminho divertido, que consegue entreter, em especial quando vc escolhe tudo errado e mata mais da metade do grupo (literalmente eu)

Eu poderia escrever vários motivos para a narrativa e roteiro desse jogo serem um absurdo, pontos que ele próprio te faz tirar conclusões precipitadas, mas não consigo por em texto todas elas. Gráfico incrível, elenco excelente mas não sustentou, para mim, nada da historia desse game.

É uma versão requentada de Until Dawn com QTEs bem mais fáceis, mas a maioria dos personagens são cativantes e a exploração pra encontrar pistas e evidências é bem interessante. Como eu mencionei ali em cima, não é uma história nem um pouco original, mas não deixou de ser uma experiência divertida.

Why do game developers think that adding QTEs to a lousy movie will make it into an exciting game?

Seeing as The Quarry was leaving PSN, I thought to try it out with my partner, and so on one cosy autumn eve we cuddled up on the sofa for an enjoyable spooky-month event, and made the mistake of choosing this.

We played for an hour or two, and it was after a long boring setup for a couple of characters instantly discarded, and then another long setup for a whole new cast of characters, when I had the choice between taking a fast route back to the cabin, or the scenic route, and I opted for the scenic one, that my partner decided that enough was enough and they were just too tired to continue that evening.

The tiredness lasted right up to The Quarry leaving PSN, and while I still harbour some interest in this campy slasher, I will never pay 60 euros for it (or, for that matter, even a quarter of that), when there are so many better actual horror movies to pick from, or actually engaging coop games to play.

I've played through one of these games before, and while it was no masterpiece in horror game storytelling and whatnot, it spent its intro on developing characters that mattered to the plot and giving them some poignant conflicts. It also didn't paragraph all their feelings in a "Policeman Joe will remember this" kind of flying emotions in reply to your most "important" dialogue choices.

They also didn't all move and smile like an AIs understanding of how human faces and necks work. The Quarry might not have a single good scare or dread to its name (in the first few hours), but it sure can creep you out. Too bad it's accidental.

I might return to it one day, because I'm a sucker for stuff like this; but I sure hope I won't.

Laura was about 2 kills away from calling in an AC130

If you are a hardcore fan of choice based narrative adventures, you probably have already played The Quarry or planning on playing it no matter what I say. For those of you who are not sure about it though, I wouldn't recommend this. It is exciting, there are some twists in the story and some performances are genuinely good; but your choices doesn't matter much, there is too much backtracking and the pacing is clearly broken. Go play House of Ashes if you haven't, otherwise replay your favorites. The Quarry is not worth your time.

The Full Review(No Spoilers):

Supermassive's Worst Game?!
I like the Supermassive Games catalogue as much as the next guy. Well, actually I like it a lot MORE than the next guy. Until Dawn was a masterpiece and one of the best games of 2015 and Man of Medan was a solid entry into the choice based narrative games genre. However, 2020's Little Hope turned out to be a terrible disappointment thanks to the game not telling it's core concept very well and resulting in an unfair bloodbath at the end.

I skipped House of Ashes originally because The Quarry came to PS Plus earlier, I have currently finished it with my best bud and that is just an incredible game but unfortunately we are talking about The Quarry today. A not so incredible game. Anyway anyway, let's start with the story.

And actually not be able to start with the story because spoilers. Credit where credit is due, Supermassive managed to hide the core story of the game in the trailers and there are some massive twists here. Without spoiling anything, I can tell you that the story is about 7 counselors' last night in Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp and trying to survive, somethings. Or maybe someones? Who knows?

The story here, is weak. Yes, there are some massive twists but compared to all the other 4 Supermassive titles; this is a very static story and you can't change too much in it. Also, the pacing is abysmal.

As per usual, the game starts off with an "exciting" prologue where basically none of your choices matters. Right after that, it starts to introduce the characters. We have 7 different counselors and because of that huge number, we get around 2 or 3 hours of light hearted teenage comedy show.

Things picks up after the first 3 chapters and Chapters 4,5 and 6 delivers the high octane action stuff that can make or break your characters. However, Chapter 7 is basically the WORST thing about the game. As a storytelling tool, Chapter 7 is very clever but it is very slow and you mostly watch stuff. Chapter 7 will definitely kill many people's replays if not their first run as well.

And 8,9,10? Well, they also fail to capture your attention back. So, the story is mediocre and the pacing is terrible. What about the characters? Well while there are 7 of them, most of them are not used well.

Ariel Winter, Halston Sage, Zach Tinker and especially Evan Evagora fans; do NOT play this game for these actors and actresses. Evagora is the one with the least amount of screen time and before you say that, yes. I saved him and he still has a very small screen time.

Winter, Sage and Tinker all has at least 1 very cool scene but all of these characters basically goes to the background in the final 4 chapters of the game. Then who are the big characters you might ask. I would say the trio of Justice Smith, Miles Robbins and Brenda Song. They also have a weird love triangle and they are the best characters in the game for sure.

Smith and Song especially delivers some great performances while Robbins usually sticks around with both of these characters and manages to be a good balance point. From the unplayable characters; Lin Shaye, Lance Henriksen and Ethan Suplee has very very small screen times. David Arquette also has a small role but he does leave an impression.

Ted Raimi on the other hand, wow! The Raimi family is full of incredibly talented people, for sure! He is the one good thing that makes Chapter 7 okay and he also delivers whenever he appears on screen. He is great.

Two final shoutouts, Skyler Gisondo doesn't do much but Siobhan Williams; she is the star of this game in my opinion and I will continue following her work. Great performance.

The big part of the review is completed, because this game was a narrative focused one. So let's get through the gameplay quickly. In The Quarry(similar to other games in the genre) you will explore locations, make choices and engage in Quick Time Events.

Exploring locations is usually the most exciting part for me because that's when you actually get to play the game. Unfortunately, The Quarry fails big time here because you will do a lot of backtracking. Almost all locations are used twice with some being used 3 or 4 times.

Exploring the same places over and over again kills the excitement and finding different things while doing all this exploring is also just absurd. As always exploring will mostly result in you getting collectibles or tarot cards that will give you visions of the future.

Also as always though, these scenes from the future fails to create an impact on your playthrough because they are too short and too hard to understand until you actually come to that particular scene.

Making choices is the thing you will do the most. However, both the dialogue choices and action scene choices doesn't change much. And to be perfectly honest, it feels like dialogues changes more compared to what you do in action. Of course, one of your choices can lead your character to death but trust me, characters' survival doesn't mean much.

In fact, it almost seems like Supermassive thought that most people would kill a character in a specific scene and so even if you save them in that particular scene, that character's screen time gets significantly cut. Which is why many characters are basically non existent at the third act whether or not you have saved them.

Finally, the QTE's. They are terribly easy in this game. You don't need to press the face buttons at all, most of the QTE's are done by moving the right stick to one of the four directions and there is a very big window of achieving this. There are also parts where you need to mash X and there are some places where you will need to hold your breath.

These hold your breath moments are like a joke because all you have to do is hold X until the red part of your screen disappears. No challenge, no tension and not much room for failure. QTE's are really easy in this game.

One new interesting idea however are the Interruptions. From time to time, there will be an interesting action you can do. A timer will start and if you press X you will do it. This might be something like searching a bag or climbing a tree to escape from the thing or person chasing you.

There are definitely parts where Supermassive used this system cleverly and they were definitely my favorite new addition. So; the gameplay is mostly the same but QTE's are much more easier, choices doesn't matter at all and exploration disappoints due to the overused locations.

Technically, is the game good? Not so much. It's 4K 30 and there is no other graphical mode if I know correctly. Lighting is good but the textures looks old. Faces are expressive and detailed but character models are terrible and feels like they are out of PS3 era. For example, Justice Smith's character has two wired headphones coming out of the top of his shirt, dangling.

Or should I say, they should dangle. But they stay solidly even if the character runs or jumps. Did he glue them to his t-shirt? I would like an explanation. Unfortunately, The Quarry definitely doesn't look like a next gen game. It runs smoothly but that's all.

If you are a hardcore fan of choice based narrative adventures, you probably have already played The Quarry or planning on playing it no matter what I say. For those of you who are not sure about it though, I wouldn't recommend this. It is exciting, there are some twists in the story and some performances are genuinely good; but your choices doesn't matter much, there is too much backtracking and the pacing is clearly broken. Go play House of Ashes if you haven't, otherwise replay your favorites. The Quarry is not worth your time.

A trama é interessante, apesar de bastante rasa, porém, beira ser uma cópia de Until Dawn, com plots e personagens extremamente parecidos, e esse problema se estende pra quase todos os aspectos do jogo, não existem inovações mecânicas, tudo é reciclado de Until Dawn. A parte gráfica é excelente, apesar das constantes quedas de frames. A trilha sonora é OK, o áudio apresenta problemas de atraso em vários momentos. No geral é um jogo bem mediano, mas que me agradou de certa forma, por adorar jogos narrativos e de terro.

btw my serio myślałyśmy, że uda nam się uratować wszystkich

Overall a decent play; very reminiscent of Until Dawn but I'll be honest, the ending felt rushed when the beginning had such a good build up.

Absolutely astonishing.

So deeply cinematic with such a wonderfully tense story and such great characters. I loved and relished every second of the whole experience.

I just wish the game actually had an ending instead of cutting off right after the main villain is defeated.


I found it quite interesting.

Played time: 24hrs

played this with my bestie, was incredibly enjoyable until he accidentally killed our favourite character :)))) its ok though, it was still a banger. wish it had an aftermath/after credits bit like until dawn