Reviews from

in the past

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This review will focus mostly on the single-player campaign, I have played a fair bit of multiplayer but not enough to judge it properly.

Titanfall 2 was strange to me at first, it kinda looked like a normal everyday FPS but with the ability to use a mech, not to mentioned it being published by EA. So I disregarded it for a long time. It was until on a free weekend for this game I played through it, and I am shocked how much I missed out.

Everything feels so competently made, and well developed. The movement options you have are incredible and the level design reflects it, allowing you to move smoothly and quickly through the level like its nothing. It's my favorite kind of game that ENCOURAGES speedrunning the hell out of it.
Not to mention the guns feel solid to use too, helps a lot that apparently famous animator "hyper" worked on a lot of the animations, so the guns feel nice and snappy.

Lastly, the campaign was solid. Not the greatest ever but it's still pretty good. It's main strength is the dynamic between Jack Cooper and BT, with lots of memorable dialogue between the two, especially towards BT, what a man. The campaign also has many set pieces that keep you interested just enough, like the giant ass automated factory producing houses, that's cool. Then a mission where you travel between past and present with the tap of a button, where your actions in the past appear in the present? Fucking incredible. It's all very strong and even has some memorable antagonists too.

Just to slightly touch on the multiplayer, it's also really fun. The movement works really well in its favor to create exciting fights and using your titan can feel amazing. It also has a really amazing progression system that feels better than a lot of other multiplayer shooty games.

Overall, fantastic, go buy this whenever you can, it sometimes goes on sale on steam for DIRT CHEAP.

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Probably the most unique levels in any shooter ive ever played
The time travel mission was one of the sickest missions ever and im so pissed this team is stuck working on a live service game now

Doesn't matter what you heard about it... IT IS THAT DAMN GOOD!

Never played another Shooter so smooth and agile as this one. Th combination of parkour and shooting gives this game a special feeling. Really like the fact that the campaign gets creative with the mechanics and the Titans.

I still don't get it how I ignored this on launch...

Passando aqui pra falar que estou rejogando esse jogo (meu fps favorito), estou muito nostálgico e me divertindo muito agora que os servidores foram abertos novamente. Se conseguirem, PF joguem, direto tem promoção na steam (comprei por 8 reais) e agora tem uma playerbase bem grandinha

Want to have the physical copy for the collection. An absolutly incredible story. It may be a short story, but they do so much in the campaing that you are fully satisfied by the end. The multyplayer was also really great. Fluid movement and gunplay. BT and Jack are a great duo. A must play.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

Certified hood classic. Everything about this game is just fucking awesome.

The campaign is absolutely killer, full of super memorable setpieces and moments. Effect and Cause is one of the coolest missions in any shooter campaign. Pretty much every mission throws you a new gimmick it tosses aside in the next level for something even cooler. It's super short but super fun. I forgot just how bad the ending cliffhanger is though, especially with no sequel in sight half a decade later.

Finally got to experience multiplayer now that Respawn has fixed up the servers on PC. It's just as fun if not more fun than the singleplayer experience. The movement and gunplay are so slick and fun to use, and the titan combat itself has a great weight to it and everything just feels right. Dropping a titan on sone unsuspecting player or rodeo-ing to the top of an enemy titan and ripping their battery out just makes you feel powerful and awesome. Every multiplayer game has at least one moment that gives you that feeling.

Just an incredible shooter and in my opinion the best in a year full of great shooters. Campaign's great, multiplayer is fantastic. The guys at Respawn really know what they're doing and I hope all the rumors of a Titanfall 3 circulating around lately lead to something substantial. I don't care for Apex Legends and I do not want the franchise to die with that as its last title. Titanfall deserves better.

The EPG is my favorite weapon in any shooter ever. dumb ass hell weapon that enables some looney toons type gameplay. I love it.

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Cada fase adiciona mais ao mundo, e mesmo a EA se esforçando pra matar cada fã, eu entendo o culto ao redor desse jogo
Nem joguei o multiplayer e nem vou fingir que sei se é bom ou ruim.
A missão de viagem no tempo é pica
porra... BT...
Eu achei o cartão do apex uma referência legalzinha, mas precisava matar a franquia titanfall pra ganhar dinheiro com os passes de apex?
talvez a melhor campanha de um fps ‘‘moderno’’ que joguei?

So, basicly there's titans and they fall

Every FPS should play like this. But even if every FPS played like this, this would still be the best FPS.

man why did they cancel titanfall 3 to make fucking apex legends

Like so many others, Titanfall 2 fell under my radar for a long time, releasing under the shadow of Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare back in 2016. When I finally picked it up for the first time in 2019, I was blown away by how much of an improvement it was over the original. And I STILL feel that way today. With a solid campaign with creative level design and an INSANELY FUN multiplayer experience that never gets old, it's a crime Respawn has thrown it to the wayside in favor of its moneymaker Apex Legends.

(NOTE: I will be reviewing both the campaign and multiplayer, so this review might be a little longer than usual.)


- Naturally, the standout feature of Titanfall 2 in both its campaign and multiplayer is its movement system. Players can wallrun, double jump, and slide all around the environment, picking up speed as they do so which then factors into their momentum. It’s fluid and sickeningly enjoyable, and I think Titanfall 2 handles it best for newcomers to the “movement shooter” genre. It's not hard at all to visualize and execute the most efficient (and stylish) route to a target, and the level and map design of course takes this into consideration.

- The Pilot (your soldier) gunplay is superb; you’ve got your standard automatic rifles, shotguns, submachine guns, and your more exotic…checks notes “rocket launcher that fires balls of arcing electricity.” Huh. Each weapon has its own quirks that give each one a distinct personality, for lack of a better term—the CAR is more accurate while wallrunning, the Flatline has ONLY horizontal recoil, the Cold War charges up bursts of energy grenades…I could go on.

- And of course…the Titans. Good lord. How much more badass can it get than calling a Titan down from orbit in real time, leaping into it in midair, and seamlessly transferring into “giant death robot” mode? The Titan loadouts are just as dope (perhaps more so) than the Pilot loadouts, featuring the likes of railguns (Northstar), massive swords (Ronin), thermite launchers (Scorch), shields that redirect projectiles (Ion), and massive salvos of missiles (Tone). I’ll get into them more when I talk about multiplayer.

- I’ll start with the campaign, where players take control of Militia Pilot Jack Cooper and his Titan BT-7274 as they attempt to stop the imperialistic IMC from activating a superweapon that will destroy the Militia planet of Harmony. The real magic of this campaign lies not in its narrative but its level design. As mentioned above, all of the levels are designed to incorporate as much wallrunning, sliding, and double jumping as physically possible, keeping the linear mission design engaging and providing lots of ways to approach a gunfight. Action set pieces are abundant, but unlike many other FPS games are unique enough to sustain player’s attention.

- Specific levels deserve a mention for their setpieces, though I won’t spoil them. “Into The Abyss” and “Effect and Cause” are notable for these level designs; the latter of those two even has a damn WIKIPEDIA page because of how unique its puzzle was for a first person shooter at the time of its release. And yeah, I can say I was blown away by that one when I first played it. It really is something you should experience if you’re tired of straightforward FPS games. “The Ark” (“Voodoo One, Viper on station, Your journey ends here, pilot.”) and “The Fold Weapon” (“Trust me.”) are also great missions to play through.

- I won’t go so far as to say the campaign has fantastic characters, because I would be lying to you. That being said, the interactions between Cooper and BT are pretty heartwarming and entertaining to see even if their personalities amount to “soldier” and “big robot”. For all its faults, the story does a great job of bonding you to your Titan, plus having a big robot buddy to keep you company as you mow down waves of enemies keeps things from feeling too monotonous.

- Now let’s move to Titanfall 2’s multiplayer, which is by far one of the best on the market right now (see cons for the tragic reality of this statement). The gunplay is largely the same from the campaign, albeit with a few new guns and “anti-Titan weapons” added, while movement is the same, save for the addition of an optional grapple ability that can latch onto walls, players, and enemy Titans.

- The Titan gameplay feels WAY more badass in the multiplayer, with more visceral executions, better control over abilities, and the ability to call in a Titanfall and have that big guy crush anything below it when it lands. I cannot stress how epic it is to call in a giant robot, watch it break the atmosphere, and slide under its legs and have it gently place you into its cockpit. Like, if that’s not sick to you I don’t know what to say.

- Both Pilots and Titans have access to the same loadouts from the campaign (except for Brute D:), but the multiplayer gets to do way cooler things than the campaign since it's not bound by story or anything. Pilots can ride on the back of friendly Titans, they can rodeo enemy Titan and steal their batteries to give to allied Titans, and Titans can eject their pilots upon being doomed (instead of just reloading the checkpoint when BT dies lol), either sending them out automatically with a stealth eject, or literally going full nuclear, blowing up and taking out anything around them.

- The premier game mode (and the only one you’ll ever get to play, see cons below) is Attrition, where AI grunts, Spectres, Stalkers, and Reapers (robot enemies also in the campaign) fight alongside players. This is hectic in a good way; even if you can’t kill any Pilots or Titans, you can still earn a score (a lot of it) from killing the AI enemies. And a win or loss isn’t the end of the match—a ship comes to evacuate the losing team, and players either have to make it to extraction or destroy the ship before it takes off, depending on which side they’re on. This feature alone makes losing much less frustrating than in other FPS games. You can try to escape or defend your teammates to the bitter end.

- I’ll give some bonus points to the multiplayer for also having actually useful tooltips. Almost every time you die, you’ll get pointers on the function of the thing you used last before you died (weapons, Titans, ordnance), and given the complexity of the multiplayer sandbox, these actually help a lot when you’re using a new weapon. Like damn, how was I supposed to know the Gravity Star bends projectiles that travel around it?


- Starting with the campaign, the narrative is nothing crazy and is pretty unremarkable. You get a Titan, go places, shoot some guys, and win the war. Oversimplified of course but that’s basically what it boils down to—the same as pretty much every other multiplayer-focused shooter’s campaign.

- It doesn’t have interesting characters either. Your protagonist and BT are only as interesting as a conversation between a random soldier and his giant pet killer robot can be. Everyone is completely one-note. All of the antagonists, save for maybe Blisk, are just random people that say some snarky thing then get obliterated. Par for the course.

- As for the multiplayer, while I wasn't lying when I said it was one of the best shooters on the market, actually getting into a match is a challenge in and of itself. The servers for this game are terrible, perhaps because Respawn (the developers) are dedicating all of them to host Apex Legends, which is their clear focus. At most, I can get three or four matches in before some network error kicks me to the main menu and prevents me from reconnecting for twenty minutes. (If you’re on PC, check out the Titanfall 2 Northstar Client, which is unofficial software that lets players mod their game and host their own servers.)

- And because of the server issues, if you try to play multiplayer outside of peak hours, you are not getting a full game. Still enough players to actually play the game, but you have to play at the right time. Again, a consequence of both bad servers and Respawn’s inattentiveness to hacking after Apex Legends came out.

- Titanfall 2 no longer gets updates, which means the weapons that were meta at the end of the game will be meta forever. The Spitfire (high ammo capacity machine gun) is the favorite gun of rooftops campers that forsake all movement in favor of their kill/death ratio, and the CAR (submachine gun with buffs while wallrunning) is basically the most used gun in the game for those high level players determined to prevent you from enjoying a match.

Objective rating: 4 stars
Subjective rating: 5 stars

No other FPS game has legitimately made me cry in the same ways as Titanfall2 has bar like, maybe MW2 and a certain betrayal. But even then the ending of this game and what happens probably will still have made me more emotional. This is just the campaign too, no words needed to talk about the already well known amazing multiplayer and how much time you can sink into it.

Please play this game.

I definitely need to play this one again because I remember being very surprised at how much I loved it, I didn't think it would be my type of game but the movement is super slick and the campaign used it to the fullest!

Everyone has their personal favorite genres, where they're predisposed to enjoy titles in that style. Likewise, there are also genres that some people simply don't really care for, and for me, that's FPS. While there are some that I end up liking, they're few and far between, and they have to do a lot to impress me. To my surprise then, I really liked Titanfall 2. I didn't even know it had a campaign until someone recommended it to me. The flow of the game reminds me a lot of Half-Life, in all the best ways. It's not quite as chaotic as a boomer shooter, but it still rewards fast paced gameplay, which is what I prefer. The gunplay is really good, the movement is really good, and there are a variety of really inventive level mechanics. I went into this game expecting nothing at all, but thoroughly enjoyed myself all the way through. I don't think there was a single moment I found myself frustrated with the game, which is as high of praise I can give an FPS.

I am legitimately in love with Titanfall 2. The game just reached it's peak Steam users, after being out for SEVEN YEARS, within the last month after the online servers got fixed. The numbers don't lie; people love commencing Titanfall, too.

I remember the first time I blew up a giant mech by doing Attack on Titan shit while dodging bullets and explosions and I became light-headed from the thrill and immensity of possibilities you can pull off with certain kits, and also of course the adrenaline. This the best fucking game for a real rush.

It's honestly embarrassing to see people play Call of Duty games after this came out. Actually the best first person shooter of a generation.

Quake 3, Goldeneye, Titanfall 2. You get me?

Up there with Half Life 2 for one of the most innovative and fun singleplayer FPS experiences. The multiplayer is fun too.

Titanfall 2 - 8/10

tl;dr: Poderia ter sido pior e a nota alta leva em questão ele ser um FPS.

Titanfall 2 é aquele jogo que eu peguei para jogar pra tentar livrar-me do preconceito que tenho contra FPSs.Já terminei Duke Nukem (que nem foi tão mal assim), estou aos poucos jogando Doom no PC e vi que falavam muito bem da campanha desse jogo. Entre um jogo grande e outro, resolvi brincar e ver qual é. No final das contas, Titanfall 2 acabou se mostrando ser um jogo exatamente igual eu achei que seria, com a exceção dos titãs serem menores do que imaginei :P

Eu não sei dizer se Titanfall é um jogo bonito ou não. Quando mostra o que é para ser mostrado, ele é lindão... Mas se você explora um pouco, chega perto de uma árvore, você percebe que de perto a textura daquilo é bizonha. Mas gráfico não é algo que eu reclamo... Principalmente quando tudo que deve ser visto é bem feito.

Quanto a história foi exatamente o que pensei que seria... Um monte de confrontos lineares com um final genérico e sem graça. E ainda deixa cliffhanger para um próximo que, aparentemente, foi cancelado/suspenso... Afinal, essa galera tem que focar em conteúdos pro Apex, ora!

Não existe muito o que dizer sobre a jogabilidade. Você tem armas, você atira, você tem granadas, consegue matar na base do soco se precisar. Também dá para ficar temporariamente invisível e isso foi de grande ajuda. Quando controlando um titã, é basicamente a mesma coisa com uns tiros a mais e sem poder pular. E por falar em pular, estou dividido internamente com os wallrun/jump desse jogo. Acaba que foram bem implementados, tendo umas partes que utilizam essa mecânica como desafio para progredir e/ou pegar algum colecionável. Só acho estranho existir essa possibilidade mesmo, ainda mais quando a única coisa que você faz é pular com a cara na parede, já que você não enxerga o que seu personagem está fazendo por ser primeira pessoa.

E está oficialmente decidido: jogo que não me deixa selecionar a linguagem sem mudar a do console é tudo cuzão. Como eu já disse, parecia muito que eu estava jogando um filme da sessão da tarde com as vozes que eu estava ouvindo. Ficou pior no final... Quando um cara todo fodão malvadão que parecia ser mais velho falou e saiu a voz de um vilão adolescente de anime. O protagonista também parecia um adolescente pela voz. Pela aparência dele, não.

De qualquer forma, Titanfall 2 é um jogo rápido que recomendo para todos mesmo se não gostar de FPS. A ação frenética pode ser divertida ou frustrante as vezes, mas os checkpoints são meio que constantes então dá pra relevar.

Excelente jogo, uma das melhores e mais divertidas jogabilidades de FPS que vi recentemente, e de brinde uma campanha bem legal, com um online divertidíssimo. Também gosto de ressaltar a otimização desse jogo, que é surreal, consigo rodar bem e com um visual bem bonito em um notebook simples.

this is like mario galaxy but you can kick people to death

Not only one of the best shooters ever, but one of the best platformers ever

Миссия с перемещением во времени просто ахуй.

Полная рецензия: На самом деле я являюсь давним ветераном франшизы Тайтанфолл и в былые деньки помногу просиживал свои школьные штанишки за мультиплеером данной игры. Я влился во франшизу ещё с самого первого бета-теста первой части и помню, как прогулял последний урок Технологии, чтобы побольше позалипать в онлайне с этим крутым паркуром и титанами. Первая часть была кайфовая, но малость сырая, и поэтому когда в 2015 анонсировали 2 часть (так быстро, вау), я был на седьмом небе от счастья. Но злая ирония постигла обе части - плохой маркетинг и, как следствие, низкий онлайн, которые быстро подпортили игровой экспириенс многим людям. ЕА так и не смогли внятно объяснить зачем нужно было покупать и играть в Тайтанфолл, когда была Колда и Батла и поэтому франшизу положили на полку, а на ее основе сделали ответвление - Апекс Леджендс, оказавшийся намного более популярным из-за того, что игра была в жанре батл-роялей, который тогда только входили в свой пик. Даже я с пацанами как-то ебашился в Апексе и было даже фаново, но в то время я уже начал терять интерес к многопользовательским играм и стал приверженцем одиночного погружения.

Поэтому недавно я решил обновить своими старые воспоминания о кампании 2 части и поделиться своим небольшим мнением по поводу забытой годноты. В этом обзоре не будет разбора механик мультиплеера любой из частей, потому что мне это не интересно и почти никак не разбираюсь в структуре онлайн игр, я готов говорить только за сингл.

Как обычно, начну с сюжета, который здесь выступает как раз таки главным камнем преткновения в истории, почему игра не смогла создать здравый пласт фанбазы. Вернемся к 1 части. Если вы не знали, то кампания в 1 части была довольно экспериментальной и неординарной. Вкратце, миссию сюжета ты проходил тоже в онлайне, на многопользовательских картах, но с отведёнными целями и какого-то рода повествованием между эпизодами. Проходить всё это дело приходилось 2 раза: сначала за одну фракцию, а потом за другую, чтобы погрузиться в историю полностью. И такой формат оказался... "барабанная дробь"... провальным. Сразу возникала куча вопросов по типу: зачем я играю в эту муть, если можно сразу идти в мультик без ограничений? Что за война происходит в Галактике? Кто все эти люди и что это за фракции? Чего мы вообще хотим достичь и за кого болеть? Как по мне, когда ты запускаешь совершенно новый IP, то ты должен четко и просто обозначить историю и происходящее вокруг, иначе в головах у интересующейся аудитории появится сумбур и непонимание и Тайтанфолл с этим не справился. Весь лор этой франшизы пролетает мимо ушей, и играя в эту игрушку, тебе будет абсолютно по барабану на какую-то корпорацию IMC, на ополчение, на людей, стоящих за всем этим, а из-за этого впоследствии возникает апатия. Конечно, если почитать на сторонних ресурсах, на вики всяких и т.д., то ты узнаешь какой-то базовый конфликт, но даже там он будет выглядеть очень вторичным. Повествование сюжета и изучение лора в первой части было просто нулевым и никчемным, хотя геймплей и сам мультиплеер были хорошими.

Проблема, которую создала первая часть, перетекла на вторую часть, но здесь авторы уже полностью понимали прошлые ошибки. Они отказались от провального концепта онлайн-сюжета и вернулись к базовому повествованию в шутерах. Весь нужный лор ужали до максимально понятных пары фраз о враждующих фракциях без встраивания кучи ненужных имен, названий и терминологии и вывели на первый план двух героев - самого протагониста и его титана BT7274, выстроив между ними клишированные, но отлично прописанные взаимоотношения машины и человека. Да, ты до сих пор не ебешь, что за глобальный конфликт происходит в этой вселенной и почему нужно болеть за этих, а не за тех, но игра сама говорит: "эй, расслабься, чувак, да, мы долбаебы и проебали свой же лор, но попробуй кайфануть в моменте в этой шаблонненькой, но приятной кампании" и это работает. Сюжет здесь, конечно, ужасно отдает сборкой разных идей из старых колофдюти и иногда не в самом лучшем виде, но в целом кампания не бесит и не дает заскучать. В основном за счет действительно приятной химии игрока и его Титана, с которым мы становимся буквально братьями под конец игры. Выбранная главенствующая идея истории идеально вписалась в геймплей, где пилот и титан должны действовать в симбиотических отношениях и это просто ахуенно. Конечно, главным минусом истории можно назвать лишь главных антагонистов из организации АПЕКС, они все просто унылое дерьмо, которое ничем не запоминается, не устрашает и не обладает никакой харизмой. Даже Джон Сноу со своим Марс Вечен как злодей был круче всех этих додиков-наемников, но ладно.

Что действительно делает кампанию крутой - это геймплей, но и то с оговорками. Если говорить про ганплей в целом, то он здесь не шедевральный. Сам импакт, отдача и ощущение оружия здесь довольно поверхностное, как из шутеров времен нулевых. Почти каждое оружие своего типа чувствуется одинаково, и смысл их менять есть лишь в уроне, типе пуль, скорострельности или обойме - смотря какой стиль игры вы выберете. Снайперские винтовки тут вообще арольф, особенно для игры 2016 года. И поэтому самое начало игры, где тебе еще не дали весь мувмент пилота и возможности взаимодействия с титаном, будет казаться Колдой старого образца. Вынужденная фиксация в укрытиях в первом уровне, видимо, нужна для более гибридного обучения и возможности продемонстрировать один из способов прохождения игры таким стилем, но играть так максимально скучно и неинтересно. Происходит просто бездушный тир без постановки с тупыми болванчикам на мобах. Но когда игра переходит на следующие уровни и начинает знакомить тебя с механиками, которых нет в колде или в батле - начинается риал щит и понимание того, почему ганплей здесь именно такой.

Дело в том, что лвл-дизайн уровней всей оставшейся игры строится на огромных открытых аренах с возможностью паркуринга по все возможным поверхностям и вхождением в режим стелса в любой момент. Проходит всего каких-то 30 минут, а из унылого тира вы попадаете в мега динамичный, подвижный аркадный шутер, в котором стрелять приходится ВСЕГДА в движении и обдумывать не в кого стрелять, а куда бежать, потому что враги всегда будут пытаться зажать тебя в кольцо или посылать на тебя роботов-камикадзе.

Вторая положительная сторона геймплея - сам титан, потому что залазить в эту махину и начинать хуячить во всё, что движется - само удовольствие. И мне очень понравилось, как в кампании знакомят со всеми видами титанов из мультиплеера, давая возможность переключения между ними прямо в разгар битвы. У титанов тут также свои механики стрельбы, которые явно слегка вдохновлены серией Арморед Кор и прочим. Пулемет, пушка, дополнительная ракетница, ульта и разные виды всех этих штук в вариациях титанов. Отдельного упоминания стоит массивная миссия ближе к финалу, где происходит огромная битва титанов против титанов. Выглядит очень масштабно, эпично и по полной раскрывает механики титанов в этой игре.

Но даже несмотря на свою очень короткую продолжительность в 4 часа, кампания слегка успевает задушить. Это касается первой половины игры и сегмента с платформингом по фундаментам зданий на заводе. Вся эта миссия в целом утомила из-за однообразного арт-дизайна, скучных арен и репетативного платформинга. Хорошо, что Винс Зампелла (ведущий геймдизайнер игры) понял, что кампания перестает увлекать и попытался удивить игрока с помощью дополнительных механик в миссиях второй половины. Особенно сильно мне (да и всем) зашла миссия с перемещением между прошлым и настоящим, на которой очень умело была завязана целая миссия, где стрельба на аренах заставляла тебя ориентироваться в пространстве сразу в двух времен. А так же здесь создали очень запоминающиеся паркур секции, играя на той же фишке со временем. Еще мне очень сильно зашла миссия с воздушной погоней. Именно в ней было больше всего адреналина и эпика лично для меня, а максимально быстрая зачистка кораблей врага с помощью уже полностью имеющегося мувмента под конец игры создавала незабываемые геймплейные ситуации.

Что слегка ещё разочаровало в игре - это боссы, потому что здесь они все выглядят одинаково. Это просто титан, чуть больше обычного моба с увеличенный полоской хп и повышенным уроном, которого нужно просто максимально удачно заспамить своим оружием. Единственный босс, который выделился здесь - это босс на том сам уровне с погоней в небе, потому что наверно единственный, кто имел очень интересную постановку и заставлял четко выцеливать и вечно контролировать арену вокруг себя, потому что постоянно летал в воздухе и не давал ни шанса на отдышку где-то за углом. Остальные челы базовые, даже финальная мишура.

По итогу кампания Тайтанфолл 2 - это очень динамичный, необычный и фановый шутерок на 4 часа. Тут базовая, но приятная история, крутые единоразовые механики и эпичные битвы на титанах, но однообразные боссы, уныленькое начало и скудненький ганплей если оценивать его отдельно от всего.

Titanfall 2 honestly has the most hype campaign I've ever played. Relatively short and fast-paced, but the devs made sure that every second counted.

I’m somebody who missed the initial Titanfall hubbub. Back in 2014 I was deep in the trenches of the console warfare, with my lot thrown in with the Playstation side, and I was years out from ever getting my hands on a PC. It’s when I first played Titanfall 2 five or six years back that I realized the true tragedy of that. If Titanfall 1 plays anything like its sequel, then I was missing out big time. I’ll admit, the game seems deceptively unremarkable on the surface.

The Titan mechs are the obvious draw of course, the spin on the traditional run-and-gun gameplay beyond the high octane movement that it already has otherwise. The balance they’ve found between making the titans neither overpowered nor underpowered is something that would leave any dev team green with jealousy. They’re strong, epic battle equalizers with firm limits that keep them fun to fight even as an on-the-ground pilot, be it with anti-titan weapons or by stealing the batteries directly from the Titans in a sneak attack. Moreover, each Titan has impressively varying abilities that allow for hunker down tactics, area denial crowd-control, blitz-based swordplay and many more playstyles. Similar to the story, Titanfall 2 very much rewards you for practicing your Titan tactics. Knowing when to drop and where to drop can make the difference between you being a one-man killing machine or being made into scrap metal. And with an average of 2-4 Titan call-ins a match you’ll get the hang of it in no time.

Miraculously, the boots on the ground parts of the match give the mechs a run for their money in terms of fun. Though ground is a loose truth seeing how often you’ll be midair, spraying and praying the day away. Wall-running, boost jumps, grapple hooks, and sliding are all commonplace in future shooters these days, but Respawn’s use of momentum is what truly elevates an already very polished experience. Be it the streamlined map design for both Titans and Pilots to shine, creative ability gadgets, or overall movement, every facet of Titanfall feels so good to play. It feels so excellent in fact that I actually wish the grapple hook ability was a permanent ability itself. It’s not the best competitively speaking, yet it raises the fun factor from a high 9 to a neck-breaking 10. So naturally, I require it be permanently grafted to my arm.

The story was short, even as far as shooters go. It introduced a good number of multiplayer gadget abilities and their mechanics, but I wish it had gone further with the trippy combining of multiple gadgets. Some massive time-parkour set pieces could be a milestone of cinematic gameplay if performed to its potential. We saw hints of that when held captive at that training facility by Ash, I just wanted more like it. That and the arcade-like boss fights with their little sassy intros. I could watch those all day. I had the ending spoiled to me beforehand, so maybe my expectations were too high for emotional beats, but even if I didn’t I’d still be surprised that they went with Glenn Steinbaum for BT-7274. During the whole game they’re clearing setting up a slow-burn friendship between yourself, Pilot Jack Cooper, and your newly acquired Titan, BT. Matthew Mercer is just fine as Jack Cooper, however Glenn is decidedly more monotone. Not in a “oh he’s a robot so he just sounds a bit off”, but in a “this guy is devoid of any emotional capacity beyond naivete” kind of way.

Luckily, the mediocre story mode being the lowest point of the game works just fine for me. In terms of multiplayer focused shooters, it does what it should set out to do, which is to keep me coming back again and again. After playing off-and-on the last couple of years on PS4 and PC I can freely say Titanfall 2 comfortably resides in my top 3 multiplayer PvPs of all time, something that I say with a LOT of experience behind me. It’s one of those rare titles where every moment in a match feels like it could be taken from a movie with how intense and badass each second fighting feels.

Granted it takes a bit of time getting into the handling of it, particularly when just coming from a different shooter. The floaty, fast movement is very different than your typical fanfare, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t cement itself as a A+ entry in the FPS Hall of Fame. Let me put it to you this way, I enjoy the franchise and its aesthetic so much that I own the wearable replica Jack Cooper helmet from the collector’s edition. If you’re curious what it looks like there’s pictures on my Twitter as well.

I'll be damned if the story made much sense to me, but it was an entertaining experience. Wish it was longer and explained what was happening better for those who're not familiar with it.

Although I didn't fall in love with the campaign as much as the rest of the world did (retroactively), from a design standpoint it may be one of the most perfect FPS single player exeperiences I've had. I know that is a weird statement to make, but I guess the best way to describe it is that I recognized the objective & mechanical excellence of the design on display here however it didn't grip me as strong personally as it could have. I would recommend this to literally everyone however: the movement controls are superb and have now kind of created the bedrock for the way modern FPS games play (they almost all have some kind of parkour/advanced movement mechanics), for the most part the difficultly scales at a solid pace and every new level is giving you a new environment & new abilities to keep things fresh.

That last element is I think the most important: the campaign is short & sweet so as to not overstay it's welcome, but pretty much every new environment or conditional ability is a cool one. The time skip level is an all-timer, jumping around the sky in the big satellite array is wonderful visually, everything stays fresh & exciting. I wasn't the biggest fan of the Titan combat after the fast & kinetic ground gameplay, but again it's a good shakeup to keep you on your toes and adaptable to the new challenges (though these encounters like the Viper fight got a little tedious at points). Even the story, while a little generic, does great character building between our protag & BT while providing very minor little elements to grow their relationship (the baseball throws and such). Great choice to make BT basically Optimus Prime too with his silky voice, but I digress.

A kind of perfect little game, that I could see myself attempting again to try to get all the helmets. Deserves the love.

Initially played this on PS4 when it was free on PS+, bought it on PC years later. Genuinely some of the most fun movement in a shooter along with some cathartic mech gameplay. A solid campaign and multiplayer package well worth the $30 asking price. Can't go wrong with giant robots... most of the time, anyway.

One of the most fun games I have ever played. The weapons maps multiplayer titans campaign everything is fantastic. The gameplay is buttery smooth and it's a shame there isn't a 3rd game.