Reviews from

in the past

Time management and terrible ai are what people will talk about. Unmatched atmosphere is why people will talk about it.

Som de pp ganho > som de level up > frank falando yeah

I can kill zombies with Street Fighter moves

Un reportero intentando conseguir una primicia de un pequeño incidente en un pueblo de USA... ¿qué podría salir mal?

Hace poco vi un comentario que se refería a esta entrega como "Walmart, the game".
Más allá de la broma, me parece bastante acertado.
El concepto de este juego es innovador, increíble, desde que te enteras de él te entra la curiosidad por jugarlo puesto que, esta vez no eres un soldado de élite superentrenado con una misión urgente, o un héroe ante un amenaza que representa el fin del mundo; eres la persona más ordinaria enfrentándose a un pequeño brote en un centro comercial, hiperreal, la ciencia ficción son los zombies, es todo.

Deadrising es una experiencia única quw vino a renovar el mercado de los videojuegos, terminándolo esperaba una secuela genuinamente porque la merece. Aun ahora estoy dudando si darle sus 4 estrellas o dejarlo en 3.5

El juego explora increíblemente bien la cantidad y las cosas que puedes ocupar como armas, además de ropa, comida, peinados y otros detalles pequeños, como obtener zumos en una batidora o calentar un sartén.

(A partir de aquí puede haber spoilers)

La historia se balancea bien entre el misterio, la comedia, el drama y contiene momentos únicos bien logrados acorde a cada una de las decisiones tomadas (aunque algunas no terminan de convergen del todo bien mas que por casualidad). Frank West es un verdadero ídolo, periodista, investigador, salvando supervivientes, eliminando un helicóptero de las fuerzas armadas, todo lo hace bien.

Comentar los diversos finales es entretenido, desde algunos donde simplemente espera a que vuelva el helicóptero por él, otros donde es capturado y golpeado por las fuerzas militares hasta algunos más heroicos donde se dedica a salvar a todos. Sin embargo todos sabemos que el verdadero final es dramático, un zombie se cuela en el helicóptero de su "amigo" y Frank acepta su muerte, no le queda nada, perdió a la gente que rescató, a los agentes de DHS, Isabela se fue... ver después de esta secuencia los créditos fue triste en su momento, genuinamente.
Pensé que la historia si podría acabar así, puesto que al estar desarrollado por japoneses, el juego se toma la libertad de criticar cómica, sutil e inteligentemente los vicios americanos, los bajos requerimientos de salud mental en sus trabajadores, el excesivo amor y pasión por la patria y las armas, los lugares más oscuros de la mente de las personas en un mundo sin ley ni orden, y el hombre siendo animal cuando se trata de su supervivencia, el final era así casi, un castigo divino. Sin embargo las buenas acciones de Frank lo redimen, la atractiva y encantadora Isabela lo rescata después de él haberla salvado a ella, es idílico, lo salva y le da esperanzas, plantea buscar una cura y salir de allí, sintetiza una cura basada en abejas reinas (futuro zombrex) y le da motivos para hacer un último esfuerzo. La prórroga es corta pero crucial, al final se salvan mas no todo es bello, el plan de Carlitos sigue en pie, dejando abierta una secuela de buena forma.

Dentro de los pocos defectos que incluiría en este juego (sobre todo si estás completamente perdido al empezar, es que genuinamente no tienes idea de la distribución del tiempo, así que lo puede hacer bastante cansado y monótono hasta que obtienes un nivel decente y te haces una idea del juego: o sea, haber muerto mínimo unas 20 veces o no logrado tu objetivo).

Y como consejos personales para evitar la lentitud del comienzo:
Si quieres un gran protip para evitarte esto es, enfócate primero en los logros antes que en la historia, tu primera partida haz el logro de matar 50,000 zombies; ve al estacionamiento y toma el auto, atropella a todos hasta la carnicería, toma el camión; haz la otra ruta (busca algún vídeo de YT) y así hasta llegar a los 50K, cuando lo logres tendrás suficiente experiencia para volver y esperar el helicóptero y desbloquear uno de los varios finales aparte de una super arma que te ayudará mucho.
Disfrútalo, es un gran juego.

I forgot how brutally punishing this game could be, more punishing still with the horrible survivor AI, my God. I feel spoiled by years of autosave features, because it's atrophied the necessity to always find save points for me.

This is still a fine, fun, game, but you have to approach it with the right frame of mind.

Dead Rising is one of the best zombie games of its time with a cast of colourful characters, an exciting setting, and a fun narrative. What shines in Dead Rising is the psychopaths littered through the mall. Each psychopath is interesting and offers a change of pace from the usual zombie killing. The weaponry in Dead Rising is also great with multiple tools at your disposal to take care of any zombies in your way. The only bad thing is that the controls are a bit outdated and can feel clunky to play.

A classic recomened by friends. I feel that this game has a beautiful simplictiy to it one that sequels kinda lost a bit. The final part of the true ending section is a bit drawn out and weakens a very tight experience.

First time returning to it in almost 20 years. Game's still a masterpiece.

Yes I love Chuck, but who doesn't love FRANK WEST BABY. Fun game, and if you want to replay it, it still doesn't play like shit and IS as good as you remembered it being!

It has a pretty great story and I love the simple and rough gameplay as well!! The war coverer himself probably has the be one of my favorite protags!

"WHAT?!" I hear you saying. "ONE STAR FOR THE MASTERPIECE THAT IS DEAD RISING 1?! HOW DARE YOU!!" And yeah, I don't like rating it that either. But the thing is I'm on PS4 and that version seems to be HORRIBLY optimized! So this isn't so much a 1 star review of Dead Rising, but rather its PS4 port

Dead Rising is a notoriously stringent game series, and under normal circumstances that would be fine. The problem is this version has crashed for me no less than 4 times. My PS4 games have crashed a few times, but it's a rare occurrence and all the crashes happened to me here within the first few hours of gameplay, meaning I haven't even beaten the first story quest! I got to Carlos, beat him, and then crashed. I got to Carlos again, beat him again, saved right after, found the scientist hiding in the store and crashed. This repeated another 2 times before I finally gave up

Back in the day, when I was poor, had no xbox and youtube was new, I did go through all of Dead Rising's story. I think it's a fine story with most of my gripes being things I don't like about zombie stories in general (i.e. I hate it when all my friends die!) But it's still a neat story, the bosses being the obvious standout of character design, and the gameplay is of course fun as all heck.

This is not a review: it is a warning. PLEASE do not buy this game on PS4, because this port port sucks so much. It's such a shame, because I would love to enjoy this game more than I currently can. Bleh

Really good gameplay and story, the only thing that throws me off is the clunky controls

Frank has camera; frank takes pictures with Camera.

Absolutely great dumb fun. Old engine can hold it back sometimes, just... don't try saving EVERYONE.

this game has zombies and a time management system how could it be bad

A fun and wacky zombie survival game that was frustrating to learn but fun to master and complete. Definitely not perfect but a really fun time. Glad I got the 7 day survivor achievement but never again.

Fast, fluid, bloody, and messy! Deadrising is the zombie game that we all needed for years. You could even argue with its extensive list of options and variety to destroy the dead, has been unmatched by any other game (besides the sequels). I've sunk hundreds of hours into the sequel, and I was just looking to experience this game. Not sure if I'll return for more playthroughs, but an enjoyable experience it was!

place your player in a sufficiently free space where they will notice how enclosed they are, move carefully, strategise your route, and above all watch where you are going because THE WALLS MOVEEEE!!! and they are called zombies.
add the fact that the game offers you to use any object as a resource for you to experience the struggle of survival, while constantly trying to save others who are going through the same thing. funny characters that in no way spoil the overall supremely atmospheric feel of the game. knows very well what the game is and genuinely offers his total honesty

nostalgia points carry heavy here.

I really liked this game! The constant need to rush is very stressful though

I covered wars you know. - Eu te amo Frank West

Jogo muito especial pra mim. Foi minha primeira platina... e minha CENTÉSIMA platina o remaster. (pode não ser as mais difíceis, mas são as que mais tenho orgulho!)

14 Days Survivor!

Bom jogo mas envelheceu muito mal

This review contains spoilers

For a game that is definitely outdated by today’s standards, the gameplay is still good just a bit clunky and awkward at times. The skills Frank gets are fun to use and add a lot more variety to the game, but don’t be fooled as there is obvious better weapons and not everything is equal in this game(the gun you get from special forces is crazy broken). The story for dead rising is honestly not that good and carlito is such a terrible villain and his motives for doing what he does is laughable at how he came to the conclusion that he did tbh. A lot of people in this game also act super weird and Frank our main character always throws me off with what he says. Like it could be a serious or sad moment and he shows no signs of empathy or has his camera out lmao. He gets better later in the game but the way he acted shocked me even if he is a photographer. All of the side bosses are good for the purpose they serve, and almost all of them are just so over the top that it’s funny and leaves them as memorable. Also the survivor ai is absolutely terrible in this game even knowing all of the mechanics. But anyways, Isabella Brad and Jessie were are fine but the way Jessie died was a lil corny. It serves as a great shock and the story really picks up from what was a lackluster one when she turns so I take it as a even trade off. So overall, if the last stretch of this game didn’t happen I probably would’ve gave this a 4 or 5 out of 10 rating.

Overall: 6/10