Reviews from

in the past

old kirby games make me happy

Very short, even with the extra harder mode but I still like this game a lot. Has this beautiful simplicity like Doom (1993)

I mean there are worse ways to spend 30 minutes of your time. 5 stages and one of them plays the Castle Lololo/Dynablade theme.

People always told me that Spring Breeze in Kirby Super Star Ultra was just a slightly shortened version of the original Kirby's Dream Land 1 but I didn't think they meant it THAT literally. I played this on a whim on the NSO and had a nice short time.

For a Gameboy game the controls are very tight (a staple of Masahiro Sakurai's work) and it's all the classic Kirby formula of manuevering around opponents and firing their attacks back at them when they leave themselves open. Not a whole lot to say, standard decent level design and challenge, and I thought it was pretty fun overall. Was cool to see Kirby's beginnings for myself. That said, it really showed me how much most of the fun in Kirby comes from the copy abilities, it does feel really lacking not having them sadly.

Still blown away they gave jigglypuff her own game

Criado como sendo um jogo de plataforma para pessoas que nunca viram um jogo na vida, Kirby é um jogo extremamente simples e charmoso que acabou se tornando um clássico e indispensável para qualquer coleção do Game Boy.
Rei Dedede mandou todo mundo passar fome e Kirby foi aplicar o velho golpe de estado, esse é o roteiro. A ideia de copiar habilidades não existia ainda, então tem que se contentar com apenas jogar um na cara do outro ou soprar no nariz, funciona também quase.

Canonicamente sua cor já era rosa, mas os americanos preguiçosos demais pra olhar a caixa japonesa, fizeram ele branco, é assim que tá na tela do GB mesmo kk

A Fun and really easy platformer, since it's almost impossible to lose by falling into a pit. Altough being accesible was the intention of the game, it does offer some quite difficult boss fights and levels in the extra game mode. It still amazes me that the extra mode actually changes stuff and gives new moves to the bosses and mini-bosses instead of just making the enemies do more damage. This first Kirby game is a short and entertaining experience.

Maksimum bir, bir buçuk saat süren keyifli bir gameboy oyunu. Günümüz şartlarında değerlendirmek elbette adil olmaz ama çıktığı zamanın çok ilerisinde, yenilikçi bir yaklaşıma sahip.

i got this from the now defunct Club Nintendo website and man for a Game Boy this was great!

This game is a good introduction to the series but was very short, I feel like the game lacked in some spots but its a beginning to a great franchise.

Cute, clever, fun platformer, and it only took me about an hour to beat. Lovely!

it's so nice and cool and cute i loved seeing kirby's origins and stuff agsjkdhbweknfje i hope one day i can make a video game as simple and charming as kirby <3

Really short, very breezy beginner platformer with a lot of charm but not much substance. It's a great way to spend 30 minutes of your time, maybe a bit more to beat the game's Extra Mode with bosses that require some thought to beat, but the Kirby series would only get better from here.

kirbys first romp!! eh

i like kirby though :)

its a fun enough platformer, but rather simple and barebones. dont expect to do almost anything you can in other kirby games, you can just suck and blow. swallowing enemies seems to be pointless, and there are only 5 levels and 5 bosses, with one of the levels just being a boss rush. it's also wayyyyy too short, you might beat it in around an hour, which might not sound too far off for an 8bit platformer, but most of those games were at least artificially lengthened in their difficulty (which admittedly can be annoying), this is just something short, bland and would have been forgotten had it not been for the fact that it spawned the series. not a bad game, but i will say just play its remake, kirby superstar on the snes

Kirby humble beginnings give me a humble amount of fun. Never a bad moment, but dull compared to the rest of the series.

Dreamland is a pretty bite sized Kirby game that takes about a hour or less to complete, but is pretty enjoyable for the time it lasts. A good bit of it feels like a more basic version of Kirby's Adventure, such as the bosses and enemies, but I'd still recommend playing it due to still being fun. At this point Kirby doesn't get powerups from enemies yet so it plays a lot simpler than future games. If I had any complaints, it would be that Kracko is a bit too annoying of a fight, and King Dedede seems a lot more rough than his variation in adventure.

Second playthrough, still a quick fun Game Boy game. Of course it would be more fun if we could take on the powers but the concept of Kirby early on was so fun.

Kirby Dream Land (1992): Un soplo de aire fresco en una época en la que añadir enemigos sin ton ni son y joder al usuario hacía de la dificultad sinónimo de "bueno". Aquí será un paseo, pero se nota el buen diseño y la intención de hacerlo divertido. Muy cortito, eso sí (6,80)

Fun, cute, very short (45 mins) game. The standouts were the music and animation and world. The boss gauntlet at the end was whatever, but I feel like that's just how some games were made back then.

Cortico, pero para pasar el rato.

enjoyable brief experience, not a bad introduction to the kirby franchise.

Jogo curtinho, pode ser meio chatinho em algumas fases, mas muito legalzinho de jogar =D

Honestly I'm not the biggest Kirby fan but I figured I'd finish this one. There's really not a whole lot to it. It's a short and sweet game and that's what it was trying to set out to do, but I feel like there's better Kirby games you could settle for.