Reviews from

in the past

The first Gameboy game I ever bought for myself was this. My dad had passed down his OG gameboy along with Tetris and Kwirk, but Kirby's Dreamland was special in it was the first one I got of my own volition. I still remember buying it for $5 at the flea market back in the day. I still remember first discovering I could play original Gameboy games on my GBA because of this game. In fact, this might've been my first ever Kirby game period (it was either this or Return to Dreamland). I've played this game several times prior to this, and even now, it was still fun.

The game is quite short, only taking around an hour or less to beat, but I think that's actually really nice with a game like this. It does not overstay its welcome and if it was way longer, idk if I'd like it much. This is the first Kirby game and so it's super simple. There's only 5 stages in the game, with a boss at the end of them. It's really not that hard of a game at all, that's what Kirby is known for and it applies to his first game as well. Copy abilities weren't a thing at all until Adventure, so the gameplay in this is super simplistic. But like I said, it's short so I don't really have much of an issue with it.

For a Gameboy game, this has a super nice soundtrack. Every single song is memorable, though maybe that's also because I've played this several times, but I think a big reason for that besides them being good is the fact they get reused a lot in later games. I think the only song I haven't heard in later games is the spicy curry theme, all the rest are iconic whether it's Green Greens or the invincibility lollipop theme or Dedede's theme. Kirby has been known to never have a bad soundtrack and yeah it applies here too.

Something I'm not really much of a fan of is extra mode. I tried it out a bit again here but I still can never get far. I've never beaten it before but it's because instead of being a bit harder, it goes full into bullshit mode and not only do I not find that fun, it doesn't feel fitting for Kirby. Kirby's known for easy main playthroughs but hard side content but it's too much in this game I feel.

I never found this game amazing at all but I have fond memories with this one. It's one of the better Gameboy games I've played for sure. I plan on going through every Kirby game eventually now so consider this the start of my Kirby reviews cuz yeah I'm gonna review most of them. Don't expect it to be like my Mario Kart marathon tho since there's way more Kirby games and I don't wanna get burnt out lol.

Edit: Bumped up to a 7

Just pure, simple good fun shit. I beat this for the first time while sitting on the toilet in about 30 mins (in one sitting) .

Being the first Kirby game and being the only mainline game without his iconic copy ability, it essentially feels like a Kirby's Adventure beta. Yet despite not having his copy ability, it's still a lot of fun to play through and makes bosses actually have some challenge and methodology as you need to wait for opportunities to attack, as opposed to spamming your best copy attacks. It makes me want to do no-copy runs of other Kirby games for that same challenge.

Good shit. Simple shit. Fun shit. Has aged gracefully and is still an excellent 2D platformer.

As I have made perfectly clear throughout past reviews, I absolutely love the Mega Man franchise, and I have considered it my absolute favorite video game series for a very long time. However… it wasn’t always my favorite series of video games. Before I had my undying love for the blue bomber, I had an undying love for the Kirby franchise as well, a love that I still hold onto to this very day. Ever since I first experienced Kirby Squeak Squad on the DS as a young lad, I have had nothing but pure adoration for this series, playing almost all of the games at this point, and having almost nothing but good things to say for every single one. To this day, I still consider Kirby to be my second favorite video game franchise of all time, right behind Mega Man, and I doubt anything could ever come along to change that. So, I figured for my 300th review on this website (jesus christ, I have wasted my life away), I figured I would finally give this series the love it deserves with its very first entry, Kirby’s Dream Land.

I don’t quite remember when exactly I first played this entry in the Kirby series, but I know for sure that it was after I played plenty of the later (and significantly better) games in the series, so going back to where it all began originally was kind of rough, especially with what had been established in later games. However, I was able to look past that for the most part, and judge it on its own merits, as well as how it works as the first in the series. So, as a whole, I think Kirby’s Dream Land is still a decent game, and a nice little introduction for this character into the world of video games. Sure, it does have its issues, and it doesn’t even come close to the quality of later titles in the series, but for what it does, it does its job well enough, and I still consider a fun little breather title.

The story is NOT about saving any specific individual, but instead saving all of the food for an entire world, so you know, I’d say that is probably a more important thing to fight for at the end of the day, the graphics are Game Boy graphics, but for as simple as the sprites are, they still look pretty good, having that distinct look you wouldn’t see from too many other titles at the time, the music holds up incredibly well to this day, even if later games would take these tracks and improve on them significantly, the control is simple and basic, but that is all that the game really needs, and the gameplay is quick, simple, and lacking any kind of complexity, but it still manages to be sufficient all the same.

The game is a simple 2D platformer, where you take control of the pink-living-blob monstrosity known as Kirby, go through several small, yet enjoyable levels, suck up and swallow or spit out any enemy that just so happens to walk in your path, gather plenty of health items, powerups, and extra lives along the way, and defeat a set of bosses filled with plenty of faces that will be recurring threats throughout the series. It is about as basic as basic gets when compared to other platformers at the time, with the only real differences to make the game stand out being the art style, characters, and Kirby’s main method of attack (which isn’t even original either). Despite how simplistic it is though, again, as the first game in the series, there is something charming about it, and it makes it memorable even after over 30 years.

That being said though, alluding to what I mentioned earlier, this game could be a little hard for new players or fans of the other Kirby games to get into it. Not because the game is bad or hard, but because of how basic it really is. This was back before the copy ability became a staple in the Kirby series, and while there are some powerups in this game that could be seen as precursors to copy abilities, such as with The Curry and the Mint Leaf, they pale in comparison to future copy abilities, and you can only use them for a limited amount of time. Now, that’s not to say that a Kirby game couldn’t work without copy abilities, because as shown with games like Kirby’s Epic Yarn and Kirby Mass Attack, you can make a fun and memorable Kirby game without them as long as you have another interesting gimmick to tie it all together, which the original game does not have. This all isn’t necessarily the game’s fault, but still, it is noteworthy for those who want to try it out at some point later.

Now, in terms of actual problems that this game has, there are few, but the few that are there are pretty noteworthy to mention. First of all, and most importantly of all, the game is REALLY FUCKING SHORT. Seriously, you can beat it in under 20 minutes, it is that short. I guess it is somewhat understandable, as it was made to be more accessible to new gamers, and it was a Game Boy title, but at the same time, you could’ve put in plenty of other levels and elements to try to make it last for at least an hour, not 20 or less minutes. Thankfully, there is somewhat of a remedy to that issue, as there is an Extra Game included, which is basically the same game again, except much more challenging, but that is just playing through the game again, with little to no new content. But hey, at least you get a Sound Test from it!........ one that is completely irrelevant, due to things like the internet, but hey…….. it is nice to have.

The second, shorter problem that I have with the game is that it has a boss rush on the last stage, and as you can imagine, it is the worst part of the game, even if it doesn’t take that long to get through. It’s not as if this is the only time a Kirby game would have a boss rush, but at least with future games, they were either delegated to a separate mode like with The Arena, or if they were included in the main game, they only used mini bosses for it rather then main ones. But here, you gotta fight all of the bosses once again, with no changes made to them whatsoever, and it just seems like padding for the sake of padding……. which would be more appreciated for this game, but not like this.

Overall, despite having some length issues and an unnecessary boss rush, Kirby’s Dream Land is still a small, sweet, and enjoyable game that anyone can pick up and enjoy to a degree, whether they are a bonafide Kirby fan or not. I would definitely recommend it for both Kirby fans or ones who wanna get into the series, as it is, appropriately, one of the best places to start. And thankfully, the quality of the games only goes up from here (for the most part). Also, nice to see that HAL Laboratory remembered Lolo and Lala exist with this game. You know, before they threw them back in their closet of dead mascots until the next time they wanna use them as a boss.

Game #300

I don't have a review for this, it's 30 minutes long, 5 levels, and came before anything that made Kirby what it actually is. Movement can feel a little slow at times, I guess.

no like what am i supposed to say about this it didn't even last long enough for me to like or dislike it lmao
i knew it wouldn't which is exactly why i chose to just run through it but i'm still left feeling very

5/10 game

Mods, exterminate Kracko's entire clan. Thank you.

This review contains spoilers

With Kirby's 32nd anniversary being right around the corner, I have decided to return to this sweet trip of a game! Kirby's original debut on the Gameboy! How has it held up after all these years?

Starting off with the controls of the game, Kirby's Dream Land's controls hold up rather well! Although unlike future entries in the series it lacks a run button, therefore Kirby is a little slower than he usually is nowadays, however in a way it helps this game! As it's already rather short, the game likely beaten in under half an hour if you know it well enough. Since this is the first game in the series it's roots stem from here, unlike every other mainline game in the series, Kirby's Dream Land lacks copy abilities! Which have been a major part of the series ever since their debut in Kirby's Adventure. However Kirby inhaling enemies and objects before spitting them out works just as well back here as it does now, which is good since you'll be using that to your advantage for most of the game. Lastly about the controls are the items! Such as the mint leaf changing up the gameplay to a shoot 'em up style of game within Kabula's boss fight in the skies. The spicy curry which lets you spit out flames to attack enemies with a blaze. Alongside food items to regenerate Kirby's health, allowing Kirby to take just a few more hits once more. Plus a few extras like the bomb. They all together spice up the gameplay just a bit more, making the general experience a bit more varied. With all of this in mind, the controls of this game are pretty decent!

Before we even tackle the levels themselves, there is also the intro cards! They all together give the game some extra packed-in personality. For example in Green Greens, Kirby chases after a butterfly before suddenly being chased off by multiple at once. Or in Float Islands where Kirby fishes up a fish, only to inhale it and get the fishing rod stuck in his mouth! Things like this make the game much more charming! And for such a small package on the Gameboy it really fits in a lot of charm.

As for the levels themselves, they're all rather unique from each-other! From the classic Green Greens to Mt. Dedede, something I appreciate about these levels are their backgrounds, which all end up standing out from eachother with their fun pixel-filled fun. Sometimes they even change mid level! Take this example in Green Greens, the first level in the game. One moment Kirby is standing in a grassy, hill filled landscape, before taking a trip on a warpstar to a nearby forest! It feels like you've genuinely made progress! Moving onto the level designs themselves, they're alright. They work for a first game but they're nothing too ground breaking, it's a Gameboy platformer alright!

The last main thing to mention is the end-game, Mt. Dedede! Which has a banger soundtrack, just like this game does in general! Each theme memorable, fitting their theming well. The final level's intro starting with Kirby crashing into the king's castle, as a short retour of all previous levels are replayed! Among all four bosses brought with them, Whispy Woods is first and is short and simple overall, avoid getting hit by the apples and spit them back out, working well for the first boss of the game. Next up is Lololo and Lalala who push boxes around a more enclosed environment, making it a little harder for Kirby to attack, this expanding more on Whispy's fight and generally teaching the player to be more precise with their movement. This is followed by Kabula within the sky! Definitely being the most unique fight in the game, which is appreciated! Kracko then being the last one fought before the end-game, yet is cleared if you're careful enough, they're personally the one I typically struggle myself with most out of all the bosses in the game! Once all four original bosses are fought, it's time for the king himself!

King Dedede! With a total of ten health points total, ends up being the longest and most gruelling fight in the game, fitting for the final boss you'll fight here. Once you recognise his patterns his fight ends up being short yet sweet as for the first time of many, the king falls to the pink puffball as he is blown out of his castle. The credits then beginning to roll, kick-starting the two's rivalry in future games as my favourite music track in the game plays. As Kirby carries the castle, bringing back all the stolen food to the residents of Dream Land as he flies off in the sunset, before one final bye-bye. Closing off the main game and unlocking extra mode! Which is an extra challenge for real veterans, I myself didn't really check it out but if you want one final tough challenge, there's your cue.

Overall even though the Kirby series has massively expanded in quality since, this game is very charming! While very short and quickly beaten. It's an experience well-played. With five levels total with fun and chirpy music alongside them, it's a solid foundation that brought the pink puff to fruition. Certainly one of the best experiences of the Gameboy library!

This was my first Kirby game and I liked it a lot!

It feels right at home on the original Gameboy. The 30min playtime is perfect for a bus ride or a quick playthrough right before falling asleep. I truly believe the Gameboy was meant for short-form, miniature experiences like this.

Although I know it lacks a lot of the series staples (namely Kirby’s copy ability), it’s still really fun to shoot enemies as projectiles. The bosses are short and sweet and easy to read. The final boss rush feels like an appropriate challenge without going overboard.

The Extra Game is kinda ridiculous though!! I only played up until the midpoint of the fourth level and gave up. I Game Overed twice. It’s nice that it only makes you replay the level if you lose all your lives though. Maybe one day I’ll beat the Extra Game but it’s just kinda too crazy for me right now. A lot of onscreen projectile spam, evil enemy patterns, and you take twice as much damage – it’s a lot to handle.

Still, I don’t think you can go wrong with the main game. Very fun.

A fascinatingly quaint start to what would eventually become one of the most iconic mascots in gaming history. Even as early as the Game Boy, the series' trademark charm and attention-to-detail is on full display between the world-transition cutscenes, reaction sprites and generally high unique frame counts on character animation (particularly on Dedede; even on a black and white (or puke green) screen, that lad is larger than LIFE). This, coupled with wonderful character/enemy designs and a legitimately fantastic and instantly memorable soundtrack (with special mention going to Green Greens, Mint Breath and Mt. Dedede in particular) and Dream Land certainly leaves a lasting impression on you in the visual and auditory department.

However, for as much as it does well in those areas, Dream Land has got issues APLENTY. Its gameplay, while not bad by any means, is almost mind-numbingly simple compared to literally every other entry in the series for one simple yet ever-so-crucial reason: the complete absence of Copy Abilities. What made the series into its signature infinitely-customisable action platformer identity is strikingly missing in the beginning, leaving DL as a game lacking the punch of later titles, particularly in the boss fights which end up as ‘wait for this attack’ a heck of a lot more than stuff like Super Star or even Adventure. Another aspect which is perhaps more notorious is Dream Land’s exceptionally tiny length, with a full playthrough taking at most half an hour to accomplish. Sure, Extra Mode is certainly a nice first-time completion bonus that extends play-time to a serviceable degree (even if bosses like Kracko make me want to tear my heart out), but having such a short length makes an already repetitive adventure feel even less impactful by the time the credits roll.

Overall, Kirby’s Dream Land is very much a case of style over substance: what’s here is undoubtedly decent and would lay the groundwork for almost every entry going forward. However, between the excessively simple gameplay and nowadays criminal amount of run-time, there’s little to no reason to play this one when dozens of better alternatives have existed for so many years at this point. Still, for Kirby superfans such as myself, it’s definitely a charming novelty to run through every once in a while to see where the pink puffball got his initial start before blossoming into the adorable destroyer of gods we know him as today.

can’t believe this is what passed for fun to millennials 😭

A solid first attempt at the Kirby formula, still fun all these years later despite its short length and low difficulty.

It's fine. Gets a bit boring after a while, but the game is incredibly short at under 30 minutes.


Only just found out this game had an "Extra Game" mode, and that it is evil.

Decent game

My first foray into the Kirby Series, decided to start with the little guys first adventure, Kirby's Dream Land on the Game Boy.

I had no idea what to expect when going in, all I knew is that Kirby could inhale enemies and steal their powers. My only experience with the greedy little marshmallow was through the Super Smash Bros franchise.

I am delighted to say that I am pleasantly surprised with how good this little game is, and I now understand why this series is so popular. I will definitely be coming back to this series in the future to check out what else is on offer.

So, it's a 2D platformer on the Game Boy, but it offers a unique and easy to understand control scheme and level layout. Theres only 5 levels with a boss at the end of each, so it should only take 45 to 60 minutes to complete, even completely blind. It's also extremely easy with very little challenge, but that doesn't seem to matter because what's on offer here is so delightfully charming, that you'll spent that hour or so smiling and humming away.

Kirby controls better than Mario on the Game Boy which shocked me. He can inhale enemies, fire them back at other enemies and float infinitely with a press of the up button. It's very intuitive after playing for a couple on minutes. That's really all their is to it. The stages are all very short and easy to follow with a some-what limited variety of enemies, all of which are charming, cute and easy to deal with. There is a little challenge (and I do mean a little) with one or two of the bosses, but it's nothing a 6 year old shouldn't be able to handle.

Actually, this would make a superb game to get kids into gaming. Yes it's old, but Kirby is such a lovable little dude that kids will love him right away and with the lack of challenge, younger players will get immense satisfaction with beating baddies and completing stages. I'd imagine that it's very engaging. As an adult, you could probably skip over it but it's great if you have an hour or so to kill and haven't played it before.

The music is all brilliant. The little chip-tune melodies are real ear worms and should be instantly recognisable to any Smash Bros players, including some of the enemies, items and the big bad guy, King Dedede.

For Game Boy platformers, I'd actually chose this over Mario Land 1, 2 and maybe even Super Mario bros Deluxe on the Game Boy Color. Top stuff by HAL!

Kirby's Dream Land is the first entry to feature the then-monochrome titular mascot Kirby and is pretty much the foundation of every single other 2D platformer to come out of this franchise, a simple yet bubbly and cutesy adventure through Dream Land that doesn't last very long, but it feels right at home with the hardware is in with its very accessible controls and softer curve of difficulty. It's short and sweet, but there's not much to it besides the variety of scenarios you're put in, the bosses themselves or beating the game again in the harder Extra Mode you unlock after beating it for the first time.

kirby's been my favourite little nintendo dude since smash bros first let me suck up my opponent and hurl us both to our doom, but I never spent much time with their games. that's gonna change... this could be the year of the kirb

despite the lack of colour, kirby's dream land feels vibrant; bursting with jubilant charm. so well realized thru expressive spritework and sound design that the limitations of the gameboy's colour palette seem to melt away

very short + syrupy sweet, it packs about as many imaginative ideas as possible in the 30~ minutes it takes to finish a standard run. from the distinct air mobility, to the iconic suck, to warping on stars, hollering into microphones, spitting fire, doing synchronized dances, dropping bombs, fighting an STG boss, and being shot into the clouds by a whale — kirby arrives remarkably fully formed, and does so with an abundance of trademark chaotic whimsy

while power thieving would end up being the final piece that brought the character together, it's hard not to think of this as a resounding success — a sugar rush that hits on everything it intends to and then leaves as quick as it arrived. my limited exposure to subsequent games tells me it only gets better from here, but here is a pretty lovely place to be too


O primeiro joguin do balãozinho rosa

Sabe quando você ta cansado de desafios e quer jogar algo tranquilo pra relaxar? Então, Kirby é o jogo perfeito pra isso e até mesmo o primeiro da franquia tem essa pegada casual, fácil e simples pra você só sentar e se divertir, mas ó calma ai calabreso não ache que porque eu falei que o jogo é fácil, que você não vai falhar em nenhuma parte, se tu for meia boca em plataforma que nem eu tenho certeza que algum boss ai vai te prender por uns 5 minutinho KKKKK

Mas enfim, Kirby's Dream land é divertido a beça achei genial a trilha sonora e o estilo de gameplay dele pra época, de fato um jogo pra todo mundo tanto pros antigos em plataforma, quanto pra quem também é novo

Joguei esse aqui pela coleção la de Nintendo Wii, mas não deu pra marcar no site, se tu tiver essa coleção ai e quiser jogar essa versão, pode ir que é muito boa e os controles tão funcionando muito bem

Another cis white male protagonist. Bro's a real consoomer, look at who he be stocking in his belly. I can't believe Sakurai invented Nikocado. In a sea of very simplistic design... well, Kirby doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. But he still does in a way? I think the trick is that he literally looks like a thumb. I'll need to see him with realistic feet to think otherwise. hmu with those feet pics HARD pause on that one. You know it's good when it's not good BUT most of Kirby's movement has remained the same to this day. Spitting air, sucking the homies, being able to float... forever... and ever... he's done them all. Then he learns how to slide. Mega Man, Crash... the pattern is there. Sliding is an acquired talent and you should all respect it.

It's like one sixth of Kirby Super Star but clunky. I can spot some differences, like dogshit enemies who have no place in the most chill platforming series. The bosses are good, you can beat up Bonnie & Clyde Puyo Puyo lookin ahh during their customer service, or boneless schmup jumpscare. They count for a good chunk of the game.. being this short. Wowzers! I could finish this game in the timespan mama took cooking up a dinner. This is either a powerful statement about my mother's commitment to a failure of a child or the utter confidence of HAL in this game. I'm lean ing second because I'm twisting the truth to fit my agenda: they knew Kirby was HIM 💯

Everyone is trying to grope Kirby in the game, and that even extends to level intros. Don't bite the hand that feeds on youuuu womp womp 😢 in the wake of all these open world games, perhaps the game's simplicity can win you over. I still can't quite hook you on it. Not sure I want to. Just play the whole game in Super Star, unless you have an unmorbid curiosity. I want to precise "unmorbid" because this is a safe space here. Like his belly. Enemies respawn, so they must be okay. The "Kazuma Kiryu has never killed anyone" discourse could be held in the same level of intensity here while studying our pink ball. He must have done something at some point to anger so many nightmarish abominations. That, or Planet Popstar and its entire milky way is bait for your evilship. That's why the lack of such concepts in the first game is a bresh of fresh air. You should beat the shit out of an obese penguin. The peace all warriors strive for.

I can't with that guy, here's an individual review of levels:

Green Greens : the guy who named this better have been fired. That's where you realize all the items are food, and the danger of sugary overdose on more people than its consumer. Excuse my gyatt, but the microphone being a whole ahh item is so outta pocket. More insults towards my boy, I see... I know he can signgn....

Castle Lololo: why do they get a castle? is there a damn ball monarchy? If Dedede condones this... well, they're his underlings, so politics do have their place in Kirby. It has silly ghosts. In general I do not think the castle passes any sane government's standard of health. It's on sight Bonnie & Clyde Puyo Puyo lookin ahh

Float Islands: the island is NOT floating. I shouldn't have to adress the elephant in the room, but that's the truth. You can board a ship, but the ship itself does seem to hold a grudge against you. Everyon's so mean to me 🍑 😢😢

Bubbly Clouds: Good heavens! Literally. We've got a good heaven (>.<) somehow, the most interesting level? There's a moon that heals you. Well ngl ngl the common consensus is that touching the moon is ok but touching the sun is DEATH. The internet was right. Better credit it than actual scientists i did enough politicking in castle lololol

Mt. DeDeDe: beat his ass! Why is it spelled like that? Woke as shit. Pass the yuri and have a nice christmas I bettah not see yo ass in here again!! sees his ass in here again in subsequent entries

Kirby depois de ter inalado muito gás hélio, não consegue mais copiar os poderes dos inimigos. Veja matéria a seguir.

A história é que o Rei Dedede roubou toda a comida de Dream Land e Kirby vai derrotar o Dedede e ainda levar toda a comida de volta. (bem curtinha, igual o jogo em si)

Este é o primeiro jogo do kirby e para os padrões de hoje em dia ele ainda continua relativamente bom e jogavel mas bem curtinho (tipo eu zerei esse jogo em 1h kkkkkk) e as musicas do jogo para mim ficaram melhores aqui que no Kirby Adventure (mas lá também tem umas musicas melhores que aqui também :V) e com tudo isso esse jogo ganha um 6/10.

I have literally nothing to say about this game. It certainly is a game that I played for 20 minutes and beat without any issues. It's interesting to see te roots of the Kirby franchise but this game on it's own is just not interesting at all. Its a fine platformer for the Game Boy. The controls are very barbaric and outdated but whatever. I don't recommend this to anyone. At all. It's not bad enough to be appalling and it's not good enough to be praised in any way. It is a game that exists.

O melhor: Um jogo de plataforma onde você pode voar sempre soa interessante
O pior: Apenas um boss é um shmup
Masahiro Sakurai: Começa sua lenda aqui

Plataforma simples e curto, mas muito bem executado. Uma das principais características do Kirby, roubar poderes dos inimigos, ainda não é feita nessa jogo, onde ele é só uma bolota com um buraco negro no estõmago. Ele é tão curto que não tem muito o que ser dito a respeito, o desafio maior está na última fase (boss rush) e na dificuldade extra liberada após terminar o jogo uma vez. O grande mérito é que já aqui o Kirby exala carisma, especialmente no final.

Super simple, and I respect that, but it's also really short. Gotta say it's visually super nice, though.

very solid game, definitely aged well (whatever that means) and still a ton of fun. i appreciate how short it is, and how it has all the concessions in the world for someone who's bad at videogames (and, optionally, ways to make it harder).

honestly not a ton to say about the game, you could probably play it in under an hour with minimal difficulty. very easy to recommend

A very short and sweet introduction to the Kirby series. Kirby's Dream Land is nothing mind-blowing, but it's a simple and enjoyable way to kill a lunch break's worth of time nonetheless. The sprite work and animation give the game a hearty dose of charm and character, and the moment-to-moment gameplay, while very simplistic, is generally satisfying enough to carry the experience despite the very low difficulty. And while it may be incredibly short (you're looking at half an hour, tops), it at the very least does a good job at not overstaying its welcome. A very pleasant time all around.

Short and sweet.

It's missing the final part of the puzzle; the copy abilities from adventure, but everything else is here.

Really charming, no wonder it spawned such a successful franchise. Also the music is fantastic.

Maybe my most replayed Gameboy game as a kid, in part because of how brisk it is. King DeDeDe drove me crazy the first time I got to him, but after umpteen-jillion playthroughs he was a pushover. So fun, such memorable bosses, glad they went on to make him pink instead the plain white from this box art though

This is the first Kirby's game ever made, but i don't think that it has aged very well.

First of all, let's talk about the positives:
This game's graphics are really good for the Game Boy, there are some big and detailed sprites.
The soundtrack is by far the best aspect of the game, some classic levels and musics of the series were created here, like green greens.
Also, some enemies that appear in the series to this day are on this game, like Whispy Woods.

So, why this game isn't a good experience?
It's is because it feels incomplete, it seems like kirby is a good idea that needs to be developed further.
In this game, Kirby can't absorb enemy's abalities, so he can only throw them into other enemies, it makes the gameplay boring sometimes.
It is also a really easy game, which doesn't seem unusual when we are speaking about Kirby, but here it is a problem because the game is also very short, I beat it in less than 30 minutes.
Even the Kirby's design wasn't finished yet, he is white on the box art, instead of pink.

In conclusion, this isn't a bad game, just feel like prototype of what the series would become, and it's not very fun to play. I would recommend this game only if you want to know how the Kirby series began.

spend an hour or so with kirby whydontcha?