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Una divertida aventura variada y llena de giros que consigue entretener todo el rato. El único problema que le veo es que a veces no llegan en lo técnico a las ideas que tienen en mente.

Una historia llena de giritos y una ambientación chulísima para un juego estupendo que bebe mucho de otros como Limbo o Inside, pero dependiendo más de un excelente reparto para contar su historia.

Los cambios de perspectiva y de jugabilidad funcionan muy bien y, si bien algunas partes (principalmente las que son en 3D) son algo menos interesantes, lo he disfrutado un montón de principio a fin.


A story full of twists and a really cool setting for a great game that takes a lot of inspiration from others like Limbo or Inside, but relying more on a very strong cast to tell its story.

The changes in perspective and gameplay work really well and, although some parts (mostly the 3D ones) are a bit less interesting, I had a great time with it all the way through.

American Arcadia is a side scroller based on a very interesting story that's best played without being spoiled.

It's rather complicated to talk about the gameplay without spoiling things, but the game includes puzzles and fairly classic side scrolling where you sometimes have to make the right choices and use the right elements in order to move forward.

Visually, the game has a fairly classic look for a game of this genre, with low-poly 3D. The scenery and characters are quite pretty, without necessarily being breathtaking. Don't be a fool. But the visuals suit the game rather well.

From a music and sound design point of view, the game is pretty good, with well-tuned music that adds to the different scenes.

Finally, from a story point of view, which I think is the most important and interesting aspect of this game, despite the fact that the story has already been told in other media, the developers have done a very good job of coming up with a coherent story with slightly endearing characters.

In conclusion, I think American Arcadia is a pretty cool game with an interesting story that's well worth the money.

The different gameplays, each specific to each character, and a captivating scenario really keep us hooked until the end.
The design, atmosphere and graphics are stunning. There are a lot of details creating a great immersion.
Plus, there are a whole bunch of pop culture references, I’m always a good audience for that.
For me, it’s a very good mix between a platform and narrative game.

ough I liked the concept of truman show meets epcot but i had the wrong impression of the gameplay iguess.

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A really fun puzzle platformer from the call of the sea peeps. Split between a side scroller and brief first person sections, your goal is to help a hapless victim escape a Trumanesque situation. Lots of chase sequences and puzzle solving to move things forward also accompanied by a filmic soundtrack that really set the tone for this fun thriller.

The destination makes the journey worthwhile.

i wish this was real (i've learnt nothing from my experience with the game)

really fun and creative gameplay, and a pretty great story, but suffers from obnoxious "social media pills" and "pikachu using a human on a phone as a horse" messaging and investing really heavily on the worlds most predictable plot twist
still really good just kinda stupid sometimes

Everyone knows this is based incredibly heavily off Truman Show, but even though I could see their inspiration from a mile away, it was enjoyable.

I especially liked the switching between the "interview" and the "action" - great way to make the narrative seem interesting. The town and its premise were also nice.

I can't say it was fun to do segments where I had to control both characters at one - one non-spoilery segment, for example, required me to control the protagonist using one set of buttons, and simultaneously control a different character (that controls a CCTV camera) - the idea behind it is good, but it requires a lot of fast micromanagement, to the point where it is detrimental to the fun.

The gameplay is mostly pretty basic, with only a couple interesting puzzles. Art direction with its juxtaposition of 1970's and modern day is nice. Voice acting is really, really good, Yuri Lowenthal slayed.
Characters were good enough, though Angela was really annoying. The meta-commentary on how capitalism consumes counter-movements into itself is a nice twist on a Truman show plot.

shallow characters, boring puzzles, exposition, exposition and more exposition. the most fun I had playing this game was trying to do bunny hops while using trevor.
also I HATE it when white people write "hispanic" characters and all they do is make them speak spanish at random every once in a while, yeah, remind me that you are puerto rican, yeah, love it when they use it to excuse when the character doesnt have a personality, just make them a minority, that will work, that will make them interesting!
atleast the ending is good, which is not a big deal since is very underwhelming and not worth it for what you have to go through

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One of the best endings I've seen in a while for a game.

It's a game that made me happy about completing it, there a lot of good ideas with different quality in executions, but in the end it's all worth it.

It takes a good story to the end by enriching it with a better presentation.
The fact that it offers different POVs for a change of pace in the side-scrolling style is a good plus, and I really liked the puzzles in the game.
Let's not forget to praise the pop culture references and beautiful music.

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American Arcadia is fine. It's better than fine in a couple respects. The visuals are great, not in the sense of the most stunning graphics, but just good art, a lively colour palette and a consistent and coherent 70s theme (bar those portions of the game set in the present day). The music, including original songs like Don't Be a Fool is great. The voice acting is pretty good, even.

I liked the story just fine, too. It was amply sufficient to draw me along for the game's brisk 6 hour runtime. It had a couple nice beats to it: I like how reprogramming Trevor to be less afraid so he can follow through on escaping also makes him courageous and rebellious enough to try to free everyone. There was a twist at the end, but it wasn't particularly mind-blowing, and in any case I don't think the whole story depended on the shocking reveal to be effective.

But as a game, it's just OK. The puzzles are perfectly OK. Mostly they're speed bumps, but there's a few that are slightly more difficult, and take just long enough to be almost irritating. The exception is some of the stealth sections, where you have to time running between cover based on whether guards are looking in your direction. That's fine, but it's easy to fail these sections because you're a few pixels out of place. That's fine, too, but occasionally you run into poor checkpointing, such that you have to listen to some line of dialog many times before you get to attempt the tricky part again. That gets annoying. None of the puzzles felt particularly original, nor did I feel the kind of "ah hah!" solution moments you get in something like Baba is You.

Besides puzzles, there's platforming, and it's fine, but not particularly good. In particular, Trevor's movement feels... clumsy. Admittedly that's consistent with his character, but it's not exactly fun. You can't expect every game to feel as tight as Celeste, but they could have done better here.

I think the best comparison for this game is Playdead's Limbo: it's kinda a platformer, you're stuck on a 2D plane and you do some light puzzle stuff. Though obviously this game is much less bleak than Limbo, and the first-person sections bring some welcome variety.

It also reminded me of Double Fine's Headlander. I think their colour palettes and esthetics are similar, though Headlander was more creative and had better puzzles, as I recall.

I got this game on sale, and it was a mere six hours, so I have no problems with it. I had played the developer's previous game, Call of the Sea, and liked it for what it was, so I wasn't expecting anything earth shattering here. At the price, this is a perfectly good palate cleanser in between longer or more involving games.

This is a great adventure game, but the reason I loved it was the setting and worldbuilding (and Yuri Lowenthal) were utterly captivating to me

A thoroughly enjoyable story with gripping characters and a never-ending spiral into madness. It's only about 10 hours, but ever hour is incredible. The puzzles can be challenging, but not overly difficult. The only thing is that some border on tedious, and I encountered a few bugs. All in all, if you want to play this, read NOTHING about it, and play through without looking anything up. It's better this way. I'll probably 100% it eventually.

Great concept with good platforming mechanics, except the 3D sections

Al final de un juego que tiene plataformas de mentira, sigilo de mentira, puzzles de mentira, una trama distópica haciendo críticas de mentira sobre nada, se revela lo obvio. El juego no tiene ni una pizca de esperanza de que las cosas puedan ir a mejor o de que los seres humanos se comporten como tal, y en los créditos se asegura de mostrar que todo intento de su (pobre y falsa) idea de revolución es devorado por el mercado.

Esto se debe a que es un juego devorado por el mercado, por la tendencia, por la mentira, por hacer porque sí, por ser rentable, porque no cree que los humanos tengan nada que hacer por gusto, porque cree que cualquiera se vende o como poco se acaba engatusando por el mal. En esta secuencia de créditos con tono burlón y desesperanzador, el punto de miseria más alto es uno inesperado y accidental. Entre los mensajes de agradecimiento de los desarrolladores, por lo general nada fuera de lo normal, uno de ellos dedica unas palabras muy sentidas a su madre fallecida recientemente. Después de tantas horas de falsedad choca ver un acto tan escondido y tan humano de la nada, que tarda poco en desaparecer de pantalla mientras una versión ensalzada de ironía de la canción recurrente principal sigue sonando, mientras las imágenes de fondo y la escena post créditos se suceden perpetuando que el ser humano no importa y que no tiene capacidad de empatía ni de amor.

A very great game. Yes, it gets tedious at times and frustrating at others, maybe a bug here or there. But the overall game, story and characters are amazing. You should definitively give it a try - and don't give up if you have to play this one scene like 10 times, I promise its worth it on the long run.

Muy divertido e interesante, aunque yo hubiera acortado un poco la duración. La historia mola, pero esperaba un poquito más.

Essa é com certeza uma das histórias mais divertidas que vi em um videogame.
Quando falamos de uma trama cinematográfica, normalmente pensamos em algo quase megalomaníaco ou vemos a expressão com maus olhos. American Arcadia consegue ser outra via. Sim, ele poderia ser um filme e até traz a linguagem de um, mas funciona maravilhosamente bem como um jogo, trazendo dois protagonistas extremamente carismáticos, divertidos e com ótima química. Isso tudo não cai só na conta dos roteiristas, mas também do incrível trabalho dos maravilhosos Yuri Lowenthal, Krizia Bajos e grande elenco (que ainda conta com Cissy Jones e Regi Davis). Junto a isso, toda a parte sonora e a direção de arte são incríveis e praticamente impecáveis.
Já a gameplay, traz um conceito muito curioso, mas não executa muito bem. Enquanto jogamos com Trevor Hills como um platformer 2D, toda a jogabilidade de Angela Solano é em primeira pessoa e com foco em quebra-cabeças. A dinâmica é bem executada, alternando entre os dois e vendo o desenrolar da trama com a perspectiva de cada um. Porém, muitas partes do platformer são insuportáveis, incluindo a PIOR cena de perseguição que eu já vi, e as em primeira pessoa são meio chatas e com puzzles simples demais.

American Arcadia é um jogo pra quem busca uma grande história, com grandes atuações, boas reviravoltas e ótimas piadas, mas não para quem quer uma grande jogabilidade. Eu me diverti absurdamente, fiquei extremamente entretido e digo que valeu bastante a pena.

American Arcadia is a testement to how much I'm willing to tolerate gameplay that's making me utterly miserable for an extremely good story

I've seen some negative reviews that say this would be better as a TV show but I don't agree with that either. There are moments where the dual protagonists you switch between work very well and the story is definitely suited to a video game. But goddamn did I find a lot of it tedious

Trevor's gameplay is platforming, usually while under the pressure of being chased. However, any mistake is often an immediate game over and restart. Sometimes you aren't given much time to react, leading to a lot of monotenous trial and error. Plus, characters are pretty chatty, so enjoy hearing the same voiceline. I'm not gonna beat around the bush - I thought a lot of these sections sucked absolute shit. Angela's first puzzle sections and puzzles are...maybe more interesting, but you can run into the same issues there too.

There are moments where the gameplay is okay - there's a sequence very near the end that I won't spoil, which is fantastic. There's also another bit early on where you're in first person as Angela. On one monitor, you're watching Trevor and have to avoid him being detected with the WASD keys. On another monitor, you must use your mouse to guide Angela's eyes to the correct answers of a quiz while being grilled by a distracting Security member. WHY WAS THIS ONLY UTILIZIED ONCE???? IT WAS SO GOOD COMPARED TO EVERYTHING ELSE??

As for the story, it's basically The Truman Show Made By Walt Disney - and while there's no subtly there, it's a really strong premise with a lot of intrigue that wraps up very nicely, with a particularly strong moment towards the end

Ultimately, I recommend American Arcadia but I also think it could have been a lot better

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best use of the word fuck in a video game

what do you do if a society deems your freedom to be entertainment? as trevor says, "Leave me the fuck alone!"