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in the past

Longtemps mis de côté, c'est à l'annonce du 2 (en 2017, genre ya bientôt 7 ans, une éternité) qu'il fallait bien lancer le 1er jeu. Donc acte.
Et si c'était compliqué de faire tourner ça correctement sur PC (nativement il n'y a que la version uPlay qui reconnaît la manette Xbox), l'aventure en elle-même était passionnante !
Avec Jade, armée de son appareil photo (et aussi de son bâton), le jeu nous transporte dans une aventure mêlée de puzzles, d'infiltration, d'aventure, de courses et de baston.
Si rien ne révolutionne le genre, le tout fonctionne bien. Mais on sent dès lors, avec les annonces du 2, les envies des créateurs, finalement limités par les capacités des consoles d'époque, pour faire leur grande épopée.
Il n'en reste que pour la huitaine d'heures proposée, le jeu est vraiment bon, se renouvelle souvent, par petites touches, et toute la quête des orbes saura tenir en haleine les complétionistes.

Had always wanted to check this one out and finally got a chance years ago but I got stuck on an area with a bunch of lasers you had to traverse through. I had to put the game back on the shelf but I hope to check it out again someday. Especially if the long awaited sequel ever materializes.

Fantastic. Lived up to the hype surrounding it and then some. Such an intelligntley designed game, and one I hope I never forget.

The World was so well designed, everything felt connected to another place. The areas you explore were fun and memorable, and the Puzzles, Enemies, and Missions you do in them were all pretty damn great.

Story was great, though I wasn't totally sure what was happening in the begining. I really thought Pey'j was dead there for a second. So many heartwarming and heartbreaking moments. Cutscenes were cinematic and transitioned well with the gameplay. The characters only amplified how good it was.

Characters wise, it's also great. Since this Universe has both Humans and animals living amongst each other, it allows for so much variety in their designs and stories. Jade is a fantastic protagonist, she's selfless, Heroic, Caring, and at times she has doubt in her self and if she is doing the right things, making her feel much more Personal. Pey'j and Double H are two great companions, and everyone else along the way are also just so well done.

The Voice acting for these characters is so good. Everyone gave it their all, and made the experience that much more immersive and enhanced the story telling.

The music was just phenomenal. Really set the atmosphere, and often helped convey the emotion of the story and the situation.

This is such an intelligent game. Every mechanic felt like they interviewed. My personal favorite would be taking Pictures and getting money. Taking pictures in games (and real life) is something I've always heavily enjoyed. Besides that, Combat was nice, Racing was a ton of fun, Flying a ship, Driving the boat, playing games, Stealth, solving Puzzles, all just great mechanics in the overall gameplay.

I decided to collect all the Pearls, rarely were they ever tedious. One of the best collectables I've seen in a video game. Not only are they fun, but the way you get them makes the player feel so smart. You can go on these heist like Missions that aren't even marked, and the game rewards the player for exploring and discovering. Maybe the best parts of the game involve finding these Pearls.

The last bit of the game, at least on the PS2, had some really bad buggy moments. Like restart the console bad. Just a lot of stupid stuff, that unfortunately hindered the experience a little. Despite that, not much to complain about, besides some frame rate drops here and there, nothing too bad until near the end.

So glad I liked this game this much. Really one of the very best I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Ubisoft might have peaked with this, I don't know I'll have to play more of their stuff. Music, Design, Mechanics, World, Story, Characters, Combat, Puzzles, Collectables, all great. If you enjoy stuff that is great, I'd recommend this game.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

A masterpiece game that deserved more love. I discovered this game when I was a child and it stuck with me for years.
An interesting world building, charming characters and an alien, mysterious and dark mood are the perfect mix for a story that stuck with me for all these years.
I completed this game so many times, with all the peculiar gameplay mechanics, that not many games are able to mix as well even today.
I've been waiting for years for the sequel, which may never see the light unfortunately. Meanwhile I'll still be playing this videogame masterpiece.

I have finished this game 12 times.

12 times.

And completed every single quest in the entire game.

One of the best games ever.

surement sympa mais la version pc ne tourne pas donc bon

Beyond Good and Evil has been a bit of a mythical game for me. Ever since I was a kid reading Nintendo Power, I've known about how good it allegedly is, and now that I've played it?

It's about as good as a 2003 semi-open world game can get. That's not exactly glowing praise, but the game is really solid in a lot of places. The world design is incredibly creative, leaning into sci-fi and cyberpunk just enough without feeling like a lazy pastiche of established media tropes. The music is great too, going from reggae, metal, latin, or whatever the mood calls for without feeling pigeonholed into "generic orchestrral score". It's Christophe Héral at his best.

So on the whole, it's artistically fantastic, especially for 2003. It feels at least 4 years ahead of its time graphically and has aged really well. The gameplay, however, is really just about fine. Combat is simple, mash A and rarely dodge an attack with B. Stealth is either too easy or obnoxious depending on if you get insta killed for getting seen. It's not very well done stealth gameplay, frankly.

The main two issues with the game for me are the by the numbers story and (less importantly), the forced widescreen on a Gamecube game that doesn't fill the screen on a CRT or an HDTV. So enjoy 3/4 of your screen as much as possible. The story, though, is about the most basic conspiracy plot you'll see. Government colluding with evil aliens, you spend the game gathering photo evidence and instantly get your rebel army for the end boss. The title of "Beyond Good and Evil" is a bit misleading given how binary the concept is in-game. But I liked the characters and world enough to look past it.

Since Beyond Good and Evil 2 is officially vaporware, I'm a little miffed about the rushed sequel hook ending as well. All they needed to do was put some more satisfying closure shots on Hillys and remove that post credits scene and it would be fine.

Beyond Good and Evil is worth playing out of respect for Michel Ancel's direction, even if the actual game is just a short Zelda with less interesting gameplay and a rushed final act.

One of the greatest games of its generation. In many ways a relic of a bygone era of game design, with a broad array of imperfect but inspired gameplay formats sprinkled around a small open world, all in service to developing a world and telling a story that sticks with you long after it's completed.

Jade is an underground reporter in the monitored mining planet of Hyllis. As the media outcries the dangers of the terrorist group of the Iris Network, she ventures to uncover the truths behind a vast conspiracy.

Some of Michel Ancel's most important work in his career, worth playing at least once.

La palabra con Beyond Good & Evil es 'personalidad'.

El ya clásico de Ubisoft es un ejemplo laureado de lo bien que hizo las cosas la compañía por aquella época. Un videojuego que superó los límites de las consolas de esos tiempos para construir un universo interesante, un gameplay muy característico, buenos personajes y, en general, un apartado audiovisual potente y llamativo.

Recuerda, por momentos, a los Mario en 3D, en tanto que las perlas suponen pequeños desafíos individuales (lunas, soles, estrellas) que se valen de las distintas opciones jugables del título.

Aprovechándose, además, de una banda sonora con temas inolvidables y un doblaje al castellano sobresaliente, Beyond Good & Evil es todo un must incluso a día de hoy si logras pasar por alto algunos problemas con la cámara y un combate no demasiado atractivo.

É incrivel como esse jogo me prendeu como nenhum outro. Acho que meu gosto pelos platformers 3d realmente renasceu ao ver o quão incrivel esse jogo era.

Divertido, engraçado, desafiador e bem escrito, coisa que não se vê sempre hoje em dia. Uma tristeza que, se for lançado aquela sequencia prometida será horrível.

This is a very unique adventure game that mixes a lot of different styles, including some fun stealth sessions.

Muy de los 2000.

Ojalá vuelvan...

Absolutely love this game, but it's definitely aged a lot over the years. The art direction and music is incredible. It has a lot of little touches that I love... and the game's method of typing in passwords is brilliant. It's way better than just about any other controller based keyboard out there.

The game's got some issues, though. Mainly that the Zelda-like dungeons start incorporating a lot of half-baked stealth sections and that the game has an abrupt ending. There's a lot of promise in the game's story, but it doesn't do a ton with it.

Last time I played it wasn't as good as I remembered, still solid though.

Ubisoft will never reach this height again and the sequel looks/looked abysmal and goes against everything this game is. Great Characters, engaging gameplay and plenty to do.

My most replayed game and one of my favorites of all time. I've been enjoying it since I was a little kid playing on my cousin's computer more than 10 years ago and still replay it almost yearly. 100% recommended,

iconic underrated game that deserves more attention

A wonderful game that had great potential! This game has been referenced many times over the years and you rarely hear of anyone having not played it because it's THAT good!

The story revolves around Jade, who is an Orphan on a planet that is, one of many being attacked by a mysterious race known as the DomZ. These aliens are attacking these worlds and at one point they actually grab poor Jade and whisper into her mind, making her pass out before her uncle, Payj, jumped in the hole screaming "Hold on, Jade! I'ma coming!" and lands on that creature's head, stopping whatever it was doing to her and they work together to defeat this creature and free the other orphans that the thing had already captured and hidden away in stasis pods.

As the story evolves from you merely attempting to raise fun to keep the lights on by taking photos and doing a bit of investigative photogrophy, a dark conspiricy is revealed and soon Jade has to fight off these forces and ends up saving the planet that she calls home!

The game is filled with some really fun side-games involving things like racing, taking pictures of animals to act as part of animal conservation and collecting pearls to buy better upgrades for you vehicle. Not to mention a fun shuffle-board game you have to play against someone to win a few of these pearls! It's a game I love so much and really enjoyed coming back to playing it multiple times, however it's future is uncertain and who knows if we ever will see a sequel to this game or not. Personally, I've lost a lot of trust in Ubisoft and don't waste any hope on them doing the right thing or being a good company in the future.

Three words
Boring, tedious , and short
Most sections early game are dragged out /filer while others are just thrown together and expected to work or make sense.
To sum this game up it's a half baked experience that shows it age , with little to no fun to be had to due to jank and other issues . Glad I paid little for it cause if I paid anymore I would've felt ripped off .

This review contains spoilers

Ótimo, fica devendo a continuação em visto que deixa a história em aberto.

Nunca podremos olvidar ese añejo 2003 (en el que yo era un bebé, por cierto). Ese año fue un gran año para los videojuegos y sin duda nos dejó muchas joyas en el corazoncito como lo fueron Los Simpsons Hit and Run o el Harry Potter Quidditch. Entre tanta majestuosidad jugabilística no podía faltar la grande UBI que por aquel entonces estaba en mejor forma -que ahora- que nunca y nos lo demostró con este Beyond Good and Evil.

Los escenarios sin ser abiertos son bastante grandes y nos permite explorar a gusto,el juego es que es una gozada artísticamente; Desde los paisajes, los edificios o los resquicios de cultura de las civilizaciones que aparecen es atractivo y te dan ganas de sumergirte en su mundo. Los movimientos de jade la protagonista son fluidos y responden bien como poco, ya sea a pie o en combate sientes que controlas a un personaje muy versátil y que es realmente divertido moverse con ella y explorar.

La trama es buena también (con más de una sorpresa por delante en un mundo que se va abriendo conforme más queremos saber) y los personajes memorables, como no, pero si que hay algún que otro personajillo del que esperas más protagonismo como SPOILER Zerdy FIN SPOILER y realmente es como una suerte de mcguffin que te pilla por sorpresa y sientes auténtico apuro por su futuro.

Me encanta el estilo del jueguito este, incluso a día de hoy se ve de lujo, con un estilo animado brutal (el juego sigue siendo poligonal eh) que pese a llevar más de dos décadas a la luz se puede decir que aguanta bien el tiempo. Mención especial a los niveles en las que no hay música de ningún tipo o con una música que es increíblemente hermosa y que relaja un montón ya que los escenarios transmiten muchísima paz y de verdad entiendes que es un mundo que puedes y debes proteger solo para seguir disfrutando de él. La BSO de este juego es simplemente especial, de verdad, incluso hay cierto temita español que me parece feamente infravalorado y que está al nivel de "la vida es una lenteja) de Vice City. No me voy sin mencionar el doblaje al castellano que es sublime (debo reconocer algún altibajo de poca envergadura en el doblaje pero nada atroz) con un reparto de voces excelente que poco o nada tiene que envidiar a cualquier título más grande o serio.

Lo triste de todo es que el juego alcanzó ventas muy bajas por falta de marketing en la época y, bueno, hay que admitir que una nueva IP tan extrañamente personal y extravagante en tiempos de final fantasy x-2 o DMC2 pues era previsible que no vendiera tanto. Sin embargo la critica siempre lo tachó de excelente,y así ha pasado que es todo un título a reinvindicar en el mundillo.

No veo razón para no recomendarlo, declararse fan incondicional de zerdy y esperar con valentía a que se lance su segunda parte.

Highly ambitious cult classic, still waiting for the sequel!

I can see why it's a cult classic, but I got into it for an action adventure game because that's what it looked like to me, I was not looking for a really bad stealth game

Super weird, very obviously rushed, wildly bouncing setting, horrible stealth and one of the most emotional pieces of it's story being given to you at WAY the wrong point in the game (Pej's explanation disc). But damn if I don't adore some big parts of this game. Jade is a super likeable protagonist with great VA work and such a fun energy to her, Pej is a great sidekick and for the jankiness, I do actually like how much you can whip around in that hovercraft. The game is at it's best though when it's Jade bopping around taking pictures and having fun times with her orphans. I'd love a game that's just 70 hours of that. Begging more games to implement the spiral keyboard from this.

back when oobisoft made good games he! am i right or am i right?? ngl its a classic