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in the past

Dead space hold i special place in my Heart as it's the only Horror game I have played multipolar time and enjoyed every time. I was extremely happy to see that it got a remastered and that it didn't disappoint.

Ťhis is a certified hod tragedy.Game.It has a great atmosphere and sound design and is also incredibly immersive with the hud beiñg irl for Clarke and the guys.Of courtyard⬅️(random is funny its not)the gameplay and combat is 8.5/10 all the weapons feel incredible and it is very intense.The overall enviroment variety is very good and consistent yes.LET'S GET TO THE CONS.The combat can get repetitive and boring sometimes randomly.The story is kinda simple but is still intriguing, this isn't a con. These might seem like minor nitpicks but I only know to point out flaws while I'm actually playing the game, and this my first real review so it is 3.7/10. Feel free to tell me if this is actally funny in the comments down bellow if its not i will make serious reviews because uhh... I can do that! Like and subscribe NOBODY IS GOING TO SEE THIS. MrProg Backloggd give me money.i aint funny this is just random shi.ENĎ

Melhor game de Space HOrror que joguei!!! O melhor!!!

Прикоснулся к игре в год выхода. Бросил в телевизор геймпад от первого некроморфа. Через неделю вернулся и прошел в один присест. Игра показательная для геймдева.

What a truly stunning game. Everything just flows so seamlessly together with the narrative and gameplay. It's the go to example when talking about diegetic UI and for good reason, it's the only game I can think of that employs it so naturally. The game's atmosphere is so oppressive, knowing that no matter where you run to or hide you can't leave the ship, knowing you're trapped for the whole game adds so much tension. The creature design is so very obviously Resident Evil (4 mainly) inspired but it works really well for this game. The story itself is really intriguing and not knowing exactly what the necromorphs are makes each encounter unique because you never know what to expect, there's so much enemy variety. Horror games are known for their combat but this game uses it in such a unique way with the reliance on dismemberment requiring at least some level of skill. I just love sci-fi and Dead Space mixes sci-fi and horror expertly.

Dead Space es un acción-aventura de disparos en tercera persona de terror, con una ambientación que recuerda a la película de Alien y con claras bases jugables de Resident Evil 4, pero que gracias a su estilo y mecánicas propias, se siente completamente fresco y nuevo. Controlaremos a Isaac que, junto a algunos compañeros mas, viajará a una estación espacial donde estaba su esposa porque ha ocurrido un incidente, unos monstruos llamados Necromorfos están arrasando con todo lo que ven. En lo jugable, referente a la acción, dispararemos con cámara sobre el hombro y podremos golpear al enemigo para frenarlo o pisarlo en el suelo. Contaremos con almacenes en algunos puntos del mapa, donde podremos comprar distintas armas y objetos o guardar los que ya tenemos, y máquinas de mejoras, donde podemos mejorar las armas y el equipo de Isaac. Además nuestro traje podrá controlar objetos y/o paralizarlos (podremos agarrar o paralizar cualquier cosa) Habrá zonas sin gravedad donde podremos saltar hacia paredes y techos y caminar por ellos. También habrá zonas sin oxígeno y tendremos un tiempo antes de quedarnos sin aire. Como es habitual en el género, tiene puzles y te invita a explorar para encontrar objetos. Además del mapa, tendremos un botón que nos señalará el camino a seguir, por lo que será difícil perderse (esto, quizás, puede ser visto como un defecto por los jugadores mas puristas, pero la verdad es que puedes no pulsar nunca ese botón y no pasa nada) El juego cuenta con una gran variedad de enemigos con diferentes ataques y formas de matarlos. Un detalle muy curioso es que son mas débiles por las extremidades. La ambientación es oscura, claustrofóbica y agobiante, sobre todo en las zonas con conductos de ventilación o cadáveres (los enemigos suelen salir de ahí) Además el juego intenta asustarte continuamente mediante la sorpresa. Las salas suelen estar vacías y, cuando menos te lo esperas, de donde menos te lo esperas, te aparece un enemigo dando gritos y rugiendo, y a veces ni te ataca, simplemente se va, está solo para darte el susto (Puedo asegurar que es el videojuego que mas sustos me ha dado, y he jugado a muchos) La música juega un papel muy importante, ya que es un enemigo mas, pues acompaña al monstruo continuamente, tanto para el momento del susto como para ponerte nervioso. Además, para rematar, tiene jefes y el típico enemigo invencible insistente que te persigue (tipo MrX o Nemesis)
En definitiva, Dead Space es un videojuego extremademente bueno con una gran dosis de acción que tiene todos los elementos que debe tener un buen survival horror y que es perfecto en todos sus apartados. Videojuego obligatorio.

Sağlam korku. Yenir. Süre tahmini.

I have purchased this game two times. The first time I couldn't get through the tutorial because of the famous v sync bug that makes it impossible to get through one of the doors and I ended up refunding it. Now almost a year later I bought it again and tried to fix it, and it worked. So now when I finally got the chance to play it I'm just gonna say this... it lives up to the hype. The atmosphere and the environment is among the most unsettling ones I've ever put myself through and I'm saying this as somebody that got numb to horror games due to repeated exposure and also played during daytime with lights on. Can't wait to complete this game but it's probably not gonna be soon sadly.

Dead space is an underrated game the weapons and gameplay and monsters are really fucking interesting and the story is super well written not many FPS campaigns make me care for the story but deadspace does that slightly better

(from original post in 2021) a very good (atmospheric) horror game that left me mixed on its story, i hope ea doesn't fuck up the remake

Huge experience back in the day. Felt very visceral, scary, and very fast-paced for its time. Looking forward to picking up the remake soon.

Um jogo ATERROIZANTE até hoje, desde que eu joguei ele quando criança eu tinha que jogar andando cm por cm pelas fases do jogo e atualmente não é muito diferente.

This game is so freaking good and scary that I remember that I stopped playing this for a while because I was shitting my pants everytime I started playing it lool. If you like scifi horror movies and games, what are you waiting to start playing this game?

Dead Space 1 é, na minha opinião, uma das melhores obras do gênero de sci-fi terror, junto com o primeiro Alien. Tudo neste jogo foi muito bem feito e, principalmente, veio de uma base sólida que era Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil 4 + Alien foi uma combinação perfeita, refinada pelos desenvolvedores em um nível que duvido muito que veremos hoje em dia. Este jogo é BRUTAL e visceral, e eu não sei como foi um sucesso comercial, além de não ter sido boicotado por alguma associação de pais chorões. Este jogo vai muito além do visual, contendo uma das melhores jogabilidades e, principalmente (na minha opinião), um dos melhores layouts de controle já feitos em videogames. Tudo se encaixa perfeitamente, e agora que estou jogando o remake, parece que nada mudou, pois lembro de tudo.

Talvez eu tenha um problema com o original, que seria a Ishimura em si, e digo isso visualmente. Se você lembrar de outros survival horrors, é muito fácil recordar de cenários icônicos, mas como aqui é tudo corredor de metal, é muito difícil sentir qualquer apego ou até mesmo interesse pelo cenário. Consigo entender facilmente por que existe um botão de guiar para o objetivo, pois o cenário não ajuda na assimilação. Uma coisa que imagino que talvez tenha envelhecido meio mal é o backtracking estranho deste jogo. Ele não soa muito natural, então é muito comum você não sentir qualquer vontade de retornar e pegar mais itens.

Dito isso, Dead Space é, para mim, uma das melhores obras do gênero e uma evolução quase perfeita do survival horror.

I think this game is a master of tension. The monsters are intense. The sense of dread and paranoia are also very well done. The problem is Isaac it's hard to connect to a character that's told to go there and do that. If he was more fleshed out as a character this would be a better game.

Joguei Dead Space pela primeira vez e, mesmo sendo lançado em 2008, é um dos melhores survival horrors. A atmosfera futurista e sombria e a violência com que você pode se defender dos Necromorphs são gratificantes demais. Não preciso citar o excelente trabalho de sonoplastia desse jogo. Em alguns momentos, o Isaac é bem "pesado" e a fluidez das movimentações fica meio travada, mas consegui me acostumar depois de um tempo. E as inspirações de "Alien" são sempre bem-vindas.

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bom mas velho ao ponto de incomodar

Lets set the record straight by saying, that for 2008, this is a great game, yet still flawed. My main issues stemming from the story feeling disjointed and confusing, combined with the repetition of most elements. This is a horror game after all, and while a lot of its scares work from the first few hours, you really just loose a lot of that fear the more you play. Sure the creatures are grotesque in nature, but they really do not feel scary after having clearly displayed that they are not a threat by killing hundreds; and after that, this is just a standard, if not slightly intriguing shooter. The story being the only thing that could have pulled it up, but even that suffers from the same fate as the scares. Starting good, and just falling into a mess of repetitive missions structures, and hard to follow story elements. Still a fun shooter, worth a play if you are into that, but it really could have been so, so, much better for what it is.

You’re 75% through the game and you think you’ve seen everything and then they throw that fucker with the detachable limbs at you

Having a hard time deciding on a good rating for this game because on the one hand I don’t think the gameplay mechanics are particularly impressive, but on the other hand this is one of the most polished and thoughtfully crafted 7th gen games I’ve played and I have a lot of respect for a dev team putting that amount of thought and work into their game.

You’ve probably already heard enough about the UI but it really is fantastic with the way-finding especially being a very important element of its success. Dead Space came out during the quest marker and quest arrow scourge of the 7th and 8th generations and implementing a way-finding system that allowed you to ask for directions only when you wanted was an amazing decision. The levels also seem designed around this lack of a quest marker because they’re all very intuitive to navigate and explore.

The graphics in this game are also unbelievably good for a title that came out in 2008. It looks amazing about 98% of the time with brightly lit areas generally being the only parts where the graphics feel aged. On the topic of visuals this is also a game with a really unique and distinctive visual style that permeates absolutely every element of the game - the architecture, the weapons, the necromorphs, UI, the outfits, etc. I can remember when this game came out and Isaac’s armor along with the plasma cutter became iconic and beloved pieces of visual design almost immediately and were still remembered fondly by a lot of gamers even before the 2023 remake.

All of this effort and creativity and really smart design work makes me want to love this game more than I actually do. It’s all so heartening to see in a AAA game and I have a tremendous amount of respect for it.

That said, this game is let down by its combat mechanics. They’re not bad by any means but they’re pretty shallow and mindless and there’s very little sense of increasing challenge or adaptation as the player progresses through the game. Don’t get me wrong, blasting necromorphs is fun - I generally had a good time doing it for most of the game, but it’s mindless fun. There aren’t many strategies for tackling the necromorphs and the design of combat areas is very simple and barely changes throughout the game, which makes combat pretty boring and easy by the end.

The strongest part of Dead Space’s gameplay is honestly the moments of rising tension between fights which this game does really well up until the very last couple of chapters. I don’t want to describe how the game does this because I’ll risk lessening its effect for first time players but it’s well done and feels very meticulously crafted to create as much unease in the player as possible.

Overall enjoyed my time with this game and wish I liked the combat more because there’s so much about this game to love.

Simplesmente o melhor jogo do gênero, ele consegue te dar medo, ansiedade e aflição na sua primeira vez jogando, por você não saber o que está por vir, sempre ouvindo barulhos e com medo de um xenomorfo aparecer kkkk

survival horror protagonists when you tell them there will be their significant other at the outbreak of unholy abominations: