Reviews from

in the past

It is a nice little game. The story is cool, but the gameplay is a bit boring at times. Had some fun though

Oh my god????😭😭 why are the deliver us games so average until the halfway point then decide to be really good. This game made me appreciate the sequel soo much more since I played the sequel first like an idiot. The characters reappearing like Isaac who they set up really well in this game and had some of the best moments same goes with Sasha who really surprised me because I found her to be really dull in the sequel because I never really knew her story and why she hated Isaac so much. And of course roft was amazing the Carry job these 3 characters did for this game was unreal😭😭 I just wish Roft and Sasha’s relationship was more developed and fleshed since it does feel very dull but that’s just my opinion. But overall I would recommend this game

Delivery us the moon foi uma experiência extraordinária, um jogo que eu estava achando que ia ser genérico e sem graça conseguiu se provar o contrário e entregar uma campanha linda e fenomenal, tudo aqui é belo e carrega um semblante artístico gigantesco que combina com a gameplay simples mas muito boa

Malgré le caractère d'urgence dans lequel se déroule la mission qui est à accomplir (sauver la Terre), je peux dire que l'aventure lunaire fut agréable. Le jeu nous laisse avancer à notre rythme afin de profiter et de l'histoire et du cadre.

Les panoramas sont splendides. Il y a beaucoup à farfouiller de-ci de-là en vue de faire une lumière complète sur le mystère de la station lunaire. Les énigmes sans être trop simples, ne sont pas tordues ; et il est rare de se retrouver avec l'impression d'être dans une impasse. Après tout, dans la vie, beaucoup de problèmes peuvent aussi se résoudre simplement. Pour changer une ampoule au plafond, pas de panique ! il me suffit d'en aller chercher une dans un placard. Et pour changer les piles de la télécommande nul besoin de s'aventurer à pénétrer dans le jardin du voisin, de risquer d'affronter son molosse pour rentrer dans mon garage exigu en passant par la lucarne afin de fouiller le tiroir de l'établi rendu inaccessible par l'imposant véhicule garé-là, tout cela parce que mon épouse serait partie avec les deux jeux de clefs du doit bien avoir un jeu de piles dans un tiroir de mon bureau.

Les rapports avec le voyage spatial m'ont semblé plausible pour autant que s'étendent mes connaissances à ce sujet. L'immersion est réussie et il faut pardonner les éventuelles infidélités faites pour les besoins de l'action dramatique. C'est un jeu, non un documentaire.

Il n'y a guère que le scénario, un poil convenu, qui pourrait représenter une faiblesse. Cependant il est bien mené et l'accent porté sur le sens du devoir et de la responsabilité permet d'aller jusqu'au final sans lassitude.

Je retournerai sans hésitation sur la lune pour découvrir les quelques éléments que j'ai raté lors de mon premier passage. Mais avant cela, ce voyage réussi m'a vraiment donné envie de voir du côté de Mars ce qui s'y passe.

Esta bueno para pasar una tarde, es un walking simulator con un par de puzles nada complicados. La historia esta entretenida, aun si rusheas un poco el juego se entiende que pasó. 6/10

If you like science-fiction story, quiet ambiance, pretty landscapes and having time to going as your own speed this game worth a try.
The puzzles aren't too challenging. You'll never really being stucked anywhere. That allow you to appreciate appreciate this highly critical trip in order to save the Earth and solve the mystery of the silencing Moon station.

It was a pleasant and nearly quiet journey on the Moon all along even if the story was a bit conventional. Despite this fact, I like the way of the story goes about theme of task and duty.

I'll surely come back on it later in order to discover some elements that I missed on the first run. But for now I want to know what's going on on Mars !

There's not really much to say about this one, you spend most of the game walking very slowly through pretty standard environments, solving very basic puzzles, and experiencing the mediocre story unravel. Nothing of substance. Inoffensive, but completely forgettable.

Chill, para matar el tiempo con puzzles

Compelling combination of Zelda-style environmental puzzles - though on a smaller scale - and walking sim. If anything, it can feel a little confused what it wants to be. Personal narrative, Tacoma/Edith Finch audiolog type "discover what happened post-disaster" walking sim, or straight up adventure game, particularly the first two. It ultimately comes to a good conclusion about the value of sacrificing the few for the good of the many (and vice versa), Earth's pending (or imo current) energy crisis, and a bit of the horror of seclusion and abandonment told through the lens of lunar astronauts.

finally, the reason i became an astronaut: stealth, and prolonged platforming sections. on the moon.

good job including a monorail though 👍

David’s 30 Platinum Trophies Before Turning 30


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: As close to perfection as one can get.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5: Excellence incarnate.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: Amazing experience.
⭐️⭐️⭐️.5: Good game.
⭐️⭐️⭐️: Fun enough to be worth your time.
⭐️⭐️.5: Missed the mark in a considerable amount of elements.
⭐️⭐️: A trudge towards progress/completion.
⭐️.5: A great deal of regrets playing this.
⭐️: Truly disappointing.
.5: Kudos to anyone with a shred of bother.

The above rating descriptions pertain strictly to the overall rating after taking into consideration the elements below, for which I’ll still employ a five-point rating to get an average afterwards.

Graphics: 4 - Pretty decent! For such a barren wasteland with the lunar surface, the indoor environments come alive, ironically, despite the desolation that fleshes out the story beautifully.

Gameplay: 4 - The puzzles add a layer of fun to an otherwise mostly-walking-and-interacting-and-finding stuff game. Even then, still engaging, as you also get to float around, walk on lunar gravity, and fiddle around with tools as part of its natural progression (among other things).

Audio: 4 - The choice of utilizing silhouettes to visualize characters meant that sound should compensate, and it did, with good voice acting that really brought out the emotions from the story.

Replay Value: 2 - Unless you’ve been thorough the first time around, there’s really not much to come back to. It’s also a bit of a struggle to go through certain parts of chapters where you have to go as part of your achievement hunting/backtracking. If you like gazing at the environment, however, that’s a valid reason.

Story: 5 - One of the best types of stories is where you can see where it’s heading, but still hits you when it does go there. As highly familiar as the story is in terms of the folly of humanity, having a non-speaking protagonist does wonders.

Overall: 3.8 - It delivered.

Really didn't like this - I can definitely see why people do like it, but personally i'm not a fan of those slow narrative games where the plot is delivered through voice notes or journal entires. I was hoping for a bit more mystery, but in reality it's a basic puzzle game, where you listen to audio logs about what happened to the moon.

Ótimo jogo! Que atmosfera espacial! O visual se destaca nos filtros, iluminação e cenários muito bonitos e peca demais nas animações. A narrativa é deliciosa, com plot twists e um final emocionante. As músicas são fabulosas. Gameplay é ok.

Very badly wanted to like this more than I did. I love stories set in space (The Habitat is one of my favorite podcasts ever) , it's the perfect setting to dissect characters in, but Deliver us the Moon sadly doesn't do anything with it. The gameplay's alright (the platforming is serviceable at best but the puzzles are mostly neat), but the story falls really short. There's nothing bad about it per se, it's just painfully predictable. Same thing, unfortunately, goes for the characters. I'm hoping Deliver Us Mars...delivers (ayyy) on that front.

Gostei muito do jogo! Os gráficos são LINDOS (ainda mais com ray tracing), os puzzles são desafiadores sem ser desumanos e a história se desenvolve de um jeito muito interessante, tanto por suas reviravoltas quanto pela maneira em que decidem contar a história, seja por audiologs, textos espalhados pela estação, hologramas etc. A trilha sonora também é ótima! Combina muito com a atmosfera do jogo e em alguns momentos chega a ser emocionante.

Só tive alguns problemas com uns bugs meio estranhos e com a movimentação, achei que faltou um pouco de polimento, mas nada que estrague a experiência.

Any section that involves electricity is just ridiculous. The stun/damage mechanic is so poorly designed, which means that going through the "stealth" electric drone section is infuriating.

Technical issues (even on PS5) means that hitches are a common occurence.

* Unskippable cutscenes and end credits means that going back through the game to get missed collectibles/trophies was a pain.

Conclusion: If you're looking for an immersive walking simulator just go play SOMA.

Stealing the moon didn't work, so they had to order it.

A narrative driven game that takes place in space sounds like fun and it definitely can be.
Deliver Us The Moon is an indie game where you play as an astronaut looking into the blackout of the WPT that delivers energy to Earth from THE MOON!

The concept behind this game is great and the narrative is pretty interesting if you read through all the logs, listen to all audio logs, watch all the holograms and try to understand what exactly is going on in the world of this game because you're pretty much dropped into the story, when most of the big events have already happened and you're just piecing everything together.
Regardless of that, it's still pretty great and personally, I feel like a sequel was or is planned for this game or maybe a prequel if it doesn't already exist.

Gameplay wise it's not very intensive, meaning that there isn't any combat, it's more puzzle based where you need to move things around, use a second party NPC to enter areas you yourself can't and other types of puzzles.
As someone that greatly appreciates combative games while puzzles are less of an interesting genre, I was actually quite satisfied with the gameplay due to it's pacing, puzzle difficulty and satisfaction of solving something and being able to move on.

I also think that they did the whole space movement thing perfectly, from the zero gravity to the driving to managing oxygen, it was done perfectly which surprised me.
There were some set pieces that came as a surprise but fit in really well.

As a trophy hunter, I got to say that this platinum trophy wasn't hard but you definitely had to keep your head on and be very perceptive to your surroundings because you could easily miss some collectibles.
The one trophy I did hate was remaining outside for 30 minutes because it meant I had to sit outside in space for 30 minutes without doing anything, why?

Other than that, great game! Would recommend if you want a short game in space with a narrative

An interesting little game. Not usually one for reading lore/codex stuff if there's too much but I was into the story with this one. Also the puzzles didn't make me feel stupid. Love that for me.

Weird walking-sim that's also not really a walking sim since it does have short driving, stealth, and QTE sections with an interesting plot. Play if you like sci-fi stories, but not much else for anyone else.

puzzles were a bit too easy, atmosphere was nice.

Fairly average walky-story game with some puzzles here and there.

Un giochino niente male con una storia molto interessante. Tanto cinematografico nella messa in scena però ha molte trovate di gameplay, seppur già viste altre mille volte, che rendono divertente il gioco. Ottime le musiche e gli ambienti sono fatti molto bene. Unico neo, i controlli un po' "burrosi". Per il resto, consigliòn

+ Nice representation of how the Moon's surface would look like, and how human habitats would look on it.
- The story is simply too short and not very memorable.

Deliver us the Moon turned out to be a disappointing experience for me. As a walking simulator, it felt incredibly janky and rough around the edges. The story failed to engage me, lacking the depth and intrigue I was hoping for. The gameplay itself felt monotonous and failed to offer any captivating moments. Overall, it was a messy and underwhelming game that left me uninterested and wanting more from the experience.

Short indie title but visually pleasing, confusing story line from the very start, I found myself just mindlessly going through the game with no real direction. Can’t say I would do another play through but it has me looking forward to the sequel “Deliver Us Mars”

good game (i'm an astronomy student so some things triggered me but that is a very personal thing i hope you understand reader)