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This is a really weird one for me. For starters, the game is absolutely gorgeous. It feels like a PS2 game in the best ways, running through the levels sort of reminded me of Sly Cooper at times. I loved the environments and artstyle in general. The combat is satisfying, it feels kind of like a more friendly and forgiving Sekiro. The comedic tools you use to take down enemies are almost always hilarious and add a unique charm to the game.
However the characters talk. A lot. Like a lot a lot. You can turn this down in the menu but the writing is actually quite fun when there arent 6 people talking over one another. The enemies don't synergize well with one another and some combat encounters can become absolute slogs as a result. I found myself getting really frustrated when you're forced to dodge one enemies attack but that refills the meter of another enemy. All in all though this is a great game for the price, and the accessibility options do make up for some of the less considered design decisions.

perhaps the pirates of the caribbean game ive been needing, in terms of buoyant swashbuckling anti-authoritarian escapism ofc but also just the Physicality of ecstatic and yet inherently comedic action spectacle. so many combinations of actions and fast reversals of fortune that are just Inherently Amusing!!! and the written jokes aint bad either, on the whole they give the game a much more lighthearted and breezy tone then the movies im comparing it to and it works perfectly well for this,,,i can easily picture a worse version, but its all exuberant action movie giggles completely sold on the gravity of how Awesome ur character and her accomplishments are. just pure joy!!! and one of the best swordplay games ive yet come across, as fantastic as the main crowd control stuff is i was always happiest to just sink my teeth into a good one-on-one duel...lots of promises fulfilled here

"i am the greatest swordfighter ever!"
runs away and kicks barrels at you

It's a short game, but really fun. I intend to make a 100% on this one too

Pretty fun, it reminded me a bit of Sekiro's combat mechanics. In the game, you control a character similar to Zorro, a masked vigilante whose goal is to overthrow a tyrant in power. Throughout the game, you learn more about his plans and try to thwart them, while encountering other characters and progressing through stages that unlock new enemies. I found the early stages to be quite standard; the only one that really stands out is the last, which feels much like a platformer. I think the game could explore more possibilities in its environments, as its combat is really enjoyable. I liked the game, though I found it a bit short, but still quite enjoyable. I recommend it!

combat is about manipulating enemy movement and creating diversions with the environment, rather than just raw combat. very interesting take on the beat em up genre. short and doesnt overstay either. would recommend

thoroughly enjoyed this game where you play as silly swashbuckling swordswoman Adalia who has to defeat a cartoon villain with a handlebar mustache. my initial verdict upon beating the story mode was that it was too good, too short, but then i stumbled on the excellent arena mode, which pits you against up to 6 arenas of enemies with wacky (but horribly balanced) modifiers being added to the mix with every escalation. and it just revealed to me how well the game's mixture of spectacle fighter gameplay and slapstick comedy works even outside of the context of linear, scripted sequences. adalia and the count-duke's henchmen slinging a never-ending supply of dynamic one-liners, banter and occasional compliments back and forth while trading blows somehow always stays funny, and watching a lackey teeter on the edge or blowing a duelist across the room by luring him into the path of a cannon never gets old. some games can't even be funny with carefully controlled cutscenes and dialogue, but "en garde!" can do so without

oh and the music! can;t forget the music!

Unexpectedly short, but lots of fun and very charming!

Extremely short game, maybe a bit too short for the price, but overall very enjoyable. The combat is very forgiving (was playing on medium with no assists) up until towards the end where you need to be smarter as to who you should attack and when. Definitely have to use objects to get through some of the enemies.

When it works as it should, the game is really fun. Unfortunately the targeting system is really janky which makes the game frustrating and unfun. If I kick a box at a guard and stun him, I usually don't want to attack the other guard standing next to him, and yet!

Very appealing visuals.

Feels good to control. You have to time your attacks, counters and evades to defeat your enemies. Quickly, you'll start to be ganged on and will have to deal will many ennemies follow you across the room. Some will attack you with an unparryable attack while the others attack with a regular one, so your best option is to run away, try to single out one ennemy and deal as much damage as you can by the time the others catch up with you. It's fine when you don't have too many ennemies in the room during regular levels, but it can be quite aggravating in boss fights, where you'll whittle away the gards, but have to do it all over again if you get defeated during one of their four phases.
Maybe I played the game "wrong" and should have focused more on the environment (I tried)...

Still, I enjoyed the game very much, and you might as well as long as you have a little bit of patience.

PS : Made me want to replay Sekiro.

It's a really fun, but short (and I mean it, REALLY short) adventure. The combat is really satisfing and the Zorro-inspired ambiance is super funny and charming. Even so, I still think that there's something missing here. Probably more gameplay time or a more developed story, but it's still an awesome game. Go check it out.

This game is incredible and has no flaws, it is fun, entertaining, funny and of perfect length. I had a lot of fun with the characters and the dialogues that occurred during the gameplay, much of the game reminded me of Dreamworks movies and I say this as something very positive! I loved it

This game has great action sword fighting combat, it is simple to learn but tough to master. Once you do you will fall into a perfect zen state fighting off tons of enemies of different types at once, using obstacles in each room to help you. Add in a cool Robin Hood styled protagonist and a neat world and you have a short and sweet action game that I would love to see more of.

This game is great, but for the price I would've wanted more than a 3 hour campaign that only gets harder because of more enemies and not because of real evolution in their design. That's the only real valid criticism from me- which basically boils down to "I wanted more". I wish some of the attacks were more obvious, right now all I really did was react- which is fine too if that's only what you wanted me to do. I wanted more environmental stuff, I wanted some more attacks (some kind of air kick or maybe the jump-on-head thing from Sekiro) and I think the item pick-up system was a bit finicky at times. Nitpicks, that's what I have for this game.

I love the style, I love the combat and the story is simple and fun. There are a couple of problems here, but as a package right now- for a cheaper price- this is amazing and TRULY just all-out fun, even if it did get pretty hard in the end.

Brilliant game. A 3rd person swashbuckling adventure that feels great to play and has a heavy focus on using the environment to maintain the upper hand in fights. This game looks jaw-droppingly beautiful, has a wonderful Puss-in-Boots like style and vibe with great music, and is filled with genuinely funny dialogue. I only wish there was more story content, as there are only 4 missions.

Action game built around a pretty good feeling basic system of dodge/parry then punish. Main thing that sets it apart is the degree of interactivity with the environment. Feels very satisfying to kick a pile of barrels down a flight of stairs and have it knock down a whole group of enemies.

really excellent action, but disappointingly slight. would love to see this system expanded to something grander.

Great game. En Garde! is full of charm, fun, great environments, good humour and sweet music. It's a blast to play. The combat is so creative and fun, but I wish the game was longer. Definitely one I'm going to replay. I'm surprised its score isn't higher here, but I guess that's because it's so short. Better short and sweet than long and boring, I say!

It's really fun for what it is, with some solid combat, but it's WAY too short. If they took the game and fleshed it out to a full-on game with a consistent narrative, I'd be all in, but as it stands, it kind of shoots itself in the foot here. I love the combat feel, but it's not the most intricate I've seen from this genre and the last few encounters kind of suck. If you want to get through a game in a day, this is a pretty good option.

A decent enough character-action game, evoking some of the fun of Sekiro in terms of gameplay and encounter design. The main character is sassy and fun, and the game is frequently beautiful to look at. It's just long enough for how deep the systems are (about 2-3 hrs for me), and is a quick romp through some fun fights. The last couple encounters kinda suck, but other than that its a competent action game.

Gays can have a little Sekiro, as a treat.

En Garde! is an insanely charming sword-play RPG about master swordswoman and long-time friend of Cervantes: Adalia de Volador.

Through her we explore early modern Spain and attempt to stop the evil Count Duke from both driving our quaint Spanish town to ruin and also dominating the world.

I am a queer parry fiend and to play a game with a gay protag where parry-or-die is the philosophy absolutely rocked. A good fighting mechanic goes a long way for me when it comes to liking games, but also the art style was very fun, the writing was punny/creative/didn’t take itself too seriously, and the pacing was great.

Sadly the targeting system is pretty bad, I won’t lie, but in a 4 hour game where you can blitz through it and carry on having forgotten the targeting system exists at all, it’s a forgivable flaw. If this game were expanded or got a much bigger sequel I’d love to see what a functioning version of it looks like, but again, didn’t ruin the experience given you can just ignore it and fight without it.

My partner and I knocked it out in one evening (literally tonight) and I want more En Garde! Adalia de Volador is my new hero.

A bit rough around the edges but the vibes of that games are amazing , rewards creativity but is a bit too short for its own good , it feels like it has more encounters it could have created .

Bonitinho, mas ordinário.

En Garde! é definitivamente um jogo. Um jogo bom? Não! Um jogo ruim? Também não! Em suma, ele tem ideias legais, mas não executa de uma forma que o destaque no meio da multidão.

En Garde! aposta principalmente no humor, sendo quase uma sátira (proposital) ao Zorro, mas não é algo muito bem desenvolvido aqui. Quando derrotamos um inimigo (por exemplo), ele fica estirado no chão, e se você ficar perto dele, provavelmente ele vai mandar cochichando algo como “Da próxima vez será diferente” ou “Eu poderia ter ouvido minha esposa, e não ter saído de casa hoje” e por aí vai. Por mais que eu goste desse tipo de humor, já que me lembra os grunts de Halo, não é nada muito incrível. Piadocas do tipo ocorrem ao longo da história e em outras partes da gameplay, mas morrem na praia, tal qual as demais piadas.
Falando em história, ela existe, e é só isso mesmo. No primeiro episódio, eu até me esforcei para me importar, mas do segundo para frente eu só larguei a mão, porque não tem nada aqui que seja memorável ou diferente de qualquer coisa já lançada.

Partindo para as reclamações, vamos falar da gameplay. É até legal, nada muito complexo, nem muito profundo e muito menos ruim, e pra ser sincero ele num GERAL é bem ok… O problema vem da execução nas lutas mais avançadas do jogo. Fazendo uma comparação direta, em Batman Arkham (qualquer um dos quatro), quando estamos cercados por vários inimigos, cada um ataca de maneira cadenciada, ou seja, um de cada vez (mesmo nas dificuldades mais difíceis). Já em En Garde! todos os inimigos atacam junto quando estamos cercados, e isso gera a situação mágica de enquanto um te bate com um ataque defensável, o outro usa um indefensável. E ok, existe o botão de desvio além do parry nesse jogo, mas se você está em um canto ou perto de um monte de barris (por exemplo), seu desvio não acontece porque o jogo entende que você está desviando em direção a um obstáculo. E o problema é que isso é EXTREMAMENTE comum, já que as arenas ou são muito pequenas, ou têm muitos desníveis ou têm muitos elementos no cenário que se tornam obstáculos indiretos. Se isso não bastasse, o jogo, durante os combates, não sabe equilibrar a quantidade de inimigos em tela. Em lutas de bosses vai ser comum você, além de enfrentar o chefe, ter que lidar com minions simples e inimigos de armadura/patente mais alta enquanto o chefe vem querendo enfiar a espada na sua barriga, e isso na luta final é intensificado ao quadrado, já que nesta, enfiaram mais inimigos especiais que exigem uma luta mais cadenciada pelo jogador contra os mesmos. Resumindo, vai ser comum você perder uma luta porque o jogo foi MUITO mal equilibrado no combate.
Outro ponto crítico para mim é que esse jogo é mal otimizado. No Steam Deck (onde eu joguei 95% do jogo), mesmo com o indicador de frames interno da Valve me mostrando que estou jogando a 60 FPS, até eu me acostumar, o jogo parecia estar rodando em 40 FPS. Mesmo reduzindo as specs, era muito claro que a movimentação da Adalia estava mais lenta do que deveria ser. Na luta final, mesmo no low, vira um slideshow hediondo no portátil da Valve, me forçando a realizar essa luta em específico no meu PC.
Falando em otimização, eu não entendo como esse jogo é pesado no Steam Deck. Enquanto eu jogava Hades ou Outer Wilds no médio ou até ultra, mesmo que a bateria fosse drenada como se fosse água escoando, era difícil o videogame esquentar de forma perceptível ou ouvir a rotação das ventoinhas, mesmo jogando por mais de uma hora. Com En Garde!, mesmo jogando no low, o Steam Deck parecia estar fazendo um cosplay de drone e levantando voo, de tão barulhento. Não só isso, mas em menos de 20 minutos, o “videogame” esquenta de maneira assustadora, não é algo insustentável (que dificulta o jogador a tocar no portátil), mas é algo extremamente perceptível.
Por fim, eu particularmente acho criminoso esse jogo não ter áudios em espanhol. Como eu disse, esse jogo meio que é uma paródia/releitura do Zorro (que é um personagem criado nos EUA), e como a história se passa em um lugar similar ao México ou Espanha, ter os bonecos falando em inglês (com sotaque) tira um pouco do capricho da história e a torna menos crível, pelo menos para mim. Tá certo que o Zorro em si fala em inglês com sotaque tal qual aqui (pelo menos a versão do Antonio Banderas que é a minha referência sob o personagem), mas já que eles fizeram uma releitura moderna (ou algo do tipo), na minha visão, eles poderiam ter abraçado o idioma e não ter ido por uma linha genérica…

En Garde! (2023) é interessante (eu acho), mas nada de mais. Sua direção de arte é ótima, mas não consegue relevar os demais defeitos do game. A gameplay é genérica e não tem nada de mais. O humor é bobo e divertidinho (no máximo) e também não sobressai sob os demais pontos do game. Eu gosto (e muito) que o jogo seja linear e curto, mas nem isso salva.
Eu vi uma galera comparando esse jogo com Souls, e eu não tenho ideia do quanto daqui foi tirado da franquia da FromSoftware (muito por nunca ter jogado um Souls), mas eu acho bem injusto essa comparação. En Garde!, por mais que tenha parries e lutas de espada tal qual souls, não parece ter em seu conceito a proposta de se comparar ou inspirar diretamente em Dark Souls, Sekiro ou Elden Ring, parece mais um projeto indie em que seu criador estava experimentando conceitos e tentando dar um passo maior que a perna, do que algo maior que isso.

Like a thief in the night, "En Garde" will swoop in, steal your heart and vanish in a flash.

The energy feels like a perfect fit for a Saturday morning cartoon, with its charisma and over the top nature. Combat is snappy, quick and begs you to just kick every person you see into whatever hilarious obstacle they happen to be standing next to. Presentation is pretty good overall. Cutscenes are rather stiff and lifeless but the voice actors give it their all and the environments you fight it are great set dressing.

This is a game where I recommend the harder difficulty setting. It feels very tuned for that mode and the more aggressive enemies make them feel really eager to be kicked down the stairs by a strong women. I can't blame them of course.

Overall a pretty solid experience that I just wish was longer. That should be taken equally as a compliment and criticism. If you go into the title knowing that it's short and you want a goofy thrill, then I think you'll really enjoy yourself here.

Jogo com combate interessante que utiliza um sistema de parry bom, bem-humorado, meio clichezao engraçado. Eu peguei em uma promoção, mas nao acredito que vale o preço cheio, por tem uma duração media um pouco mais de 3 horas.

En Garde! is a fun action game and one of the few out there where its approach to a refined design outweighs its problems.

Juego indie rebosante de carácter, buen combate estilo Sekiro, bonito y con un tono original. Se nota en la cantidad y variedad que es un proyecto chiquito que empezaron como estudiantes, pero también todo el cariño que hay detrás. Gran debut