Reviews from

in the past

Its rare for a game to be as light hearted and action focused as this. You can either perfect counter every strike and wait for an opening, or throw a bucket at an enemy and kick them down the stairs. Or do both because its funny and satisfying. Short game, great music, main character is awesome. Give it a shot

It's pretty good, but I really don't care about any of the exploration or points of interest (there are like 100 of these, really?). It's a shame that's almost half the game. It still has a few bugs, and I crashed in the exact same place as the demo twice, so I guess they needed a bit more time. Arena mode was nice to get rid of the fluff, but the random aspects in it just make it worse.

If you've ever wanted to play a video game as Pathfinder's swashbuckler, this is the game for you!

Muy simpático, pero se me cae un poco con la duración y con lo de que los jefes sean gauntlets en lugar de uno contra uno (siendo una excepción muy grata la tercera jefa)

Divertido el tema de los parros, eso sí.

Great little arena fighter. The enemies team up on you so you need to scurry around the room throwing shit at them like a little chaos gremlin which is very fun. About 4-6 hours of gameplay depending on how much time you wanna put into the roguelike mode. I recommend.

É divertido, mas mesmo sendo curto fica repetitivo

Great little game that takes inspiration from puss and boots and batman type combat mechanics, a solid recommend from me even tho the game is a little short

a dope, bite-sized experience with a very refreshing and entertaining combat system where you really gotta be top of your game to succeed, which makes the challenge and combat that much more rewarding. the dialogue is fantastic too, very quippy in a good way and legitimately hilarious at times, tying itself to the gameplay with unscripted and dynamic banter during combat, allowing for unpredictable and clever interactions that adapt to your decisions.

Adalia is a very endearing character as well, a Puss-in-Boots esq personality that is a blast to follow through the simplistic story. I'm sure if this game came out last year when The Last Wish released it would have been huge. the artstyle's nice, the soundtrack is incredible- if there's ever a sequel you best believe i'll preorder it.

Tremenda aventurilla con un combate muy divertido. Siempre es gracioso lanzarle morralla a unos guardias.

El humor y los chascarrillos también creo que están muy bien metidos y me ha sacado alguna risilla.

They don't make them like that anymore...

This is an action game about cheating above all else: Adalia de Valador's direct moveset is very limited, with most of the depth existing in how she can use her environment to double-cross her foes... And these arenas and environmental details are just RIPE with opportunities for her to do so.

The game does rarely falter when it pits the player against certain enemies in rooms with little more than Adalia's direct moveset to work with, but otherwise its fight is noble in a modern action game landscape often terrified of making encounters featuring anything besides a flat circular arena.

And don't sleep on Arena Mode; it kicks ass!

Wish it took itself a little more seriously

By far my favorite part of this year's Steam Next Fest, En Garde! originally began as an award-winning student project that blossomed into a fully-fledged game by then-newly formed Fireplace Games in Montpelier, France. Having finished it, I can proudly declare that their hard labor in expanding the original concept into a completed work has paid off well, and En Garde! is a charming swashbuckling romp through 17th-century Spain as the incredibly charismatic Adalia de Volador.

Combat is obviously the main draw here, and the foundational elements of it are fun throughout. There's a much greater focus on dueling than in most other games like it, and you often have to rely on trickery or your immediate surroundings to deal with large groups of foes and split them up. The basic combat loop involves striking, parrying, and dodging, with some of the tougher enemies mixing those up in quick succession to try and throw you off. It all feels very intuitive and fun to experiment with.

That being said, enemy variety and a lack of smoothness in the animations can hold it back a bit at times. What helps with variety, however, is that the enemy types require different strategies to deal with and aren't just palette swaps of the same ones over and over, so when you're faced with a big room of them all, it feels like a test of what you learned, thus making the victory much more rewarding.

Given that it's an independent project, the quality of the voice acting is stellar, much more than you might be used to. That's, of course, helped by a strong, genuinely funny, and charming script that feels very reminiscent of an 80s cartoon with all the cheese and awful puns to go along with it. As stated, Adalia de Volador is a wonderful character, and her banter with the various guards and lackeys you encounter is super endearing, as you can tell she has a genuine respect for anyone brave enough to cross swords with her.

Though, yes, En Garde! could have done with a couple more of her adventures to pad the game out some more, as although there's good pacing, more Adalia is surely nothing but a great thing. That being said, I'm sure there are updates and DLCs that can handle that.

En Garde! might fly under the radar for many people, but I strongly encourage you to check it out, especially if you're hankering for the kind of colorful platforming antics usually reserved for a mid-2000s PS2 game. It's a fantastic debut from a clearly very talented studio who should be immensely proud of what they've pulled off here.


pretty good game u can kick almost everything in the environment boxes tables u can also use lanterns to light up canons or grenaidiers . i lost it after the british dude kept coming after me ...

Wow! A pleasant surprise for sure. The combat is fun and creative, had to think outside the box to progress. The length of it was perfect too, it did not overstay its welcome. Fun times!

En Garde! is a fantastic swashbuckler action game. You must use the environment to your advantage for if you get surrounded you will quickly loose. I absolutely loved the Spanish guitar music, the art-style is painterly and lovely, and the Writing/voice acting is so very charming. I hearty recommend from me if it looks interesting to you. Most peoples major gripes with it would likely be its short campaign run time of 4-5 hours, but it felt perfect to me.

Liked this overall, the lighthearted swashbuckler tone with Adalia playfully dueling with guards of a “nefarious” Count-Duke has charm and the parry mechanic’s fun for the most part

It’s split with 4 levels that are each fairly quick so not much of a long game, though that said it’s one of those that despite how short it is kinda wears thin a bit quickly. Combat’s pretty simplistic and the difficulty’s less to do with the dueling itself and more how many enemies are thrown at you at once that you’ll need to constantly run around to keep stunned them using the environment. At first this is fine but eventually gets overwhelming in an annoying way for me

um dos piores souls like/sekiro like q eu ja joguei

En Garde: O SIFU de rapieira

Esse aqui é um dos jogos indies que eu mais tava hypando pra jogar quando vi sendo anunciado, e não me decepcionei de ter crescido tanto o olho nessa obra.

En Garde traz cenários bem estruturados e bonitos de se ver, o jogo de cores e iluminação se encaixa perfeitamente no ambiente, sua jogabilidade então é gostosa demais, porém bem simples, só focando em esquivar, parry e atacar, não confundam isso com souls like pois o jogo não é deste gênero, achei ele mais parecido com o SIFU desde que vi o trailer

A protagonista e os personagens que aparecem são bem carismáticos e não tem la tanta fala, afinal o foco do jogo aqui é a gameplay, até mesmo seu desenrolar de história é bem rápido, combinando com seu tempo de jogo que é extremamente curto, finalizei ele em 2 horas no fácil então no normal deve durar ai umas 4 horinha.

O que me levou a dar 3 estrelas pro En Garde é justamente o tamanho dos seus episódios e a falta de um sistema que te aplique progressões pra te fazer sentir que ta evoluindo no jogo, ele tem ali um sistema que habilita automaticamente umas habilidades novas, mas não é disso que to falando, to dizendo mesmo é de um sistema que te dê uma árvore e você possa selecionar os pontos pra desfrutar de mais habilidades, pois ao decorrer do jogo eu dei uma certa enjoada de usar as mesmas técnicas sempre.

Me satisfez, porém, poderia ser melhor :/

this game is incredibly fun to play. the heavy incorporation of the game environment into the fights really opens up the somewhat simple sword-fighting mechanics this game has, but really it’s more of a challenge managing the hordes of enemies in front you, being able to single them out and chip away using the multiple different tools around you. the fighting is both fun to play and look at. the four episodes are all fun and unique, the stories behind them are all silly and that’s what adds to the extreme amount of charm this game has. bonus points for having the enemies’ dialogue be rlly funny.

La mecánica jugable es muy buena, el estilo artístico también. Tal vez una variedad mayor de enemigos y de bosses le hubiera venido mejor.

A short but sweet action adventure full of charm, funny dialogue and a unique combat system where you need to be quick on your feet and use the environment to defeat your enemies.

The games does a great job of having unique enemies where you really have to prioritize your targets correctly to get through encounters. The different enemy combinations used really make for unique feeling encounters, despite there not being that many enemy types. The items and rooms themselves also make a huge difference in terms of how the encounter feels.

That said, this game is being held back by a few things.
Firstly, there isn't much incentive to explore. While there are plenty of secrets to find, they do not really offer anything, not are the ones I found particularly difficult to get to. They do not offer additional platforming challenges, rarely unique encounters, but instead a little reference or funny joke.

While the platforming (and movement in general) is pretty good, the game doesn't do a whole lot with it. Sometimes you will have an opportunity to swing from a rope or grab a pole in the battle arena, but it rarely offers utility mid battle, just running is almost always better as you still have access to your full moveset that way. I wish this aspect was explored more.

While this game has been very enjoyable, I wish they explored the movement system a bit more, and I wish there were more enemy types. That said, everything that is in the game is delightful, and the game had me smiling throughout the entire experience.

Charming little action game. Kicking stuff into enemies never gets old and Adalia is a great protagonist.

Lovely game. It oozes charm. Great art and pretty fun combat. It has the perfect length too. Loved the voice acting and the accents, super fun writing.

I loved the visuals and combat mechanics. The bright colors aren't overwhelming and add a nice "pop" to everything in the game, and the swordplay was a blast to figure out. The humor was clean, and spot on it was so much fun. The game is on the smaller side but I would still definitely recommend checking it out.

You can see my entire review here:

Very fun romp of a swashbuckler. Fencing is very fluid and reminiscent of the Arkham series with how you soft-lock onto targets, weave between blows with a mix of parries and dodging, and execute your simple combo or special moves - but with a touch of Dark Messiah in how you can freely kick enemies and objects around to stagger, stun, and knock them around into eachother and other hazards. The stagger mechanic makes for tense fights as you try keep pressure applied to specific foes to wear them down, all the while managing the rest of the crowd too.

It's camp in a fun way, never taking itself too seriously and maintaining a tone of playful silliness throughout, with some really beautiful environments and good music too.

Makes me really want a video game adaptation of cinematic masterpiece The Mask of Zorro (1998).

Fun romp. The environmental combat is pretty fun to play around with. The art direction is really nice and consistent, the voice acting works and it fits the setting perfectly. It's really short and the story is VERY straightforward but I can't complain much about the the experience I had here.

I was burned out of single player games for a while, how classic this game feels brought me back to loving single-player gaming. You don't need a massive 80 hours open world game to have fun, even a four hours game can do the trick. But unfortunately, I felt like they had a good foundation, a solid gameplay, a solid game, and they just didn't bother to create more episodes/missions. I hope DLCs can come out in the future because I wanna be in Adalia De Volador's shoes more!

Un bien beau premier projet pour l'équipe du jeu. C'est joli comme tout, bien rythmé, la BO est entraînante, et même si c'est court le challenge est là, c'est assez varié et on apprécie l'aventure et son humour.

An interesting short experience
Travel between platforming segments and go into hack-and-slash style arena fights. A repetitive cycle but perfect for a game of it's length. It's problem is in the AI constantly overwhelming you with attacks from multiple angles at once, causing you to just run away until you can pick them off one at a time. It didn't make me feel like a fearsome swordswoman, but a chicken who could lay banana peels to trip on sometimes.